myousa - myousa likes art
myousa likes art

myousa taught university art for a long time but she got tired. this is the art blog. grown-ass woman who makes art sometimes.

898 posts

Inktober Day 11: Solar Witch. I Tried An Experiment With Solar Halos And Silver Ink.

Inktober day 11: “solar witch.” I tried an experiment with solar halos and silver ink.

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More Posts from Myousa

8 years ago
Hound Dog Is Allergic To Grass, So He Gets A Blanket To Lay On When Hes Napping Outside. It Cuts Down

Hound dog is allergic to grass, so he gets a blanket to lay on when he’s napping outside. It cuts down on itching.

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8 years ago
Inktober Day 15: Royal Witch This Witch Works For A Dictator. She Is A Leader For The Secret Police.

Inktober day 15: “royal witch” This witch works for a dictator. She is a leader for the secret police. Why would I make nice characters when I can make nasty ones?

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8 years ago


Disclaimer: I am a daikaiju-sized Godzilla fan. It’s a sibling tradition for my brother and I to see Godzilla films together, and we have seen literally all of them. When I say all of them, I’m not talking some boxed set with maybe five to ten films in total. I  am talking all 29 Toho productions and both American ones. My favorite are the original from 1954, with a bit of a tie between the Return of Godzilla from 1984 and a couple of other Heisei-era films, primarily Godzilla vs Biollante, Godzilla vs Mothra, and Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II. I also have a soft spot for Final Wars, because it it ridiculous and fun. 

I like the ones where Godzilla is treated like the inhuman and chaotic walking natural disaster and vector for tragedy that he truly is. Godzilla is a walking metaphor for nuclear tragedy; he is not and never has been a good guy. There’s a lot of goofy Godzilla films, particularly during the Showa era. However, it’s important to keep in mind what Godzilla IS and where, culturally speaking, the concept comes from. 

I really, really hated Legendary Godzilla. I left the theatre feeling like I’d been robbed, and I felt like if that was what American audiences and fans expected from and loved about Godzilla, that we were operating from profoundly different understandings of the character. I don’t watch Godzilla films to watch a good guy. I watch Godzilla films to see a monster who you only hope will get tired and leave after he fights the other monsters, because if that guy has a second wind, you are absolutely screwed. I especially don’t go to Godzilla films to watch a two hour long Call of Duty cutscene featuring cameos from Good Guy Godzilla. If that’s what you like, that’s fine. You’re entitled to your opinion. I just disagree. 

On the other hand, I’ve seen Shin Gojira twice now within three days. Both times, I’ve left the theatre feeling downright euphoric. For those of you who don’t know, Shin Gojira is clearly a “new” Godzilla whose purpose is to talk about the Great Tohoku Earthquake, tsunami, and ensuing Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear disaster through the lens of a monster movie. It’s far closer in spirit to the original than nearly any other Godzilla film. I’m not going to offer spoilers, but I will say that to those people familiar with how the Fukushima disaster unfolded, certain events and shots in the film are chilling. It’s raw. When Godzilla does get around to his prerequisite rampage, it doesn’t feel like an exciting fireworks show. It feels like genuine tragedy. I didn’t cheer. I worried for the human characters. It was a well-directed film with intelligent directorial choices and a script that pointed a laser at recent national trauma. I felt like it was well-paced, and other than some incredibly corny English language dialogue (did the writer run those lines through Google Translate?), I have no real complaints.

If you like a Godzilla who represents human loss and human tragedy, you will probably dig Shin Gojira. If you like your Godzilla to be the kaiju equivalent of professional wrestling, you may not. That’s my two cents. 

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8 years ago
Inktober Day 9: Prompt Was Lolita Witch. The Clothing Is Via Atelier Boz. I Drew My Inspiration From

Inktober day 9: prompt was lolita witch. The clothing is via Atelier Boz. I drew my inspiration from Baron Samedi and Maman Brigitte, who are vodou loa. My thoughts are with Haiti; please consider donating to a reputable charity that will work with, respect, and support local organizations. Doctors Without Borders is a good one, and there are more resources available here:

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