Lit. Indie. Non-Selective. D&D-centric Multimuse RP blog. || Default muse is always Spyro. || Reads rules too if ya get a chance.[Mun is 34. he/him]
51 posts
Waving At The Stranger To Get Their Attention, A Cheerful Expression Came On The Knight's Face At Meeting
Waving at the stranger to get their attention, a cheerful expression came on the knight's face at meeting someone new. "It's super swell to meet ya, I'm Goofy!
"Greetings, I am Spyro the Dragon. A pleasure to meet you, Goofy."

More Posts from Mythic-trio
"My name is Kulovashok, I'm a Purple Dragon, as you might have noticed? It's a pleasure to meet you, Synnove."
He had heard of her tales of adventures from his own homeland, the Dragon Kingdom. His magenta reptilian eyes glanced upon her visage.

@mythic-trio said: "What's your name? I might have heard of you." (from Spyro)

Pointed ears perk up at the comment. If someone had heard her name or recognized her, does that mean she has finally made it as a well known bardess? Oh...that would be the dream indeed! But then again, it could be the opposite--- someone, like her father, trying to find her return her back home so she can get married to some lord.
Jokes on him though, that isn't happening.
"Synnove. Synnove Willowlight. And, who if I may ask, are you?"

#mythic-trio Greetings everyone! I am called Angus, I'm 34, and on the spectrum, I'm Scottish-American and a proud writer / world-builder.
I’ve been role-playing for 13 years on both Facebook and Tumblr. I’m a huge Spyro and Ratchet & Clank fan, and trying to become a DM too of my D&D campaign(s).
This blog is D&D and Kingdom Heart centric/themed, and featuring Spyro, Princess Elyssa, and Lucilla Tepes as the main protagonists.
Affiliated with: @strcngered / @ancicntforged / @villains4hire / @the-expatriate / @rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter
Always Accepting these RP Prompts:
Send ‘🎲’ for a starter where our muses are playing D&D together.
send an emoji and i'll tell you my opinion on...
Send One For My Muse’s Reaction To Your Muse
First Interaction Sentence Starters
First Meetings Sentence Starters
More to come as I search for them.
Quick Links: Rules / About / Muses / Interest Checker / more tba later.

#civicmuses - an indie and private multifandom multimuse featuring media such as Adventure Time, Sonic the Hedgehog, My Little Pony, Hazbin Hotel and more! Penned by Civic. Please read carrd before interacting. Minors DNI
Send '❤️❔' if you'd be interested in discussing a potential ship between our muses!
-send '<3?' if the emojis don't show!