tony, she/they, delulu afposts extremely infrequentnav
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summary; the gods are real. like, the greek gods. and apparently, you're a demigod. were you skeptical? yes. no time to question much though.
pairing; no romantic ones (yet) // clarisse la rue, annabeth chase, luke castellan, travis and conner stoll (all platonic)
word count; 1.9k
warning(s); none
a/n; whoop, my first series! might add a romantic pairing later on, but i don't think it's going to be percy or jason or leo since you (the reader) are a couple years older than them, around the age of the stolls (who to my knowledge are 15 in the lightning thief.)
takes place 3 years before the percy jackson books, reader & travis & clarisse are 12, connor is 11, annabeth is 9, luke is 16.
μηδέν. mother of mine
"So, he finally told you?"
You opened your eyes to an unfamiliar sight and an ache in your back. Where were you? And where had that voice come from?
"Hello?" You called. Propping yourself up on your hands, you could see that you had been laid across a set of marble stairs as if someone had tossed you there like a sack of potatoes.
Your vision was slightly blurred, like a white veil was over your eyes. There was a cool tingling feeling on your skin, like someone had rubbed alcohol on it.
Looking around, you realized you were at the entrance of something straight out of your history book — an ancient Greek temple. A massive one, at that. Four sets of towering columns were placed in neat lines along the edge of a marble platform, and on top of them lay an ornate marble ceiling. Fluffy gray moss grew along the bases of the columns, while lighter gray vines of ivy wrapped up around them.
Strangely enough, some parts of the temple were bleached so white to the point they glowed, and other parts were more of a light, slightly transparent gray, similar to smoke but much more solid-looking. The ceiling in particular was clear enough to see the night sky through it, which held more stars than you'd seen in your entire life.
Through the columns were plains of tall grass that were devoid of color. It rippled almost like water as if harsh winds were blowing through, but you couldn’t feel the slightest breeze. The rustling of the plains was muffled, too, like you’d placed pillows on your ears. Overall, the place felt like a whole other world.
"Where am I?" Your voice — muffled, you realized, just like the grass — wavered, the initial awe starting to subside and panic slowly seeping in. The logical explanation for this situation was that you were dreaming, but the soreness in your back and the cold marble under your palms felt too real for it all to be fake...
Had you been kidnapped?
"What do you want from me?"
The voice from earlier chuckled, sending a chill down your spine. It wasn't coming from any particular direction. If anything, it sounded like it was echoing from your own head.
"My child, it is not what I want from you as much as what you need from me." It said.
From behind some of the columns, you saw the first bits of color you'd encountered since you'd woken up at this place: blue lights, bright as the stars above, floating leisurely like big fireflies. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a faint, golden light.
Suddenly, a dense mist flooded in from between the columns furthest from the entrance. From between the two middle columns emerged a wispy figure of a woman holding an old-fashioned reed torch in either hand, dressed in what you guessed were golden Greek robes.
Wait, no.. she came from between the columns furthest to the left. No, the right. Three smoky images of the same woman moved in unison toward the center of the temple.
To your surprise, you didn’t feel the need to run as she — they? — stepped closer. If anything, you felt drawn to her, like a chunk of metal to a magnet. You hastily stood up, feeling a little dizzy but otherwise fine.
The mist eventually subsided. Once the three wispy images were only a few feet away, they merged into a much more solid form, and your sight seemed to clear. You could make out her features.
Her skin was beautiful but deathly pale; the vibrant, turmeric-yellow robes with ornate golden designs that hung gracefully off her figure were the only thing that brought her some liveliness. Her blond hair was pulled back with a golden pin in a braided bun. Her face was like a Greek statue — pale, beautiful, and ageless — but her eyes were slightly unsettling. Squinting your eyes, you saw that they were a true inky black, irises and all. Not one bit of light reflected off of them.
You couldn’t quite pinpoint it, but the woman felt almost familiar...
"You're Hecate," you gasped, the realization hitting you like a truck. "The Greek goddess of magic."
"There’s one more title I hold, dear." Hecate smiled serenely, though it didn’t reach her eyes. "If you’d recall what your father told you..?"
Oh. The talk.
When your dad pulled you aside for a ‘talk’ around early evening, you’d expected him to bring up the birds and the bees. Instead, he had told you that the Greek gods were real and that you were the daughter of one of them — the goddess of magic herself. You’d been worried your dad had gone crazy, or if he was on something, or even drunk, but he looked so serious you had to promise not to tell anybody. You didn’t believe him, though.
"You can’t be my mother." You stood firm in your nonbelief. This had to be a dream, something your subconscious created because of the sheer nonsense you’d heard earlier that day. "You’re not even real. All of this is in my head. Besides, I already have a mom."
You immediately knew you’d said something you shouldn’t have.
The air grew colder as Hecate’s smile dropped the slightest bit, tilting now into more of a smirk. A green glow surrounded her as you began to feel lightheaded.
A searing pain exploded behind your eyes, and you fell to your knees, crouched over and gripping your head with both your hands. You tried to scream, only to discover that your voice had vanished. Memories you didn’t know you had started appearing one by one, and soon they were all whirling around in one big, jumbled, incoherent storm.
You could make out flashes of images — a pale woman in a dark coat watching as a young you played on the swing set with your two best friends… The same woman at the very back of the gymnasium at your elementary school graduation... And yet again the same woman handing your dad a little bundle of silk blankets, from which you could see the small fist of a baby sticking out to grab hold of anything it came across.
The pain stopped just as it had started, and you were left on the ground, cold and confused, with your eyes still tightly shut. You tried desperately to make something of all this new information, putting every memory into a neat little timeline just to make it all make sense. But the more you tried, the more you realized most of these memories weren’t new at all but rather variants of certain memories that you had never been able to recall in full detail.
"I can assure you that I’m quite real, my child." She said. You reluctantly looked up at her, shivering slightly from the cold. She’d come a lot closer in the last few moments. "The only reason you don’t have any recollection of me is because I swore upon the river Styx not to reveal myself or anything of my world to you before your father explained it all to you first."
She looked you over. "Although I can see that he clearly hasn’t done the explaining very well. As for your ‘mom’ — Delilah, was it? — I’m afraid she has no idea of anything, poor dear." She tsked, a bored look on her face.
"If I’m really your daughter, prove it." You spat, your throat hurting from trying to scream too much. Your head was still pounding. "Prove to me that this isn’t all some crazy dream. One of my nightmares."
"Nightmares?" Well, that certainly piqued her interest. "Tell me about these nightmares."
"I don’t know; they’re nightmares. Everyone has them." You were becoming irritated. Whether or not this was a dream or reality, one thing was for certain: you did not like the goddess of magic one bit. "Sometimes I’d have them a couple nights in a row, and they’d all connect, but they’re still just nightmares."
"Ah, but you see, a demigod’s dreams are quite special." Hecate said, smiling widely once again. "They often convey messages or show what may happen in the future. Tell me, have any of your nightmares come true?"
Your heart skipped a beat. You remembered one time you dreamt of your parents getting in a car crash. They were hit by a drunk driver on the way home from work only two days later. You’d stayed over at your best friends’ house for over a week so that their mom could take care of you when your parents were at the hospital.
"This isn’t giving me proof, mom." You said instead, not wanting to tell Hecate much about anything. You didn’t trust her, and giving her more information on you when she’d clearly been keeping well up to date on your life without your knowledge wasn’t beneficial for you. "Saying things isn’t going to make me believe. I need something solid, something real."
You took a deep breath as one of her eyebrows arched up. With her void-looking eyes, you couldn’t tell if she was amused or annoyed at what you had just said.
Then her smile grew wider.
"As I’ve said, child, you need something from me — or rather, some things would be more accurate, I suppose. Being a demigod comes with a few chinks and perks, and you’ll need my help to control and survive them."
"Wait, wait, wait. What the hell do you mean, ‘survive’? Am I in danger?"
"Why, of course." Hecate seemed almost gleeful at the mention of danger.
‘Some mother she is’, you thought.
"Danger comes naturally with being a child of the gods. There are monsters and gods looking for someone to smite, and don't forget the quests—"
Monsters? Quests? What kind of life had your dad brought you into?
"—which is why you’ll need me." She finished. There was a tinge of pale pink on her cheeks, as though the mere thought of tossing you in a pit with all sorts of nasty creatures was just too exciting. "As for the proof you requested... I’m afraid we have run out of time."
"Wait, what?" You were beginning to feel very stupid at this point. All you had were questions and a ‘mother’ who seemed uninterested in giving you any straight answers.
You looked at her expectantly, and she stared back at you. She seemed to freeze for a moment, then looked around the temple before settling her gaze on one particular spot on the left. Then she turned toward you again, the pink tint on her cheeks more evident than before.
"Check under your pillow once you wake up. Look after those brothers you’re so fond of; you’ll need them where you’re going." She rushed out, a green glow starting to surround her.
"I’ll see you sometime soon, child." Hecate was now split into three images again, each one shoving something small, flat, and square into your hand. "Don’t disappoint me."
Hecate then disappeared. The temple began to crumble in her absence, with cracks appearing out of nowhere on the pristine marble. They wound up the columns and spread throughout the ceiling, creating shapes that resembled lightning.
Then everything came pouring down on you.
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More Posts from Nikkeora
Hey, apperently I'm shadowbanned
I can't message people, I can't send submissions, I can send asks but I don't think they're going through. My blog also doesn't show up on tumblr when I search it, although that could just be me, maybe.
I've sent a ticket to support a few days ago and I got an email confirming that they received it but I don't think actual results are going to show up before a week or something. Most of the posts on tumblr shadowban say that the support team got around to them in about a month or so.
I created a twitter account just to alert tumblr support on there, too, so hopefully I can get un-shadowbanned faster. In the meantime, I'm going to continue posting on here and on my ao3 account. I'll reblog my works posted during this time after I've been (hopefully) un-banned. Sorry for the inconvenience.
If you want to communicate with me directly, my discord is teatoptony#8328. I'm not sure if asks are still coming through.
currently under construction, please hold.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 - p.j
summary; using your percy as a pillow.
pairing; percy jackson x demigod!reader
word count; 2.1k
warning(s); none, just fluff
a/n; sorry this took so long!! english isn’t my first language, so there might be a couple errors. it’s short, but hope you don’t mind, anon :) // takes place nowhere within canon in particular, but claiming happens really quickly
request(s); Hii! This is my first time requesting something EVER for anybody so that’s fun. Could you write prompt 6/ "You took all the pillows so i’m using you as one." Where Percy has all the pillows and reader decides to lay on his chest. Or the other way around, which ever is easier to write! Ty ty

Percy Jackson was the only demigod son of Poseidon. Therefore, he was the only occupant of Cabin Three at Camp Half-Blood.
However, if someone were to ask any of the campers, they would say that there were actually two people who lived in Cabin Three. One of those two people being, of course, Percy, and the other being you.
You and Percy were that couple in camp. You know that one couple that’s always hugging, holding hands, or touching each other in any way, shape, or form? Yeah, the two of you were that. He always had an arm around you, or held your hand in his. Sometimes, he snuck up and hugged you from behind while you were having a conversation or doing some other thing that required you to stand still in the same spot, often causing him to get an earful for surprising you or making the person you were talking with uncomfortable enough to leave.
Percy’s touchy demeanor only got worse when he was sleepy. While most decent boyfriends would offer to walk their girlfriends back to her place, Percy always dragged you away from the campfire singalong and straight into his cabin.
You were sure Chiron knew about this – after all, your boyfriend never really tried to sneak you off, and your half-siblings definitely knew you weren’t in your own bunk at night – but if he did, he tried his best to pretend that he didn’t. Whenever Percy got up from his seat at the campfire with you in tow, the centaur seemed to take a sudden interest in his hooves, or the grass, or his marshmallow that was already toasted to perfection in the fire.
And if Mr. D knew, he didn’t let on. He never really stuck around for the singalong after dinner, so you weren’t really sure if he ever saw the two of you. But he’s the camp director—he had to know something was up. You supposed the punishment for sleeping in another cabin involved too much paperwork to carry out. Either that, or the Mr. D simply knew that Percy would drag you to his cabin no matter the amount of times he had to wash the Camp’s dinner plates.
Percy was a big fan of cuddling. It helped him sleep—like actually sleep, without any dreams to bother him throughout the night. He joked that you were like his personal dose of melatonin, though he’d never taken any before, going so far as to gift you an ‘assorted berries’ flavored lip balm.
“Like the gummies,” he had explained, attacking your lips once you’d applied the makeup. You haven’t yet found the heart to tell him that taking melatonin could actually cause very vivid, extremely wild dreams.
You’d let him live his fantasy, for now.
Luckily for Percy, you were also a big cuddler, especially with him. While you weren't as open with PDA – Percy did more than enough of that for you both to get yourselves through the day – you rarely let go of your boyfriend when the two of you were alone, which he was extremely happy about.
The two of you always faced each other, laying on your sides. You would run your fingers through his hair, and he would hug you close while the two of you got so tangled up that you didn’t know which limbs were whose, bringing a much needed sense of domesticity to your hectic lives. In those moments, time seemed to stop, and the two of you were the only people in the world.
The only problem with these cuddle sessions was, Percy was a huge blanket hog.
Like, really huge.
When Percy started to drift off, it was like he'd been possessed by a pillows-and-blankets goblin or something. He rolled around on the bed, and when you're conscious enough to move over in order to avoid being completely flattened underneath him, he took the opportunity to take up all of your previous space, along with your pillow and around ninety-eight percent of the sheets.
You'd tried and failed numerous times to keep this from happening: tucking yourselves in extra tight, tiring him out as much as you could, all the things people on the internet claimed would keep someone from tossing and turning. Nothing had worked, hence, the oh-so-familiar predicament you constantly found yourself in. Again. And again. And again.
Today was another typical day. The only difference? It felt like about a week’s worth of work had been crammed into it.
At the crack of dawn, one of the protector satyrs brought three new campers to the hill. And, as luck would have it, it was your turn to show any new arrivals around. The three new half-bloods – all of them around ten or eleven years old – came to Percy’s cabin, led by one of your half-siblings. Four kids bursting through the door when the sun hadn’t even come up yet was not the best way to wake up.
After a quick change and a hasty kiss goodbye, you gave the newbies the full tour, from the lava climbing wall to the arts and crafts center to the canoeing lake. You were sure they were sweet kids most of the time, but in your sleepy and quite frankly grumpy state, all their chattering gave you a migraine. And that’s not even including all their Mythomagic questions.
“Does Athena really have two thousand attack points?”
“Can Eros really Charm his enemies with Love Shots?”
“Does Apollo really use volleyballs for his Ultimate?”
You wished you could’ve learned a couple basic things from Nico before he quit the game.
Once you got the three of them settled comfortably in their cabins, it was already too late for breakfast. Percy would have grabbed you something, but, being counselors, the both of you had classes to teach and errands to run that kept you apart. After a few hastily scribbled cabin inspections, you dropped them off at the Big House before heading off to teach Ancient Greek.
Your Ancient Greek lessons hadn’t gone that bad. A few kids’ dyslexia was acting up today, but you really couldn’t expect any less every other day. After the usual alphabet refresher for newer kids, you had the campers read a few Greek legends out loud, and the class was dismissed without a hitch.
Unfortunately, that was one of the very few times things went smoothly today.
Your second class was riding lessons. Two relatively new campers managed to offend one of the pegasi and ended up in the infirmary with a few nasty bruises—great, add that report to your stack of paperwork. And cleaning up afterwards was always the worst part. The pegasi liked you, really, but they couldn’t help that they couldn’t groom themselves, especially their wings. As for the pegasus that charged those two kids, you had to put him in the time-out cubicle to calm him down.
The thing about pegasi is, they prefer to roam around, and definitely do not appreciate being put in the time-out cubicle. You were glad you didn’t speak horse like Percy, because – judging by the amount of angry horse noises – you were pretty sure the pegasus thoroughly cussed you out.
Next task: canoeing with the naiads.
A few of the naiads claimed a canoe for themselves, and the kids each broke off into separate teams to take turns racing with the nymphs. A couple Hephaestus kids, determined to win for once, had designed a detachable motor to rig to their canoe—the naiads didn’t seem to mind, so you let them be. It exploded about halfway across the lake. No one got hurt, thankfully, but the canoe was no longer usable. You put the kids who’d built the motor on kitchen duty with the harpies for the rest of the week.
Lunchtime came around, but you were too busy to eat properly, grabbing a single piece of pizza before running off to prep a small section of the woods for a wilderness survival class one of the satyrs were supposed to teach. Apparently, he had fallen asleep and forgotten to prepare everything himself the night before, and you agreed to help him just to stop him from running around you in circles. Getting your feet stomped on by panicked goat hooves? Not so fun.
A couple more mildly disastrous activities and a small pile of reports later, it was time for your favorite routine—dinner, campfire, Cabin Three, and lots of cuddles à la Percy.
At the Dining Pavilion, you practically inhaled your food, as it was the first time you’d had a chance to get a full meal all day. After the void in your stomach had been taken care of, you dragged Percy to the campfire, where you claimed the best seat for roasting marshmallows. As usual, your boyfriend refused to sing a single note.
“Come on, just this one time?” You pleaded. The whole camp was singing The Campfire Song – the unofficial anthem of Camp Half-Blood – a song that the gods surprisingly didn’t take offense to. Singing complaints about your godly parentage was apparently received as a lighthearted joke. Judging by the unusually bright golden color of the flames, you were fairly certain Apollo even enjoyed it.
“You’re the only one here with Poseidon as a dad. We’re dying for you to rhyme something—you should see Cabin Seven, there’s this one part of the wall covered with post-it notes with bets on what you’ll sing. I saw a lyric comparing your dad to Marlin from Finding Nemo, once.” You said. Katie Gardner sang about how she’d gotten a fern in a mason jar for her sixteenth birthday. “I think there’s one for Nico, too, but that’s mostly just Will.”
“If I tried to sing, I’d probably cause an avalanche.” Percy laughed, and kissed you when you tried to say something else. He did that to shut you up sometimes. It was infuriating for sure, but you had to admit it was pretty damn effective.
“One day, Sharkboy,” you promised, giving him a determined grin before leaning in to kiss him again. A few of your siblings whooped in the background, for Katie or to tease you, you didn't know.
“Mm, we’ll see,” your boyfriend muttered, pulling you closer as Travis and Connor Stoll took up the mic.
A few more verses and a couple other songs later, you were back in Percy’s warm bed in Cabin Three. The air had that salty taste like the beach on a cool summer’s night, and the underwater plants and corals that Tyson had brought back from Poseidon’s palace took on a luminescent glow under the moonlight. Percy’s Minotaur horn glinted silver on the wall.
You were completely worn out from the day. Sure, it wasn’t as bad as going on a killer quest, but you were allowed to complain about and tire out from mundane things, too. Percy had to practically carry you from the campfire because you were already half asleep.
But as soon as Percy started to drift off – and therefore started to move towards you, and assemble his blanket burrito – your eyes flew open and you propped yourself up on the bed, effectively disentangling yourself from him. You heard him stir as he felt your warmth disappear.
“Y/N..” Percy whined, his voice gravelly with sleep, as he tried to grab you by the waist to pull you back to him. You swatted his hand away, and he begrudgingly opened his eyes. “What’re you doing?”
“Improvising.” You huffed. There was no way you were going to deal with ‘Percy the Pillow Pillager’ problems tonight. As much as you loved him, you were tired of practically hanging off the edge of the bed.
Putting your hands on one side of Percy’s premature blanket burrito, you rolled him back to his previous spot, making him lie on his back. You then disassembled the sheets to make some room for yourself underneath them. Percy happily let you cuddle into him again. But this time, you quite literally lay on top of him, draping your arm, leg and most of your torso over him and putting your head on his chest.
“You took all the pillows, so I’m using you as one,” you stated. “Stay. Put.” You poked him to emphasize each word and felt his chest rumble as he laughed.
“I will,” he promised.
You were skeptical, but you felt too warm and comfortable to care much. If you got tossed off the bed in the middle of the night, that was a future-you problem.
You felt Percy kiss the top of your head as you drifted into sleep.

e-42!Miles Morales headcanons (fluff) ㅡ

Okay, so, I've seen a lot of people headcanon that Miles is going to buy you anything and everything you even look at
but while that's fine because they're headcanons, let me remind you the boy is 16. He's not gonna be walking into Gucci and buying everything off the displays like a webtoon.
That being said, if he has a little extra cash he'll most likely spend it on you.
I'm talking little meaningful things though. Flowers, books, little trinkets that reminded him of you and such,
if your hobby needs supplies, he'll discreetly scan your stock when he's over and get you a refill of whatever you're low on.
He also cherishes whatever you gift to him and refuses to throw anything from you away.
Like once, you got the both of you matching shoes. They've been his favorite pair ever since.
And also dates.
Dates are a little rare between the two of you ngl, because 1) New York is literally Gotham atp, and 2) being the Prowler takes up a lot of time.
so you mostly hang out at each other's places as a substitute.
But when you do go out, Miles will plan everything down to a T
because let's face it, he tries to act cool but boy is nervous
You're the first person that isn't family he's actually opened up to. He doesn't want you to have a single bad experience with him.
But even if your dates go sideways, either one or both of you always find a way to make it better :)
At the start of your relationship, he's not too big on PDA.
but as it progresses, he starts getting more comfortable about stuff like holding hands or chaste kisses in public.
Once he's completely sure of himself and the two of you, he's always touching you in some way;
linking pinkies, holding hands, hand/arm around your waist, etc.
Never, I repeat never in front of Uncle Aaron though.
It's not that he's embarrassed of you or anything, but his uncle will definitely tease the living hell out of him
Speaking of Uncle Aaron, he likes you.
The first time he heard about you was a week or two after he taught Miles the Shoulder Touch™
Keep in mind, this is before Miles's dad passed away and all that,
so the boy was awkward.
When he tried it out on you, you couldn't help laughing, just a tiny bit.
Then he made the mistake of telling his uncle, who made it so much worse
"Can you please stop laughing? I'm being serious!"
"I'm sorry man–"
"No you're not 😒"
Back to physical affection, Miles is a sucker for any that you give him.
hugs, cuddles, kisses, you name it.
He will literally melt into your arms.
He'll try to deny it at first but it isn't fooling anyone, so at one point he just gives up the tough guy act when it's just the two of you.
Forehead/top of the head kisses? PLEASE PLEASE P L E A S E
he needs some soft affection.
He is down bad.
You get back hugs. all the time. extra when he's sleepy.
he will literally penguin walk you everywhere.
A lot of times he'll put his head on your chest and hear your heartbeat to remind himself you're still there and his. Especially when 'work' was hard.
Speaking of, he also told you he's the Prowler.
Of course, he tried to delay it as much as he could, but once the two of you were absolutely stable he felt wrong keeping it a secret.
Especially when he had to bail on plans for some inpromptu work thing and couldn't give you a reason why.
You'd kinda put two and two together at that point, but it was nice to hear him actually tell you.
After Miles comes clean though, his protective tendancies will double.
He isn't controlling or smothering, but he has some strong feelings against you walking in the streets alone after dark and such.
And they only get stronger after he tells you what he does. If something happened to you because you knew, he'd never forgive himslelf.
So he takes precautions. Whenever he drops by your place after work, he always changes first so that no one sees the Prowler frequent some random apartment.
he'll never let you anywhere near his job. You don't need to watch all that nasty shit.
and so on, so forth.
He's also a big whiner. He will drag his words out to the ends of the earth if he has to.
"Miles, my paper's due in two days."
"Finish it tomorrow then. Necesito sostenerte, hermosa."
Mrs. Morales also loves you. You're basically her daughter in law already.
Which is great!
Until she starts showing you the baby pictures.
"Miles had the cutest little face–"
"Má, please–"
She loves having you around and will let you stay the night whenever (as long as the door's cracked open).
You're invited to every single family event courtesy of Rio.
Miles will try to participate in anything you're interested in.
you like doing makeup? put some on him pls.
he'll also watch youtube tutorials to learn how to do it himself and do it for you.
which doesn't work too well the first few times, but now he's a natural!
his first time doing your eyeliner though:
"Miles, you've been at it for like 10 minutes. Let me see!"
"Is that– is that a wing?"
"No, no, it's nice– it's so nice–"
Rio almost died laughing.
If you like to draw, he'll take you on grafitti dates !
But if you're nervous about that, then he'll just sit and draw with you or something.
don't look at his paper, he's drawing you and will be very flustered (he'll try to play it cool but blushing isn't rly something he can control)
so yea look at his paper
If you're part of a fandom, he'll study everything he can find on it so that he can understand what you're talking about.
He'll most likely like it too, and you guys could spend hours talking about it if you want.
but if he's not that into it, he'll just sit and listen contently to you talk about it with the stupidest smile on his face like :]
He has the softest spot for you even a blind person could see it.
He just loves you so much pls love him back

probably do a pt.2 soon

N A V I G A T I O N ㅡ
antonia, she/they, KST, korean, main blog !!
posts ideally meant for anyone, really

>> grayson my beloved
>> damian ffs
>> i post on here about as frequently as tim sleeps
>> so
>> greek mythology n spiders kinda ded to me atm
>> i like bats now

currently streaming: young justice (2012? - 2021)
currently playing: too sweet - hozier
I do not consent to any of my work (art, writing, etc.) to be reposted or used on any platform.
tags below :)