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My Little Dragon Child

mysterybooks-world - Mysterious stories
My Little Dragon Child

my little dragon child

원본을 훼손하지 않는 범위(좌우반전, 없는 파츠 추가, 색 변경 등등)에서 가공ok 날개/입/점/흉터/장신구 이동가능 개인소장(+굿즈제작)/프로필사진/TRPG 토큰 등 비상업/개인소장 목적의 사용 ok 그 외엔 사용금지 @soup_and

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1 year ago

I can't stop laughing

every time I hear this song:

HEAVEN 2 HELL - (A Hazbin Hotel Inspired Song)

It's perfect for an Evil CEO and Frowny Fox

If only I could do fill animatic for Both of them

There are some lyrics from the song I Changed it

gacha life 2

I Can't Stop Laughing

[Intro] Attention all toys, CEO here (And Frowny Fox) And we're pleased as punch to tell you about the new playtime co-factory (Actually, it's the Happy fac—) Wonderful, now listen up

[Verse 1] What would you do if I said there's a place for you? A place completely free of shame and doubt (Well, just about) What would you do if you could start it all anew? Well, come to our factory and you'll find out You will not want for anything, we'll take it all away No, actually we'll give you things 'cause stealing's not okay Like beds of labs and swarms of Electric shocks Or cupcakes and a bunch of hugs We'll make them pay, they'll want to stay Don't scare them all away

[Chorus] We may not agree on everything as far as we can tell But we both want this new venture to do well So with her passion and his power and this rinky-dink factory We might just bring some heaven to Hell

[Verse 2] It's clear to me that you're just looking for control It's definitely getting out of hand I agree So before we go and tell another tired, tortured soul I think we need to come up with a plan Good idea We'll ship them in and dress them up and make them look the part Well, actually, we probably should help them change their heart By teasing them and baiting them or rehabilitating them

Tested them, baste them, slice them up, and serve them à la Markets line That's horrible (Don't be such a princess) Go to Hell (Already there, darling)

[Chorus] We may not agree on everything as far as we can tell But we both want this new venture to do well So with her passion and his power and this rinky-dink factory We might just bring some heaven to Hell (One more time for the toys in the back) With our passion and our power and this rinky-dink factory We might just bring some heaven to Hell Want some hors d'oeuvres? (I'll pass) Yeah

[Outro] Thank you, thank you, I'm here for all eternity

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1 year ago

what the hell man

I set one rule myself

That I respect any kind of fan story or fan art and I respect their opinion

But if there is something I don't like

I Simply comment (I don't like it) That's all. Because I don't want to cause problems or hurt their feelings

for example

I like Frowny Fox But they hate him

Who do I mean they? on TikTok

I was looking for AMV or TikTok about Frowny Fox

When I found this Videos

Usually I don't make wars on the fandom Rather, I stop fighting on the fandom BUT made Frowny Fox a bad person

Oh yes poor dogday And I was like what WHAT…

Yes, I know there are characters, some people like it and others they don't like, however

I would like to ask them: Did you even witness the episode?

first: Good design on they characters gacha I give them that

second: It wasn't funny to make this kind of video about Frowny Fox Yes we get it, you don't like Frowny Fox

I will be honest I'm not very interested in smiling critters. I was interested in game poppy playtime

And let me say poppy playtime 3 the playing was crazy I was literally ready for all sorts of jump scares

For example, if I heard a sound or anything in the shadow, I became prepared mood

How many times have I had to lift my heart from the ground because of this tension in the halls?

And Don't get me started on the radio

It was like someone was talking to me on the radio

when I saw catnap I was like Oh no, here comes the nightmare.


I didn't have a favorite among them Even though I read the fans story About them and like the fan art About smiling critters.

but when GameToons made Frowny Fox

He has become my favourite smiling critters.

So yeah I guess what really bothered me They made Frowny Fox seem like a bad person.

Even though Frowny Fox is the victim in the first place

The REJECT CRITTER… (Cartoon Animation) REVENGE of the REJECT CRITTER… (Cartoon Animation) HAUNTED by the REJECT CRITTER… (Cartoon Animation)

I have read comments on (REVENGE of the REJECT CRITTER& HAUNTED by the REJECT CRITTER)

You want a new episode about the smiling critters apologize to Frowny Fox and And they become his friends Like the episode of (The REJECT of BANBAN)

But there is a difficult thing to forgive people for what they did to you

Why do I feel Deja vu؟

Hello guys
I would like to talk about New manga Title of the story: (Ignorant me Became a Princess in another world) The type: Drama, Fantasy, Roman

Let me clarify some things

I don't think Happy is not true friend to Frowny Fox

Yes I know

I know what you're going to tell me

Happy was the only person who cared About him But is this really the case?

Happy She wanted to throw the cupcake at dogday because he hurt her friend Frowny Fox. but dogday use Frowny Fox as a shield

Did you see dogday's face, how happy he was behaving?

and he supposed be the leader of the smiling critters. If he behaved like this, he does not deserve his title as a leader


Yes I know it was an accident. Happy Didn't mean for this to happen. she Didn't want him to fall in incinerator

But she didn't do anything Like how she knows he's dead, he might be alive there and he's injured

For example, turn it off the incinerator And check it If he is still alive But no She just cried and said sad words and left

And did you see a reaction of DogDay & KickinChicken

They did not care that they killed him, but rather they cared about themselves. They were afraid they would get into trouble

not only this. In this scene


KickinChicken: we have to destroy frowny Fox again

DogDay: but there's no way to destroy him without destroying hoppy too

They don't care about him

And after they locked him in the vacuum.

hoppy: yeah thanks, guys I can't believe I fell for frowny Fox's trick

KickinChicken: it's okay hoppy we're safe now frowny Fox won't bother us ever again

Okay, wait a minute, why is this a scene?

Why do they say this as if he is an evil person here.

They bullied & Abuse him but When frowny Fox wants to fight back Suddenly they act like victims here

in the REVENGE of the REJECT CRITTER In this scene (4:59/8:17)- (5:43/8:17)

Did you notice the sweating on frowny Fox head?

I don't think he wanted that either.

He doesn't want to hurt anyone, but he is angry and lost because of the betrayal of his only friend

But maybe if hoppy did jump in the incinerator

frowny Fox will come to his senses And saves her

He says sorry hoppy, I don't know what happened, I was blinded by my anger. I'm sorry.

I know some of you ship Frowny Fox with Hoppy But hear me out

And Don't get me started on hoppy behavior.

in the REVENGE of the REJECT CRITTER 3:29/8:17

her behavior was right to be angry Both of them

But her behavior was wrong in (HAUNTED by the REJECT CRITTER) in the scene from 1:14 to 1:20 She was really sad for him

But what shocked me?

this the scene 1:33 suddenly she became happy to play with KickinChicken

The same person who hurt her friend

The same person who bullies her friend

She didn't even do a Grave for Frowny Fox


They did a grave for catnap Because they care about him

What The Hell Man

and in episode: The SMILING CRITTERS are DEAD

catnap did funeral for them

What The Hell Man

But did happy perform a funeral for Frowny Fox? No, she did not

She was simply sad for him and moved forward In her life

Not even a day has passed and she simply forgot about him And play with people who hurt him

I mean come on If you had the same friend as this, would you forgive them that easily?

I don't know why Frowny Fox give me vibes like Villainess Manga Character

I read some of the comments about Frowny Fox for example

He was rushing to judgment. hoppy didn't mean to do this

Frowny Fox is a Emo

Frowny Fox is exaggerating things Just Get over it.

And I want to respond to all of them this:

ME: Let me remind you guys In the episode The REJECT CRITTER

the leaders of Playtime Co decided to come up with a brand new smiling Critter one that went in a New Direction

(In an advertisement)

you've seen other cheery smiling Critters like Dog Day and Bubba Bubba but you've never seen anyone quite like FrownyFox the brand new smiling Critters or should I say unsmiling Critter

while the others Giggl and play FrownyFox rests alone contemplating life's big questions unlike others he's sensitive a great listener and more than anything longs to be understood

FrownyFox cuz you can't have rainbows without a little rain

they were sure that he would be a valuable new member of The Smiling Critters Lineup a bold innovation that would allow them to tap into a whole array of human emotions.

It's not his fault he's made like this

FrownyFox is supposed to be sensitive

His name literally starts with Frowny

I think I know what's really bothering me about videos

they Make him like an evil character in a gacha video.

but Frowny Fox is the victim here, not Smiling Critters

What do you guys think about that

Tell me your opinion in the comments

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1 year ago

🍜입학식장 라면먹방🍜

🍜입학식장 라면먹방🍜
원본을 크게 해치지 않는 2차 가공 등 상식적인 용도 내에서 사용해 주세요!! 감사합니다!! 문의 : @glo___w +) 눈썹 백색/회색 오류 수정 완료

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1 year ago

here my oc

Here My Oc
Here My Oc

Writer v. OC!

Tagged by @theluckywizard. Here's me v. Eilan. If you'd like to give this a shot, you can find the piccrew here.

Writer V. OC!
Writer V. OC!

Tagging @bluewren @flaggermuser @oliversrarebooks @mrslyncx @narravero @moonlightheretic @hekaerges @varric-tethras-editor @megasaurusssss

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