1279 posts
Incorrect Quote Tag!
Incorrect Quote Tag!
I wanted to do this tag again so here we go! Going with some characters from Supernova Initiative and Scrapyard Boys for this one <3
I had a lot of fun with this lol, enjoy! (:
The Generator
Quince: What do you want for breakfast? Josh: I WISH TO DEVOUR THE UNBORN. Quince: (Visible Concern) Erin: (Done with Life) ... Erin: He wants eggs.
Rhys: Quince! Help! I’m bleeding… Quince: Oh god… what’s your blood type?! Rhys: B positive… Quince: (holding back laughter) I’m trying to but you’re bleeding-
Adrien: Well, I'm very sorry to hear about your mother. Max: Eh, we aren't really that close. Adrien: Oh, good then. 'Cause she's a bitch.
Any authority figure: Could you be anymore annoying? Valen: Yes.
*Adrien and Rhys are texting* Adrien: Who are you? I think Gwyn changed the names in my phone. Rhys: What did they change my name to? Adrien: Chosen One. Rhys: Don’t change it back. Adrien: BUT WHO ARE YOU?!?! Rhys: I’m the chosen one. Adrien:... YOU SON OF A BITCH! IT WAS YOU?!!! Rhys: Smugly leaves that message On Read
Damon: You’re insane! Josh: I know I am, what’s your point?
Josh: Why does my arm shake and turn bright red when I’m eating dirt?Erin: ... Erin: Why are you eating dirt? Josh: Did I ask you if I should eat dirt? No, so answer my question.
Kay, after getting a library card: Now I know what true power feels like.
Gwyn: What’s it like being tall? Rhys: Is it nice? Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards? Adrien: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Thomas: Damon, I swear I didn’t know Emily was coming over. I always ominously clean my weapons on the coffee table like that. It had nothing to do with that!
Luke: You read my diary? Valen: Look, at first I didn't know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.
Josh: I'm not funny, I'm just really mean and people think I'm joking.
Gwyn: Why should I make my bed, when I'm just gonna unmake it to sleep in it anyways? Adrien: Why should I feed you if your just gonna die anyways? Gwyn: Gwyn: I'll go make my bed-
Valen: My bad, It’s a knee jerk response. Damon, holding Thomas's unconscious body: WHOSE KNEE JERK RESPONSE IS TO START THROWING BRICKS AT SOMEONE???
Max: What state do you live in? Quince: I live in a state of constant anxiety.
Artemis: Everyone thinks you suck. Deimos: I think you have the wrong number… Artemis: Kye? Deimos: Nope. I'm Deimos Artemis: Well, you probably suck too…
Meridian, carrying a box: What would you say if- if I, hypothetically, came home with 7 kittens one day? Jack: … Jack: What’s in the box? Meridian: What woul- Jack: (sighs) Meridian, what’s in the box? Meridian: I think you know.
Cassie (in Act 1-2): Hey, are you alright with swearing? Asking for a friend. Deimos: ...Yeah? Cassie: Bitch. Jack, stuck in the middle of this situation:... I hate my life
Vesper: Murder literally doesn’t hurt anyone! Jack: What are you talking about? Of course— Kye, holding out a hand to shut Jack up: No, no, wait. She has a point—
Noctus: Meridian is late again. Cassie: How did this happen? I called them at 8 o’clock this morning and pretended it was 11. Aleks: I printed up a fake schedule for them saying we were starting at 9 instead of noon. Vesper: I set their clock to say PM when it’s really AM. Jack: Oh boy. We may have overdone it. *Meridianbursts through the door, panicking* Meridian: WHAT TIME IS IT?
Jack: (hesitant) Have I ever told you that you cook well? Cassie: Awww, no, you haven't! Jack: (nearly in exasperated tears) So why do you keep cooking?
*Artemis and Kye are fighting* Gabi, taking aspirin: I have a headache! Can you guys just be cool?! *Artemis and Kye keep fighting, now while wearing sunglasses and riding skateboards*
Elysia: What’s your biggest fear? Jack: I am incredibly arachnophobic. Elysia, under her breath (confused, never heard that word in her life): You don’t want spiders to get married?
Lyorna, singing, unaware there's anyone nearby: I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need— Kye: An actual family. Vesper: A better love life. Jack: Mental stability. Meridian: *clueless* Bagels?
Aleks: I may be stupid. The Squad: ... Aleks: Oh, did you think I was going to finish that sentence?
Jack: Why were you up yesterday until 3am? Cassie: How did you know I was up until 3am? Deimos (walking in with an absolutely exhausted face and two cups of coffee): Because we all could hear you clapping to that sitcom intro every 25 minutes.
Vesper: Do you want to be the Sun in my life? Deimos: Yes. Vesper: Good, then stay 92,935,700 miles away from me :)
Aleks: That sounds super! Doesn’t that sound super, Noctus? Noctus: No. Aleks: I think I speak for Noctus when I say it sounds really super.
Jack: Yesterday, I overheard Meridian saying “Are you sure this is a good idea?” and Cassie replying “Trust me,” and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life.
Kye: Two truths and a lie, I’ll start! Kye: I’ve killed people, I will kill again, and I hear screams when I'm alone or sleeping. Meridian, visibly nervous: I don’t- I don’t know if I like this game.
Jack: *points at Tarah* A human turtleneck, *points at Kye* a narcissistic monster, *points at Aleks* and literally the dumbest person I’ve ever met. Aleks: And who am I? Describe me now.
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing* Meridian (mortified): Would never stab anyone. Deimos: Would stab someone in retaliation. Cassie: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first. Kye: Would stab without warning. Vesper: Would stab as a warning.
Jack: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine. Lyorna: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again. Jack: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to charm me into healthy sleeping patterns?? Lyorna: Is it working?
Kye: I'm feeling it! What am I feeling? Death, probably.
Gabi: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized. Elysia: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to her knees and sob while apologizing profusely* Gabi: That one. I want that one.
Tagging (gently): @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab, @winterandwords, @eccaiia,
@the-letterbox-archives, @illarian-rambling@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart,
@little-peril-stories, @thecomfywriter
@ray-writes-n-shit @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess,
@forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix @i-can-even-burn-salad
@cauliflowermaterial @thepeculiarbird,
@clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes,
@starlit-hopes-and-dreams @differentnighttale
@wyked-ao3 and OPEN TAG
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Villain Crimes Tag!
I had this idea for a tag game a while ago and I think its time I finally put it to practice!!! Plus I think its really cool and you guys will probably enjoy it!
Rules: What crimes would your villains be convicted of if they faced trial in the real world? In short, list what crimes your villains have commited, in modern terms.
TW. Mention of some pretty gnarly crimes - but NOT in detail - because these are Villains after all.
Supernova Initiative
The Director/Dr. Darius Merrik
Multiple counts of First & Second Degree Murder + Manslaughter (The Director, behind the scenes, is a very brutal and vicious man - the antithesis of whom he pretends to be to the population. Darius has ordered the execution of/personally killed multiple people who were accused of stirring up "illegal insurrection and rebel efforts" against the Junction, as well as has killed any and all who discover his secret experiments without his explicit permission. His methods of experimentation are also so brutal and extreme that his subjects/victims often, really often, die as a result of it, whether that was the intent or not. Darius doesn't care at all, being at most disappointed at needing to find another test subject and starting from scratch.)
Human Experimentation/Torture/Illegal Laboratories (As mentioned before; Darius is a mad scientist who conducts highly illegal experiments on people, especially those who stand against him. He believes what he is doing will supposedly "bring even more progress" too the galaxies and change the tides of the civil war, and doesn't care how many innocent people he brutalizes in the process. Countless people have already gone through his secret labs - without the population of the Junction even knowing there was a secret lab - and most of his test subjects have died as a result of the experiments, and those who did not were changed in horrifying ways)
Blackmail/Extortion (Darius often counts in severe forms of blackmail and extortion to keep his rivals in line and to make people obey him. Part of how he became so powerful and influential in the Junction was by blackmailing and extorting powerful people and eliminating any possible chance of people looking into his schemes. Another example of this is that the Director only manages to get Jack Tithus to comply to becoming his test subject by threatening to hurt the young man's sister. To protect her, Jack accepted to be experimented on.)
Funding terrorist groups & War Factions/Accesory to Colonization (The Director holds a strong position of power in the Junction, often tampering directly with the civil war by funding extremist organizations and raiding war factions in order to "facilitate" the Junction's advance into enemy territory. Because of him, factions like the Skull-Reapers - space pirates/raiders - were able to raze whole planets - like Acaeth - and allow the installment of Junction settlements there. He also vehemently supports the Junction's official military advances onto other independent planets, and often provides the government's Sentries with new weaponry and armor.)
Ecological Destruction (The Director also funds many mining and deforestation efforts in non-Junction planets, often to get the raw materials he needs for his inventions and experiments, but also to profit from the trade of those spoils. The sheer rate of these "efforts" have already caused considerable devastation and damage to those planets' ecosystems.)
Embezzlement/Money Laundering (Darius is one of the richest men in the Junction, being also one of the most influential. But where does he get that money? From his experiments, inventions and trades? Yes, but that is only a small fraction of it. Most of his vast fortune comes from money laundering and corruption schemes, especially targeting politicians who somehow pose a threat to his plans, a self-fueling cycle that maintains his sheer fortune no matter how much money he spends)
Eldora Thalax
Multiple counts of First Degree Murder, Multiple War Crimes & Genocide (she literally is a warlord hellbent on conquering as much territory as she can both in her planet and others. Eldora is a skilled warrior and assassin, and has killed people before - many of them innocent citizens of places that refused to bow to her tyranny. She also sent hitmen after her husband when he and their son ran away from her, leading to his assassination)
High Treason (Eldora has essentially betrayed her people's high council, known as the Hearth, after her mother and the actually honorable Matriachs denounced her disgustingly ways and exiled her. She also betayed many political deals to have more advantage. Eldora wrongly believes that if she gets as many conquests as she can, that the Matriarchs will forgive her and accept her back, giving her a seat at the Hearth, when she's actually proving them right about her - kinda like Lord Shen did in Kung Fu Panda 2)
Sexual Coercion (her relationship/marriage to Damen was arranged and thus she specifically didn't... really care about his consent or not. Full 'Game of Thrones' arranged marriage to make heirs kind of situation but make it futuristic - he technically said 'yes' to the marriage but did he have a choice? No.)
Kidnapping, Torture & Human Experimentation (She is known to torture prisoners of war, especially those who once held positions of power - at times just for fun, at other times for information, for compliance or to extract information. When Deimos Soll discovered how corrupt she is and tried to desert her ranks, she captured him and had him tortured AND experimented on in an attempt to brainwash him into some kind of supersoldier)
Domestic Abuse/Psychological Torment (Eldora was very abusive to both her husband, Damen, and their son, Kye. Though most - but not all - of her outbursts of physical abuse were directed at her husband, the former prince of the region she'd conquered, Eldora was extremely emotionally abusive to Kye as well, especially because she had a tendency to threaten to hurt his father further to get their boy to obey her)
Dictatorship (Eldora has conquered multiple regions of her home planet and has long since started "brainching out" her influence to other nearby planets, almost conquering an entire solar system. She is known for being a cruel, corrupt, violent and often ruthless ruler who controls the places she conquers with an iron fist.)
Illegal Arms Trade + Slave Trade (Eldora prides herself in having the most top-of-the-line weaponry in the galaxies, being an ardent client of many infamous arms dealers and intercepts some of those goods to sell to her allies. She also is known for proffiting from enslaving portions of the civilizations she conquers, especially if they try to rebel or are accused of trying to betray her, or simoly are her prisoners of war, and selling them as slaves in the underworld market to the highest bidder, though she keeps many to strenghten her armies.)
Arachnys & Red Adder
Racketeering/Fraud/Loan Sharking (They are mobsters. The most dangerous mobsters in the galaxies. The Crime King and Queen. Protection schemes, false business/racketeering, major fraud are just another tuesday to them, and a huge part of what they do on a daily basis.)
Illegal Drug Trade (Any and all addictive substances in EITHER GALAXIES is sold and manufactured by people working under the behest of Arachnys and Red Adder, especially some high-ranking crime families. They're known for making some of the most dangerous and addictive/destructive drugs in any planetary system, and keep their control over their planets underworlds by using those chemicals to keep the population obedient/dependent on their supply)
Being Leaders of a Criminal Organization/Mob (Self-explanatory. Arcahnys and Red Adder are the heads of the most dangerous and powerful crime family/mob in the Khosmonian galaxies, and now in the Junction as well.)
Illegal Casinos/Houses of Gambling (And man do they profit off of it, because those places are popular in both galaxies!)
Human Trafficking, Slave Trade, Organ Trade (They are known for being involved in the most nefarious side of the interplanetary black market, and that includes, unfortunately, the trade of people - be it in full, by selling/buying slaves to/from warlords like Eldora Thalax, with whom they have a longstanding business relationship with, or in... parts, because they also sell organs and cybernectic parts, which they harvest from humanoids and cyborgs that fall into their hands.)
Illegal Prostitution Schemes/Forced Prostitution/Dehumanization (The MAIN "business" of the Saphir crime family is the "pleasure business". They pride themselves on having the finest brothels and strip-clubs in their planets, with most of the entertainers being either slaves they've captured/bought OR... sentient robots. Not cyborgs, but actual, sentient robots, their newest and most popular invention - sentient robots, unlike cyborgs, are fully artificial despite looking like regular humanoids, and their adaptable appearance makes them very popular in the Saphir's business. Meridian Shardd, the story's most innocent character, was one of those sentient robots - having gained conscience/broken free of their programming shortly after being manufactured, Meridian ran away from the factory thankfully before being put to work by the mob, and is terrified of being found.)
Tagging (gently): @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin,
@oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab, @winterandwords, @eccaiia,
@the-letterbox-archives, @illarian-rambling @agirlandherquill, @anoelleart,
@ray-writes-n-shit @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @topazadine
@forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@cauliflowermaterial @thepeculiarbird,
@clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, and OPEN TAG
Taglist for Supernova Initiative below the cut! 🌠
Supernova Initiative Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3,
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri,
@lyutenw @finickyfelix
@elshells, @thecomfywriter
Thanks for the tag, @ominous-feychild!!!
I got the Soldier! So behold, Knight Anya! ⚔️

"There will come a soldier Who carries a mighty sword He will tear your city down" Righteousness. Strength. Violence. You see a door and break through it. You wonder, sometimes, if anger is the only thing you can feel. Remember : love is passion too. You made your own rules and will follow them to death. You try and forget that there is only one rule, and that it is "FIGHT". You are tired of fighting. You try to forget that, too, and keep going. You dream of quiet. Your love is where you heal. God knows you deserve to. (Really. You deserve to.)
Tagging: @thecomfywriter, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @oh-no-another-idea, @scribble-dee-vee and OPEN TAG
✨Picrew and uQuiz Tag✨
Thank you for tagging me here, @kaylinalexanderbooks ! 💛✨
Rules: take this uquiz to find out if you're a soldier, a king, or a poet, then use this Picrew to make yourself as that!
I got The King
The King
"There will come a ruler Whose brow is laid in thorn Smeared with oil like David's boy" Duty. Strength. Resignation. You were told to do things and you did them. The world is something that was put into your hands and that you must deal with - so you will. You have a rigid back and steady hands, either metaphorically or physically. Is it nature or nurture ? You don't know. You are tired of being steady. You dream of feeling alive. Not that you aren't, but, sometimes, it's hard to remember that there is a heart between your ribs. Your love is where you breathe. Come on, breathe. In. Out. It starts now.
I guess this would be me as a king (Peter please don’t rob me 👀💦)

+open tag for whoever wants to do this picrew and uquiz! 💛✨
Writing Share Tag! #1
Thanks for the tag, @wyked-ao3 (here)!
Let's go with a creepy lil snippet from Grim City Chronicles.
"Knock, knock, little dove, where are you," Came the haunting, sing-song voice somewhere behind the wall, stalking the corridor beyond it, mocking him.
Anatole kept himself pressed against the door, holding a hand over his own mouth to muffle any sounds that could come out unbidden. In his other, free, hand he held Renèe's amulet.
He'd never been more sure that he was going to die. Still, a part of him held onto the magic pulsing within the amulet, and that part of him forced him to not give up just yet. It's just that the figure hunting him wasn't about to give up either.
A door swung open somewhere further down the hall, and Anatole could hear the creature ruffling through that other room, looking for him. "Your friend" Cousin! Anatole corrected, in the back of his mind My cousin!, before the creature continued "He can't help you now. But maybe you could help him. I'll take you back to him. And you'll be together. Forever."
Anatole didn't like how that last word sounded - especially not since it came out of a ghoul summoned by a dark magician. Given its undertones, something about it told him that the 'forever' meant 'stuck-together-between-life-and-death'. And that was not one bit appealing.
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@the-golden-comet, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
@differentnighttale, @leahnardo-da-veggie
@wyked-ao3 and OPEN TAG
Man, those characters look like they’re having a situation over there…. 👀🍿✨

Oooh this is a cool idea, @thecomfywriter!!!! I'll go with Ilya Nikitinov and Gemma Arwyll from Grim City Chronicles - since they're (respectively) a con man and a talented thief who more often than not specialize in improvising lol.
Okay, let's see how they handle this (I'm assuming this is a heist where the characters want to get some sort of information/money or an Important MacGuffin from a secure location. Let's pretend they're stealing something from the Main Villain's manor in the story, just because it's more realistic for them, and it's the only thing I can think of lol - since they would never rob a bank)!
Part 1 - The Distraction
After making sure the dark mage is not home, they sneak in at night, after stealthily climbing over the high, vine-covered metal fences surrounding the manor's lands, and making their way through the cursed orchard toward the house proper, they devise a plan to distract the mage's enthralled servants - and given that some of those servants are undead, a simple distraction would do quite well to get them out of the way while the duo gets in and out. Using the book, Ilya ties the string around it, before drenching the book in oil and securing the fueled lantern to it. With one of the matches, he lights the improvised fuse (the string) on fire, and throws the contraption through a strategically chosen window - the book's weight will be heavy enough to break the glass, while the oil drenching it and the field lantern will ensure that a considerable fire spreads out once the lit fuse reaches it, which would hopefully keep the undead servants of the dark mage occupied for a while.
Part 2 - The Theft
While Ilya prepared the distraction for the servants, Gemma located a wall - on the opposite side of the manor - close enough to the room where they'd been told the vault was and started digging a hole in the wall using the enchanted shovel. Once it was done and big enough for both of them to climb through and the distraction was already in action, she beckons Ilya to follow her as they sneak into the actual manor through the hole she dug. Once inside, the duo silently make their way through the twisting maze of corridors made to confuse any and all outsiders in the manor and avoid any of the cursed furniture and living traps that might notice the invasion and consider them a threat. Finding the dark mage's office, they notice it remains guarded by two skeleton guards, who apparently hadn't moved from their stations even with the fiery distraction the duo caused across the manor. Ilya carefully throws the cup to cause noise in the far end of another corridor, and one of the guards goes to check it out, while one remains, though looking in the noise's direction. Twisting the Henley into a rope-like shape and stealthily sneaking behind the remaining guard, she swiftly wraps it around its bony neck and with one swift motion, snaps its neck and head clean off. She doesn't feel bad about it - for one, this is a corrupted skeleton working for their archnemesis, for two, it probably will get restored and "revived" later when its master returns. Meanwhile, Ilya quickly locked the door to the room the second guard had walked to, trapping the skeleton inside (and since these skeletons can't speak or scream, it won't alert the others). With the two guards out of the way, the duo rushes to pick the lock to the dark mage's study room. It takes a bit of hasty team effort, but eventually, they're able to turn two of the remaining wooden matches into improvised lock-picking tools but are unable to open the door - finding that the lock has been enchanted with a warding spell. Running out of time, they choose to use the enchanted shovel instead to carve a hole in the wall of the room, beside the door, and walking in.
Within the macabre study room, which is filled with specimens preserved in alcohol/chloroform, skulls, bloodied tools and creepy sigils & an undeath tome, the duo eventually finds the safe. It seems locked with a spell, but it is thankfully small enough that the two of them can realistically carry it. It takes them a lot of effort to pry it off the wall, eventually using the enchanted shovel to carve the metal safe out of the wall it had been embedded into, without damaging it. Outside, they can hear the trapped skeleton slamming against the door of the room it was locked into, the the groans of the other approaching undead servants getting closer - their distraction must have been dealt with. Gemma puts on the gloves - as not to risk touching something rotten or just getting into raw contact with dark magic - and also picks up the mage's undeath tome, placing it atop the safe they've just pulled from the wall so they can steal both things.
Part 3 - The Escape
Pushing the small but heavy safe closer to the room's window, Ilya uses it to brace himself in order to kick the window out. After one kick, the glass began to crack, and with a second and third kick, the window flew out in shatters. With the servants getting ever closer, the duo starts to lift the safe - though with considerable difficulty - until it is at the same height as the now broken window. With a combined effort, they place it on the windowsill and push it out, letting the armored safe tumble into the dead grass below. Despite it being a big fall, the metal safe remains unscathed. Now onto the tricky part. Having run out of their limited supplies, they must figure out how to get out through this window before the servants reach them. Gemma then has an idea! Running to the dark mage's creepy wooden desk, she picks up two sturdy-looking daggers, apparently reinforced with magic as well, and climbs out of the window - the plan is for them to use the daggers as tools to hold onto the cracked stone wall until they're close enough to the ground to jump down. She gives the daggers to Ilya, who goes first - climbing out of the window, he takes a second to steady himself, before nailing one of the daggers to a crack on the wall, and then the second one. He does this again and again like a rock climbing spider, before reaching the point where he can rip out both daggers and fall to the floor unharmed. Once there, he throws the daggers into the window where Gemma is waiting, and she climbs out of the window, using the daggers to climb down just as he did. Discarding the now-damaged enchanted daggers on the floor, the duo picks up the heavy safe and the undeath tome - and then scuttles off in the direction where they first came from, into the cursed orchard and then through the iron fences - with some difficulty given the carried weight - and then out of the manor ground and towards the grey beaten dirt street where their friend, Phyneas, is waiting for them in his dad's automobile, as their getaway driver. After shoving the enchanted safe into the car and clambering in, the group drives away, quickly leaving behind the cursed manor.
Tagging (in case they wanna try this out!) - @kaylinalexanderbooks, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @the-letterbox-archives, @the-golden-comet,
@clairelsonao3, @eccaiia and OPEN TAG
🦹♂️GAME- morreial's heist supplies 🦹♂️
While I lay there, waiting (I really did want those fruits), I scoured through my drawers, looking to collect all the necessary materials for this operation: a piece of string, a lantern, oil, matches, a book, a cup, an enchanted shovel, and a pair of gloves. And, of course, my navy blue Henley I found Caramel napping in the other day.
tagging the TCW crew and all my followers to ask yall a goofy question: bolded above in blue are the tools Morreial uses in chapter 18 of Throne of Vengeance (ToV) to commit a heist of an armoured vault.
My question to y'all is-- how would you (or your ocs) use those supplies to commit the heist?
lmao this is so silly, but i'm curious, because editing me is reading this for the first time in months and i'm genuinely curious on how this man managed to pull this off when THIS is what he put in his toolbox.
Have fun!
TCW Tags List:
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@lunaeuphternal @the-golden-comet @renasdoodles
@drchenquill @zackprincebooks @wyked-ao3
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@kind-lion @mysticstarlightduck @agirlandherquill
@storyteller-kara @dahliaontherun @writingismydrugs
@authorcoledipalo @sm-writes-chaos @illarian-rambling
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