nebulainajar - Neb

402 posts

Nebulainajar - Neb - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago
Your Body Position Impacts How Quickly Pills Kick In, New Study Shows
Laying on your left-hand side may make for slower pill absorption.

oh wow! hey if you take pills check this out. new medicine taking meta just dropped.

according to these models, out of the 4 tested postures, the best position to digest pills is laying on your right side. standing upright has a similar time to laying in your back at twice as much as laying on the right side, and laying on the left side is the slowest by far.

laying on right side: pill dissolves in around 10 minutes.

standing: pill dissolves in 23 minutes. laying on the back has a similar time.

laying on left side: pill dissolves in up to 100 minutes.

definitely worth a lot more research.

if you want your medicine to kick in fast, try laying on your right side! if you want your medicine to kick in slower, try laying on your left side.

6 months ago
Astarion's Plan Starting To Go Horribly Wrong.
Astarion's Plan Starting To Go Horribly Wrong.
Astarion's Plan Starting To Go Horribly Wrong.
Astarion's Plan Starting To Go Horribly Wrong.
Astarion's Plan Starting To Go Horribly Wrong.
Astarion's Plan Starting To Go Horribly Wrong.

Astarion's plan starting to go horribly wrong.

6 months ago
This List Includes Doctors In The United States, Australia, Canada, And Europe!

This list includes doctors in the United States, Australia, Canada, and Europe!

Even if you're not the target demographic, please share for any of your friends who may be.

And if you or someone you know would like to be added to the list, there's a place for that!

6 months ago

As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.

It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.

Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.

6 months ago
6 months ago
Art By Hinano
Art By Hinano
Art By Hinano
Art By Hinano
Art By Hinano

Art by Hinano

6 months ago
Astarion You're Breaking My Heart Man

astarion you're breaking my heart man

Astarion You're Breaking My Heart Man
Astarion You're Breaking My Heart Man
6 months ago

zlibrary gone... FUCK TIKTOK FUCK BOOKTOK I hope that app burns in hell

6 months ago
Twitter Implemented A New Image Ai And People Are Using It To Generate Lifelike Photos Of Elon Musk Acting
Twitter Implemented A New Image Ai And People Are Using It To Generate Lifelike Photos Of Elon Musk Acting

twitter implemented a new image ai and people are using it to generate lifelike photos of elon musk acting like a dog

6 months ago

Ao3 is down. Looks like it's time to sleep until it's up again

Tags :
7 months ago

Look at this beauty y'all ✨

Ngl I think this is my favorite fanart I’ve made of Jason so far

Ngl I Think This Is My Favorite Fanart Ive Made Of Jason So Far

Alt. Ver. More akin to that one fallen angel painting

Ngl I Think This Is My Favorite Fanart Ive Made Of Jason So Far
7 months ago

My last text was: "Can I call now?" Sent to my mum who's staying in another city but that just sounds like the title of a cheesy teen romance book help-

Ps- glad to know your latest text was to me

@runarelle @foolishness-and-confusion

nebulainajar - Neb

I'm going to start a tag game with this because I think it's hilarious.

My last text was this:

nebulainajar - Neb

@nena-96 @charmsandtealeaves @kay-elle-cee @thelighthousestale

7 months ago

Native American sapphics sketches so far !

(Names of tribes listed in ALT text)

7 months ago

googledocs you are getting awfully uppity for something that can’t differentiate between “its” and “it’s” correctly

7 months ago
Exercises For All The Homies Who Want To Have A Long Career Drawing.

Exercises for all the homies who want to have a long career drawing.

The true problem with being an artist and drawing all day (as I wanted my whole life) is that human backs are not designed to hold that position, so it is very common for artists and designers to have really stiff shoulder blades, creating a chain of muscle strain towards the arm AND the back… and a lot of pain.

These are some physical exercises for artists and honestly anyone who works at a desk.

(all credit to my physiotherapist)

7 months ago

Yeah, it's like we're building it up to burn it down

“who is linkin park?” - one shot KO by my younger coworker

Tags :
7 months ago

Thank you for the tag <3

Currently watching: Boku no Hero Academia

Spicy/Sweet/Savoury: definitely Sweet

Current Obsession: surprisingly it's embroidery right now

Relationship status: I'm AroAce XD

Last song I listened to: Hayloft III by Mother Mother

Tagging: @hornedqueenofhell @hopetimistic

No pressure though!

Nine People I’d Like to Get to Know Better

ty to @vxyablr for tagging me! i’m sorry we haven’t talked in a while, i still haven’t finished suits 😔😔😔 but maybe i will once moved into my dorm and everything…

Currently watching: modern family! i haven’t watched as much the past week or so but i started it like a couple months ago maybe? and i’m on season 11. so.

Spicy/sweet/savory: savory. this is funny because for some reason i was just thinking about this last night. but i will always prefer snacks like that… unless it’s after drinking gymnema tea. which i have had to do. don’t do this.

Current obsession: good question. probably dnd (like specifically the campaign i have going with my friends) and also tlos. it’s never not time for me to be insane about lloyd and conner bailey.

Relationship status: married to lloyd bailey (single and in too much of a transitional phase to even really be looking rn)

Last song I listened to: mothman by alex maas and UNEQUAL

as for who i’m no pressure tagging it’s tlos mutual round up time @does-not-have-milk @fourayedasshole @theenemyod @tinyattack09 @ivy-is-chaos (i think that’s why i started following you? but i actually am not 100% sure) ik not all of you guys post primarily about tlos but i genuinely love seeing posts about the other stuff you guys are interested in currently, never change <3 and also @flock-of-cassowaries @letsunity @skyyguy and @prfury i don’t necessarily talk as much with all of you guys but i love seeing all the stuff you all put on my dash as well whether ramblings about hannibal or frustrating workplaces <3 and also as usual tagging anyone who wants to do this!

7 months ago

fanfiction can be better than the source material because the source material is almost always this carefully planned marketing strategy, full of meticulously calculated editor choices and alterations of the creator's vision made to keep investors happy.

but fanfiction is the work of a deranged freak who's overly passionate and wrote it out of nothing but pure love.

or pure hate.

or pure lust.

but either way. it's something pure.

something fascinating. with endless potential. and you'll never ever see a compromise on the artist's vision. fanfiction is the totality of someone's freak.

and I love it for that reason.

7 months ago

No, you're talking about Neuroticism. Necrophilia is a kind of poison that acts on the nervous system.


7 months ago

A group of queers of all types is a pride

A group of aces is a deck

A group of aros is a quiver

A group of trans women is a code-camp

A group of enbies is a byte

A group of bi people is a tandem

A group of pan people is a panic

Thank you for coming to my wilderness documentary

7 months ago

"craving a food means your body needs something that food can offer" now what the fuck does my body need with an ice cream

7 months ago
7 months ago
nebulainajar - Neb
7 months ago
Happy Disability Pride Month!
Happy Disability Pride Month!
Happy Disability Pride Month!
Happy Disability Pride Month!
Happy Disability Pride Month!
Happy Disability Pride Month!
Happy Disability Pride Month!
Happy Disability Pride Month!
Happy Disability Pride Month!
Happy Disability Pride Month!

Happy Disability Pride Month!

Here are some books with disabled bi MCs to celebrate the occasion 💖

Books listed

💕 The Faithless by C.L. Clark 💕 Icebreaker by A.L. Graziadei 💕 The Immeasurable Depth of You by Maria Ingrande Mora 💕 The Luis Ortega Survival Club by Sonora Reyes 💕 Forever Is Now by Mariama J. Lockington 💕 Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert 💕 Stars in Their Eyes: A Graphic Novel by Jessica Walton 💕 The Disasters by M.K. England 💕 The Secret Summer Promise by Keah Brown 💕 Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao 💕 Scoring a Spouse by Liz Lincoln 💕 Other bound by Corinne Duyvis 💕 Play It Again by Aidan Wayne 💕 Dark Pines by Will Dean 💕 Izzy at the End of the World by K.A. Reynolds 💕 In The Ring by Sierra Isley 💕 Dearly Departed by Heather Novak 💕 Monstersona by Chloe Spencer