nikrofilia - ✚ Best medicine ..
✚ Best medicine ..

.. is happiness  ✚

37 posts

Hey, Kiddos! Another Jack-loving Blogs Here!

Hey, kiddos! Another Jack-loving blog’s here!  ♡

The name’s Nick btw ;DD I just really want to make some friends here, ‘cause I know that Tumblr has a lot of awesome people! 

Sooooo here, have this bootyful Jack-ass for a start  ✩

Hey, Kiddos! Another Jack-loving Blogs Here!
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    asamikomaeda liked this · 4 years ago
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More Posts from Nikrofilia

7 years ago

A lot of thanks!  ♥

I needed this for our cosplay of them. I worried that my ‘n’ my friend’s proportions won’t fit ;_; But it’s ok now. You can’t imagine how your reply helped me!  ✩

OMG, your works are amazing! Especially NSFW ones 🔥 It's so difficult now to find REALLY GOOD " porn arts " for BL *_* Oh, btw I saw you have Angel's model? Can you put it beside Jack's one to see the difference in their height? I've always been interested c: Hope it's not a big problem. Thank you soooo much! 💕

Oh my thank you! Haha yeah but my Bl nsfw is pretty old now though :PAnd yeah! angel is just a little smaller than jack is.(as you can see)

OMG, Your Works Are Amazing! Especially NSFW Ones It's So Difficult Now To Find REALLY GOOD " Porn Arts

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6 years ago
THE GREAT DAY HAS COME! Guess What Is It? @byun-slug , All Our Trio Would Like To Wish The Happy Birthday

THE GREAT DAY HAS COME! Guess what is it? 👀👀👀 @byun-slug , all our trio would like to wish the Happy Birthday to you, hon! 🎉 We can’t even explain how incredibly lucky we are as we met. You’re an awesome person, your arts are unsurpassed and AU is colossal! We’re in love w/ your characters, project and YOU! So plz take all the love and that heart in our recognition ⭐

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7 years ago
Just Got The Skin From Maliwan And ..

Just got the skin from Maliwan and ..

WTF? x’DD Google translated “ ponce “ as “ gay “ or “ souteneur “. Is it right or I don’t get something?

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