601 posts
Why, This Is Hell And Nor Am I Out Of It
Why, this is hell and nor am I out of it
Mephistopheles - Christopher Marlowe’s ‘Dr Faustus’ (via wholesomeobsessive)
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It just occurred to me that people who haven’t read the book don’t know about this amazing analogy
“By the side of the everlasting Why there is a Yes — a transitory Yes if you like, but a Yes.”
— A Room with a View. E.M. Forster. (via realsurrealunreal)
Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscribed In one self place, for where we are is hell, And where hell is must we ever be
Christopher Marlowe, Dr. Faustus (via wholesomeobsessive)
And she was curious about me, too, something that I’d not experienced for some time. We talked about our parents and our siblings, our work and friends, our schools and childhoods, the implication being that we would need to know this information for the future. Of course, after nearly a quarter of a century, the questions about our distant pasts have all been posed and we’re left with ‘how was your day?’ and ‘when will you be home?’ and 'have you put the bins out?' Our biographies involve each other so intrinsically now that we’re both on nearly every page. We know the answers because we were there, and so curiosity becomes hard to maintain; replaced, I suppose, my nostalgia.
Us by David Nicholls (via wholesomeobsessive)