nestingomega - Sugar And Sage
Sugar And Sage

Agender, 24, Multifandom Blog 18+ Minors DNI

107 posts

IIm Here

I—I’m here😂

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Look buddy, i’m just trying to make it to Friday.

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More Posts from Nestingomega

3 years ago

Winter Wonder | Day 2 | A.H.

Summary: You and Aaron go out on a Christmas date. It wasn’t often Aaron is home around the holidays but this year was something special.

Warnings: Pre-Established Relationship, Hotch is Soft.

Word Count: 593

Winter Wonder | Day 2 | A.H.

Come on Angel, we have to go so we can get good parking.” Aaron hollered down the hallway. Tonight was date night but with a holiday twist. The two of you were going to the Multi-Cultural Christmas market downtown. They had an abundance of foods, drinks and entertainment. Aaron was very excited to go with you. Not to mention, this year was the first year after finding out your families heritage.

“Ok! I’m almost done!” You yelled back. Making sure your hair and clothes looked and felt fine before leaving the bathroom. Walking out into the hallway, you made sure that all the lights were off and doors were locked. Walking quickly into the front living room, you stopped in front of Aaron. He was leaning on the couch, adjusting his shirt buttons. You stood there a bit simply just staring. Aaron finally looked up, smiling as he eyed your outfit.

“Well well well. Hello there.” Aaron put his large hands on your waist, pulling you close. Standing up, he leaned down to kiss your lips. Your hands reaching up onto the nape of his neck, pulling him closer. The kiss was short and sweet. You pulled apart, smiling up him. He grabbed the keys and you were off.

The drive was very short, but finding a parking spot from the little venue took a bit of time. Aaron had planned on getting your favorite parking space but someone had already got it. So he settled for the one beside it. Once in park, Aaron got out and went over to your door, opening it for you. Once you got your things together, the two of you were off.

There was so much to see, all the stalls had beautiful artwork on their signs. A menu of the things they sold was right beside it, adorned with small little LED lights. You didn’t know where to start but settled on the German sweets. They were very flavourful and it wasn’t expected but you were so glad you had them. Aaron steered you towards the little booths with trinkets. You decided on getting a few things for Jack, a small little yarn toy and a charcoal grey cup cozy that pairs well with his Star Wars cup.

“Did you see this love, This is a good present for Jack!” Aaron says, wrapping his hands around your waist.

“Yes, I did. I am thinking of getting one of these painting as well.” You smiled and picked up the beautiful The two of you continued along, hand in hand. You had picked up a soft winter blanket. It was beautiful, robin egg blue with little snowflakes on them. “This is absolutely beautiful. This will go really bed with our bed spread.” You say softly, walking beside him.

The rest of your date consisted of Aaron showing you foods to try and you giving him a history lesson about them. It didn’t stop him from giving you small kisses on the cheek every so often. As you both walked back to the car, hands intertwined, you leaned against his arm. “I had a great time tonight, love.” You spoke, your voice wavering as the cool air caused a shiver.

“I had a good time too Angel. I’m glad we decided to go here. We should make it a tradition.” Aaron said, opening the car door for you. Walking around the car to his door, he smiled. A new tradition in the Hotchner home? Filled with endless possibilities, he couldn’t wait until next year.

Winter Wonder | Day 2 | A.H.

Taglist: @haley-h0tchner

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2 years ago

Keep Me Warm

Keep Me Warm

Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Gender-Neutral!Reader

Warning: smut, very light dom hotch

Rating: 18+, pre-established relationship

Word count: 924


You were very fortunate to be home during the autumn with Aaron and Jack. Most of your cases seemed to wane at the end of the summer season so you were lucky to have this time. Jess had come to pick up Jack to look after him for the weekend so it was just you and Aaron.

“I want to check something, just real quick and then we can spend the rest of the day on the couch.”

Setting your hands on his shoulders, you stood behind him simply looking over his shoulder. Not to read but to be closer to him. Soon however, your hands moved from his shoulders down to his biceps. Your face nestled in close to his ear as you debated pulling up a chair. Unable to resist, you moved your lips up to his ear and nipped at it gently, receiving a soft groan from the dark haired man.

“Honey…” His warm voice coming out as a warning as you continued moving your hands down his body. His broad shoulders were making it impossible to pull away. You knew he need to finish some paperwork but you needed him so badly. Moving around the chair very slowly, you climbed into his chair, sitting carefully in his lap.

“I-I just wanna sit with you. Is that ok?” You asked, your lips pressed up against his cheek. He turned his head to look at you, his gaze dropping to your lips as he nodded and returned to his work. Smiling, you rested your head on his shoulder, his warmth making your need for him so much stronger as the time went by.

You couldn’t remember when you started to gently grind up against him, but you couldn’t help it. He had placed his warm hand on the small of your back and encouraged the push and pull of your hips. Chest to chest, your lips left soft kisses under his ear as you fought to sink onto the man right then and there. After all, he said he was going to be quick. So you assumed that he wouldn’t mind if you started the festivities early. Slowly, you leaned back to move your hands down his clothed chest to his belt buckle. Trying not to move too much, you reached your hand into his pants to touch his cock which you were surprised to find almost completely hard. Looking to Aaron, you caught his eye as he watched you pull him out. His cock was warm in your hands as your grip tightened and you shifted a bit, your arousal not unknown to the other. You didn’t realise you were whimpering for him until his hand slipped under your chin. “You can warm me. But you can’t wiggle. Ok?”

You couldn’t have moved quicker, slipping off your underwear and getting yourself ready faster. His eyes roamed your body before you began to seat him inside your warm hole. Gripping his broad shoulders, you couldn’t help but whine as you bottomed out. He never dissatisfied when it came to filling you this way. He was perfect in every way that counted, you could have cried at the relief you felt. Putting your hand through his dark hairs, you smiled to your partner. He was so handsome, his eyes were so beautiful and he knew what you needed and wanted. Aaron smiled to you, admiring you as though you were a piece of modern art. Being so full was starting to take its toll as your eyes couldn’t look away from his face, wanting nothing more than to have his face in between your legs. His stubble rubbing against your inner thighs, his lips kissing the skin as he neared your center. Your hands roamed his shoulders and neck as you continued to stare.

Panting, your eyes snapped open as your hips mindlessly rocked. Aaron hadn’t fully abandoned his work but his hand was violently gripping the pen as your body took what it needed. The faint feeling of his tongue dragging up on your skin and his groans and partial moans were fuelling your desire. His cock throbbing deep inside your needy hole was what finally caused the tension to release. Your lips parted as you clenched around Aaron, riding the wave of your climax.

“I said no wiggling honey, I’ll let that one slide just because you looked so delicious coming all over my cock.”

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2 years ago
All Good Trios Have Sugar, Spice And Everything Nice

All good trios have sugar, spice and everything nice

3 years ago

Early Birds | Day 1 | A.H.

Summary: It’s your third Christmas with your boys. You hadn’t realised that the two didn’t go all out for Christmas like yourself before moving in but now they finally embrace it. Aaron comes back late that night after a case. He normally is an early riser but he was still fast asleep. Fortunately, you and jack had a surprise for him.

Warnings: Food/Baking Cookies

Word Count: 858

Early Birds | Day 1 | A.H.

Christmas was a serious holiday in the Hotchner home. All outdoor Christmas decorations were put up at the beginning of December. Christmas music and Caroling were a tradition ever since you had moved in with them. Today was going to be a movie day.

Aaron was still sound asleep after coming home around three am the previous night. So you kissed him on the forehead and tip toed over to the closet to grab one of his sweaters and slipping it over your head. You scooted out into the hallway, heading to Jacks room. Knocking gently, you opened the door to find it empty. Furrowing your brow, you began searching around before hearing the clatter of one of the metal bowls hitting the kitchen counter. Walking out of the room, you padded into the kitchen, noticing right away all the ingredients were laid out. The mixer was sitting on the counter too and the metal bowl he had set there was leaning on the edge.

“Good morning. What are you making?” Chuckling as you walked closer. He looked up with wide eyes, the flash of fright disappearing when he saw your face. He breathed a sigh of relief and looked into your eyes as he spoke.

“Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you both up. I-I just thought cookies would a nice thing to make..ya know?.” He smiled before looking around on the counter. He opened the kitchen pantry and got out the baking aprons.

“That does sound nice, can I help?” You asked, wanting to bake some cookies with him. He turned around and handed you the apron that she had brought to their home, his in hand. Smiling up at you, he replies happily. “Yes! They can be a surprise for dad! Since he’s not up yet!”

Smiling, you put your apron on. Fastening it, you looked at the ingredients. You thought to yourself how proud you were. He even remembered what ingredients to pull out. Making Linzer cookies were always a delight and Jack had really taken to them. He hadn’t liked them without something to drink so you had made he fell in love with them. You only made them the first months of the year, this day marking the start.

“Sounds good, let’s get started!” With that, the two of you got to it. You ended up turning on a quiet playlist of carols somewhere while waiting for the cookies to bake. You had got out the jam and had already dusted the powdered sugar onto the plate. As soon as the cookies were done, you pulled them out and gave Jack the tops to powder and put the jam on the bottoms. Putting them together seemed to be his favourite thing. Once they were done, you plated them. Putting coffee on for Aaron, you cleaned up.

“Are we making hot chocolate too?” Jack asked, his eyes wobbling as he hoped you’d say yes. Smiling, you nodded. Turning to the cup cupboard, you slowly pulled out a mug for you and Jacks mug. Setting them down on the counter, you pulled out milk, chocolate powder and sugar. Pouring out the milk into a small saucepan, you ushered him over. Jack quickly took over with his cup as the two of you added your particular ratio of sugar to chocolate powder. When the milk was hot enough, you turned off the stove and poured equal amounts into both cups. Jack immediately began to stir his as you got out the mini marshmallows. Handing the bag to Jack, you watched him grab a mighty handful. Sprinkling a good chunk of them into the cup, eating the rest. You mixed yours, putting a few mallows into your mug.

As the two of you stood and chatted with each other quietly, Aaron shuffled into the kitchen. The two of you smiled at him, Jack going over and hugged him gently before coming over to the plate of cookies.

“Guess what dad? We made cookies! The sweet ones with fruit jam on the inside!” Aaron smiled as his son wiggled with excitement. Coming over to the counter, he looked into your eyes before eyeing the mugs.

“That’s awesome bud, they look amazing. Did you make hot chocolate as well?” Jack nodded, holding out his mug to show Aaron, smiling widely. Aaron chuckled at the heavy amount of marshmallows there were in his mug compared to yours.

Aaron walked over to the cupboard and grabbed his favourite mug and poured himself some coffee and then stood next to you. Putting his arm around your waist, he kissed your cheek. Smiling up at him, you leaned your head against his shoulder.

“Well, let’s have some cookies shall we?” You asked, they both smiled and grabbed a cookie from the plate. Biting into them, they both groaned at how good they tasted. Shaking your head a little bit, you smiled and grabbed one as well.

“This is really good, thank you Angel.” Aaron spoke, squeezing you closer. He wasn’t expecting to have cookies that morning but it definitely was a wonderful way to wake up, with his little family.

Early Birds | Day 1 | A.H.

Taglist: @haley-h0tchner

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3 years ago

Day 1: Thigh Riding

Summary: Living with Claes Bang means a lot of things. Nice dates, Good company and Sexual Tension. Until it’s too much

Day 1: Thigh Riding

Pairing: Claes Bang x AFAB!Reader

Warnings: Thigh Riding, Dirty Talk, AFAB!Reader, NSFW Themes, Slight Sir/Master Kink

Rating: Explicit 18+

Word Count: 509


Sød Pige ~ Sweet Girl

Herre ~ Sir/Mister

Du gjorde det så godt, jeg er så stolt af dig~ You did so good. I’m proud of you.

The two of you had just got home from being out. It was never hard to have a good time when it came to him. Four years had gone by and you two had settled down quite well.

Currently, you were both sitting on the couch, ready to watch something before you started on dinner. He looked at you with his dark brown eyes, his handset gently on your leg. It was a normal gesture between the two of you but at that moment, something else was on your mind. You moved closer to him, putting your hand on his thigh.

He smiled, picking you up and moving you onto his leg. Capturing his thigh in between yours made your undies wet with anticipation. You lean down and kiss him passionately. He leans into the kiss, putting his hands on your hips, which were moving very slowly.

“Does that feel good, my sød pige?” He said, in between kisses down her face to your chest. Your head began tipping back as his mouth traveled down past your sternum.

“Y-yes.” You reply, as your voice comes out as a mumble.

He looks up at your face. Putting your chin in between his fingers, he urges you to look at him.

“Yes what, love?” His tone never wavers as he waits. Your lips part slightly and your eyes widen.

“Yes, herre.”

He groaned softly at your response. His hands pushed and pulled at your hips to create a faster rhythm. Your mouth hung slightly open as your moans began to get louder and sharper. Looking up at you, he wet his fingertip before moving one of his hands up your shirt. Underneath your bra, he began to play gently with one of your nipples.

Your hips snapped forward with the new stimulation and you whimpered.

“F-Fuck that feels good. More?”

He smiles and puts his mouth onto your exposed neck. Nibbling on it, he moved his thigh up against your pussy, the movement he hoped would give you the extra you wanted. Your body ached a little with how much you felt, your hips grinding against this man's leg like your life depended on it. Your hands rested on his shoulders. Your loud whimpers turned into harsh moans as you got closer and closer to your climax.

“P-Please herre, I’m close. I-I-” Your hips moved in circles as you whined. He smiled, pinching your nipple in response to your pleas for release. Bouncing his leg as he would normally thrust, he knew the extra pressure would help. Promptly, he put his free hand on top of your butt cheek and gave it a good smack. The sharp sting and the throb from the smack and the pinching of your nipple sent your hurtling over the edge into climax territory, your pussy clenching wildly around nothing. You gently read your forehead on his shoulder, trying deeper to slow down your breathing. He smiled, holding you close.

“Du gjorde det så godt, jeg er så stolt af dig.” He said, kissing your forehead.

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