nightlifeseries - Night Life Series
Night Life Series

Sims 4 Storytelling. 18+

761 posts

Spending The Night: Melissa And Aiden

Spending the Night: Melissa and Aiden

Aiden shushes Melissa. 

Aiden: Come on let’s go. We are in the clear. The guards are on break. 


Melissa: I am moving as fast as I can. My feet are killing me in these shoes. 


Aiden: Would you have time to look over my science notes and homework? I need a second set of eyes. 


Melissa: Sure thing. I mean I am a bit rusty with the subject but I can definitely take a look. 

Aiden: Thanks babe LOL 

Aiden opens his dorm and turns on the light. His roommate is gone for the night. 


Melissa: No roommate tonight? 

Aiden: Nah, he doesn’t usually stay during the nights. 

Melissa: So you have the nights to yourself? That seems...

Aiden: I mean some nights he comes by and grabs clothes but he is here for when they do roll calls. 

Melissa: Interesting. 


Aiden puts the double lock on the door and attempts to straighten up his desk. Melissa sits down and looks around the room. She checks her phone, “8:45PM”. She leans back on the bed and crosses her legs. 


Melissa: What time is your next class? 

Aiden: Tomorrow at 12. 

Aiden is shuffling his papers around on his desk. 

Melissa thinks about the conversation from early and gets butterflies in her stomach. 

Melissa: Babe... can you come spend some time with me before we review that homework? 

Aiden stops shuffling papers and turns around swiftly. He checks out Melissa’s crossed legs and understands what she meant. He throws the papers down and heads over to Melissa.......licking his lips. They have a very passionate, steamy night. 💕


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More Posts from Nightlifeseries

2 years ago

Introducing baby Tricia - Royce and Tori


Baby Tricia belongs to Royce! Tori had some complications in her pregnancy. After she took the pregnancy test, she stopped dancing. She told Royce and he wanted her with him. She stayed at his apartment until it was time for her to deliver. Brandon had no idea she was pregnant until after she gave birth and he questioned if the child was his. Brandon and Tori were neighbors and just friends with benefits, so it was a possibility. 


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2 years ago

Tori goes into Labor

After a long week of relaxing..... Tori feels sharp pains. She is 36 weeks pregnant. She was laying on the couch taking a nap when the pain woke her up.  

Tori: Ouch... Omg Ouch

Royce comes running down the stairs.

Royce: What is going on? 

Tori: I am having pain again. I was just sleeping. I don’t know what this is. 

Royce: Do you want a massage? 

Tori: We can try that. 


Royce and Tori head upstairs. Tori leans down against her ball.


Tori: No this isn’t working. Let me sit down. 


Royce: Where is the pain?

Tori: Uh in my back. 

Royce: Are you in labor?

Tori: I am only 35 weeks. I am not due yet. 

Royce: What could it be? 

Tori: Royce! Shut up for a minute. I am going to try a shower... 

Tori waddles to the shower. 

Royce: So..... ? 


Tori: I uh...

Royce: Huh? 

Tori: I think I... (panicks) 

Royce: Tori....

Tori: My water broke when I was standing in the shower. I am in alot of pain. I think something is wrong babe can we please go to the hospital! 

Royce: Omg yes! 


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2 years ago

Tori makes dinner for Royce


Tori got over her fears and moved in with Royce at 13 weeks. She had stopped working and tried to have a stress-free pregnancy. She didn’t tell Brandon she was pregnant. Queen agreed it was for the best that she stay with Royce. 


She had many complications every week and this forced her to see a doctor more frequently. The doctor requested that she say off her feet and rest for the remainder of the time. The complications started at 15 weeks. The morning sickness never stopped, she had excessive edema and high blood pressure.  

Royce: Tori! 

Tori: Babe? 

Royce: What are you doing in here? You are supposed to be resting. 


Tori: Babe. I am tired of resting. I want to get up. 

Royce: How are you feeling?

Tori: Right now I have a burst of energy. I feel like I can dance on the moon. 

Royce: Can I help you cook? 


Tori: Sure. 

Royce: Tell me what’s on your mind. 

Tori: This has been hard. I can’t keep anything down. I am always tired. I worry about my baby. Every week it seems like a health scare. I want my baby safe. I don’t get why I am having issues, I have always been a healthy eater. I exercise. 


Royce: You can only rest and follow the doctor’s orders. These things happen sometimes but I am sure the baby will be just fine. 

Tori: Thank you. Let’s hurry and eat before I start vomiting again. LOL 

Royce: This is delicious. 


Tori: Thank you. 

Royce: Do you want to watch a movie? 

Tori: Yea I can probably watch it until I fall asleep.

Royce: Don’t worry too much, ok?

Tori: I will try not. 


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2 years ago

Melissa reveals 1st pregnancy to Aiden - pt 1

The end of the third semester has arrived and Melissa is focused on her finals.


Her final grades should average out to a high B and Melissa is ok with that. Lately she has been feeling sick. There was a short bout of the flu going around in her dorm. She thought maybe she caught it. But when she was tested for the flu and came back negative, Melissa got worried. 


Some days she was sick. Then some days she was fine. The sickness would subside. Aiden hasn’t shown any signs of illness. Melissa wonders is she imaging things. 


Until one day while getting ready for class, Melissa throws up. It happened once. Melissa got some ginger ale and medicine for her upset stomach. Then it happened again. Then again. 

Melissa: What is going on with me? 



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2 years ago

Aiden and Melissa : Good Morning Babe..

The breakfast burger wasn’t the greatest but it will get Melissa through until noon. 

Phone: Good Morning my love

Melissa reads the text from Aiden and smiles. 


Aiden: How did you sleep? 

Melissa was in the middle of studying and wanted to hear Aiden’s voice so she calls him. 

Melissa: Good morning babe. I slept ok. My roommate snores really loud. How about you? 

Aiden: My last class was at 8:30 PM. I then went out and practiced my soccer routine. 


Melissa: What time did you finish? 

Aiden yawns: Midnight. I am just now waking up so I am sorry about that. 

Melissa: It is alright. I am glad one of us got some rest. 

Aiden: Can we get together later after your first class? I don’t have class again until tomorrow. 

Melissa: Well, I have a 10:30 AM and a 12 PM. I also have a 2:45 PM class.

Aiden: Just let me know where to meet you. I will make sure I am rested, ok? 

Melissa has a few midterms and quizzes to study for but why not. She had been studying all morning and could use a break.  


Melissa: Be ready by 5:30 PM ?

Aiden smiles hard and jumps up from his bed. 

Aiden: Sounds like a dream. See my later my love! 

Melissa: Love you. 

(hangs up phone)

Melissa returns to her class notes but now can no longer concentrate. She is more excited about being with Aiden and can not wait to fly through her classes. She grabs her books and heads to her first class. 


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