mysticstarlightduck - ✨majestic✨

1279 posts

Nine Lines, Nine People Tag!

Nine Lines, Nine People Tag!

Thanks for the tag, @thecomfywriter (here)! I'll go with a snippet from Scrapyard Boys for this one! <3

Rules: Post 9 lines of your WIP, then tag 9 people to do the same.

"I'll fucking kill you when I get out of here," Valen rasped through bloodied teeth, before laughing bitterly, "If it wasn't for these stupid cuffs," He tugged against the metal digging into his skin, though knowing it was in vain, "I'd have fried your ass to a crisp by now, fucker." 

Jake looked down at him with a cocky smirk, shaking off his closed fist a couple of times, "I'll give it to you, kid, you've got some moxie," He chuckled, before grabbing a handful of the other's long, curly hair, and pulling him upwards. 

Valen groaned, biting down on his own lip to hold back a yelp of pain, gasping but still glaring up at the man. 

"Your little gang took something from me, last night, when I caught you sneaking around" The older man purred, "I want it back. It's a simple trade - you tell me where the asset you stole from me is, and maybe," He gave Valen's hair a sharp tug, drawing an whimper out of him "I can consider taking it easy on you and your delinquent friends."

Jake paused, waiting for an answer from the young mutant with a cocked eyebrow. "What do you say?"

Instead of answering, Valen wasted no time spitting on the man's face, saliva and blood hitting the man's cheek, close to his eye. 

Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @anyablackwood, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,

@winterandwords, @eccaiia,, @illarian-rambling, @finickyfelix and OPEN TAG

Scrapyard Boys Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,

@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea

@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child


@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw @finickyfelix

@thecomfywriter, @the-letterbox-archives @differentnighttale


Let me know if you'd like to be added!

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More Posts from Mysticstarlightduck

7 months ago

— stars & space dividers (sun edition)

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 Stars & Space Dividers (sun Edition)
 Stars & Space Dividers (sun Edition)
 Stars & Space Dividers (sun Edition)
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 Stars & Space Dividers (sun Edition)
 Stars & Space Dividers (sun Edition)
 Stars & Space Dividers (sun Edition)
 Stars & Space Dividers (sun Edition)

[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!

Please like or reblog if you use 💕 [moon edition]

7 months ago

Character Voice Tag! ✨

Thanks for the tag, @the-golden-comet (here)!

My Line: “Why shouldn’t I try?” Your Line: "Oh, don't you dare lick that thing -!... And you already licked it. Great."

I wanna do something different today, so inspired by 💫's post, I'm gonna make this a dialogue between my characters: one dialogue between Rhys and Damon (from Scrapyard Boys) and one dialogue between Cassie and Noctus (from Supernova Initiative) because I figure these two should interact more lol!


Damon:... No, nuh-uh. I know what you're thinking. Don't you dare. Rhys: Oh, c'mon dude! It's right there - it's basically asking for me to go and get it. Why shouldn't I? Damon: Because they'll see you coming from a mile away and shoot you in the face. Have you thought about that, hm? Rhys: Eh, those dumbasses wouldn't notice I was there even if I put on a light show and screamed "Hey, bitches, I'm here!" at the top of my lungs while dancing the tango. Damon: Somehow I highly doubt that - Rhys: (already at least ten feet away, looking over his shoulder) Too late, got bored! See ya in five minutes! Damon: (growls, picking up his gear to follow after him, mumbling under his breath) Oh, if they don't kill that stubborn dipshit, I will.


Noctus: What are you doing? Cassie: Trying to hack into the system of the Void Program building. Noctus: Interesting. (takes a deep breath) May I ask WHY? Cassie: Just 'cause. Noctus: So let me get this straight: you intend to hack into the system of one of the most prestigious and high-security places in the entire Junction - a government whom I betrayed to help your crew and currently has a million units bounty on all of our heads - and you want to do it 'just because'? Cassie: Pretty much. And I mean... if I can, why shouldn't I? Noctus: (on the verge of tears of frustration, struggling to keep his cool and regretting all his life choices) I hate you. So much. I hope you are aware of that. Cassie: I'm an acquired taste. (winks) I know you're my friend.

Tagging (gently): @littleladymab, @winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @amaiguri

@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart,

@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers


@lassiesandiego, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG

Tags :
7 months ago

your dividers are DARLING 🫶🫶 this is absolutely so specific so feel free to skip but i’ve been looking for more ‘dark’ space themed dividers. i write a lot of sci fi horror and most of the space dividers out there are so cutesy that it feels very silly to use them with more mature content hahaha. something simple and minimalist that isn’t so cutesy would be a godsend. maybe inspired by blackholes, time loops, alien abductions, sentient ai overlords, etc? sending lots of love!! & happy holidays 💕💕

hello! so happy you like them, thank you! I tried to mix some of your ideas with a general sci-fi theme, I hope these will work for some of your writing. Sci-fi horror is such a good genre! (and happy holidays to you too!)

Your Dividers Are DARLING This Is Absolutely So Specific So Feel Free To Skip But Ive Been Looking For
Your Dividers Are DARLING This Is Absolutely So Specific So Feel Free To Skip But Ive Been Looking For
Your Dividers Are DARLING This Is Absolutely So Specific So Feel Free To Skip But Ive Been Looking For
Your Dividers Are DARLING This Is Absolutely So Specific So Feel Free To Skip But Ive Been Looking For
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Your Dividers Are DARLING This Is Absolutely So Specific So Feel Free To Skip But Ive Been Looking For
Your Dividers Are DARLING This Is Absolutely So Specific So Feel Free To Skip But Ive Been Looking For
Your Dividers Are DARLING This Is Absolutely So Specific So Feel Free To Skip But Ive Been Looking For
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Your Dividers Are DARLING This Is Absolutely So Specific So Feel Free To Skip But Ive Been Looking For

[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!

Please consider liking or reblogging if you use 💕

7 months ago

Character Questionnaire Tag!

Thanks for tagging me @alinacapellabooks (here)!


What is your worst nightmare?

Do you have any favorite bedtime routines?

What's your favorite scent?

Let's go with Rhys Whitewood (Scrapyard Boys), Jasper Astrophell (Supernova Initiative) and Saoirse Richards (Scrapyard Boys)!

1.) What is something you would never eat, even if you were starving?

Rhys: Um... I think something I would rather die than eat would be bodily fluids? Like I don't even like to think about that, because just the thought makes me nauseous, haha.

Jasper: Anything that isn't perfectly cooked, fresh food made with top-of-the-line, completely edible ingredients. My body is my temple, so why would I ever ingest anything less than exquisite?

Saoirse: I'm not really a picky eater, but I wouldn't eat anything that looks like it could give me food poisoning, or that seems like it was made by someone less-than-hygienic, y'know.

2.) Would you die for someone?

Rhys: Without a doubt, I would sacrifice myself to protect my twin, Gwyn, or our half-brother, Adrien. Even if he can be a piece of work sometimes and is far from the easiest dude to deal with sometimes, we're still family.

Jasper: Why would I lay down my own life for somebody else? That's ridiculous, my friend! I'm far too marvelous to die - much less for somebody else. However... I think, if it was strictly necessary or an absolute spur-of-the-moment last resort, I might put my life at risk if I needed to save my Father.

Saoirse: Death kinda creeps me out, y'know. But if I had no other choice, I would definitely say that I would die for my friends - they're my family, for better or for worse. Our little Chaos Gang, until the end of the line, that kinda deal.

3.) If you could only save one thing from your home in a fire, what would it be?

Rhys: If my siblings were still inside I would definitely prioritize getting them out before even thinking about other things. But if they were already out... I think I would get some money or clothes. Maybe a cellphone or something like that too.

Jasper: Ha! As if my house would ever be on fire, human. The Astrophell mansion has the most high-tech, thorough security systems in our planet. A fire would be put out by it before it could even start, and if anyone wanted to purposefully start a fire they would have to bypass the security measures, and honestly, good luck to them, haha!

Saoirse: (Doesn't answer at first, gaze seeming distant and viscerally horrified at the mention of a "house fire", hands fidgeting and shaking for a moment before she shakes herself back to the present)... I-I don't wanna talk about that, can you just change the subject?

Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,

@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling

@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit

@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers

@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid

@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG

Tags :
7 months ago

Writing Share Tag!

I just started writing the first (out of three) main chapter of Kye Thalax's backstory and I am so sorry for my boi 😭. I don't wanna suffer alone writing these chapters - and they are important for his character arc as a grown-up later on - so I'm posting a snippet of his backstory Ch.1 for feedback and whatnot here!

BUT MAN I AM SAD. I cannot wait for Kye's Revenge Arc after writing these backstory chapters 🔥

(Also it is a pretty dark Backstory snippet so, TW for - Dark themes, Abuse/Domestic Abuse, and Lady Eldora being the shittiest mother and wife in the entire galaxy. Though I'm being honest that whole villain is TW in her own right.)

Kye peeked into the war room, standing on his tip-toes to peek behind the obsidian black stone doors, watching the conversation unfolding within with anxious, flitting eyes.

"You are seriously the most worthless man I have ever met," Came Eldora's voice, his Mother's voice, condescending and sharp like a razor, "I gave you one simple task at the gala last night. All you had to do, was look pretty and convince those stupid diplomats to bend the knee."

She chuckled, dark and bitter, and Kye hated how the sound made his Dad's shoulders curl in on themselves as the young man stood before her. After the short, pause, Eldora continues, rage visibly building up within her, as she tilts her head, "And somehow you manage to make a scene and embarrass me in front of all those people!"

She ends her sentence with a yell, shoving the young man with such force he is basically thrown across the room, toppling some chairs and a vase, before hitting the wall. There was a yelp of pain as he watched his Dad push himself off the wall with some difficulty, and, even though hidden by the doors, five-year-old Kye could see Damen's hands beginning to shake.

"I'm sorry Milady," His Dad's voice is flat and pained, and despite the fire in his eyes, he does not rise from the ground as he speaks, keeping his head bowed. "Y-You're right. I have failed you. I… I am sorry."

Kye felt his heart sink as if drawn to the furthest reaches of the planet's core. He willed his small, kid legs to move, but yet, he remained rooted in place, fear - or some sort of innate self-preservation wisdom - keeping him from trying to intervene.

Eldora growls, striding forward with thundering steps that send a shiver down Kye's spine until she's standing over Damen. "Y'know, one day that 'I'm sorry', isn't going to cut it." She grasps his chin, claws digging into his pearl-white skin, "You're lucky you are my consort and you need to look presentable. Though you'd better know how to act like it, or there'll be worse consequences. Understand?"

Kye saw as his father nodded fervently, the young man's bright blue eyes staring emptily at the warlord, fearful "Yes, Lady Eldora. Forgive me."

Tagging: @winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling @agirlandherquill, @anoelleart @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers @i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid, @finickyfelix

And I'm also gonna leave this an OPEN TAG!

Supernova Initiative Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,

@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea

@cauliflowermaterial, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child


@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild @anyablackwood, @amaiguri,

@lyutenw, @finickyfelix, @elshells, @thecomfywriter

Let me know if you'd like to be added!

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