nevern0penope - Never Not Nope!!!
Never Not Nope!!!

⚡️💜🪼They/them Mid 20’s🪼💜⚡️✨Fat person & fat person admirer✨🔞MINORS DNI🔞

158 posts

I Want To Get More Tattoos. Specifically On My Tummy And Legs. Also A Bellybutton Piercing Would Be Fucking

I want to get more tattoos. Specifically on my tummy and legs. Also a bellybutton piercing would be fucking hot. I need to look hotter and gayer and fatter and

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More Posts from Nevern0penope

5 months ago
This Wont Make Your Blog Look Ugly. How Could You Not Reblog This? REBLOGGING THIS COULD SAVE A LIFE!!!

This won’t make your blog look ugly. How could you not reblog this? REBLOGGING THIS COULD SAVE A LIFE!!!

5 months ago


5 months ago

It will never not baffle me how hard society tries to insist that fatness is an abnormality. The average western woman wears plus size clothing. One of the smallest garments on the scale is called a medium. Most people with anorexia are in the overweight bmi category, yet somehow that's known as "atypical anorexia". Fatness is often labeled the cause of a number of diseases, but there are literally no diseases exclusive to fat bodies. Looking at movies and television, you'd think the world was 98% thin people. It's not.

My point isn't that if it was pretty rare to be fat, fatphobia would be okay. Of course not.

My point is that we're surrounded by all these artificial indicators that fatness is unnatural and uncommon and it's just not true?? Humans are not always thin and we've never all been thin and we're not all meant to be thin. Fat humans are a normal type of human. Fatness is a feature, not a bug.

5 months ago

thinking about how epic it would be if I just had huge boobs. like I’d just be knocking people down with those knockers. not my fault I can’t see past them.

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5 months ago

explain your gender in 10 words or less without using boring words like “male”, “female”, “nonbinary”, “masculine”, “feminine” or “androgynous”.


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