nightlifeseries - Night Life Series
Night Life Series

Sims 4 Storytelling. 18+

761 posts

Please Check Out The Pinned Post - There AreJump To Links That Has The Information On These Characters.

Characters of the Night Life Series
Aiden, Melissa and children Jenelle and Junior N.D. and Tami Jermaine and Diamond Jojo and Lili Sydney and Mo Tori Leading Character : Queen

Please check out the Pinned Post - There are “Jump to Links” that has the information on these characters. 

This series is featured on Youtube. There are over 20 videos posted with more that will be added in the future. 

There is more to come. Thank you for all the support.  Stay tuned! 

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2 years ago
Diamond Catches Queen And Jermaine In Bed At The Club PT 1

Diamond Catches Queen and Jermaine in bed at the club PT 1

Diamond arrived at the club at 8:30PM to follow up on the salary reports. She hadn’t heard from Jermaine all day and assumed he was at the club working. She goes to one of the tables by the bar and opens her laptop. After about an hour, she notices Queen hasn’t made an appearance. The attendance log says all girls except three were off tonight. Queen was due to work. Diamond closes her laptop and walks around the stage. There are some girls sitting around charming clients. 

Diamond: Hey Mo, how’s tonight going?

Mo: Mmm I don’t know. (shrug) 

Diamond: Have you seen Queen?

Mo doesn’t respond. She looks Diamond up and down and then she walks away. 

Diamond: Oh.... k. 

Diamond heads to the bathroom and makes a phone call. No answer from Jermaine. She doesn’t have access to the office because Queen has restricted her. 

Diamond: So, I guess I will survey the club to make sure everything looks good. 

Diamond checks the bar, and all of the supplies are stocked. The janitors are busy cleaning up trash. She then goes back to the lap dance rooms. All the rooms except one is open and empty. Nothing to see there. There are 4 girls on stage. The backroom has about 3 girls resting and eating. Diamond then walks down the hall for the VIP S*X rooms and the sound of Jermaine’s voice can be heard. She stops for the moment because she feels she is hearing things. As she gets closer, she can hear the voice clearer. She stops to listen. Her heartbeat starts to race. 

Diamond: OMG 

Diamond starts to panic. Her hands become sweaty. She is listening to Jermaine moaning and calling for Queen. Her heart starts to break. She places her hand on the doorknob. Of course, the door could be locked, and maybe not. What does Diamond expect to see when and if she can open the door? Maybe it would be confirmation of the suspicions she has had about Jermaine all along? What will she do if behind that door will be the very thing that will ruin her fairytale dream of being Jermaine’s wife?

Jermaine: Mmmm this is the best I ever had.

Queen: Oh yea...

Jermaine: Give it to me!

Diamond almost vomited listening to him enjoy someone else. He told her, she was the best he ever had. Was he just using her? Diamond contemplated walking away from the door. Maybe it’s not him. Maybe that man is one of Queen’s clients who sounds like Jermaine. Maybe she is overthinking it.

 But then Queen shouts out Jermaine’s name. Then she says it again. And again. And again. 

Diamond turns around and prepares to walk away when her inner voice tells her to open that door. She needs to know the truth. She deserves to know. Where she is trying to go in life, she can’t afford to hold any dead weight. She loves Jermaine but maybe she was wrong about him. The way he would sweet talk her and talk about having a family one day, maybe it was all a lie. But why? 

Diamond turns back to the door and slowly turns the knob. Her world shatters in a billion pieces. There Queen was comfortably mounted on top of Jermaine without a care in the world. The door wasn’t even locked. Jermaine is in cloud nine, with both hands wrapped tightly around Queen’s body. Diamond listens to their sounds of pleasure for what seemed like forever. Diamond stood outside of that closed door for nearly an hour. How long have they been in here? He never takes this much time with Diamond. He also isn’t that passionate. He’s making love to her. 

Diamond then has a million thoughts in her head at once as she continues watching Queen enjoying her man. They are in sync. It almost seems like he was in love with Queen. But wait how? But why? Why is he so comfortable in her. Is this his normal routine? Is this why he never answers the phone? Diamond closes back the door and tears fill her eyes as she walks down the hall. 


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2 years ago
Queen And Tori Stand In The Office Quiet Until Diamond Knocks On The Door.
Queen And Tori Stand In The Office Quiet Until Diamond Knocks On The Door.
Queen And Tori Stand In The Office Quiet Until Diamond Knocks On The Door.
Queen And Tori Stand In The Office Quiet Until Diamond Knocks On The Door.
Queen And Tori Stand In The Office Quiet Until Diamond Knocks On The Door.

Queen and Tori stand in the office quiet until Diamond knocks on the door. 

(Before Diamond finds out about Jermaine’s Infidelity)

Queen thinks about how much time she has spent with Jermaine. How he was just in between her legs earlier that day. Does Diamond know? Does she suspect anything? 

Like Queen has so many secrets on Jermaine that would ruin their relationship if she really wanted. Queen thinks about how she can use this relationship to her advantage. 

(Diamond knocks on the door)

Diamond: Ladies. How are you? I just want to take some time to speak with you two as I was informed you two were in charge? May I sit? 

(Queen sits at the office desk with her arms crossed. Silent)

Diamond: Queen? Tori? 

Queen continues to think about all the rendezvous’ Jermaine and the other women have had with him at the same time. This girl here, Diamond is a fool. If she honestly thinks Jermaine loves her, she needs a reality check. It’s a wonder if he washes his body completely before touching Diamond. Is this a feeling of jealousy? No. More like betrayal. This is Queen’s club. She was alone when this place was a dump. She built it up to be a million-dollar business. Now some big foreheaded, no self-esteem having bimbo is coming here to take over? F**k that. In fact Queen f**ks Diamond’s man more than she does. Queen has him begging for more after 5 hours. Queen taught Jermaine all the nasty positions that he knows. He was a loser when he first joined the club. Well, he is still a loser. He lied about his life. But Diamond, she doesn’t stand a chance against Queen. 

Diamond: Queen? 

Queen: Look, we are working on getting all the necessary paperwork together to submit to the City Newcrest. Tori and I hope to have you on your way back to San Myshuno sooner rather than later. The girls answer to myself and Tori. We are in charge. They will not report to you. No hard feelings but I have this place running and successful and leadership changes can cause issues. I don’t want any issues with you. Please. 

Diamond: If I leave this place will close Queen.

Queen: When this investigation finds myself and Tori innocent, you will be on your way. Submit whatever paperwork you have to but stay out of my way. 

(Queen exits the office) 

Diamond: Did something happened before I got here?

(Tori looks Diamond up and down and snickers. She walks out of the office.) 

Under Tori’s breath she says: 

The only thing that happened was my p*ssy on your man’s face

Diamond walks out confused. 

Diamond: Well I guess I will get Jermaine and head home. 

Diamond walks around the club looking for Jermaine. He has been missing for an hour after she spoke with Queen. 

Diamond: Have you seen Jermaine? 

Lili: (snickers) Nope. 

None of the other ladies are speaking to Diamond. She is confused. The ladies look at her like she is sh*t on the wall. She has no idea why there is so much attitude and hostility. 


Diamond tries calling Jermaine’s phone. No answer. She walks around the stage, and checks the bar area. The VIP lap dance rooms are all locked. He wouldn’t be in there would he? Where could he have gotten lost that fast? 

Diamond tries calling again. No answer. 

Diamond: Diamond heads to the VIP rooms to see if he is back there and he appears. He startles her. 

Jermaine: Are you ready? (out of breath) 

Diamond: Oh, I’ve been looking for you. Why are you so sweaty? Are you ok?

Jermaine: The air needs to be fixed in here. I am so hot. Are you ready? 

Diamond: Why are you back here? I’m not hot. 

Jermaine: I was inspecting this place. There are alot of upgrades that need to be done. 

Diamond: Well, I am ready to go. Can we stay at your place tonight? I don’t want to make the train ride home. 

Jermaine: You know we planned to be at your place. Soon I will have enough money to buy a car. Please relax. How were the ladies? 

Diamond: They are on the defense. Queen doesn’t want to hear anything I have to say.  

Jermaine: Well, I am sure when they get to know you, they will loosen up. Don’t worry about it. 

Jermaine looks back at the ladies on stage and winks. He was just almost caught with one of the girls in the back room. He is very h*rny and is dreading leaving so soon. He especially doesn’t want to touch Diamond after that last round with Queen. 

Queen is pissed though. She refused to speak with him. Jermaine can bet that he won’t get to touch her for a while. He should of told Queen the truth but he couldn’t. He lied to her. He feels bad about it but hopefully Queen can keep her cool long and keep their secret under wraps until the investigation is over. 

To be continued.....



First Episode of Queen’s Night Life Series

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2 years ago
Jermaine And Diamond: (before Diamond Finds Out About Jermaines Infidelity)

Jermaine and Diamond: (before Diamond finds out about Jermaine’s infidelity) 

Diamond: I start working at the club next week. Ive been looking at places. Are you excited?

Jermaine: I’m happy for you. Where are you moving to?

Diamond: What do you mean? This is our chance to finally be together! 

Jermaine: I don’t see a reason to rush is all. 

Diamond: This is all I have been talking about. You finally got a job and I am moving closer. Now is the time we can start our family. 

Jermaine: That’s just it, I don’t have any money. This is my first job since graduating a year ago. I don’t have any money for a place with you. 

Diamond: I can stay at your house until we can find better. 

Jermaine: (Gets up and leaves the room.)

Diamond: Jermaine? (Follows him into the bedroom)

Jermaine: I don’t think I am ready for you to move in. I am not financially stable yet. I don’t even know if I want to stay in that apartment. 

Diamond: How long have you felt this way? I mean you are at my place every night. Are you scared?

Jermaine: You know...... (yawn) I don’t want to argue with you. Can I get a quick nap in before I make my trip home please?

Diamond: I start working next week. You know I am leaving this apartment. If I can’t stay with you, where will I go?

Jermaine: I think you should stay here until you can save up and find your own place. 

Diamond: How can you say that? We can’t start a family in separate homes Jermaine!

Jermaine: I think you need to slow down. We just graduated college. 22 years old. Let’s enjoy life a bit before we go rushing into a family ok?

Diamond: (sigh) 



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2 years ago

Logan and Queen talk - throwback - pt 3

Logan: Did you sleep with her man? Why would she say that? 

Queen looks up at Logan and twirls her fingers for a few seconds. 

Logan: Queen? 

Queen: This is just between us. 

Logan: Sure.


Queen: I am a dancer. This is what I do. This is business. Her man, Jermaine is our new manager/finance guy. But she doesn’t know he is here every freaking night with the ladies. As a client! 

Logan: What?! Does she know? 

Queen: She doesn’t! She struts around here like they are going to get married. He doesn’t want to be her husband. He has an addiction. Every dancer in here has had him but I guess because she hates me, she is blaming me.


Logan: Oh yea? 

Queen: I have had him. Yes. He is my client. It is only business. But if she finds out, she may try something crazy. 

Logan: So what are you going to - 

Queen’s phone rings...


Queen: Hello.... huh..... I’m in the room.... she what?... alright.... I’m coming. 


Queen: Diamond is out there looking for me right now. She says she doesn’t see me on stage. Let me go handle her and I will talk to you ok? 

Logan: Just give me a ring. 

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2 years ago

The ladies complain to Queen

The Ladies: Queen!

Queen: Hey what’s going on? Why are ya’ll crowded around? 

Lili: Diamond came in here ranting and raving again. She keeps saying we aren’t dancing enough. Profits are down. The clients are unhappy. All this nonsense which is mighty interesting since none of my clients are saying that. 

Mo: My clients are very unhappy with her, not us. They said she raised the prices again for the third time this month. 

Queen: Raised what prices? 

Lili: Over at the bar. The drinks are $10 more and watered way down. It took me 5 drinks to get drunk. She is even trying to cut the janitorial job to make us clean. 

Queen: What the heck. I don’t have access to the reports anymore. She locked me out. I can’t see what is going on and I just fought her last week, so you already know we are on real bad terms. 

Mo: What does Jermaine say?

Queen rolls her eyes. 

The Ladies Complain To Queen

Queen: I will get to the bottom of it. 

Mo: I hope so soon, or I will stop dancing too. That will really piss her off.

Lili: Maybe we can strike? 

Sydney: Maybe our clients can strike with us to really send a message. She is not only abusing us, but also the clients. 

Queen: Ladies! Let me think on it and get back to you. Do not do anything crazy until I give the word ok? 

Lili: She is messing with my rent money. I can not afford to be homeless. 

Queen: Let me figure it out. Can one of you distract her so I can get into the office? 

Mo: I got you. 

Queen: Thanks! 

Queen heads back to the office. 

The Ladies Complain To Queen

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