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Logan and Queen talk - throwback - pt 1
Logan: Queen!
Queen: Hey Lo how’s it going?

Logan: You are a hard woman to find. Where have you been hiding?

Queen: Lol well I stopped dancing.
Logan: What? Who is going to refund my membership?
Queen: You know under the current situation...
Queen looks behind her and sees Diamond.
Queen: How about we go to a more private area and talk?

Logan: I have missed you. What has been going on? All the girls seem frazzled.
Queen: This investigation is not moving at ALL. I can’t get rid of Diamond. She is always in my face.
Logan: Whattt
Queen: I can’t work under these circumstances. She is bossy and stupid. She has no idea what she is talking about half the time and let me not forget she is annoying as hell.

Diamond catches Queen and Jermaine in bed at the club Pt 3
Diamond arrives at her apartment, completely drained and tired. She is hungry and confused. She calls Tami in a panic. She can’t stop crying. Tami lives next door and even though it is midnight, she agreed to come over.
Tami: Hey why are your eyes so puffy. What is going on?
Diamond doesn’t say thing at first. She stands over the cutting board with tears falling down her cheeks.
Tami: Diamond?
Diamond wipes her tears. Still doesn’t say anything.
Tami: How’s the club? Why are you so upset? Talk to me girl.
Diamond: I went to the club to work on the reports, and I couldn’t get a hold of -
Diamond stops talking and starts crying extremely hard again.
Tami: Huh? Diamond Stop. Take a deep breath. Woosa and try again. Get it out.
Diamond turns to the sink and washes her face. She stands for a minute and takes a few deep breaths. She turns back to the cutting board and looks up at Tami.
I couldn’t find Jermaine. He never answered any of my calls yesterday. I must of called him 50 different times.
Tami: Omg is he ok? Did something happen? Have you contacted any hospitals or the police? Do you think he is missing?
Diamond starts crying again.
Diamond: Yes he is ok.
Tami: Then why are you so upset? You must of been crying for hours. What is going on Diamond?
Diamond: I walked around the club checking things out and I ..... I...
Tami: What? Spit it out!
Diamond stares straight at Tami with a look of defeat. She bats her eyes trying to fight the tears from falling again.
Diamond: I am embarrassed to say. I just love him so much. I have been so stupid. You were right about him, and I didn’t listen. I feel so stupid!
Tami is confused. She gets up and walks over to Diamond. She shakes Diamond.
Tami: What the heck are you trying to say? Right about who?!
Logan and Queen talk - throwback - pt 2
Queen: It has been so bad here. Many of the girls don’t want to dance anymore. She changed the dancer pay rate so the girls make less. She claims this is to take out taxes. She won’t let me see any of the financial reports she types up. This are really bad.
Logan: I haven’t seen you dancing lately.
Queen: I stopped dancing. It’s been about 3 weeks now.
Logan: I know I have been asking about you. I’m here but I never see you.
Queen: Every time I come in here, she gets in my face. It’s like she is watching me.

Logan: You seem really sad.
Queen: I had to fight her.
Logan: What? Where is this witch at!

Queen: Logan stop. She has been accusing me of sleeping with her man and not doing my work. She is just making life really difficult for everyone here. I hate her.
Logan: Did she hurt you?
Logan grabs Queen’s face and kisses her forehead. Queen is startled, they lock eyes for a few seconds. Queen gives him a kiss on the lips.

Queen: Sit down Logan. I am going to be ok. Don’t worry.
Logan: When you’re sad, I get sad. Not to mention she is messing up our time together. You need to tell me what happened. When did you two fight?

Queen: hmmm you’re so sweet.

Diamond catches Queen and Jermaine in bed at the club. Conclusion
Diamond stands in the bathroom mirror just completely shattered. He lied to her face again. It is safe to say that their whole relationship has been a lie. Jermaine is in the living room calling her name. He wants to know what is going on. Through Diamond’s sadness and rage, she feels so stuck. She doesn’t know what to do. She loves this man. Diamond washes her face again and walks back into the living room.
Jermaine: Babe -
Diamond: Shut up!
Jermaine is startled with Diamond’s aggressive tone. He sits back on the couch and gazes into her eyes. He searches for the answers before she even says anything. Diamond takes a deep breath and begins speaking. Her voice is still shaky.
Diamond: Last night I arrived at the club hoping to meet with you. We are supposed to be working on these reports. You are my partner -
Jermaine: I know and I was at home working on the report’s babe
Jermaine cuts Diamond off to spew more lies. Diamond walks towards the kitchen briefly to calm herself down and comes back.
Diamond: Can you PLEASE stop interrupting me with your lies!
Jermaine: Lies?
Diamond: Yes, your lies.
Jermaine throws his hands up and goes to say something else. Diamond crosses her arms and gives him a look, so he knows she is serious. Jermaine relaxes his hands and apologizes. He gestures that he will be quiet by zipping his lips. Diamond stands in silence for a few minutes, staring at Jermaine. He sits there with a puzzled, clueless expression.
Diamond: I went looking for you. In the club. I didn’t see you or Queen out front.
Diamond pauses and stares into Jermaine’s eyes. She scans his face searching for his realization that she knows the truth. It takes him a few minutes, but he realizes and sits forward on the couch.
Diamond: I saw you with her Jermaine. I stood in the doorway for almost an hour, and you never looked up Jermaine. Do you love her?
Jermaine’s expression changed from puzzled to now panic. His livelihood is based on Diamond giving him a job. He has nothing without her. He stays quiet and waits for Diamond’s que to speak. Diamond continues to stare at Jermaine in disappointment.
Diamond: You know, I don’t even want to hear what you have to say. My heart can’t take it. Your actions spoke for you. I am so angry right now. I am so hurt. I can call you all kind of names right now and I can push you out of my 5-story apartment. I have been crying all f*cking night and I am tired. That stupid look on your face is all the confirmation I need. I saw you! You enjoyed her! She enjoyed you. But I am your girlfriend. I got you this job. I pay your bills. I put those clothes on your back. I feed you. I love you. I do everything for you, and you spit in my face and go lay with a dirty ass f*cking stripper?! You lay in my bed every night like all is well. Who knows how many women you sleep with at that club. Get OUT of my house. I will call you when I am ready and do NOT return to the club.
Jermaine sits on the couch in disbelief. How could he be so careless. He forgot to check the door. The door must have been unlocked. He is a s*x addict and unfortunately Queen isn’t the only one, but she is the one he got caught with. He wonders will Diamond still pay his bills. He gets up from the couch hanging his head low. He messed up bad and now his future is in jeopardy.
As soon as Jermaine closes the front door, Diamond drops to her knees. She becomes upset all over again. She can’t stop crying. But she knows that this time she can’t go back to Jermaine. He has cheated in the past but sleeping with stripper is not the answer. That is unforgiveable as well as dirty. She thinks about everything that has happened and ends up falling asleep on her living room floor from exhaustion. Her life is about to take a drastic turn again.

Diamond Catches Queen and Jermaine in bed at the club PT 1
Diamond arrived at the club at 8:30PM to follow up on the salary reports. She hadn’t heard from Jermaine all day and assumed he was at the club working. She goes to one of the tables by the bar and opens her laptop. After about an hour, she notices Queen hasn’t made an appearance. The attendance log says all girls except three were off tonight. Queen was due to work. Diamond closes her laptop and walks around the stage. There are some girls sitting around charming clients.
Diamond: Hey Mo, how’s tonight going?
Mo: Mmm I don’t know. (shrug)
Diamond: Have you seen Queen?
Mo doesn’t respond. She looks Diamond up and down and then she walks away.
Diamond: Oh.... k.
Diamond heads to the bathroom and makes a phone call. No answer from Jermaine. She doesn’t have access to the office because Queen has restricted her.
Diamond: So, I guess I will survey the club to make sure everything looks good.
Diamond checks the bar, and all of the supplies are stocked. The janitors are busy cleaning up trash. She then goes back to the lap dance rooms. All the rooms except one is open and empty. Nothing to see there. There are 4 girls on stage. The backroom has about 3 girls resting and eating. Diamond then walks down the hall for the VIP S*X rooms and the sound of Jermaine’s voice can be heard. She stops for the moment because she feels she is hearing things. As she gets closer, she can hear the voice clearer. She stops to listen. Her heartbeat starts to race.
Diamond: OMG
Diamond starts to panic. Her hands become sweaty. She is listening to Jermaine moaning and calling for Queen. Her heart starts to break. She places her hand on the doorknob. Of course, the door could be locked, and maybe not. What does Diamond expect to see when and if she can open the door? Maybe it would be confirmation of the suspicions she has had about Jermaine all along? What will she do if behind that door will be the very thing that will ruin her fairytale dream of being Jermaine’s wife?
Jermaine: Mmmm this is the best I ever had.
Queen: Oh yea...
Jermaine: Give it to me!
Diamond almost vomited listening to him enjoy someone else. He told her, she was the best he ever had. Was he just using her? Diamond contemplated walking away from the door. Maybe it’s not him. Maybe that man is one of Queen’s clients who sounds like Jermaine. Maybe she is overthinking it.
But then Queen shouts out Jermaine’s name. Then she says it again. And again. And again.
Diamond turns around and prepares to walk away when her inner voice tells her to open that door. She needs to know the truth. She deserves to know. Where she is trying to go in life, she can’t afford to hold any dead weight. She loves Jermaine but maybe she was wrong about him. The way he would sweet talk her and talk about having a family one day, maybe it was all a lie. But why?
Diamond turns back to the door and slowly turns the knob. Her world shatters in a billion pieces. There Queen was comfortably mounted on top of Jermaine without a care in the world. The door wasn’t even locked. Jermaine is in cloud nine, with both hands wrapped tightly around Queen’s body. Diamond listens to their sounds of pleasure for what seemed like forever. Diamond stood outside of that closed door for nearly an hour. How long have they been in here? He never takes this much time with Diamond. He also isn’t that passionate. He’s making love to her.
Diamond then has a million thoughts in her head at once as she continues watching Queen enjoying her man. They are in sync. It almost seems like he was in love with Queen. But wait how? But why? Why is he so comfortable in her. Is this his normal routine? Is this why he never answers the phone? Diamond closes back the door and tears fill her eyes as she walks down the hall.