multifandoms27-blog - Here We Go Again
Here We Go Again

she/they, bisexual | 20 | Multifandom blog | I post a lot of things | Requests: OPEN

332 posts

Castlevania Masterlist

Castlevania Masterlist

Started: 3/4/24

Last Updated: 3/14/24

Requests: Open

Castlevania Masterlist


-Feeding off the reader -Early Morning

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What I will write: Fluff, NSFW, SFW, poly, mlm, wlw, gender neutral, etc.

What I wont write: Pedophilia, suicide, extreme kinks, more than four characters in something (it just becomes too much), being drugged, drugging someone else, homophobia, or racism.

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Here is my Grand Masterlist, where all of my fandoms are listed.

Be sure to include: Gender of reader (I do female, male and gender neutral), plot, character(s) you want (no more than four per ask), and what you specifically want (fluff, angst, smut, etc.)

Thank you, and request away if you’d like <3

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More Posts from Multifandoms27-blog

5 months ago

Please read Fate/Stay Night those Artoria hcs are not on point.

LMFAOOO bro, I’ve seen Stay Night

Bold of you to say that behind the anonymous option. Go ahead, say it with your chest instead. ☺️

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6 months ago

So I watched the new deadpool wolverine movie twice, and I'm wondering...who here would like it if I wrote for marvel? I'd really only write for the Avengers and X-men, and I'll be upfront, my knowledge of x-men only goes so far as Wolverine/Logan. I have not seen any X-men movies but I've seen almost all the Avengers movies.

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5 months ago

Hi!! I've been binge watching TFP, as I've recently just stumbled across it. And already wishing I've seen this show eariler!

May I request TFP Ratchet realizing he's fallen in love with a F/human ally? Honestly just love 'grumpy, gruff hero falls for sweet, caring love interest. But denies it at first till something happens' trope. Can be fluff/smutt. Anything you're comfy with 😊

Thanks and feel free to ignore, if your inbox is full.

Oh my God I literally love Ratchet so much, thank you for this. Finish the show and then watch the movie! I was lucky enough to watch it when it was coming out - I loved it as a kid and I love it now as an adult.

Content: TFP Ratchet x Fem! Hum! Reader

Warnings: None!

Notes: I wrote for Ratchet a lot on my old Wattpad account, or at least what I can remember of it. If anybody wants to see my cringy old writing, my username on there is the same here, Multifandoms27. I also have a four-part TFP Megatron series if anybody's interested. Also I apologize if this is shit - this is my first time writing for Ratchet in literal years so uh, hope you enjoy lol

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Hi!! I've Been Binge Watching TFP, As I've Recently Just Stumbled Across It. And Already Wishing I've

Ratchet usually didn't bother with the whole romance thing. He was too old for that. Even when you came into the picture, he didn't pay much attention to you. He thought humans were weak links - something that didn't belong in his world.

But through your own effort to get to know him, he slowly warmed up to you. He thought you were one of a kind - smart, funny, understood him in almost every capacity...he loved you. But he would never admit it, not even to himself.

You had been nothing but nice to him, even in the beginning when all he did was snap at you. Thats what softened him, made him draw closer to you. How could something so tiny be so kind to something so...large?

And then, when the children came and he had to grow accustomed to them, then to June and Fowler, he had realized that you had made him so accustomed to humans and made him believe he could No, he did not love you.

...At least, that's what he told himself. Until you got hurt.

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Optimus had walked through the groundbridge, his servo raised and, for once, a solemn face. One of their own had been hurt, and Ratchet feared Miko finally had gotten hurt from chasing after Bulkhead. But, when Optimus showed him his servo, his spark nearly extinguished.

"(Y/n)! Oh, Primus, no!" He carefully took your unconscious form in his servos and called for June.

Optimus felt responsible for your state, and so he went to lock himself in his berthroom. Ratchet however, tried to assist June anyway he could. But June eventually grew too stressed trying to dress your wounds and assure Ratchet, that she finally snapped on him and told him to get out of the room.

Ratchet went to find Optimus, to ask how you had gotten so hurt. He was angry. He was so livid. How could this have happened to you? To his favorite human?

He knocked gently at first on Optimus' berthroom door. When he got no response, he began to pound on the door. "Optimus, I know you are in there!"

Slowly, the door opened. Optimus stood, staring down at his medic and long time friend. His gaze was quizzical, but he said nothing. Ratchet was even more put off by that. He began to speak. "How did she come to be like that?"

"She must have snuck through the groundbridge when none of us were looking, and-"

"Just tell me how she got this way, Optimus." Ratchet pleaded.

"Megatron was not so kind to her...that is all I'll say, for your sake." Optimus spoke, sadness lacing his tone.

Ratchet grew enraged. "And you couldn't protect her?! Primus, Optimus! You have had more than one chance to defeat Megatron, yet you stand here, sad as an Earth puppy who got kicked, while my (Y/n) is getting torn apart by the most tyrannical Cybertronian in our history! How could you?!"

Optimus sighed and looked off to the side. "Goodnight, Ratchet. We will speak in the morning."

Ratchet protested, but the Prime had already shut himself back in his room. Grumbling, he turned to find all three children staring from around the corner, accompanied by Bumblebee. He grumbled more. "What are you looking at?!"

Bumblebee whirred that you were awake. Ratchet blinked and rushed back into the medbay, where sure enough, you laid there awake and groaning in pain. June looked up and saw Ratchet once more.

"I administered some pain meds just now. She should be okay in about twenty minutes. Her wounds are all dressed." June backed away. "Do you want me to uh..."

"Yes, please." Ratchet waited for June to leave before kneeling next to you. "How are you feeling?"

"...Could be worse." You laughed, then cringed in pain.

"I'm not sure how much worse you could be. I hear you survived Megatron. Well done, sweetspark."

"Sweetspark? That's a new one." You chuckle this time, careful not to create a big pain response like before.

Ratchet blinked in surprise. "D-Did I say that? I meant-"

"It's okay, Ratch." You grinned and placed a hand on his large servo. "I know what you mean."

Ratchet stopped, then slowly and softly smiled down at you. Yes, you always understood him in some capacity...but not every one. You could never pick up on how much he loved you.

Yes, he loved you.

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Here's my Transformers masterlist in case you wanna request something!

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8 months ago
This Is So Annoying

this is so annoying

5 months ago

hello! Could I request cuddle hcs with Orion pax and d-16? Gn reader pls! Idk whether cybetronian or human so u can chose!

Hey anon! Your wish is my command. Went with Cybertronian S/O on this one

Content: Orion Pax x GN! Cyb! Reader, D-16 x GN! Cyb! Reader (separate)

Warnings: None!

Notes: Didn't know if you wanted like a poly thing or separate. So I just went with separate. If you want them together let me know!

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Hello! Could I Request Cuddle Hcs With Orion Pax And D-16? Gn Reader Pls! Idk Whether Cybetronian Or

Orion Pax

He's such a cuddle bug when he's not constantly moving around and getting into trouble

He's very much a "no space between us" cuddler

Like his helm is under yours, his servos around your chassis

His optics are always closed too, he just likes relishing in the moment lol

He's also very kissy too

Loves to pepper kisses along your neck cords and shoulder platings

Sometimes will even sprinkle kisses on your arms, and travel lower...

But thats a story for a different time! Lol

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The miners don't get a whole lot of privacy in their sleeping quarters, but he doesn't care

He'd cuddle you all day if he could

He's a laid back cuddler

Will drape his arms across you lazily and either lay on his back or his side

Laying on his back makes him pull your helm in to lay on his chassis

Laying on his side means hes behind you, arm draped lazily over your side

He does a lot of pillow talk

He'll speak softly in your audial and watch as you slowly fall asleep

He'll smile and then fall asleep himself after he makes sure you're asleep

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Here's my Transformers masterlist in case you wanna request something!

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