Melissa And Aiden Dorm Life Pt 1
Melissa and Aiden Dorm Life Pt 1

Aiden: How were your classes today?
Melissa: I have to get a tutor for math. I know for sure I will fail.
Aiden: We are only in the second week how could you know that?
Melissa: I failed the first test they gave us. I had no idea they only give you 5 days to study the material. I have never had this math before.
Aiden: Where is your homework? Maybe I can help you?
Melissa: Nah I want to just chill with you. I haven’t seen you since yesterday.
Aiden: My roommate doesn’t come back until tomorrow. Want to hang out in the dorm?
Melissa: Absolutely.
Aiden: We have to hurry. They do roll call in 3 hours.

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Logan and Queen talk - throwback - pt 1
Logan: Queen!
Queen: Hey Lo how’s it going?

Logan: You are a hard woman to find. Where have you been hiding?

Queen: Lol well I stopped dancing.
Logan: What? Who is going to refund my membership?
Queen: You know under the current situation...
Queen looks behind her and sees Diamond.
Queen: How about we go to a more private area and talk?

Logan: I have missed you. What has been going on? All the girls seem frazzled.
Queen: This investigation is not moving at ALL. I can’t get rid of Diamond. She is always in my face.
Logan: Whattt
Queen: I can’t work under these circumstances. She is bossy and stupid. She has no idea what she is talking about half the time and let me not forget she is annoying as hell.

Diamond confronts Queen - throw back
Logan: I am going to head out. Call me when you get a chance.
Queen: I will.

Queen heads to her office and gets on the computer.
Diamond barges into her office.

Diamond: Why aren’t you on stage? You were supposed to be up there 2 hours ago.

Queen doesn’t respond. She continues to type away.

Diamond: If you don’t stop this, we will have to let you go. You are here to work. That is all. Do you understand me? Get off that computer. Right now. Your place is on that stage!

Queen balls on her fists and bangs the table. She jumps up from the desk and walks toward Diamond.

Queen: You can go to hell Diamond. You are making this job environment unbearable. I am here to work. We know this. You are here for some annoying reason. There have been several complaints against you. You are stealing from those girls. If I decide to report you, you will be let go from your city job. What you are doing is illegal. I am here to make sure the other girls don’t kill you. That is MY job.

Do yourself a favor and LEAVE me alone.

Please check out the Pinned Post - There are “Jump to Links” that has the information on these characters.
This series is featured on Youtube. There are over 20 videos posted with more that will be added in the future.
There is more to come. Thank you for all the support. Stay tuned!
Diamond and Jermaine discuss the club finances
After reviewing the finance reports, Diamond and Jermaine agree to meet at the club. Diamond doesn’t have access to the office, so she has to sit at one of the serving tables. She sits down and reviews the reports while she waits for Jermaine.

Diamond: Hey Babe
Jermaine: What is all this?
Diamond: I was able to pull some reports from the City Database and according to the last reporting, this place was only pulling in $35,000. That was 6 years ago. Based on the 14 employees who are currently employed, there are funds unreported.
Jermaine: So what does that mean?
Diamond: I sat back and calculated the current revenue, you know the door prices, bar prices and dancer fees.
Jermaine: On my report that alone on a daily basis brings in over $30,000
Diamond: Well actually it is more than that. So the ladies who provide VIP services get paid 20% more. That brings the price up to about $60k a day and that doesn’t include tips.
Diamond and Jermaine fall silent and took at each other. Their eyes grow as they review the calculations.
Jermaine: So what does this mean?

Diamond: This means that if taxes were taken out, uh..
Jermaine: How do you tax something like this?
Diamond: Well the last 6 years’ worth of taxes hasn’t been paid. So, we have to catch up. We will have to take out extra to keep this place open. We are looking at price hikes and pay cuts.

Jermaine: Is this the only way? The services are already high.
Diamond: Either that or take money from the dancers now. We have to come up with something to keep this place running. Wages are going to be garnished.
Two dancers are sitting nearby eavesdropping.
Jermaine: The deadline is ..... (flips through documents)
Diamond: I was able to get an extension. I am going to get another opinion to make sure this is the right thing to do.
Jermaine: If we can keep the ladies busy and dancing, maybe they won’t notice any money missing.
Diamond: I will also raise the prices on the services.

Diamond catches the Eye of Lili
Diamond: Hey Lili is everything ok?
Lili: Yes. Do you need any help with anything? I hear you over there discussing wages.
Jermaine: We just need you ladies to keep doing what you are doing. You ladies are such amazing dancers.
Lili is suspicious. She gets up and heads to the back to speak with the other ladies.
Logan and Queen talk - throwback - pt 2
Queen: It has been so bad here. Many of the girls don’t want to dance anymore. She changed the dancer pay rate so the girls make less. She claims this is to take out taxes. She won’t let me see any of the financial reports she types up. This are really bad.
Logan: I haven’t seen you dancing lately.
Queen: I stopped dancing. It’s been about 3 weeks now.
Logan: I know I have been asking about you. I’m here but I never see you.
Queen: Every time I come in here, she gets in my face. It’s like she is watching me.

Logan: You seem really sad.
Queen: I had to fight her.
Logan: What? Where is this witch at!

Queen: Logan stop. She has been accusing me of sleeping with her man and not doing my work. She is just making life really difficult for everyone here. I hate her.
Logan: Did she hurt you?
Logan grabs Queen’s face and kisses her forehead. Queen is startled, they lock eyes for a few seconds. Queen gives him a kiss on the lips.

Queen: Sit down Logan. I am going to be ok. Don’t worry.
Logan: When you’re sad, I get sad. Not to mention she is messing up our time together. You need to tell me what happened. When did you two fight?

Queen: hmmm you’re so sweet.