myousa taught university art for a long time but she got tired. this is the art blog. grown-ass woman who makes art sometimes.
898 posts
I Have Finally Been Moderately Successful Developing Some Good Old Analogue Film. I Have Around 600 Cameras;

I have finally been moderately successful developing some good old analogue film. I have around 600 cameras; I feel as though I ought to use them.
The first three are Kentmere 100 35mm film in a Pentax Program Plus SLR. The last one is Shanghai GP3 120 film in a Yashica-Mat 124g. All of them are developed in Caffenol C-M and fixed with Ilford Rapid Fixer.
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More Posts from Myousa

The gigantic print is done. It is ready to be printed by a big steamroller. That event will be Tuesday; I will be sure to post some documentation of the event, as well as some of the final test prints or editions.s

I made a ton of progress, but I lost my daylight. The deadline for the big print is the 22nd, so for the size, my collaborator and I are cutting it close.
Steamroller print getting steamrolled.

I really desperately need a film fridge, preferably with a freezer compartment. Other denizens of the house don't seem to appreciate this taking up the bottom shelf.

Part 2 of my sketchdump for iopichio. 1. Eyeball imp. 2. Aesthetic collage experiments. 3. The Wheel of the Sky, moon. 4. Cyclops monster. 5. Various monster sketches. 6. My attempts to work on a design for Leonid King. I have yet to find what I am looking for.