Coonhound - Tumblr Posts
I’m showing y’all my furry bastard and I love him. I would go to jail for him.

New dog. Coonhound. Rescue doggy. My new best dog friend has decided after all the excitement of a brand new home, it’s time to nap.

Hound dog doesn’t like the sunshine at all. (That is a lie. He is a big sleepy baby who hates being cold.)

This is how a lesser spotted porch potato steals the territory of the greater spotted porch potato through psychological means.

Obligatory pictures of my handsome hound dog, who has been known to stick his tongue out as he sleeps.

My dog makes a surprisingly good life model. I have also written down many of the dumb nicknames that I call him.

10/31. Today has been very busy. I now possess an official faculty ID and all that other posh stuff. Here is a fountain pen doodle of my dog.

Today is a good day to put a bowtie on my dog.

I have finally been moderately successful developing some good old analogue film. I have around 600 cameras; I feel as though I ought to use them.
The first three are Kentmere 100 35mm film in a Pentax Program Plus SLR. The last one is Shanghai GP3 120 film in a Yashica-Mat 124g. All of them are developed in Caffenol C-M and fixed with Ilford Rapid Fixer.

There are many animals that live in my house.

A self-indulgent midnight post about how cute my dog is.

I moved into this studio in May, but I finally have some of the basics taken care of, like paint and floor coverings that my landlord won't cry about when muck inevitably gets spilled. This is my first real studio space outside of academia; it's a really big deal for me. I am using half of the space. There's a slightly bigger back room that I am sharing with a friend from my undergrad years. Hound dog is impatiently modelling for these shots.

Inktober day 31: “free draw” It’s still Halloween here. I made it. My pets are witches now.

Happy Thanksgiving from a hound dog with an opinion.