multiplegraveyard - MULTIPLE GRAVEYARDS

75 posts

Multiplegraveyard - MULTIPLE GRAVEYARDS - Tumblr Blog

4 months ago

OMG YEAH because the more Agatha believed that Teen was her son throughout the episode, the less mad she was at Rio. So now that she knows Teen isn’t her son, are they back to square one where Agatha was super mad at Rio? Or have they gotten close enough over this episode that she’s willing to be friendlier to her?

Say what you will about “they should have kissed‼️‼️” but personally I think a slow burn is much sexier bc now they’re both yearning™️ even more desperately for each other and we’re not even 5 episodes in

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4 months ago

To be fair, Aubrey Plaza’s characters are always giving autism

rio vidal giving autism this episode in this essay i will

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4 months ago

Say what you will about “they should have kissed‼️‼️” but personally I think a slow burn is much sexier bc now they’re both yearning™️ even more desperately for each other and we’re not even 5 episodes in

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4 months ago
This Is The Magic Lucky Word Count. Reblog For Creativity Juice. It Might Even Work, Who Knows.

This is the magic lucky word count. Reblog for creativity juice. It might even work, who knows.

4 months ago

rip queen

Rip Queen

apparently they took her to her grave and agatha was like ‘who tf is this hoe?’ 😔

4 months ago

Nothing stresses me out more than scenes in movies where the driver is maintaining DIRECT eye contact with the person in the passenger seat

Nothing Stresses Me Out More Than Scenes In Movies Where The Driver Is Maintaining DIRECT Eye Contact

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5 months ago

They did that in the umbrella academy too

Did Judy's death make sense for the theme of the show? Yes. Did Judy's death make sense for Judy's story arc? No.

And that's where my opinions always differ from TV writers. They think characters exist to serve the plot and theme of the show. I think the plot of a show should serve the characters personal journeys.

When both show and characters develop in perfect harmony and what makes sense for the show makes sense for the characters, it's perfect. It's also really damn rare. More often than not those two end up drifting somewhere along the way and you have to end up making the decision on what to put first. And writers have a damn tendency to ALWAYS put plot and story first rather than character.

That's where they always fail.

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5 months ago

Me with Killing Eve

Season 3 of Dead to Me can't hurt me if I don't watch it! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

5 months ago

“average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted

6 months ago

every single person who reblogs this




will get “doot doot” in their ask box

6 months ago

Sometimes a creative outlet is a fun little hobby and sometimes it's a lifelong affliction. Like I crochet because making little woven animals sparks joy and I'm a writer whether I like it or not because I'm tormented by visions

6 months ago

This is exactly how I feel about this movie

Millers Girl

You know that feeling when you feel something. The feeling that makes you stop for a moment and your body starts to sink into the earth grounding you to it, making you one with the essential being that is this universe. 

This is how I feel when I watch a good movie or read a good book. I am not talking about something that you say “That was awesome” or “I’d watch, read, or do it again” Im talking about when you stop for a moment, and breathe in what you just ingested with the pupils of your eyes and what has reached into your soul. Im talking about that “wow” factor, the moment that it takes your breath away. 

Only a few movies and books have done this to me. Where I literally couldn’t peel my eyes off the screen or force my fingers to stop turning the page. 

Miller’s girl has done this to me. Miller’s Girl has inspired me. Miller’s girl has taken, my breath, away. 

When I saw the trailers in brief moments and thought I had an understanding of what the movie was about I was intrigued. I thought it was a movie about a student-teacher affair, a “teacher's pet” moment if you will. But, within the first 5 minutes of the movie I was hooked on another plot, dragged into another story that I was completely oblivious about.

The story of a writer. That's why it hits home.

The sheer poeticness of this entire movie is astonishing, to say the least. It's so beautiful that the shots from a filmmaker's perspective were inspiring. 

The way she spoke made you feel every word she was saying as if you were a writer yourself. Making poems in your head of the tragedy of love and loss and you maybe have never felt either. 

I can’t speak for everyone. Some may just find it sexy with a dark turn, some may have found it sad, and some may have found it enlightening. Especially for women when the girls talk about sex in a way that it should be talked about. The wanting of a man who's older because he would care. Caring to take his time, get the juices flowing, and making sure that at the end, you would be begging for more. 

I found it to be the pinnacle of a writer's fantasy. The beauty in the way power shifts, the anguish behind the words they write. It is beauty and pain, it is love and hate, it is war in one's mind of turning reality into a story that you want to keep reading.

In this movie over and over I heard things that I would want to quote. Love is anguish and I am in love with this movie. The pain I feel when she longs to love someone the way he writes about loving his wife. In the end, all I could think was “Tis better to have love and loss than to never love at all.” Longing for love but not knowing what comes with it. Indeed she did turn down the road that would inevitably lead to nothing but hurt and pain but, at least she felt something. She no longer has this hole in her heart that she felt would never be filled. Writing was her love and she chose to get inspired. I wonder if she regrets her choice. At the end, they look at one another, and tears fall down her cheek. Then, her tears turn to justice, she chooses to not be the victim in her story but the villain. You know what they say about villains, they’re made, not born. 

“Human ruins of a madman's love”

Review of Miller's Girl 2024 

7 months ago
8 months ago

Can’t we have both

multiplegraveyard - MULTIPLE GRAVEYARDS
8 months ago

The only good part about math is sometimes you uncover what another one of those little symbols on the calculator means

8 months ago
8 months ago


You live in a house decorated according to your url. What does it look like

8 months ago

(Story continued from previous post)

"One iced coffee to go, please," he ordered. He idled around, eating a few fish that swam by as he waited for his drink. Once he paid, he took the cup and swam back, chugging the coffee as he went. The blob was still there, waiting for him. It hadn't moved, actually. "Okay. So what was all that stuff about the world exploding or something?" Roast asked, now awake enough to converse with others. "I said its going to be overrun by murderous demons and that you have to stop them." "Ugh, fine." He swam over to the demon's cave and ducked inside. All of them were feasting hungrily on the flesh of what once was a little boy, now mostly blood and bones and hair and skin strewn around the dankly lit room. "Hey demons. So could you guys like, stop planning to kill the population of humans or whatever you're doing....wait. Hold up. Actually.... that's not a bad idea. Humans are generally useless creatures, except when they throw fries at me, but I can live without that. They're kind of using my lake as a trash can, which I'm guessing is worse, so, you know what, just keep doing what you're doing. I support you all the way. You've got this." Roast nodded approvingly at the remains of the little boy and the demons surrounding it and left with a smile. "I just saved the world," he though to himself proudly.

The End

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8 months ago

I just came across this wild story I wrote when I was 12 and I couldn’t not share it with the weirdos of tumblr because what was even going through my mind when I wrote this

The beluga whale swam lazily away from the cacophony that was his front yard, where flower demons were screaming at the house. He had woken up to a high pitched screech that hadn't stopped in five minutes. After some time, he'd gotten annoyed, grabbed his fanny pack and left the place. The demons continued to screech at him. "Ughhhhhhh," the beluga whale had mumbled. "I am SO not in the mood for this right now." Off in the distance, he spotted a plethora of children playing innocently in the lake, giggling as they tossed a ball around. He swam over and slapped a kid across the face. "AAAAAAA!" They screamed, attempting to rush out of the water, cowering as they splashed to shore. There was one little kid that was lagging though. The perfect target. Roast swam in front of him, blocking his path. "Back off, ye who dares cross I!" yelled the impertinent individual. "Chill bro," replied the whale calmly. "I just need to use you as bait." "Me?!?!?!" The kid gasps. "How DARE you? Do you know how rich my father is?" He held his chin up haughtily. Roast sighs. This is why he hated children. "Don't know, don't care. Now come with me." "I shalt never surrender myself, for I am the great William Chad Peter Douglas the fifteenth!" He swam in the opposite direction, away from Roast. Roast sighed again. "Come on, mate, I haven't even had my iced coffee yet!" The kid did not slow down. "UGHHHHH". The beluga whale was not having this anymore. In one swift motion, he swam in front of the kid, accentuated his fanny pack, pressed a button, and bamboozled him with water proof gummy worms. "Oops. Wrong one." He pressed another button. Bungee cords sprung out from his pack, wrapped themselves around the kid, and tied him to the fanny pack. "Hey! This is unacceptable! I express outrage!" "Go ahead I guess." The whale dived under the water and the kid's eyes went wide. He quickly held his breath. They got back to his house and saw the flower demons, still screaming. "Here, take this as a peace offering" communicated the whale telepathically. "K" answered one demon. Roast released the kid and the demons grabbed him, dragging him off into a hidden cave, presumably to be ripped to shreds and devoured. "Alrighty. Now that I've got that settled, I'm thinking of grabbing some iced coffee over at the Broken Seabass", though the whale to himself. "No!!!! Help me!!!", yelled the kid as he clawed at the rocks, using all his effort to try and get away from the flower demons. Roast took one look at his shirt, which had the phrase 'Boss Man' written across his chest, and said "Nah". He swam off, the kid's voice suddenly muffled behind him. "Iced coffee, here I come," sang Roast to himself. Suddenly a weird purple blob appeared in front of him. "It is I, the great wizard of the west, here to tell you that you have the task of saving the world." The whale looked the blob up and down. "From who?" "Demons," replied the blob mysteriously. "Those guys? Oh, we're cool now. Its actually kinda funny. They were like, yelling at my house so I gave them a kid as a peace offering and now they don't bother me anymore. Now can I PLEASE go buy my iced coffee?" "Not yet, young lad, for I can see into the future. Let me take a quick look... AHA. In seven minutes, the demons will be back. To corrupt the entire world and kill everyone they find." "Seven minutes is plenty of time to get to Broken Seabass and maybe make it back in time to "stop the demons" or whatever you just said, I wasn't really listening. So I'm going, whether you like it or not." Roast effortlessly maneuvered around the blob. He had an aptitude for these sort of things. The blob was too slow to catch up to him, so the whale was home free. He zipped through the waves, catching the currents, until he reached the Broken Seabass Grill and Bar.

(Continued in next post)

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8 months ago
multiplegraveyard - MULTIPLE GRAVEYARDS
8 months ago

this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!

8 months ago
Moss Graffiti: A How To Guide
Moss Graffiti: A How To Guide
Moss Graffiti: A How To Guide
Moss Graffiti: A How To Guide
Moss Graffiti: A How To Guide
Moss Graffiti: A How To Guide
Moss Graffiti: A How To Guide
Moss Graffiti: A How To Guide

Moss Graffiti: A How To Guide

8 months ago
multiplegraveyard - MULTIPLE GRAVEYARDS