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Curious… both are unpleasant, they transform and have green hair…

If Broly has cheelai. Kale can have …
I don’t know, it occurred to me: 3

Save Me Kale.
A part of my fanfic :3
Psychic: *Reads my mind*
Psychic: *in a high pitched voice* what the fuck? I- I mean *lowers voice* what the FUCK?

Trying to finish my sketchbook before it completely falls to pieces so I just redesigning every character I've ever made now
So here's Hikoi -- a pheonix hybrid
Age: she's stopped counting 1000yrs ago
A advisor to the royal family and head of the army

Yasu is a human king.
Age: 33 (died at 86)
Dob: Feb 28
Childish, playful, protective, stubborn

Another child
Age: 4000ish
DOB: ?
Cunning, sadistic, vengeful
- Hikoi's sister

I don't know what happened to her face or her story yet so ...
Opening up commissions for the first time!!

I finally managed to get in a proper position to take commissions!
I can do anything that is requested (we can discuss properly on what you want if its not shown in the ref!!) with the suggested price! Here are more art examples to give you an idea on how the commission may look like:

If you're interested,DM me here or contact me on Twitter/X or Discord!!! (Usernames on the sheet)
Thank you for your consideration,any interaction on this post is highly appreciated! Thank you for your time 🦉🫶💜
i just found this website that can randomly generate a continent for you!! this is great for fantasy writers

plus, you can look at it in 3d!

theres a lot of viewing options and other things! theres an option on-site to take a screenshot, so you don’t have to have a program for that!
you can view it here!
The Fanfic Author’s Guide to Metatext
(As Used on Ao3) by Eiiri
Also available as a PDF here. This thing is 13,000 words. The PDF is recommended.
Intro: What is Metatext?
Metatext is everything we fanfic authors post along with our story that is not the story itself: title, tags, summary, author’s notes, even the rating.
It is how we communicate to potential readers what they’re signing themselves up for if they choose to read our story, how we let them make informed decisions regarding which fics they want to read, how we get their interest and, frequently, how they find our story in the first place. A lot of metatext acts as a consent mechanism for readers, it’s the informed part of informed consent.
Since most of us who write fanfic also read it, we understand how important this is! But, for the most part, no one ever teaches us how to use metatext; we have to pick it up by osmosis. That makes it hard to learn how to use it well, we all suck at it when we first start out, and some of us may go years without learning particular conventions that seem obvious to others in our community. This creates frustration for everybody.
Enter this guide!
This is meant to be a sort of handbook for fic writers, particularly those of us who post on Archive of Our Own, laying out and explaining the established metatext conventions already in use in our community so we (and our readers!) are all on the same page. It will also provide some best-practices tips.
The point is to give all of us the tools to communicate with our audience as clearly and effectively as possible, so the people who want to read a story like ours can find it and recognize it as what they’re looking for, those who don’t want to read a story like ours can easily tell it’s not their cup of tea and avoid it, nobody gets hurt, and everybody has fun—including us!
Now that we know what we’re talking about, let’s get on with the guide! The following content sections appear in the order one is expected to provide each kind of metatext when posting a fic on Ao3, but first….
Keep reading

People will stare. Make it worth their while → Alexander McQueen | Pre-Fall ‘10-‘11

this is everything actually i need 15 of them right now

is this anything
* vine boom *

I felt the need to make this cus Tord has such Computery Guy energy.

Sorry for the inactivity lately, school and depression really caught up with me, heres my official ref hehe

This is how Hannibal looks when he’s visiting crime scenes