Valentinesday - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
Turquoise Nugget Earrings, Now In! #handcraftedjewelry #etsy #turquoise #silver

Turquoise nugget earrings, now in! #handcraftedjewelry #etsy #turquoise #silver #valentinesday (at Guelph, Ontario)

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7 years ago
We Here At Denver ODDD Wanted To Take Time To Wish You A Happy Valentines Day! This Is A Throw Back From

We here at Denver ODDD wanted to take time to wish you a Happy Valentines Day! This is a throw back from Red ball a few years ago with custom hand made wings. With a shredded loincloth featuring a side buckle. The cape is made from the same fabric as the loincloth. #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #feathers #feathers #featherwings #handmade #oneofakind #fagtagulous #instagay #valentinesday #sexy #sexyboys #twunk #twink (at Denver ODDD)

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7 years ago
Happy Valentines, Everyone! To Our InuNeko Couples With Love And Chocolat!!

Happy Valentines, Everyone! šŸ’ššŸ«šŸ’œ To Our InuNeko couples with love and chocolat!!

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4 years ago

Valentineā€™s Day Blues

Like most

Little girls

I had daydreams

Filled withĀ 

White roses

And chocolates

Small stolen kisses

And midnight rambling

As the credits roll

Movie long forgotten

As we snuggle closer

On a couch

Thatā€™s a little too


Why did love

Have to be so cruel

I wanted

Happily ever after

I didnā€™t need

A prince charming


Damsel in distress

Wasnā€™t the role for me

I can slay

My own dragons


The hellfire

That threatens my heart

But the emptiness

A simple void

Beautifully dark abyss

Where love

Is supposed to reside

In my person

A body

With a soul

But no heart

Is no better

Than a walking corpse

Playing in fields

Of rotting flesh

Dead flies

Buzz in my ears

As I whisper lies

To myselfĀ 

Like always

Trying to comfort

The beast within

Claws scratch

At scarred skin

Vibrant rubies

Exposed on charred meat

Crystals of pure agony

Stain hollowed features

Crisp ivory flashes

Under dim moonlight

The canopy above

Blocking view

Of the heavens

Dancing in cerulean flames

Licking at my pelt

As bones creak

Under the pressure

Of shockwaves and despair

Isolation is a beauty

Long snow hair

Trailed behind her

Weaved with flowers

Eternal blooms

Radiating life

Well death

Wilted petals

Sucked dry

As the demon herself

Walks the earth

Grass withers

Skies darken

Clouds heavy

With unspoken trauma

Fires spark

Engulfing entire trees

Ancient and mighty

Reduced to ashes

In mere moments

Elegance glazesĀ 

Her tribulate eyes

Where earth and heaven meets

Pain will rise

Cruel reality

Slips from her lips

Poison to my weakened heartĀ 

Such a sweet melody

That she sings

Just for me

Misery dressed lullaby

Love dressed lust

Hope dressed death

I cry out

Broken howls

At the smirking satellite

That watches me

The world burns around me

Yet the roomĀ 

I lay

Is barren

Reflecting my heart

Next episode

Flashes on the screen

As tissuesĀ 

Lay scattered

On a floor

That seems so far

Yet closeĀ 

My grave calls me

The pain in my cries


A choked song

Escapes my lips

Dear love

Why must you be so cruel

I didnā€™t mean

To be so damaged

I tried

I will still try


Give meĀ 

Another chance

Nothing more

Than a ghost

Wrapped in life

Devoid ofĀ 

Happy Valentine

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5 years ago
Its That Time Of The Year. Valentines Day. Legend Has It ThatEmperor Nero Of Rome Burned A Year's Worth

Itā€™s that time of the year. Valentineā€™s day. Legend has it thatĀ Emperor Nero of Rome burned a year's worth of the city's supply of Cinnamon at the funeral for his wife Poppaea Sabina in AD 65. Even the Bible makes mention of Cinnamon in proverb 7:17 when it says " "I have sprinkled my bed With myrrh, aloes and cinnamon ".


The most famous perfumes use Ceylon Cinnamon Bark Oil in their formulations. For example, the extremely popularĀ Men's 1 Million Eau de Toilette SprayĀ by Paco Rabanne uses Cinnamon. High quality Cinnamon Oil has properties that mixes with other ingredients to create a magical aroma with staying power. Only fractions are used, but that is enough. It gives it a certain ā€˜ā€™Je ne sais quoiĀ ā€˜ā€™ as the French say. Cinnamon relaxes people. It calms you down and uplifts the spirit. What better ingredients for romance right?


Try our Ceylon Cinnamon Bark Oil in an ultrasonic diffuser when you want a beautiful evening with your significant other. The trick is to use fractions. Like 3 drops with half a cup of water. Use too much and the effect is ruined. It should be very subtle as the worldā€™s best perfumers have discovered. Dilute it at 1% with water in a spray mister bottle and spray on the carpets in your car or around the house. You will find it improves your mood. Makes you happier and receptive to new ideas and possibilities.


And we sell best Cinnamon Oil, money can buy with 84.3% Cinnamaldehyde (currently), the magical ingredient that gives it the power. The best part is you can even add drop to your coffee or black tea (instead of Cinnamon powder) for powerful health benefits and a magnificent aroma. Even coffee shops know that Cinnamon has a powerful happy effect.Ā Ā 


#cologne #eaudetoiletteĀ #scents #perfume #aroma #valentines #valentinesday #gift #mood #pacorabanne #cinnamon #ceyloncinnamon #cinnamonoil #cinnamonbarkoil #cinnamonbark #romance #relationships #aromadiffuser #ultrasonicdiffuser #jenesaisquoi #coffee #tea #health #antibacterial #disinfectant

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7 years ago
I Drew This On A Card For My Girlfriend. She Loves Memes

I drew this on a card for my girlfriend. She loves memes

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1 year ago
Power Outage #92 Kept In The Dark And Fed...

Power Outage #92 Kept in the Dark and Fed...

It's a quote from the fanfiction on Ao3 'Harry Potter and the Problem with Potions' By Wyste, specifically chapter 62. It's very good, please check it out!!

Original Sketch Below!:

Power Outage #92 Kept In The Dark And Fed...

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7 years ago
#41 Another Old One Because Im A Lazy Pig! This Is Also An Early Valentines Day Picture #Alien #valentinesday

#41 Another old one because Iā€™m a lazy pig! This is also an early Valentineā€™s Day picture ā¤ļøšŸ‘½#Alien #valentinesday #heart #drawing #space #colour #color #meonvalentinesday #sketch

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7 years ago
#45 Happy Valentines Day! #valentinesday #drawing #aquarelle #imactuallysingleandhaveanexamtomorrow #butwhatever

#45 Happy Valentineā€™s Day! #valentinesday #drawing #aquarelle #imactuallysingleandhaveanexamtomorrow #butwhatever #thisisanoldone #color #ink #dailydrawing #heart #hands #blood

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7 years ago
Happy Valentines Day To The One And Only @milokov-photo !
Happy Valentines Day To The One And Only @milokov-photo !
Happy Valentines Day To The One And Only @milokov-photo !

Happy Valentineā€™s Day to the one and only @milokov-photo !

The background was provided by him! Thank you for everything~!Ā ā¤

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7 years ago
Happy Valentines Day! Heres A Messy Attempt At John. Hes Emotional, So Yeah, This Is A Thing Now. Anyway,

Happy Valentineā€™s Day! Hereā€™s a messy attempt at John. Heā€™s emotional, so yeah, this is a thing now. Anyway, hopefully, I get to post soon!

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2 years ago
Named "Apollo's Revenge" Apollo Shoots An Arrow Through Cupid's Heart. Painted On 3 Separate Canvases.

Named "Apollo's Revenge" šŸ¹šŸ’” Apollo shoots an arrow through Cupid's heart. Painted on 3 separate canvases. Happy Valentines Day šŸ’” . . . #valentines #valentine #valentinesday #lovehate #brokenheart #cupid #cupidart #myart #myartwork #diadelamor #loveisintheair #brokenhearts #brokenhearted #corazonroto #cupido #amor

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7 years ago
Day 14 Feb 14th I Was Trying To Post Last Night, But It Was Better For Me To Just Enjoy The Evening And

Day 14 ā€¢ ā€¢ Feb 14th I was trying to post last night, but it was better for me to just enjoy the evening and soak in the day. And what a day Valentines Day has become for me these past few years. The procession of emotions followed the order of these photos: 1) My girlfriend and I are celebrating 3 years of being together. My love for her grows each day. She is my sweetness. 2) I was reflecting on the weird season/weather we have been having in the Midwest. At 40-50 degrees, it felt like spring was near. 3) Poetry Workshop at Butler is always dope. My classmates did an early birthday celebration for another classmate and me. We had a "Bee Mine" šŸ cake and candles on donuts. Our professor got a 9 and 0 candle because she's beautifully weird like that lol. 4) I love fog...especially at night. 5) My girlfriend gave me a plethora of love in gifts. She figures I spoil her so much that it was her turn lol. 6) Today is always a day I'll commemorate: the day Xavier "X" Walton passed. I'm still writing and loving others with compassion because of you, X. Love on in heaven. This poem is always for youā€”link in bio. #blackishistorytoo #blackandwhitechallenge #blackandwhitephotography #valentinesday #friends #isntshelovely #love

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10 years ago
Yess #valentinesday #seacerca #happy #drink #blablabla #true

Yess #valentinesday #seacerca #happy #drink #blablabla #true

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10 years ago
Heart Container Valentines Day Card, It Says In The Corner: With You ,I Feel Whole

Heart container Valentineā€™s Day card, it says in the corner: ā€œwith you ,I feel wholeā€

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8 years ago
Big, Bold Stripes By Magdafunk Featuring Marni Shoes Liked On Polyvore

Big, Bold Stripes by magdafunk featuring marni shoes ā¤ liked on Polyvore

Rochas tie blouse / VIVETTA skirt, $480 / Agent provocateur lingerie, $145 / Marni shoes / Navy blue handbag / Maria Francesca Pepe heart shaped jewelry, $335 / Bloomingdale's 14k yellow gold earrings, $83

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7 years ago
Kaz Miller From The Metal Gear Solid Series

Kaz Miller from the Metal Gear Solid series

Commission done for @bbs-butt, just in time for Valentineā€™s Day.

Kaz Miller From The Metal Gear Solid Series

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OMG! What A Nice Valentines Day Surprise ! Thank You So Much @outmagazine For Featuring Me On Your 100

OMG! What a nice Valentineā€™s Day surprise šŸ˜ā¤ļø! Thank you so much @outmagazine for featuring me on your 100 most eligible bachelors : 2018 list! Itā€™s insane that Iā€™m on here with so many beautiful , talented, queer artists, activists, actors, athletes and trailblazers šŸ˜! Thank you Thank you so much! Go checkout the link in the comments to checkout all the cuties on the list and vote for your fav! Thanks again @outmagazine ! Happy Valentineā€™s Day everyone šŸ’! #outmagazine #100eligiblebachelors s #out #queerbachelors #queerlove #supportqueerart #valentinesday #happyvalentinesday #selflove

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