17 years old, avid lover of pineapples, anime and Epic the musical

62 posts

My Two Favourite Birds

My two favourite birds 🤩

mysticalgothcookiesoul - Pineapples
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More Posts from Mysticalgothcookiesoul

11 months ago

Further questions regarding the edibility of one piece characters:

Do zoan types taste different in their human, animal, and hybrid forms? For example, would kaido taste different in his regular, hybrid, and dragon forms?

Does armament haki have a taste? If yes, does it taste different for every person? Does zoro's haki taste different to luffy's?

Does chopper taste like a reindeer or a human? Like, he ate the human fruit, so there's a chance he'd just taste like a human.

What would marco's phoenix form taste like? I think it would be something like spicy chicken but not spicy enough to cause pain. Like, bird + fire + healing = not painfully spicy chicken

Would queen be safe to eat? Like, disregarding any illnesses I may contract from eating a literal dinosaur man, the chances of me trying to take a bite and having some circuitry exploding in my face is probably too high for it to be worth it

How would king taste? And what would be the texture of his meat? Would the areas closer to his fire taste spicy? Would they just be really well done? Like, are the parts the fire touches like jerky whilst the leg is just normal meat? Or is it that the closer it is to the fire, the spicier it is?

Apologies for any misconceptions or mistakes, I'm still nowhere near wano, so I don't actually know if any of these have answers or are even feasible lol

Whilst I haven't reached WCI yet, I am aware of Katakuri and some of his powers. As such, I'd like to pose the following questions about Charlotte Katakuri:

Is his mochi edible?

Can he change the flavour of his mochi?

Does the mochi have any nutritional value?

If someone took a bite out of Katakuri's mochi and he turned back into flesh from mochi, would the piece that was bitten off stay as mochi or turn to flesh?

Idk, me and a few friends were just chatting about katakuri and this just popped into my head.

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Does anyone have any book recommendations for my Alevel coursework. I was thinking about doing 'crime and punishment' or 'Iron widow' but I have no clue what to compare either of them with.

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11 months ago

Do you think Katakuri could turn his Mochi into a glome?

Yes, our lord and saviour katakuri the mochi man is so incredibly versatile that he can do absolutely anything

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reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something

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