Fan of Starkid MUSICALS, Shameless, Supernatural, Yaelokre, Stranger Things, Descendants, Homestuck & SBG | He/Him | 16 | Tinky Devotee (I like them all)

64 posts

Musicallyinclinednerd2049 - Milo - Tumblr Blog

Tried to do the scene artstyle (again); this time, I used a reference. The user is "Doobathon (The Doobster)" from Pinterest (and trying to do different y2k(?) expressions)

Tried To Do The Scene Artstyle (again); This Time, I Used A Reference. The User Is "Doobathon (The Doobster)"

Added a few more expressions(?) and stuff. (Plus, a humanized(???) Pikachu from Pokémon and Gir from Invader Zim)

I like aphmau

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Side Profile Test On 2022/2023 Old Drawings Ft. Moe

Side profile test on 2022/2023 old drawings ft. Moe

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I'm gay which means I'm attracted to you


I'm Asexual Which Means I'm Attracted To The Exit.

I'm asexual which means I'm attracted to the exit.

Well...I mean...accurate?

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An Attempt At The 2000s Artstyle On An Animation Meme I've Decided To Scrap Since It Wasn't Going As

An attempt at the 2000s artstyle on an animation meme I've decided to scrap since It wasn't going as planned.

(The meme was "Doktorspeile" meme.)

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The second animation meme I made - "CLOSE UP" Meme - now with my main oc (the mongoose)

tIt might've seemed random to see Garfield, but no Garfield in the actual meme, though, my oc just wears Garfield earrings (the orange circles ?) and a black Garfield shirt.)

(I have no clue what should I do for his skintone, so I just did a light grey-ish color)


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Here is the finished product of the animation meme: "I Am The Man" meme, featuring Moe, my larksona

(I didn't add color bc I was tired; I also cut some audio off at the end bc I was also tired but a bit in pain? Not exactly, I'm not sure? My wrists just hurt.)

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Just Makin' A Little Something Something! ("First Ever" Animation Meme After Like 5 Years Since My FIRST

Just makin' a little something something! ("First ever" animation meme after like 5 years since my FIRST EVER made meme-)

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I am bored, sooooo.. I want to do some kind of thing where I draw - probably a commission - what people ask me to.

(It can't be any weird things. It CAN be OCs, characters from entertainment things, characters from minecraft/video game things, etc etc)

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Here is some art me and my younger siblings did. Them: the red, Me: the blue

Here Is Some Art Me And My Younger Siblings Did. Them: The Red, Me: The Blue
Here Is Some Art Me And My Younger Siblings Did. Them: The Red, Me: The Blue
Here Is Some Art Me And My Younger Siblings Did. Them: The Red, Me: The Blue
Here Is Some Art Me And My Younger Siblings Did. Them: The Red, Me: The Blue
Here Is Some Art Me And My Younger Siblings Did. Them: The Red, Me: The Blue
Here Is Some Art Me And My Younger Siblings Did. Them: The Red, Me: The Blue
Here Is Some Art Me And My Younger Siblings Did. Them: The Red, Me: The Blue
Here Is Some Art Me And My Younger Siblings Did. Them: The Red, Me: The Blue
Here Is Some Art Me And My Younger Siblings Did. Them: The Red, Me: The Blue
Here Is Some Art Me And My Younger Siblings Did. Them: The Red, Me: The Blue

I tried drawing Moe (my larksona) in the scene(?) style, but It didn't look okay, so I just gave up. I even tried a new art style(s??) Of the other, more "realistic" style for Moe. (My younger sibling gave it a 💫7 put of 10💫 BINGO).

Extra: There are two scribbling type drawings of me getting hit by the Justin 'Beaver' bus. It's funny.

(My wrists hurt from drawing the 2nd drawing of Moe. DEAR GOD. Plus, I will probably draw NPMD characters or another Starkid musical character next time. I can't be sure, but I probably will.)

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Reblog If This Sight On Your Blog Makes You Smile And You Would Like Your Followers To Talk To You More.

Reblog if this sight on your blog makes you smile and you would like your followers to talk to you more. 


I hope you are well 🌷.

I am reaching out with a heartfelt request for your support in a critical fundraising campaign that could change our lives. We have launched a GoFundMe❤️ campaign to gather the necessary funds to save my family and enable us to travel✈️ to Egypt. We are in urgent need of these resources to relocate and live safely.

Any donation🙏🏼, no matter how small, will have a profound impact and bring us closer to achieving this dream.

If you are unable to donate, please help us by sharing the campaign with your friends and family to expand our support network.

Can you my pinned Post? On my account 😞

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your time and consideration. Your support means the world to us. 🙏❤️

Best regards,

I am so sorry I can not donate, but I will repost this and share it with others to spread the word.


I hope you are well 🌷.

I am reaching out with a heartfelt request for your support in a critical fundraising campaign that could change our lives. We have launched a GoFundMe❤️ campaign to gather the necessary funds to save my family and enable us to travel✈️ to Egypt. We are in urgent need of these resources to relocate and live safely.

Any donation🙏🏼, no matter how small, will have a profound impact and bring us closer to achieving this dream.

If you are unable to donate, please help us by sharing the campaign with your friends and family to expand our support network.

Can you my pinned Post? On my account 😞

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your time and consideration. Your support means the world to us. 🙏❤️

Best regards,

I am so sorry I can not donate, but I will repost this and share it with others to spread the word.

Also, after SO MANY DAMN CHANGES to the username, it is 'thesweetlynerd'. For now, at least.

I Made (I Guess?) The Rp Blog, But I Haven't Made The Intro(?) To It Yet.
I Made (I Guess?) The Rp Blog, But I Haven't Made The Intro(?) To It Yet.

I made (I guess?) the rp blog, but I haven't made the intro(?) to it yet.

Plus, they're related to Charlotte Sweetly (from TGWDLM), and they probably'll be siblings.

Terri Sweetly

(I still haven't really thought of a specific user for them, so for now, they'll just be "the random nerd." Plus, they actually have the sides of their hair shaven a little under the 'top layers' of their hair.)

Outfit & Hair are based on these cool-looking people from Pinterest:

I Made (I Guess?) The Rp Blog, But I Haven't Made The Intro(?) To It Yet.
I Made (I Guess?) The Rp Blog, But I Haven't Made The Intro(?) To It Yet.
I Made (I Guess?) The Rp Blog, But I Haven't Made The Intro(?) To It Yet.
I Made (I Guess?) The Rp Blog, But I Haven't Made The Intro(?) To It Yet.

I made (I guess?) the rp blog, but I haven't made the intro(?) to it yet.

Plus, they're related to Charlotte Sweetly (from TGWDLM), and they probably'll be siblings.

Terri Sweetly

(I still haven't really thought of a specific user for them, so for now, they'll just be "the random nerd." Plus, they actually have the sides of their hair shaven a little under the 'top layers' of their hair.)

Outfit & Hair are based on these cool-looking people from Pinterest:

I Made (I Guess?) The Rp Blog, But I Haven't Made The Intro(?) To It Yet.
I Made (I Guess?) The Rp Blog, But I Haven't Made The Intro(?) To It Yet.

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I Made The User Name, But Idk If I Should Change It To Something Else. (My Mind Goes Blank When I Try

I made the user name, but idk if I should change it to something else. (My mind goes blank when I try to think of something-)