Archive Of Our Own - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Fractured Virtue

Chapter 9: THE PRISONER’S PURPOSE (...) "We're talking about potions and Granger's placement, Nott," Voldemort seemed irritated, as if the fact that Nott couldn't figure out what they were talking about on his own had annoyed him. Hermione rolled her eyes. "Oh, my lord, I'm sorry, but I had my old lab converted into a, ... a bathroom, my lord, I'm sorry." Malfoy chuckled quietly. “A bathroom?” Asked Voldemort coldly. Nott seemed rigid. “Yes my Lord. With pool and a… a sauna.” He answered. Voldemort now seemed more irritated than before. (...) Voldemort be like:

Fractured Virtue

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10 months ago

Fractured Virtue - Chapter 10

Seeing Malfoy wearing a Death Eater mask for the first time, was like witnessing a transformation. The mask obscured his features, hiding whatever expression might have lingered on his face. It was as if a barrier had been erected between them, further emphasizing the divide between their worlds. In that moment, Malfoy seemed less like the boy she once knew and more like a stranger. Malfoy seemed to dissolve into his attire. The black robes, paired with the black trousers and boots, the thick belt, and the form-fitting black top, transformed him into something almost unrecognizable. Like a soldier in full gear, ready to wreak havoc.

Fractured Virtue - Chapter 10

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10 months ago

Smut or not?

So I am kindof nervous about writing smut :D However I will definitely try it in my fic in the future. But until then, I am interested... :DD

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10 months ago


I'm currently writing my fanfic, Fractured Virtue, and it's becoming evident that Draco is planning something right from the start. To portray this, I'm incorporating his POV or memories about everything, which will be revealed in later chapters. This way, if Hermione sees something in a certain way, readers will later experience it through Draco's eyes as well. However, it's quite challenging, so I'm curious if you, as readers, would appreciate this approach?

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4 years ago is facing a lawsuit


tldr: the Internet Archive/WayBack Machine is super important in term of archived content, billions of stuff are on there, and with the current event happening in the world like stated above,without this tool, it will be hard to properly document what took place. It will be easy for certain people to rewrite history. Dont let them.

DONATE HERE (post dont get much exposure with working links sorry)



On twitter,tumblr,facebook,heck,anywhere you want,this needs to be talked about !

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2 years ago

fanfiction writers are the literal backbone of society

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1 year ago

Beautiful art that made me read the story and share it with my sister @bluefisted

Night Laundry - Based On Phlebotomy By @bluefisted
Night Laundry - Based On Phlebotomy By @bluefisted

Night laundry - based on Phlebotomy by @bluefisted

Ok, so I was so thoroughly charmed by this scene where vampire!Obito has to do his chores while also having to deal with his insomniac neighbor who reads smut and notices things. I didn't plan to make all of these panels but I couldn't stop. The whole fic is so so dark and amazing, go read it!

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7 months ago
 The World's A Little Blurry .

━ the world's a little blurry .

Quackity x Reader - Chapter 1 : The Cartel

word count : 2.7k

a/n : this is gonna be an extensive series that will have a lot (i mean a lot) of chapters, cant promise ill actually finish it to the end but ill try. updates will be slow i think ? i get distracted and burnt out very easily BUT IM TRYING MY BEST!!!!! also if u prefer reading on ao3, u can read this from my ao3 account :] pls enjoy ! <3

small update: i removed the dialogue indents cus they would keep removing themselves and it was actually pissing me off...

 The World's A Little Blurry .

A large shadow peered over you, larger than it was just the day before. The sound of shoes running up to where you were got closer until they stopped by you, accompanied by laughs.

“Holy fuck!” Tommy wheezed out loud. “The penis is back!”

“Yeah… Holy fuck?” You laughed.

Eret’s large stone tower stood high above the land, which was now lined with dark obsidian. Just the day before, right where the tower stood was a small little hut with a sign reading: ‘Size doesn’t matter’ that Fundy built as a prank (also revenge for building an insanely large tower the day before).

Tommy continued laughing, “Fundy is going to lose his shit when he sees this!”

“Have the others seen this?!” You asked.

As if they heard the both of you-


You heard Tubbo yell out from behind. You spun around and saw Tubbo and Jack with their mouths hung open. They both ran up to you and Tommy, forming a horizontal line, just staring at Eret’s tower.

“Okay no- This is so stupid,” Tommy said, “Please, I need to discuss important business.”

Tommy walked off and made his way to his now destroyed Power Tower, climbing up to the top, you and the others following. You all looked out at the little shack built into the side of a hill with a small sign hung above that read: ‘TommyInnit Enterprise.’”   

“So… Here's the thing,” Tommy sighed. “What really hit me earlier- I’ve got a big war on my hands, right?”

You all looked at each other and nodded silently.

You never actually experienced the war between Tommy and Dream, you’d only come across the Dream SMP a few months after. You and Tommy instantly became friends despite the warnings from all the residents. Tommy told you about the war and the Disc Saga and how it all went down, in his own interpretation obviously.

 “Yeah... I think you three are gonna join me since, let’s be honest, there’s three, you know, the three T’s and... Y/N!” You playfully scoff at the last remark.

Tommy continues, “We’re really trying to solidify our dynamic! I would imagine you’re gonna join me, I know you fuckin’ will Tubbo and Y/N-

 “HEY!” Tubbo exclaimed while turning to you with a look on his face.

“...But I imagine you will also be Jack.”

Jack nods.

“Now listen to me.

“You all know I gave away the discs for the good of L’Manberg. All right, but I want to get them back and I was thinking right... What are Dream’s weaknesses?

“In every single war, Dream has destroyed the shit out of our bases, look at this!”

He flung his arms out to showcase the dirtied and scuffed terrain around his ‘Enterprise’, also referencing the destruction of Tubbo’s old house and the land surrounding L’Manberg.

He starts pointing all around the tower, “We’re standing on a half burnt down, destroyed Power Tower!”

We all looked around at each other and started cheering him on, “Right... Yeah, YEAH!”

“But what hit me was the one thing Dream does is he either wants, or he respects other people’s items...

“The only thing he’s done is steal my discs because he puts value in them! He doesn’t destroy them at all! He got rid of my entire base, but he left the chests! He left the chests!”

He turns to Jack, “And the one time he wanted to burn the chests, he offered you a thousand dollars!”

“That’s true...” Jack agreed.

“So, what hit me was that Dream respects items but not the land or any buildings. If I’m going up against him, I know this sounds stupid, but I’m gonna need a safe room with a bunch of chests and valuables, like a full 360 room! If I lose items, he won't break in because he respects items.”

Tommy looks at the three of you with bright eyes, “Okay follow me.”

The four of you climbed down the tower and made your way over to Tommy’s base. You continue to follow him while Tommy grabs a nearby pickaxe and goes through his back door to the other room with small chairs and his jukebox. He begins to hack at the corner of the wall signalling where he wants the secret room to go. Both Jack and Tubbo grab their pickaxes and start helping out with the walls.

You lean against the other wall, “Why in your private quarters?”

“Y’know cause it’s private so it lessens the chance of Dream coming in here,” Tommy huffed.

You stifled a laugh, “Oh yeah, cause Dream respects signs.”

“Fuck off.”

The three dig out a room and start placing empty barrels and storage blocks lining the walls, floor, and ceiling. You decide to walk around and look for Fundy while the men (boys) banter in the back room.

“Look at that! Oh Christ- What are you doing?!”

“What do you mean ‘what am I doing?’?”

“I’m trying to build this and you’re mining it!”

 “Isn’t this what you wanted?!”

“Tubbo, get out of here... Clearly you don’t deserve to be here.”


Just outside the arch of Tommy’s little shack, you’re met with Fundy face to face with Eret’s new and improved tower. You could imagine the look on his face just from the way his ears perked up under his uniform and his tail swishing irritably.

You quietly chuckled to yourself as you walked up to Fundy, “So, Fundy, what’s your thoughts on the new building in town?”

“What the fuck... It’s too big!”

“I thought you said size doesn’t matter!?”

“I've changed my mind,” he hisses in response.

The trio caught up with the two of you and once again you all stood around looking at the tower.

Fundy rubbed his head, “Goddamn obsidian... No way.”

His ears perked up after he sifted through his thoughts for a second.

A large grin stretched across his face, “Did you know that pee is stored in the balls, Tommy.”

A roar of gasps emitted from everyone's mouths, followed by a string of confused chuckles.

“Wait, you're just going to put a pair of balls on it?” You questioned.

“I plan on flooding the entire thing.”

“Where are the balls?” Jack spoke up.

Fundy turned to Jack, “Last time you said it was the bottom layer?”

“Well, I- I didn’t actually say that but- Yeah, fair enough.”

Tommy started walking around the base of the great tower, looking up at the very top, “I think you should at least destroy the top bit because this is a monster.”

He continued, “Listen, I mean this in the most sincere and serious way possible... Eret’s great penis is a monster.”

You and Tubbo covered your mouths and laughed together.

“Alright so tell me what your idea was, other than shaving the top off?” Fundy asked Tommy.

“Shave? Why would you describe it as shaving, man?!”

“I’m pretty sure there’s a medical procedure for this,” Tubbo chimed in.

Tommy’s eyebrows perked up, “What’s it called for a building?”

“No, for a penis.”

You wiped your eyes from laughing at the absolute ridiculousness of the current conversation, “Oh my god- Oh my god...”

The boys kept scheming amongst themselves, but you decided to check on the secret room in Tommy's enterprise. You walk in and see a piece of paper sticking out of one of his chests. It didn’t look like a map, and it had a lot of writing on it. Your hand reaches for the top of the chest, and you push it up, opening it and seeing a letter with messy black ink scribbled over the page. You picked it up and your eyes scanned over the message.

Hey Tommy!

Listen here, you’re missing out on the big money! The big bucks! You know what I’m saying. There’s a lot of things you can do… Not drugs, I’m clean! I’m serious!

Anyway, you know… everyone has access to all of the resources around you, right? But what if YOU were the only one who had access to those resources? You would have so much power, power beyond belief. And that’s what you need Tommy! POWER!

Here’s the plan…

You need an infrastructure, so you build a minecart highway, make everyone use it and then eventually they’ll get used to it and use it as common transportation. Then before they know it… You pop up in the middle of the fucking highway with a diamond sword and you fucking hijack their shit and take EVERYTHING they fucking have! They won’t see that shit coming! I’m telling you that’s the way it’s gotta be!

And look! I even made blueprints for you. You can’t show anyone though… they’re kind of a secret where I come from…

Big Q :]

Who and what the hell? You peered back into the chest to see a folded-up piece of paper which you grabbed and opened. You stared at the page in disbelief as you saw a shitty and childish drawing of a singular road which was, what you could assume, the blueprint that ‘Big Q’ had sent over.

“Are you stealing my shit?”

You turn around to see Tommy, “Who is ‘Big Q’?”

Tommy takes the letter from your hand and awkwardly laughs, “You didn’t read this, did you?”

“I did.”

“Jesus… He’s a guy I know and he’s suggesting we start a cartel,” he says as he pinches his forehead.

“And his name is ‘Big Q’?” You put up your hands to make quotation marks in the air.

“Quackity is his name.”

You furrowed your brows and turned your body to fully face him, “His parents named him that? That’s his legal name?”

“It’s confidential…” Tommy sighed.


Tommy throws the letter and ‘blueprint’ back into his chest and makes his way down the ladder, to the sewers.

You called out to him, “Why?”

To which he responded with a yell of determination, “POWER!”

Fucking hell.

The day goes on and on. Tommy spends half the day replacing the stone floors in the sewers with packed ice to slide boats across them to create an infrastructure that supposedly people are going to rely on (they won’t). He ends up using Tubbo as his test ‘mugging’ and you eventually find them in an Area 51 with Jack after an extensive period of chasing each other through the sewers.

Eventually the four of you make your way back into the sewers and Tommy begins to explain how you need to plan a heist, along with a lab.

The three of them dug out another room in the walls and you all migrated inside. Tommy proceeds to put up a sign on the side of the entrance and writes ‘Boss man’s hideout’ on it.

“‘Boss man’s hideout’? This is so stupid…” You laugh.

Tommy crosses his arms and scoffs in your face, “How dare you! Big Q is our boss!”

“Right… And where is he right now?”

He presses his lips into a line, “…Busy.”

“You’re so full of shit-”

“OKAY Y/N! OKAY GUYS!” Tommy cut you off. “Here’s what we’re going to do…

“In the coming days, not today, we’re going to do a heist… Because there’s an item that we can get for ourselves and no one else can get. Big Q said we can get a monopoly on every single item. I say we start small, we gotta start small.

“I say… we meet up in a day’s time and we can do the heist! Not today cause… I gotta go man, I-I’ve places to be and women to- I don’t have women to talk to…

“ALL RIGHT! We’ll meet up tomorrow and that’s what we’ll do. But until then… no mentions of boss man’s hideout, all right? No mentions to nobody. You hear me? Don’t even tell any of the others were allied with."

He finishes off his announcement, “The first rule of the cartel is that there is no cartel…

All four of you stood in the cramped hideout, arms crossed, serious eyes, dressed in the L’Manberg uniform. Tommy, the blond boy who bounces off the walls all the time, being a little shit to everyone and everything. Tubbo, the calmer and so-called ‘clingy’ boy who just wants to do his own thing. Tommy is actually the clingy one to Tubbo… Jack, the newest out of the four and honestly has to put up with the boys, they really do love Jack. And there you were… Y/N. Everyone looked around at each other, unknown to how this ‘Big Q’ would change the upcoming events of the land you and everyone else walked upon.

Your thoughts were cut off by Tommy's voice once again, “All right, everyone get out!”

The phantoms were gone. You’re not quite sure why or how that happened but that meant one thing… for the cartel. Since no one could find these phantoms in the sky at all, they couldn’t harvest anymore phantom membranes which were usually crafted to make slow fall potions. Obviously, Tommy had to use this to our (his) advantage.

“HEY GUYS!” You heard Tommy shout at you, Tubbo, and Jack from behind.

The three of you guys stopped walking and stared back at Tommy as he jogged up to you, a huge grin on his face. You were all making your way back into the sewers to meet up at ‘Boss man’s hideout’ so the heist could be resumed and reevaluated from the day prior.

You all gathered around in the hideout, Tommy swinging one arm over your shoulder and the other over Tubbo’s, “Okay so… Here's the thing, if we go around the server, we get all the phantom membranes, we bring them down here or even ender chest them.”

“Which then means we become the most powerful group in the land!” Tommy exclaimed, “You know this cause Dream fucking shits himself over items that he doesn’t have.”

You shuffle your feet with uncertainty at the mention of Dreams name, Tommy notices and starts blabbering out more words, “Holy shit, he’ll shit himself and that’s what we gotta do, we gotta head out with leather armour and look really unsuspicious.

“Now you guys follow me…”

Eventually you all meet at Tommys enterprise, and he fishes in his chests for four stacks of black, leather armour, poorly made. You all looked at each other quizzically and hesitantly took the clothes and you all headed off into your own rooms to get changed out of your uniforms. When you returned, Tommy threw two sticks at you and two more pairs at Tubbo and Jack.

Jack picked up the sticks and asked, “What on earth are these for?”

“We’re plumbers!” Tommy responded.

This heist was so stupid, genuinely. You end up breaking into almost, if not, everyone’s homes and bases to steal phantom membranes. Jack even killed Purpled’s pet chicken, by accident obviously… You all ran across the Dream SMP, in both fear and laughter, you really appreciated these moments with the only people you could trust.

By the end of it, Purpled, Punz, and Ponk had chased you down the sewers with Tubbo holding them off whilst Tommy, Jack and you were trying not to drop any of the membranes. You all end up in Tommy's enterprise, slamming the lid of his ender chest down after we obtained all the membranes. That marks the end of the heist, officially.

After changing back into your L’Manberg uniform and discarding your previous armour somewhere else, you walk past Tommy who was writing something.

You come up behind him and peer over his shoulder, “Whatcha’ writing?”

“I’m disbanding the cartel.” He mumbled.

His hand scribbles words down onto the page, slightly smudging the ink as he moves to a new line, your eyes are able to see who it’s being sent to: ‘Bossman’.

“Oh… well, I had fun, you know.” You spoke up.

He chuckles, “I did too, but I need to focus on other things, plus I get that you feel iffy about Quackity.”

“Hey, do whatever you want to do, and yeah he seemed a bit odd…?” You crossed your arms.

You wouldn’t expect to hear or see that man in the near future.

 The World's A Little Blurry .

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2 years ago

My fanfic

I have a A03 now so if you’d like to read any of my work, head on over.

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1 year ago

A Chihiro and Haku fanfic, everyone ~

Hi, folks~ I posted a fanfic for Spirited Away a while back on AO3! It's a childhood-best-friends-to-lovers trope hehe~

Please do check it out! I'd love to know what you think of it!

Lots of love, Fae~

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1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: LEGO Ninjago (Cartoon 2011-2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Lloyd Garmadon/Brad Tudabone, Lloyd Garmadon & Kai, Lloyd Garmadon & Lord Garmadon, Lloyd Garmadon & Harumi, Lloyd Garmadon & Nya Characters: Lloyd Garmadon, Brad Tudabone, Kai (Ninjago), Zane (Ninjago), Jay Walker (Ninjago), Cole (Ninjago), Gene (Ninjago), Sally the Singer (Ninjago), Lord Garmadon (Ninjago), Harumi (Ninjago) Additional Tags: Lloyd and Brad are the only ones actually in this, everyone else is mentioned - Freeform, Suicide Attempt, Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Eating Disorders, Overdosing, Autistic Lloyd Garmadon, Genderfluid Lloyd Garmadon, Depressed Lloyd Garmadon, Lloyd Garmadon Needs a Hug, Lloyd Garmadon Angst, Lloyd Garmadon Needs Therapy, Brad Tudabone Tries, Rated T for swearing, This fanfic is rlly bad… i don’t know how to write Summary:

Lloyd was tired, tired of being the green ninja. Tried of failing everyone. He couldn’t stop himself from walking up to the roof, he had to do this. It was for the best. Ninjago would be better off without the disappointment of a green ninja that Lloyd was.



please go check the fanfic out if you haven’t already i tried with it, but it’s not the best- but thank you to anyone who enjoys it. 

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6 months ago

Whenever ao3 is down I go to tumblr to watch the girlies freak out and run around like its a city-wide blackout till the sun comes up and we can go back to loving thy neighbor and using microwaves again.

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8 months ago
A small plastic figure of a red crab holds up a small rectangular AO3 pin with the word "KUDOS" on it

🦀 Kudos Crab 🦀

If you are scrolling and see Kudos Crab, your fics will be blessed!

You will get good comments and kudos!

You will beat your writers block!


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2 years ago

i have a theory that every time i leave the ao3 website it shuts down. because i have been an avid reader of ao3 for years and have NEVER experienced it being down. basically i’m a good luck charm and everytime i leave everything goes to hell. you’re welcome guys🫶🏻

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