nik-barinova - Art By Nik
Art By Nik

28 | Multifandom; heavy Canon x OC shipping material | Bisexual | She/They | Commissions: Open | Requests: Closed/Not Taking Now🦬 Bills Mafia 🦬

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Made My Blaster Say Trans Rights

Made My Blaster Say Trans Rights

Made my blaster say “Trans Rights”

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More Posts from Nik-barinova

1 year ago

I know I got Star Wars brain rot, but now I also got ATSV brain rot because lemme tell you somethin’!

Spider Zoey and Miguel having a ton of disagreements and debates but everybody knows they’re flirting with each other

Miguel having the “No funny nicknames for me unless we’re close, and I’m keeping it that way”

Miles: “So why does Zoey get to call ya ‘Miggy’ but we can’t?”

Miguel: “How about you stop talking for a while.”

Spider Zoey showing Miguel Lego Spider Man and Plushy Spider Man out of sheer joy

Back and forth “Look at them” and “No” for about five minutes straight

Despite the two being from different universes, Miguel knows Spider Zoey’s supposed to be his canon event, but is so scared to get close to her and lose her like he did with his daughter

Spider Zoey, having her universe’s Scarlet Witch’s abilities due to a fusion calamity, would freak Miguel out by teleporting sometimes instead of using her webs because she feels like it

Miguel and Spider Zoey lowkey teaching each other Spanish or Scots Gaelic

Miguel almost killing Spider Zoey for hacking his watch to set everyone’s morning alarm or the Spider Society’s HQ PA system to be the base boosted version of “Scotland the Brave”

Spider Zoey being Miguel’s voice of reason

After a bad fight and Spider Zoey leaves the room in tears, Miguel acts as if it didn’t effect him when in reality, Lyla knows he felt horrible making her cry

He won’t realize just how much he loved Spider Zoey until the two of them get into a bad fight with an anomaly and he yelled at her for putting herself in danger like that

“Why deh fuck d’you bloody care abou’ me all ova sudden?!”

“Because I’m in love with you, maldito idiota!”

Zoey staring at him with wide eyes in realizing why he kept lushing her away like that as he kept ranting on him being so stupid before she shuts him up with a kiss

“Coulda jes’ told me… amadan.”

The whole Spider Society placing bets on who kissed who first or who confessed to who first

The Arachkids definitely started it

The Spider Society definitely didn’t find a huge screen projector to see it all happen in real time

Mix of either cheers or groans of defeat sounding throughout the HQ as a result

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1 year ago
I Will Die On The Hill That Savage Would Be Built Like The Mountain From GoT

I will die on the hill that Savage would be built like the Mountain from GoT

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1 year ago

More shippy ideas of Miguel and Spider Zoey

Zoey after an argument and she and Miguel have both cooled down leaning her forehead against his back and Miguel sighs sadly

Miguel reaching behind him for Spider Zoey’s hand and squeezing it to calm her nerves when on a high stress mission

Zoey having trouble sleeping and sneaking into Miguel’s room to sleep in, much to his disproval despite not sleeping that much anyway

Only for him to find out as she’s asleep that she’s been having really bad nightmares to the point of her crying and eventually holds her against him

He unfortunately has an idea of what that nightmare is about

Spider Zoey accidentally losing control of her Scarlet Witch powers and Miguel yelling at her for it when they get back to HQ

He was so scared she was going to eventually lose herself to those powers and break her canon

Spider Zoey going on a tangent about the Spiderverse in way more detail than Miguel, Jess, Spider Byte or Lyla would know about and they plus the Arachkids stare at her completely lost as to what she’s saying

Zoey: “… Whut?”

Miles: “What… Wh-Wh-What — What were you even saying in all that?”

Zoey: “… Ye guys do realize Ah’m a theore’ical physicist, righ’?”

Everyone looks at the screen in front of Miguel in total disbelief as he scrambles to find proof of that and sure enough, Zoey’s doctoral degree shows up

Miguel: “Dios, me olvidé por completo de que…”

Spider Zoey going to Munbattan with the Arachkids for some of that really good chai (and drags Miguel with them)

Spider Zoey as the supportive mom figure of the Adult Spider bunch (that being with Miguel, Jess and Peter B Parker)

Spider Zoey going back to her home universe to meet her father in prison but Miguel goes with her to both protect her and support her

Miguel instinctively holding her close to him when her father goes berserk and asks if she’s okay

Miguel braiding Zoey’s hair when she has her mask off (but tells Lyla not to tell anyone about it)

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