28 | Multifandom; heavy Canon x OC shipping material | Bisexual | She/They | Commissions: Open | Requests: Closed/Not Taking Now𦬠Bills Mafia đŚŹ
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I Cant Decide Which One I Like Better!
I canât decide which one I like better!
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More Posts from Nik-barinova

Look at you. You are a rare jewel.
Val seeing her husband down to his undeewear bringing out fresh batch of cookies:

"Hey guys, I made some cookies for dessert. I hope you like the blumfruit ones, it's a new recipe :)".

Savage hasn't even sat down to eat! He's been cooking all evening and he just brought a batch of tasty cookies! Now, the kitchen can become really warm after using the oven nonstop, and clothes tend to become... rather bothersome.
One would think that Maul, a chest displaying connoisseur wouldn't even bat an eye at the sight of his shirtless brother, but the truth is, up until now he had only seen him wearing his armor! "Where the kriff did his clothes go?", he thinks to himself. Feral, on the other hand is quite familiar with this kind of situation and doesn't even notice. "Thank you for the great meal, Savage âĽ" he says politely. He's one lucky zabrak :).

Now, here's the thing. . . . Here's how he actually showed up đĽ´âđĽ´â

go ahead, shame me!! the mischief is done >:)!! Sorry for the lazy backgrounds, I'm kinda dead after working on this, for several reasons.
Taglist (let me know if you want in ^^): @dukeoftheblackstar @justalittletomato @darthmaulshispanichousewife @botherbother-blog @aftergloom @badolmen @ihaventpickedausername @ohboi @stardustbee @nik-barinova @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @gen-has-green-vibes @ejfivercommander @herbalinz-of-yesteryear @eyecandyeoz @noesqape
Me: Why I havenât I grown anywhere as an artist?
Also me:
Retail day job
Unable to have flexible schedule
Still living with parents
Constantly busy with said parents
Also constantly doing other things for them
No privacy from them
Unable to have down time at home
Too exhausted to do any more artwork
Adulting with multiple things
Rejection sensitive dysphoria
Comparing my own art to otherâs even tho I know better but some times canât help it
Me: Tis a mystery đĽ˛
Thinking of a Doe x Ghost wedding and now I canât decide if I want her to wear a more Romani dress, Hindi one, or a Balinese one since she is part Balinese and has Hindi relatives on her motherâs side

Either way, Ghost is gonna be in awe with her dress
When you finally get around to writing out the main plot of your Ghost x oc fic during downtime at work