25. He/him // PP by Ashi (https://tapas.io/ashi2795)
608 posts
Reasons Why The Harry Potter Movies Really Messed Up The Marauders
Reasons why the Harry Potter movies really messed up the Marauders
- Let’s start with the most obvious point : their age.
All actors who play characters from the Marauders’ era are way too old. Lily and James died at the age of 21 but in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Geraldine Somerville and Adrian Rawlins were respectively 34 and 41 years old.

Having older actors play Harry’s parents totally negates the fact that they were just kids when they died (and also that they were just kids when they had Harry, and considering that they were in the middle of a war, Harry was most certainly an accident, but let’s not get into that right now). It makes their death less tragic, plus it’s just not accurate ok.
These guys are also way too old

Anyone who attended Hogwarts at the same time as James and Lily would have been in their 30s during Harry’s years. That’s just not the case of Alan Rickman, Gary Oldman, David Thewlis and Timothy Spall. Again, the whole tragedy of their lives revolves around the fact that they never got to grow old (or even to grow up in Sirius’ case, but again, that’s another issue/theory). Snape was only 38 when he died, but Alan Rickman was 65 in Deathly Hallows part 2. Now, I love Alan Rickman’s portrayal of Snape as much as the next person, but this age thing still bothers me a lot.
- Another very obvious point : Lily’s eyes
I mean, how do you even screw up so badly? How many times is it mentioned that Lily had green eyes, just like Harry’s? First of all, neither Harry nor the various actresses who played Lily had green eyes, but they hired an actress to play young Lily whose eyes didn’t even match Daniel Radcliffe’s?

I know the fandom has been talking about this for ages, and we should all have moved on by now, but it’s such an important part of the story, I don’t think I can ever get over it.
- On to point number 3 : THIS

James Potter was indeed on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, but certainly not in 1970, as he attended Hogwarts from 1971 to 1979, and as a Chaser, NOT a Seeker.
- Should we even talk about this?

First of all, those two actors look nothing alike, and second of all, there is no way in hell that this is what James Potter looked like. Everything, from his hair (James is supposed to have dark, messy hair) to his face is off. I don’t know who that is but it’s not James Potter.
- Now, onto a less obvious point : the Marauder’s Map.
I’m sure we all have wondered, at some point or another, why the hell Fred and George never noticed Peter Pettigrew on the map. After all, the name would have been following Percy, and then Ron around all the time.
Well, I do have a theory as to why Peter’s name would not have appeared on the map, but the movies ruined that.

Let me explain. In the movie, Harry sees Peter Pettigrew’s name on the map, but in the book, the only person who sees Peter’s name is Remus.
My theory is that the Marauders, when they made the map, made it so that no one could see their names on it, other than the Marauders themselves. That way, if it fell into the wrong hands (say, a professor’s, or Snape’s), that person couldn’t use it to know their whereabouts. But the other Marauders could see their friends’ names so they always knew where to find each other.
That would explain why Remus was able to see Peter on the map, but Fred and George never noticed the man who literally slept in the same bed as their brother.
Again, since Harry sees Peter on the map in the movie, that theory can no longer be applied, and the plot hole remains.
- Finally, my last, and most important point :
The Marauders’ story is literally NEVER talked about in the movies?? Nowhere does it say that Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs were in fact Remus, Peter, Sirius and James. Nowhere does it say that THEY were the Marauders. Nowhere does it say how or why they became animagi. They don’t talk about the Prank, or why the Whomping Willow was planted, or where the Shrieking Shack got its reputation as a haunted house. Why is Harry’s Patronus a stag? Who tf knows. Someone who never read the books would probably be very confused about the whole Marauders thing, because there. is. literally. nothing. about. them. in. the. movies.
(I’m mad.)
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by Amanda Patterson