Ssa Hotchner - Tumblr Posts

On a road trip drew this amazing beautiful piece of work enjoy

this is a happy birthday post to my favorite unit chief…HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOTCH!!! <3
aaron hotchner (father figure)
am i right or am i right
plastic hearts - prologue
plastic hearts masterlist
a/n : this is my first ever fanfiction that i’ve written on tumblr, so i hope that most of you if not all of you enjoy reading my story. also quick side note if you didn’t know before but during this book (much later) i plan for the main character to have a love interest. based on what you’ll know about the mc, please feel free to share your opinion on who you think her love interest should be.
chapter warning(s) : none so far

prologue : job hunting
song : sunlight by hozier
It was days like today that made it hard to get up, the woman’s body, who was laying in her bed, ached with every breath she took. She was tired, exhausted and if she had it her way she’d go back to sleep, but it seemed that every time she closed her eyes she was plagued with the feeling of terror. Stretching her arms out, she pulled the warm covers off of her just to rest her feet on the stinging cold hardwood. Trying to wake herself up she took a moment, running her palms over her eyes trying her hardest to rub the sleep out of them.
Though she ended up taking more than a moment as she got lost in her thoughts, lost in the feeling of the coldness that enveloped her in a hug. Finally after trial and tribulation, she managed to stand up on her feet. Some how her body caring for itself as she was dressed and ready to go about her day. Stepping out into her hallway, she ended up shutting her front door with her wallet and keys in hand. Double checking that her apartment was in fact locked, she looked down at her watch covered wrist only to see that it was fifteen minutes to two.
Racking her brain she calculated the time in her head, estimating that she should be back home at the latest by six thirty. Tucking her hands in the pockets of her jean jacket, she started her journey of trying to get outside, her feet themselves carrying her down the stairs. Once making her way outside, she started to trek to her destination. She had one objective today and that was to find a job. And with the rate she was going she honestly wouldn’t be able to survive off of the money she had left in her bank account.
By now an hour had passed and she hadn’t had any luck with jobs. Continuing to search the streets of Washington D.C. to find help wanted signs, the corner of her eyes seemed to catch a blur of black. Sharply turning her head, the woman got whiplash as she looked down the street only to see a black suv with tinted windows pointed in her direction entirely. She wanted to get a closer look as she couldn’t see who was in the car but knew someone was as the engine was running.
Trying to not look into it too much, she started to walk again turning her head back to it’s original position only to take a quick glance back at the suv. Though the moment she did, she was filled with surprise as the spot it previously occupied was now vacant. Huffing under her breath, the woman received weird looks as she spoke to herself silently but not as silent as she had though, “it’s nothing Alek, it’s nothing.”
Continuing with her task for the day, (the now named woman) Alek walked down every street of the metropolitan area. With that, her luck had gotten better as she managed to score a couple of interviews on the spot. Though, with every interview she was only told that they would call her in the next couple of days with the news if she got the job or not. And to be honest with how everything has been going lately she’d be surprised if she actually somehow got hired.
Furthering her quest, the sun had now set as it was close to six pm, the city of Washington D.C. busier then it had been before. By now Alek just wanted to get back to her apartment and take a blistering hot shower as her whole body was numb from the frigid cold weather. Trying to get some feeling back in her feet, she started trekking back to her apartment.
About to cross the street, Alek looked towards her right and left to make sure no cars were near by and that it was safe to cross. Looking around it was clear to the naked eye that the street was safe to cross but only to that of the naked eye. For a second she too had thought it was safe until she saw something reflect in the darkness of the night.
As her eyes couldn’t depict what exactly she had seen her feet started to carry her towards the reflective object. Alek had only taken about 3 steps when all of a sudden she seemed to realize that the reflective object wasn’t an object at all but it was actually a car. The black suv that she had seen earlier in the day to be exact. Usually, she wouldn’t be so concerned about the suv but having seen the exact same one more times this week than she really has with any other cars, it bothered her greatly.
Shaking her head, she knew exactly what the source, causing the suv to follow her every move, was. Knowing that it wasn’t going to stop until she put an end to it, she ended up turning around changing her destination to that of a bus stop instead of her apartment. Alek honestly couldn’t believe that it had to result in this, at first when she noticed the black suv she wasn’t at all worried. It was pretty normal to see suvs all around Washington D.C. it was a sight everyone sees everyday.
Though, to have seen the same suv multiple days in a row and to see it almost everywhere she went, irked her in more ways than one. Reaching the bus stop, Alek was fortunate enough to have arrived right as a bus pulled up. As the doors opened, she climbed on in only to see more than a dozen people occupying the seats.
“Where to”, a voice called out causing her to snap her head towards the direction the voice came from. Her eyes stumbled across the face that went with the voice, recognizing them as the bus driver.
Pulling a five dollar bill out from her right back pocket, Alek handed it to the burly looking man. “Virginia”, she said but she could tell that wasn’t enough from the look on that of the man now holding her once five dollar bill. Swallowing hard, she set her shoulders back while looking the driver in the eyes with a look that could only be described as blank. Though it was hard to tell as her eyes were covered by that of a baseball cap but that didn’t matter as she finished her sentence, “Quantico, Virginia”.
Just as she had uttered her sole destination, the driver closed the doors and started driving again. Seeing that almost all of the seats were taken, Alek ended up heading towards the back and taking a seat that was up against the window. As soon as she sat down she closed her eyes, taking a second to just relax and let everything soak in.
It wasn’t that she was feeling overwhelmed it was just the fact that she still wasn’t use to this life. The life of an everyday normal United States citizen, where people have real 9 to 5 jobs and don’t have to worry about the enemy. Overall, it was too much sensory overload for her body, it wasn’t just the change in environment but the people along with it. Going about their day as if everything was fine and dandy, they had families that they could go home to, people that would miss them.
Just thinking about it she got a little jealous, it was an emotion that Alek haven’t experienced that much in her life until she moved to the D.C. area. Trying to shake it out of her body, she opened her eyes and scoped around the bus. Casting her eyes to the left of her she could see that there was a middle aged man who kept tapping his foot on the floor of the bus.
By the looks of it, he had just gotten off work as he was covered in a grey tailored suit with his briefcase resting at his feet. To everyone else he might look well off that of a wealthy man and he probably was. But upon seeing his left ring finger Alek seemed to notice that there was a slight tan line accompanying it. That in and of itself was enough to tell her that he use to probably be wealthy, but all his wealth was taken away in the divorce.
Hence the tailored suit, the leather oxfords obtaining his feet, the bright silver diamond watch on the inside of his left wrist, along with his sleek black suede briefcase. It seemed that whomever he was married to, had gotten to keep everything including his car because it wasn’t everyday you saw a man like that on a bus like the one both the man and Alek were occupying.
Having glanced at the man long enough, she turned her attention back towards the window that occupied the right side of her body. She sighed as she watched the streets of D.C. wiz on by, though it turned into a blur as she was now lost in thought. She hadn’t even realized what was going on until the bus stopped and out yelled the bus driver, “we’re here”.
Slowly she lifted her head, expecting to be met with many faces only to be met with one and that being the driver of the bus. Getting up, she made her way to the front, thanking the burly looking man as she made her way down the steps and out into the crisp cold air. Taking a deep breath, she looked at her watch for the third time only to see it was closer to eight pm than it was to seven. Wow, a total of about two hours and she still didn’t even realized how long she had been on that bus for.
Pulling her denim jacket tighter around her body, Alek started her journey to her now almost reached destination. It took about 15 minutes to arrive, but once she had she couldn’t pull the door open any sooner. Stepping into the building she was met with warmth, the one thing her body had been lacking all day. Making her way towards the elevator she was quickly stopped short, “excuse me miss, but where are you going”.
Pivoting on a foot of hers, she looked at the woman who stopped her. “I was told to just make my way up, I’m here for a meeting”, Alek lied to the woman in front of her causing the unknown woman to bunch her eyebrows in confusion.
“Meeting with who? Im sorry but that can’t be visiting hours are over”, the small statute of the woman was now just getting on Aleks’ nerves.
Hearing the elevators open Alek started to walk backwards towards them. “My meeting”, Alek said just before taking a step back into the elevator, “is with SES Erin Strauss”. With that, she watched as the other woman’s face turned bright red. Whether it was from the fact that Alek was now standing in the elevator or the fact that Alek had a meeting with Strauss, she had no idea. And she didn’t stick around to find out as the elevator doors closed and she was now headed up towards the floor of the BAU.
Honestly, she couldn’t remember the last time she was in the FBI headquarters, but she knew that it was long ago. If her memory serves her right she hadn’t stepped foot in the building since she was in middle school. All in all it’s been almost two whole decades since Alek has seen the inside of the building and she wasn’t unhappy about it either. Before she knew it the doors to the elevator slid back open and she was now one step closer to her destination.
Walking towards the glass doors that led to the bullpen of the BAU, Alek swung it open only to be greeted by the stares of strangers. Minding no business to it, she continued her journey up the steps of the bullpen and walked down one of the long corridors that led to Strauss’ office. Stopping in front of her office, Alek raised her hand and knocked on the door lightly only to be met with a, “Come in”.
Opening the door, she shoved her body into Strauss’ office. As she was now in, Alek watched as Strauss looked up from her paperwork and pointed to the door behind Alek, “please shut the door and take a seat”.
Doing as told, she shut the door and sat herself down in one of the chairs opposite of the SES herself. “So to what do I owe the pleasure of you being here”, Alek could just see the cocky smirk Strauss had on her face the moment she got done asking Alek that question.
Shrugging her shoulders, Alek clasped her hands in front of her. “I don’t know, you tell me”, she wasn’t going to play Strauss’ game if that’s what she thought, “first the phone calls now the suv, what do you want from me Strauss”.
Taking her reading glasses off, the once cocky smirk on the SES’ face was now wiped off clean. “I didn’t want it to go that far, but how else was I suppose to get your attention? I tried calling bu-“.
Right as Erin mentioned the phone calls Alek cut her off, “The phone calls should have been enough of a clue that I didn’t want to talk, that I just wanted to be left alone”.
“Well you should have known that I wouldn’t stop just there”, by now Strauss had a pointed look on her face her eyebrows raised all the way to her hairline. Both of the woman were now just staring each other down while sitting in silence until Strauss let out a deep breath and continued from where she left off, “I want you to join the team”.
Shocked would be a pathetic word to describe the emotion that passed over Alek. She was more so bewildered, why on earth would Strauss say such a thing. “What, why”, where the only words that Alek could get out of her mouth at the moment.
“You’d be a great asset to the team, we could use someone like you especially with your background”, by now Alek still didn’t know how to process this all. As she still had yet to say anything Strauss decided it would be best to ask the woman opposite of her a question, “Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it?”
The moment that question left her mouth, Alek was all too quick to respond, “I haven’t”. That seemed to shut the SES right up as she now looked flabbergasted. Shaking her head Alek stood up, her heart was racing through her chest almost caught in her throat, “I can’t do this”. Making her way towards the office door, Alek ended up practically slamming it open and hurrying down the corridor as she could feel the walls closing in on her.
Just as she was about to step on the floor of the BAU bullpen Alek was pulled back into reality as the voice of the person she was just speaking with rung out behind her, “Miss. Vultaggio, I understand that you’re going through some things right now but please give it one day, that’s all I ask”.
At this point Alek was fuming with anger, clenching her fist so tight she cut off the blood circulation only to turn around looking SES Erin Strauss point blank in the eyes. “I mean no disrespect ma’am, but going through some things?”, Alek all but spat out at the woman. “You have no idea what I’ve been through, the things I’ve seen, the things I’ve....done”, Alek had uttered that last word with what some could think was disgust. At that Alek closed her eyes trying to calm herself down before opening them up again, now calm Alek took a deep breath, “But, I’ll think about it”.
With that, Alek didn’t have the time to see the look on Strauss’ face as she just wanted to get the hell out of there. Turning back around Alek made her way towards the doors of the BAU only to catch out of the corner of her eye the stares of four people.
From the looks on their faces it seemed clear to Alek that they had caught the conversation or I guess the banter she just had with Strauss and to say that they were pleased would be an understatement. They probably have never heard anyone talk to Erin that way before as she was their superior, one that they weren’t very pleased with.
Though just as Alek was about to turn her attention back to getting out of there, she ended up catching the eye of the youngest one in the group. She could feel him profiling her as soon as their eyes met, though he wouldn’t be able to profile much as he probably had no idea where to start. Having been through enough during the day, Alek ticked her jaw in agitation and set her eyes forward again just to walk out of the BAU and back into the elevator.
Looking at her watch for what should be the last time that day, Alek slightly chuckled under her breath. How wrong she was about the time she would make it back to her apartment only just seemed to annoy her more than ever.
plastic hearts - prologue
plastic hearts masterlist
a/n : this is my first ever fanfiction that i’ve written on tumblr, so i hope that most of you if not all of you enjoy reading my story. also quick side note if you didn’t know before but during this book (much later) i plan for the main character to have a love interest. based on what you’ll know about the mc, please feel free to share your opinion on who you think her love interest should be.
chapter warning(s) : none so far

prologue : job hunting
song : sunlight by hozier
It was days like today that made it hard to get up, the woman’s body, who was laying in her bed, ached with every breath she took. She was tired, exhausted and if she had it her way she’d go back to sleep, but it seemed that every time she closed her eyes she was plagued with the feeling of terror. Stretching her arms out, she pulled the warm covers off of her just to rest her feet on the stinging cold hardwood. Trying to wake herself up she took a moment, running her palms over her eyes trying her hardest to rub the sleep out of them.
Though she ended up taking more than a moment as she got lost in her thoughts, lost in the feeling of the coldness that enveloped her in a hug. Finally after trial and tribulation, she managed to stand up on her feet. Some how her body caring for itself as she was dressed and ready to go about her day. Stepping out into her hallway, she ended up shutting her front door with her wallet and keys in hand. Double checking that her apartment was in fact locked, she looked down at her watch covered wrist only to see that it was fifteen minutes to two.
Racking her brain she calculated the time in her head, estimating that she should be back home at the latest by six thirty. Tucking her hands in the pockets of her jean jacket, she started her journey of trying to get outside, her feet themselves carrying her down the stairs. Once making her way outside, she started to trek to her destination. She had one objective today and that was to find a job. And with the rate she was going she honestly wouldn’t be able to survive off of the money she had left in her bank account.
By now an hour had passed and she hadn’t had any luck with jobs. Continuing to search the streets of Washington D.C. to find help wanted signs, the corner of her eyes seemed to catch a blur of black. Sharply turning her head, the woman got whiplash as she looked down the street only to see a black suv with tinted windows pointed in her direction entirely. She wanted to get a closer look as she couldn’t see who was in the car but knew someone was as the engine was running.
Trying to not look into it too much, she started to walk again turning her head back to it’s original position only to take a quick glance back at the suv. Though the moment she did, she was filled with surprise as the spot it previously occupied was now vacant. Huffing under her breath, the woman received weird looks as she spoke to herself silently but not as silent as she had though, “it’s nothing Alek, it’s nothing.”
Continuing with her task for the day, (the now named woman) Alek walked down every street of the metropolitan area. With that, her luck had gotten better as she managed to score a couple of interviews on the spot. Though, with every interview she was only told that they would call her in the next couple of days with the news if she got the job or not. And to be honest with how everything has been going lately she’d be surprised if she actually somehow got hired.
Furthering her quest, the sun had now set as it was close to six pm, the city of Washington D.C. busier then it had been before. By now Alek just wanted to get back to her apartment and take a blistering hot shower as her whole body was numb from the frigid cold weather. Trying to get some feeling back in her feet, she started trekking back to her apartment.
About to cross the street, Alek looked towards her right and left to make sure no cars were near by and that it was safe to cross. Looking around it was clear to the naked eye that the street was safe to cross but only to that of the naked eye. For a second she too had thought it was safe until she saw something reflect in the darkness of the night.
As her eyes couldn’t depict what exactly she had seen her feet started to carry her towards the reflective object. Alek had only taken about 3 steps when all of a sudden she seemed to realize that the reflective object wasn’t an object at all but it was actually a car. The black suv that she had seen earlier in the day to be exact. Usually, she wouldn’t be so concerned about the suv but having seen the exact same one more times this week than she really has with any other cars, it bothered her greatly.
Shaking her head, she knew exactly what the source, causing the suv to follow her every move, was. Knowing that it wasn’t going to stop until she put an end to it, she ended up turning around changing her destination to that of a bus stop instead of her apartment. Alek honestly couldn’t believe that it had to result in this, at first when she noticed the black suv she wasn’t at all worried. It was pretty normal to see suvs all around Washington D.C. it was a sight everyone sees everyday.
Though, to have seen the same suv multiple days in a row and to see it almost everywhere she went, irked her in more ways than one. Reaching the bus stop, Alek was fortunate enough to have arrived right as a bus pulled up. As the doors opened, she climbed on in only to see more than a dozen people occupying the seats.
“Where to”, a voice called out causing her to snap her head towards the direction the voice came from. Her eyes stumbled across the face that went with the voice, recognizing them as the bus driver.
Pulling a five dollar bill out from her right back pocket, Alek handed it to the burly looking man. “Virginia”, she said but she could tell that wasn’t enough from the look on that of the man now holding her once five dollar bill. Swallowing hard, she set her shoulders back while looking the driver in the eyes with a look that could only be described as blank. Though it was hard to tell as her eyes were covered by that of a baseball cap but that didn’t matter as she finished her sentence, “Quantico, Virginia”.
Just as she had uttered her sole destination, the driver closed the doors and started driving again. Seeing that almost all of the seats were taken, Alek ended up heading towards the back and taking a seat that was up against the window. As soon as she sat down she closed her eyes, taking a second to just relax and let everything soak in.
It wasn’t that she was feeling overwhelmed it was just the fact that she still wasn’t use to this life. The life of an everyday normal United States citizen, where people have real 9 to 5 jobs and don’t have to worry about the enemy. Overall, it was too much sensory overload for her body, it wasn’t just the change in environment but the people along with it. Going about their day as if everything was fine and dandy, they had families that they could go home to, people that would miss them.
Just thinking about it she got a little jealous, it was an emotion that Alek haven’t experienced that much in her life until she moved to the D.C. area. Trying to shake it out of her body, she opened her eyes and scoped around the bus. Casting her eyes to the left of her she could see that there was a middle aged man who kept tapping his foot on the floor of the bus.
By the looks of it, he had just gotten off work as he was covered in a grey tailored suit with his briefcase resting at his feet. To everyone else he might look well off that of a wealthy man and he probably was. But upon seeing his left ring finger Alek seemed to notice that there was a slight tan line accompanying it. That in and of itself was enough to tell her that he use to probably be wealthy, but all his wealth was taken away in the divorce.
Hence the tailored suit, the leather oxfords obtaining his feet, the bright silver diamond watch on the inside of his left wrist, along with his sleek black suede briefcase. It seemed that whomever he was married to, had gotten to keep everything including his car because it wasn’t everyday you saw a man like that on a bus like the one both the man and Alek were occupying.
Having glanced at the man long enough, she turned her attention back towards the window that occupied the right side of her body. She sighed as she watched the streets of D.C. wiz on by, though it turned into a blur as she was now lost in thought. She hadn’t even realized what was going on until the bus stopped and out yelled the bus driver, “we’re here”.
Slowly she lifted her head, expecting to be met with many faces only to be met with one and that being the driver of the bus. Getting up, she made her way to the front, thanking the burly looking man as she made her way down the steps and out into the crisp cold air. Taking a deep breath, she looked at her watch for the third time only to see it was closer to eight pm than it was to seven. Wow, a total of about two hours and she still didn’t even realized how long she had been on that bus for.
Pulling her denim jacket tighter around her body, Alek started her journey to her now almost reached destination. It took about 15 minutes to arrive, but once she had she couldn’t pull the door open any sooner. Stepping into the building she was met with warmth, the one thing her body had been lacking all day. Making her way towards the elevator she was quickly stopped short, “excuse me miss, but where are you going”.
Pivoting on a foot of hers, she looked at the woman who stopped her. “I was told to just make my way up, I’m here for a meeting”, Alek lied to the woman in front of her causing the unknown woman to bunch her eyebrows in confusion.
“Meeting with who? Im sorry but that can’t be visiting hours are over”, the small statute of the woman was now just getting on Aleks’ nerves.
Hearing the elevators open Alek started to walk backwards towards them. “My meeting”, Alek said just before taking a step back into the elevator, “is with SES Erin Strauss”. With that, she watched as the other woman’s face turned bright red. Whether it was from the fact that Alek was now standing in the elevator or the fact that Alek had a meeting with Strauss, she had no idea. And she didn’t stick around to find out as the elevator doors closed and she was now headed up towards the floor of the BAU.
Honestly, she couldn’t remember the last time she was in the FBI headquarters, but she knew that it was long ago. If her memory serves her right she hadn’t stepped foot in the building since she was in middle school. All in all it’s been almost two whole decades since Alek has seen the inside of the building and she wasn’t unhappy about it either. Before she knew it the doors to the elevator slid back open and she was now one step closer to her destination.
Walking towards the glass doors that led to the bullpen of the BAU, Alek swung it open only to be greeted by the stares of strangers. Minding no business to it, she continued her journey up the steps of the bullpen and walked down one of the long corridors that led to Strauss’ office. Stopping in front of her office, Alek raised her hand and knocked on the door lightly only to be met with a, “Come in”.
Opening the door, she shoved her body into Strauss’ office. As she was now in, Alek watched as Strauss looked up from her paperwork and pointed to the door behind Alek, “please shut the door and take a seat”.
Doing as told, she shut the door and sat herself down in one of the chairs opposite of the SES herself. “So to what do I owe the pleasure of you being here”, Alek could just see the cocky smirk Strauss had on her face the moment she got done asking Alek that question.
Shrugging her shoulders, Alek clasped her hands in front of her. “I don’t know, you tell me”, she wasn’t going to play Strauss’ game if that’s what she thought, “first the phone calls now the suv, what do you want from me Strauss”.
Taking her reading glasses off, the once cocky smirk on the SES’ face was now wiped off clean. “I didn’t want it to go that far, but how else was I suppose to get your attention? I tried calling bu-“.
Right as Erin mentioned the phone calls Alek cut her off, “The phone calls should have been enough of a clue that I didn’t want to talk, that I just wanted to be left alone”.
“Well you should have known that I wouldn’t stop just there”, by now Strauss had a pointed look on her face her eyebrows raised all the way to her hairline. Both of the woman were now just staring each other down while sitting in silence until Strauss let out a deep breath and continued from where she left off, “I want you to join the team”.
Shocked would be a pathetic word to describe the emotion that passed over Alek. She was more so bewildered, why on earth would Strauss say such a thing. “What, why”, where the only words that Alek could get out of her mouth at the moment.
“You’d be a great asset to the team, we could use someone like you especially with your background”, by now Alek still didn’t know how to process this all. As she still had yet to say anything Strauss decided it would be best to ask the woman opposite of her a question, “Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it?”
The moment that question left her mouth, Alek was all too quick to respond, “I haven’t”. That seemed to shut the SES right up as she now looked flabbergasted. Shaking her head Alek stood up, her heart was racing through her chest almost caught in her throat, “I can’t do this”. Making her way towards the office door, Alek ended up practically slamming it open and hurrying down the corridor as she could feel the walls closing in on her.
Just as she was about to step on the floor of the BAU bullpen Alek was pulled back into reality as the voice of the person she was just speaking with rung out behind her, “Miss. Vultaggio, I understand that you’re going through some things right now but please give it one day, that’s all I ask”.
At this point Alek was fuming with anger, clenching her fist so tight she cut off the blood circulation only to turn around looking SES Erin Strauss point blank in the eyes. “I mean no disrespect ma’am, but going through some things?”, Alek all but spat out at the woman. “You have no idea what I’ve been through, the things I’ve seen, the things I’ve....done”, Alek had uttered that last word with what some could think was disgust. At that Alek closed her eyes trying to calm herself down before opening them up again, now calm Alek took a deep breath, “But, I’ll think about it”.
With that, Alek didn’t have the time to see the look on Strauss’ face as she just wanted to get the hell out of there. Turning back around Alek made her way towards the doors of the BAU only to catch out of the corner of her eye the stares of four people.
From the looks on their faces it seemed clear to Alek that they had caught the conversation or I guess the banter she just had with Strauss and to say that they were pleased would be an understatement. They probably have never heard anyone talk to Erin that way before as she was their superior, one that they weren’t very pleased with.
Though just as Alek was about to turn her attention back to getting out of there, she ended up catching the eye of the youngest one in the group. She could feel him profiling her as soon as their eyes met, though he wouldn’t be able to profile much as he probably had no idea where to start. Having been through enough during the day, Alek ticked her jaw in agitation and set her eyes forward again just to walk out of the BAU and back into the elevator.
Looking at her watch for what should be the last time that day, Alek slightly chuckled under her breath. How wrong she was about the time she would make it back to her apartment only just seemed to annoy her more than ever.
plastic hearts - masterlist
(a criminal minds fanfiction)

summary : this is a story in which a woman with a exquisite dangerous past is asked to join the BAU, having nothing to lose she contemplates whether she should take the offer or not. join the journey as you’ll find out more about her past, more about the thoughts that haunt her mind. who knows maybe even her broken heart will finally be mended.
warning(s) : will contain mature content, you have been warned and FYI does contain slow burn
i don’t own criminal minds (though i wish i did) but i do own my original characters and their story lines.
also, during this book (much later) i plan for the main character to have a love interest. based on what you’ll know about the mc, please feel free to share your opinion on who you think her love interest should be.
Big hotch phase I'm going through right now, why is he so daddy!!!!
Actually a crime, lmao, put that on criminal minds hahaha.
I like the ones with teen readers and he takes care of them and kinda adopts them.
Also like the sugar daddy and co worker ones too xoxo
Ever had ideas that you cant write, cause that's the story of my life.

🎃Kinktober 2021🎃

I decided to do Kinktober this year! I have never done this before and I’m very excited to do this! I believe that I can do this and have fun with it. Especially because I have alof of ideas but nowhere to put them. So—here we are!
*Some of these characters or kinks might change*

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Thank you for reading! If you’d like to be tagged for the posts, please let me know! 🎃😻
Day 3: Public Sex
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x AMAB!Reader
Warnings: NSFW Themes, AMAB!Reader, Dirty Talk, Depictions of Crime Scene Evidence, Slight Size Difference (Reader is 5’2), Reader uses He/They pronouns, Sir/Daddy kink.
Rating: 18+, Sexual Themes, Not suitable for audiences sensitive to mentions of blood and crime.
Word Count: 1,743
“Prentiss, Rossi, proceed to the crime scene. Morgan and Reid, head to the precinct, make sure things are set up for us. We should be able to meet back up in about two hours to discuss our findings. We should be able to figure out our next steps from there.” Aaron said firmly, his voice slightly scratchy from the amount of speaking he had been doing during the last few weeks with the previous case.
The team got off the jet and headed into their separate vehicles and off they drove. The first victim was twenty seven year old Jera Lynch. She had been stabbed to death and then put into a suitcase. The two of you had been sitting side by side, your mind was thinking about a lot of things. You and Jera had similar facial features as well as eye color. It freaked you out. Aaron’s eyes were on the road but his posture told you that his mind was on other things. The two of you had been together for quite some time, longer than you had ever been with anyone else. He was caring and patient. He never made you feel like some kind of weirdo for loving the job you had now. He glanced at you for a second before his eyes drifted back to the road. Reaching over, he placed his hand on your thigh. He hated to see you so worried. It made him feel helpless to the fact he couldn’t help you.
“We will catch the guy. You are safe, we’ve got you.” Aaron said softly, not trying to jar you out of your thoughts too quickly.
You look at him, nodding. His words were filled with sincerity but you couldn’t shake the feeling that something would happen and you wouldn’t be. You set your hand gently onto his, gripping it. Soon, the two of you reached the family's home. Before you got out of the car, you looked towards Aaron. He looked into your eyes, sensing your hesitation. He got out of the car and closed his door before coming around and helping you out. He squeezed your hand before letting go and walking to their front door. The parents answered the door, their eyes swollen from grieving. They looked to Aaron, who stepped forward and presented his badge. They waved them inside their home.and sat them down. The Lynches were very gracious in everything that they did. Their daughter was a joyous woman and she was in everyone’s good graces. Her family couldn’t think of any people that they could think would harm her. Aaron was pretty effective at being neutral but still empathetic with everyone he came across. It was something that you loved about him. When you first met him, he drew you in with his smile and charismatic nature. And now here you are, almost five years into it and you were nearly obsessed with him. He had grown as a person since you had both met but in a positive way.
“Thank you so much for having us. We must get back to the precinct and continue our investigation. If you have any information that you believe would be useful for us, please contact us. Here is my card" Aaron reached into his jacket pocket and handed Davis Lynch his card, “We will catch the person who did this to your daughter.”
The two of you stood and ventured out of their home. Before you stepped off the steps, Jera’s mother grabbed your elbow and you turned around swiftly. You turn and gaze at her.
“Is there something I can do for you?” You say quietly. She reached up and put a hand on your cheek. You flinched a little bit at the contact.
“Y-You look just like her.” She said just as quietly and stepped back into the home, closing the door slowly.
You stand there, not very sure how to feel about what has happened. After a few moments, you began to walk to the car. Tapping on the glass, you signaled for him to open the door. Aaron unlocked the door and you hopped into your seat. You began the drive to the precinct. Getting there was a decent drive but you had played your playlist and the two of you jammed out to a couple of the songs. Feeling a bit better after speaking to the parents, both of you went in and talked with the rest of the team about what you had learned. A few hours pass and the team finally leave to go to their hotel to get ready for lunch. They all got there, settled in and headed towards the restaurant. Rossi driving one car and Aaron driving the other. They all sit around the table and talk to each other about how they think this case is going to go. And then all about their lives and how they personally were feeling. You sat next to Aaron of course, your hand on his thigh. He smiled and occasionally chuckled if you or Rossi said something entertaining. He would look at you and then your lips.
Occasionally, you would catch him staring at your lips or your eyes. And you smile or squeeze his thigh in response. Moving your hand up his thigh each time, you wanted to tease the man. Of course, he seemed determined to do that to you. Aaron wasn’t being subtle about looking at you, he loved you and everyone there knew that. His beautiful brown eyes turned dark as he simply took in your appearance. It made you warm with the darkness and adulterated intent in his eyes. Aaron smirked, his tongue peeking out of his mouth for a moment to lick his bottom lip as his eyes fell onto yours and you felt done for. You shifted in your chair, your hand moving high, settling gently onto his crotch. He looked briefly at his crotch where your hand lay then into your eyes. You wanted him, it didn’t really matter where but you needed him. The day was already so stressful and waiting until later was out of the question. You stood first, quietly excusing yourself. Walking towards the back of this diner, you thought to yourself. Behind this place was just a bunch of trees. It was better than the bathrooms. You stood patiently by the back door. Surely enough after a few minutes, he came around the corner. Aaron pushed you against the wall, pinning your hips there with his, your legs intertwined.
“Yes what, baby?” He growls low into your ear, putting his hands on your hips.
“Y-Yes daddy. T-touch me, please!” You softly whimper into his ear, putting your hand in his dark hair, gripping it as tingles spread across your skin.
He softly groaned at the tug, kissing your neck. Your hand gripped his hair tighter, your eyes shut for only a minute before your body flushed. Your pants began to get unbearably tight as your cock begged to be released. Grinding your hips against his, the friction was going to kill you. Aaron smiled into your skin, reaching down and rubbing you through your pants. Your hips immediately rutting into his hand, unable to restrain yourself. He reached into your pants, playing with your cock slowly and teasingly slow.
“D-Daddy! More! Please!” Slowly chanting, your hips thrusting into his hand.
“Already so wet and needy baby? I’m not surprised. Let me prep you first.” He said, slowly moving his finger to your hole and gently pushing his finger inside.
Your soft hiss of pain as he continued, trying his best to be gentle. Without any lube, they weren’t in luck and Aaron was worried he would hurt you. You reached your other hand up, softly stroking his cheek. You smile as the pain become pleasure and pressure. Pushing your hips back against his finger, you wanted him to know it was ok, you would be fine. He just had to be more gentle then normal. Aaron added another finger, hitting your prostate. Your hands immediately went to his shoulders, gripping very hard. It felt very good, the loud moan escaping you being an indicator. Aaron played with your cock more as he thrusted his fingers more inside. After a few thrust, he decided you were ready and he unzipped his pants. Putting his hand in his mouth to gather a little bit of spit, he rubbed it on himself before rubbing his cock against your hole. Reaching under you, he lifted you up enough so that your legs were on his hips.
“Are you ready? I am if you are.” Aaron says, putting his cock directly under your hole, letting you lead.
“Yes daddy, please! Fuck me!” You whined. He moaned softly, settling you down onto his cock very slowly, watching your face as your nose scrunched up.
Aaron waited for just a moment for you to be ready as he would never be able to forgive himself if you were ever hurt. You nodded slowly and he began to thrust slowly. He pulled the tip out and thrust it in deeply, filling you to the hilt. The angle he was thrusting hit your prostate and your body shook in pleasure.
“Aah-! That’s good~” You moan, looking at him as he fucked him, “That feels so good!”
Aaron continued fucking you, your moans and whimpers fueling his desire to please. The sounds of your skin slapping together and the fact that they were outside, fucking against the wall where anyone could walk by was making this more and more exciting. The two of you reached climax much earlier than usual. You trembled, clinging to him as your cum came spurting out of your cock onto Aaron’s white shirt. The one time he wore white. He moaned as you panted, cumming inside you, moaning into your collarbone. His thrusts slowing to a stop. He gently set you down and helped you get redressed. Kissing your lips, he reached for your hand.
“Let’s get cleaned up and eat our lunch huh?” He smiled to you.
“Of course, daddy.”

The Twelve Days of Christmas
So this is almost completely inspired by the lovely @haley-h0tchner . I decided to write my rendition of the twelve days leading to Christmas Day With our beloved Aaron Hotchner! Starting on the 13th, it will run to Christmas Day, the 25th ofc! This list will be updated every day! So don’t forget to check in!☺️💚
1. Early Bird
2. Winter Wonder
3. Glistening Lights
4. Halo
5. Yule Logs
6. Sweater Season
7. Moon Gazing
8. Rosemary & Sage
9. Snowy Treats
10. Team Tidings
11. Cookies for Santa
12. Presents
Early Birds | Day 1 | A.H.
Summary: It’s your third Christmas with your boys. You hadn’t realised that the two didn’t go all out for Christmas like yourself before moving in but now they finally embrace it. Aaron comes back late that night after a case. He normally is an early riser but he was still fast asleep. Fortunately, you and jack had a surprise for him.
Warnings: Food/Baking Cookies
Word Count: 858

Christmas was a serious holiday in the Hotchner home. All outdoor Christmas decorations were put up at the beginning of December. Christmas music and Caroling were a tradition ever since you had moved in with them. Today was going to be a movie day.
Aaron was still sound asleep after coming home around three am the previous night. So you kissed him on the forehead and tip toed over to the closet to grab one of his sweaters and slipping it over your head. You scooted out into the hallway, heading to Jacks room. Knocking gently, you opened the door to find it empty. Furrowing your brow, you began searching around before hearing the clatter of one of the metal bowls hitting the kitchen counter. Walking out of the room, you padded into the kitchen, noticing right away all the ingredients were laid out. The mixer was sitting on the counter too and the metal bowl he had set there was leaning on the edge.
“Good morning. What are you making?” Chuckling as you walked closer. He looked up with wide eyes, the flash of fright disappearing when he saw your face. He breathed a sigh of relief and looked into your eyes as he spoke.
“Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you both up. I-I just thought cookies would a nice thing to make..ya know?.” He smiled before looking around on the counter. He opened the kitchen pantry and got out the baking aprons.
“That does sound nice, can I help?” You asked, wanting to bake some cookies with him. He turned around and handed you the apron that she had brought to their home, his in hand. Smiling up at you, he replies happily. “Yes! They can be a surprise for dad! Since he’s not up yet!”
Smiling, you put your apron on. Fastening it, you looked at the ingredients. You thought to yourself how proud you were. He even remembered what ingredients to pull out. Making Linzer cookies were always a delight and Jack had really taken to them. He hadn’t liked them without something to drink so you had made he fell in love with them. You only made them the first months of the year, this day marking the start.
“Sounds good, let’s get started!” With that, the two of you got to it. You ended up turning on a quiet playlist of carols somewhere while waiting for the cookies to bake. You had got out the jam and had already dusted the powdered sugar onto the plate. As soon as the cookies were done, you pulled them out and gave Jack the tops to powder and put the jam on the bottoms. Putting them together seemed to be his favourite thing. Once they were done, you plated them. Putting coffee on for Aaron, you cleaned up.
“Are we making hot chocolate too?” Jack asked, his eyes wobbling as he hoped you’d say yes. Smiling, you nodded. Turning to the cup cupboard, you slowly pulled out a mug for you and Jacks mug. Setting them down on the counter, you pulled out milk, chocolate powder and sugar. Pouring out the milk into a small saucepan, you ushered him over. Jack quickly took over with his cup as the two of you added your particular ratio of sugar to chocolate powder. When the milk was hot enough, you turned off the stove and poured equal amounts into both cups. Jack immediately began to stir his as you got out the mini marshmallows. Handing the bag to Jack, you watched him grab a mighty handful. Sprinkling a good chunk of them into the cup, eating the rest. You mixed yours, putting a few mallows into your mug.
As the two of you stood and chatted with each other quietly, Aaron shuffled into the kitchen. The two of you smiled at him, Jack going over and hugged him gently before coming over to the plate of cookies.
“Guess what dad? We made cookies! The sweet ones with fruit jam on the inside!” Aaron smiled as his son wiggled with excitement. Coming over to the counter, he looked into your eyes before eyeing the mugs.
“That’s awesome bud, they look amazing. Did you make hot chocolate as well?” Jack nodded, holding out his mug to show Aaron, smiling widely. Aaron chuckled at the heavy amount of marshmallows there were in his mug compared to yours.
Aaron walked over to the cupboard and grabbed his favourite mug and poured himself some coffee and then stood next to you. Putting his arm around your waist, he kissed your cheek. Smiling up at him, you leaned your head against his shoulder.
“Well, let’s have some cookies shall we?” You asked, they both smiled and grabbed a cookie from the plate. Biting into them, they both groaned at how good they tasted. Shaking your head a little bit, you smiled and grabbed one as well.
“This is really good, thank you Angel.” Aaron spoke, squeezing you closer. He wasn’t expecting to have cookies that morning but it definitely was a wonderful way to wake up, with his little family.

Taglist: @haley-h0tchner
Winter Wonder | Day 2 | A.H.
Summary: You and Aaron go out on a Christmas date. It wasn’t often Aaron is home around the holidays but this year was something special.
Warnings: Pre-Established Relationship, Hotch is Soft.
Word Count: 593

Come on Angel, we have to go so we can get good parking.” Aaron hollered down the hallway. Tonight was date night but with a holiday twist. The two of you were going to the Multi-Cultural Christmas market downtown. They had an abundance of foods, drinks and entertainment. Aaron was very excited to go with you. Not to mention, this year was the first year after finding out your families heritage.
“Ok! I’m almost done!” You yelled back. Making sure your hair and clothes looked and felt fine before leaving the bathroom. Walking out into the hallway, you made sure that all the lights were off and doors were locked. Walking quickly into the front living room, you stopped in front of Aaron. He was leaning on the couch, adjusting his shirt buttons. You stood there a bit simply just staring. Aaron finally looked up, smiling as he eyed your outfit.
“Well well well. Hello there.” Aaron put his large hands on your waist, pulling you close. Standing up, he leaned down to kiss your lips. Your hands reaching up onto the nape of his neck, pulling him closer. The kiss was short and sweet. You pulled apart, smiling up him. He grabbed the keys and you were off.
The drive was very short, but finding a parking spot from the little venue took a bit of time. Aaron had planned on getting your favorite parking space but someone had already got it. So he settled for the one beside it. Once in park, Aaron got out and went over to your door, opening it for you. Once you got your things together, the two of you were off.
There was so much to see, all the stalls had beautiful artwork on their signs. A menu of the things they sold was right beside it, adorned with small little LED lights. You didn’t know where to start but settled on the German sweets. They were very flavourful and it wasn’t expected but you were so glad you had them. Aaron steered you towards the little booths with trinkets. You decided on getting a few things for Jack, a small little yarn toy and a charcoal grey cup cozy that pairs well with his Star Wars cup.
“Did you see this love, This is a good present for Jack!” Aaron says, wrapping his hands around your waist.
“Yes, I did. I am thinking of getting one of these painting as well.” You smiled and picked up the beautiful The two of you continued along, hand in hand. You had picked up a soft winter blanket. It was beautiful, robin egg blue with little snowflakes on them. “This is absolutely beautiful. This will go really bed with our bed spread.” You say softly, walking beside him.
The rest of your date consisted of Aaron showing you foods to try and you giving him a history lesson about them. It didn’t stop him from giving you small kisses on the cheek every so often. As you both walked back to the car, hands intertwined, you leaned against his arm. “I had a great time tonight, love.” You spoke, your voice wavering as the cool air caused a shiver.
“I had a good time too Angel. I’m glad we decided to go here. We should make it a tradition.” Aaron said, opening the car door for you. Walking around the car to his door, he smiled. A new tradition in the Hotchner home? Filled with endless possibilities, he couldn’t wait until next year.

Taglist: @haley-h0tchner
Keep Me Warm

Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Gender-Neutral!Reader
Warning: smut, very light dom hotch
Rating: 18+, pre-established relationship
Word count: 924
You were very fortunate to be home during the autumn with Aaron and Jack. Most of your cases seemed to wane at the end of the summer season so you were lucky to have this time. Jess had come to pick up Jack to look after him for the weekend so it was just you and Aaron.
“I want to check something, just real quick and then we can spend the rest of the day on the couch.”
Setting your hands on his shoulders, you stood behind him simply looking over his shoulder. Not to read but to be closer to him. Soon however, your hands moved from his shoulders down to his biceps. Your face nestled in close to his ear as you debated pulling up a chair. Unable to resist, you moved your lips up to his ear and nipped at it gently, receiving a soft groan from the dark haired man.
“Honey…” His warm voice coming out as a warning as you continued moving your hands down his body. His broad shoulders were making it impossible to pull away. You knew he need to finish some paperwork but you needed him so badly. Moving around the chair very slowly, you climbed into his chair, sitting carefully in his lap.
“I-I just wanna sit with you. Is that ok?” You asked, your lips pressed up against his cheek. He turned his head to look at you, his gaze dropping to your lips as he nodded and returned to his work. Smiling, you rested your head on his shoulder, his warmth making your need for him so much stronger as the time went by.
You couldn’t remember when you started to gently grind up against him, but you couldn’t help it. He had placed his warm hand on the small of your back and encouraged the push and pull of your hips. Chest to chest, your lips left soft kisses under his ear as you fought to sink onto the man right then and there. After all, he said he was going to be quick. So you assumed that he wouldn’t mind if you started the festivities early. Slowly, you leaned back to move your hands down his clothed chest to his belt buckle. Trying not to move too much, you reached your hand into his pants to touch his cock which you were surprised to find almost completely hard. Looking to Aaron, you caught his eye as he watched you pull him out. His cock was warm in your hands as your grip tightened and you shifted a bit, your arousal not unknown to the other. You didn’t realise you were whimpering for him until his hand slipped under your chin. “You can warm me. But you can’t wiggle. Ok?”
You couldn’t have moved quicker, slipping off your underwear and getting yourself ready faster. His eyes roamed your body before you began to seat him inside your warm hole. Gripping his broad shoulders, you couldn’t help but whine as you bottomed out. He never dissatisfied when it came to filling you this way. He was perfect in every way that counted, you could have cried at the relief you felt. Putting your hand through his dark hairs, you smiled to your partner. He was so handsome, his eyes were so beautiful and he knew what you needed and wanted. Aaron smiled to you, admiring you as though you were a piece of modern art. Being so full was starting to take its toll as your eyes couldn’t look away from his face, wanting nothing more than to have his face in between your legs. His stubble rubbing against your inner thighs, his lips kissing the skin as he neared your center. Your hands roamed his shoulders and neck as you continued to stare.
Panting, your eyes snapped open as your hips mindlessly rocked. Aaron hadn’t fully abandoned his work but his hand was violently gripping the pen as your body took what it needed. The faint feeling of his tongue dragging up on your skin and his groans and partial moans were fuelling your desire. His cock throbbing deep inside your needy hole was what finally caused the tension to release. Your lips parted as you clenched around Aaron, riding the wave of your climax.
“I said no wiggling honey, I’ll let that one slide just because you looked so delicious coming all over my cock.”
Criminal profiler, Federal agent
Born in 1981
Spencer Reid
Criminal profiler, Federal agent
Born in 1981

Spencer Reid

Come on, Spencer, you can do it
Pave the way, put your back into it
Tell us why, show us how
Look at where you came from,

look at you now

Cat Adams

and Tobias Hankel

and Diane Turner

Amateurs, can fucking suck it

Fuck their wives, drink their blood

Come on, Spencer, get 'em!

If his name ain't hotch don't let him near that crotch. Legs open in 30.

Crédits to owner