Viking Ships Open | Asks Open | Request Open | 27| She/Her
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Yes! I Totallyagree! If He Needs A Queen ...
Yes! I totally agree! If he needs a queen ...

All Hail to My King !

Harald has always been a complex character to me and that’s what always made me love him. He can be ruthless and violent as Hell but he has honor and he is so craving for love.
This season, he proved himself to be a great Viking and even more so in the latest one: the way he treated Magnus, how he took care of him, how he could have let Bjorn die and steal away Kattegat and Grunnhild, how he got hurt because of it !
And what gets on my nerves is that Bjorn will probably fool him just like Ivar did and this is so unfair.
I really hope he will get what he wants in the last season: a wife who loves him, children and the Kingdom he longs for !
All Hail King Harald, the only one who truly deserves that title !
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Tell Me What You Want!
Thank you to all who follow me! I sincerely appreciate it. Tell me what you want me to work on. It might be a little harder to write something each week due to my spring semester of college this year, but I will try my best!

The Wild Hunt Chapter (1/6?) This is Why you Never Play with Oujia Boards
October 31st, 1987 Aethelswith Atheling (17), Ainsley Burke (16), Joan Hanson (17), Sarah Harlow (17), and Heluna Umbria (16), went missing at Mrs. Jane Harlow’s home at 147 Cherry Lane. If anyone has information in regards to their whereabouts, please immediately inform your local police department or contact the Wessex County Police Department at 749-XXX-XXXX.
Saturday,10:30 pm Halloween night, Sarah Harlow’s 17th birthday party.
Aethelswith had never been a fan of Halloween night. It wasn’t because her family was Catholic, nor was it the fact the Sarah always partied a little too hard on her birthday. Rather it was the strange occurrences that had started after her thirteenth birthday, specifically on Halloween night. The 31st seems to hold the worst omens for her. It was as if the things stalking her would grow evermore powerful starting on this day. Birds would start watching her throughout the winter with beady little eyes, another time she swore something or someone tried to drown in her family’s pool, and now the ever increasing empty stares that seemed to followed her had begun to target her friends.
Joan with her vibrant red hair and ‘too cool to care’ attitude had started complaining about always being cold. Even in the middle of July, she dressed as if it was the middle of November. She felt like a walking corpse that was unable to retain heat. Shy Ainsley who rocked a bitchin brunette perm had the opposite problem. She was always hot, to the point when others touched her, it felt that her skin was oozing the very fires of Hell. Blonde Sarah had always said nothing was going on, but recently an alarming amount of bodily injuries had been piling up on her past boyfriends. Some had little nicks or cuts that they would wake up to find on their body, but the longer the boy had dated her the worst the injury. Just last week, her boyfriend Johnny broke his leg by falling down a flight of stairs. He swore that someone pushed him. But out all of these strange events, the craziest occurrence was Heluna was in love.
Heluna, who was technically Aethelswith’s aunt, grew up in a rather strict household. This pure angel, goody-two-shoes, teacher’s pet, perfection incarnate had broken parents' cardinal rule: if you’re dating we must meet the boy first.
Not only had Heluna failed to mention him to her parents, but gave as little as possible information to her friends. The only information her friends had gotten her was that his name was Sigurd, and according to Heluna, he was a dreamboat with blonde hair and snake-like eyes. They had met at the reptile exhibit at the zoo in June. He sends her poems and love songs coined ‘ to my love Blaeja’. Apparently, it was a compliment to Heluna's black eyes. It might be the first time in Heluna’s life that she had any true freedom to make her own choice. It was like she was planning their wedding already and the following escape from her father’s control. Interrupting Aethelswith thoughts Sarah pulled out something out of the living room closet.
“ Girls, let's play a game” Sarah called out. Out of the corner of her blue eyes, she saw the infamous Ouija Board.
“No, way I am doing that!” Ainsley whispered. Her brown doe eyes widened in fear as if she knew who was on the other side.
“Come on! As the birthday girl for the next hour and a half, I get to decide what we get to do. Besides, don’t you guys want to take a little risk.” Sarah scanned the room directly looking at Heluna, Ainsley and her knowing they would be the most reluctant.
“ Whose in?” Sarah asked while setting the board down on the coffee table.
“ I’ll join” Joan called from the kitchen after getting another slice of pizza.
“So will I” Heluna called triumphantly, moving towards the coffee table.
“Heluna, you can’t be serious. Your dad is going to kill you when he finds out.” Aethelswith warned. She could feel it in her gut. A cold, sickening feeling squirmed in her stomach. It was if the room was growing darker, heavier as if more people had joined the room as if they were waiting for them to play or, worst, pushing them to play. Perhaps she was the only one that could tell. Rationally, she told herself it’s just Halloween jitters, nothing is out there or in here.
“ I totally agree, with Ash. Can’t, we like, just paint our nails or play Twister. Anything… I don’t care… just not this.” Ainsley lithe body seemed the fall into herself as if she could feel the same things as Aethelswith.
“ Don’t worry about this Ainsley. I got it from Stacy. We’ll each ask a question and be done with it ok. I promise” Sarah gave a radiant reassuring smile ”Besides, you, I, and Stace are on the cheer team together. Would she really do anything bad to us? Plus, she left me some notes on this thing”
Sarah lifted the note from Stacey. Stacey was on the cheerleading team at their high school with Sarah and Ainsley. They were stereotypical popular girls at their school. Honestly, if Sarah hadn’t met her other friends at their Catholic school, Stacey probably would have led her into hot water, but Sarah was loyal to a fault.
She started to read the bright pink note.
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great 17th.
Sorry, I couldn’t make it. Love Stace.
Remember to keep these rules in mind while playing!
Rules From Stacy
Be Serious This is not a game
Ask one question at a time
DO NOT ask about God, when you will die, or where gold is buried.
NEVER play alone
“See it's totally fine, don’t worry about it. Ainsley, Aethelswith come on please join.” Sarah whined until the remaining girls finally joined in. An unnatural chill came over the girls as their hands touched the planchette. Aethelswith could feel another hand on her wrist lightly tracing the skin as gently as a lover. But, of course, there was nothing there, nothing tangible, clearly, Aethelswith thought that she must be losing a little bit of her sanity. Shakingly, Sarah started speaking.
“Um, Hi, I’m Sarah, In the Star Wars shirt is Joan. In the rainbow nightgown is Ainsley, in the blue PJs is Aethelswith, and to my left is Heluna. We would like to ask some questions”. After a short pause, Sarah continued.
“ Did someone push my boyfriend Johnny down a flight of stairs?”.
It felt as if the majority of the silent presence were slightly laughing at the expense of another person there. Slowly, the disk moved towards yes. The girls looked at each other with a silent agreement that none of them had truly moved it.
“Who did it?” Ainsley whispered barely loud enough for Aethelswith to hear despite being right next to her. The disk moved again but it was not the done by the same spirit as before. The disk started spelling. H-V-I-T-S-E-R-K.
“Who the fuck is Hvitserk?” Joan uttered. The disk moved again slowly spelling more letters. A-M-O-N-S-T-E-R. The air gets colder as the light slowly dims above them. Flickering on and off. Ainsley visibility shuddered and whipped her hands off the disk.
“ I’m done! I’m not doing this anymore! I can’t take it touching me with those burning hands anymore!!” Ainsley yelled, fear contorting her face As she ran to the bathroom. Joan went after her, trying to calm the crying girl down.
“I think we should stop- ” Aethelswith replied but the hand tracing her wrist suddenly became a solid bruising grip preventing her from taking her hand off the disk. A dark seductive voice whispered in her ear: You didn’t ask your question my beauty…. As a calloused hand ran through her curled locks.
“ Did you guys hear that?” she asked.
“What do you mean, I didn’t hear anything’ Sarah quipped as if trying to deny the ever growing gloom pressing down on them. She continued. “Heluna ask your question, I’m going to go check on Ainsley and Joan. They’re taking a while.” Taking her hands off the disk as she went towards the hallway bathroom where it had become oddly silent. Heluna took a shuddering breath before gathering her courage.
“Is Sigurd like Hvitserk- I mean is he an actual monster or are you using the term ‘monster’ as a description of Hvitserk’s personality?” Heluna asked but was replied with no movement from the board.
“ I think you need to ask something simpler or maybe you need to ask one question at a time,” Aethelswith responded quietly.
“ Ok. Where is Sigurd?” Heluna continued jokingly not thinking the board would know the answer. To their surprise, the disk began to move again. H-E-R-E.
“Sigurd, can’t be here. He doesn’t even live in this county-” She turned to Aethelswith
He told me he’s from-” a sharp knock came from the door interrupting her. They look away from the board and stared at the doorway.
“Heluna, don’t answer the door!” Aethelswith hissed, but a strange trance seemed to overtake Heluna. Black eyes almost glittering with want.
“But what if it's him... I’ll just answer the door and prove it's not.” She whispered back.
“Heluna, please! I can’t play alone, remember.” Aethelswith pleaded with wide blue eyes. Another harsher knock came from door impatiently waiting for them to answer. Heluna regained focus and looked back at Aethelswith nodding to finish the game. Taking a deep breath Aethelswith asked her question
“What do you want from us?” she questioned as the invisible hand holding her wrist began silently trail from wrist to her fingers. The hand settled on top off hers as it guided the disk. A-Q-U-E-E-N. It had taken a slight pause and began to move again. A W-I-F-E. It moved for a final time painfully gripping her hand. A-M-A-T-E ” Ugh gag me with a spoon. What does this psycho think he’s talking about? Were, like, 17.” She thought to herself with disbelief.
“Hey, Heluna will you get the other girls? We need to say goodbye to board” Aethelswith stated growing tired of the hand on top of hers.
“Yeah let me go answer the door first,” Heluna said as she quickly moved from the living room.
“ I really don’t think that’s a good idea-” she was cut off by the hand crushing hers, keeping her hand on the disk. She could feel the sharp sting of claws digging into her skin. Suddenly, the room seemed to warp into another landscape entirely. The cream-colored living room faded into a stone covered walls. Taperaries were hung against the walls and furs covered the floor. She was bathed in firelight coming from the roaring fireplace. She could now see a discolored hand on top of hers. Claws protruded from where a normal person’s nails would be.
“Do not worry my princess. Soon we'll be together again” a dark gravelly voice spoke to her. She willed herself to look up at where the voice was coming from. The darkness obscured his face but from the shadows, she could make out curved horns, sharp teeth, leathery wings, and haunting ice blue eyes. She quickly tore her hand away from his, as she tore her body away. shuffling from him as quickly as possible.
“Get away from me!” Aethelswith whispered frantically backing up towards the wall. He remained in the darkness but she could see the hurt in his eyes.
“You don’t remember do you?” he sighed, “ I suppose it has been so long since we were last together, my beauty. But after tonight, our long wait will be over and it will be as things once were. Before you were taken from me.”
Turning from the creature she ran out of the room her heart hammering in her chest. She wasn’t crazy, all this time she had been right. There had been something following her and her friends. She crashed through the wooden door in front of her leading back to the living room.
This can’t be right. Why am I back here? She thought to herself. She had to get her friends and say goodbye to that stupid board. Running to the hallway bathroom she swung open the door to discover Ainsley, Sarah, and Joan had disappeared.
Inside the bathroom, lava oozed from the bathroom mirror and burn marks covered the room. On the other side of the room, frost covered the shower tiles while snowy handprints showed an apparent struggle. The most disturbing part of the room was the floor. What had once been a pastel pink tiled floor now had a gaping hole in the center that only showed an earthen black abyss. Whatever had taken the girls was not of their world.
Rushing from the scene, she realized Heluna wasn’t with her. Please God, tell me she didn’t answer that damn door! In another sprint, she raced to the front door. Opening it to find it empty but crawling with snakes, from constrictors to vipers. Slamming and locking the door back behind her, she couldn’t help the fear rising back up.
This isn’t happening! I’m dreaming! Right of course. I’ve fallen asleep first like I always do. She thought to herself. Ignoring the ever present darkness closing in around her, she made the move to pinch herself. If it doesn’t hurt that must mean I’m dreaming. Quickly her right hand pinched her left arm but was only felt pain.
Oh God, why are doing this to us? Is it my fault? She thought. but was interrupted by the bang at the front door.
“Princess, unlock the door.” he chastised gently, “ We don’t want to keep the others waiting, do we?”. He was real, this was real. She gripped her crucifix as tears filled her eyes, and recited a prayer knowing it was the only thing that could help her now. She started speaking loudly,
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He causes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Even when I walk in the valley of darkness, I will fear no evil for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff-they comfort-”
“Princess, you know I hate when you call on your precious Jesus Christ. You know he can’t help you now.” The voice was no longer sweetly chastising her, but replaced with a gravely demonic voice that dripped with acidity. As if he sensed her fear he returned to a sweet purring tone,
“I didn’t want to scare you too much, but we’re going to be late for the hunt princess…” he sighed.
“I guess we're going to have to play a little rough… but you always enjoyed that didn’t you? ” he chuckled darkly. Without a second to spare the figure kicked down the door showing the monster behind the door. Her breath caught in her throat, staring at the creature before her. He was strangely attractive with long braided hair, dark beard, and Armani suit. Like a predator on the prowl, he began to slowly advance towards her.
Shit Sarah, this is why we don’t play with Ouija boards! Aethelswith thought to herself as she slowly back stepped from him. Stalling for time to get to the back kitchen door she faked bravery and began talking to the creature.
“Look, I’ve never met you in my life buddy. You’ve clearly got the wrong girl.” She boasted but remained unfazed by the announcement.
“Princess, it won’t be long until you remember. Now don’t make this difficult for me. I don’t like causing you pain, well, unless you ask for it. That’s a different story.” He chuckled.
“Great, I’m dealing with some pervy demon intent on getting into my pants” she mused. But then inspiration struck her, perhaps I could entice him with her body. Sure she never had any real experience with that type of thing unless you count Edmund at eighth-grade bible camp, but then again she was pretty sure he was in the closet. Subtly shifting her nightshirt to show off some of her skin, she gave him her best fearful face pleading mercy with him
“Sir, please, I didn’t mean to cause any trouble. Please, won’t you just let me go? I promise I’ll behave” she pleaded, seeing the lust in his eyes. Only of few more steps lay between her and the back door.
“Oh, but Princess, I want play with you” He growled taking a swift lunge at his target, but she had already reached the door. Running into the dark forest not bothering to look back or think about what might in the woods she ran. Heart hammering in her chest, she ran further into the maze of forbidding trees. Taking a look behind her, she saw glowing blue eyes in the distant.“
You just made this so much more fun for me, Princess!” He laughed. It sounded like he was right behind her breathing down her neck.
“Leave me alone!” Her shrill voice cried out, tears visibly coming down her face. With a loud crack another creature came from the woods. It was… It was a dog? Thinking of the sheer absurdity of the situation, she could laugh to herself. But soon the body of the fluffy white dog began to grow adding another head, limbs, tails, until there were six eyes look back at her. These were no fluffy white dogs anymore, molted decaying skin clang to their skulls while they possess the same icy glowing blue eyes as their master. Another figure came up behind the hounds with the same glowing blue eyes.
“I see you’ve met my very own Cerberus.” He paused to look back at his princess running further to the starting line,”

When playing this game, it’s important not to make any noise” He shouted to her. Ignoring his words she continued running but the scratches and marks were blooding her skin and she knew she couldn’t keep up this pace. Suddenly she saw candlelight in a window of a abandoned Victorian house. Not believing her luck she renewed her effort. Just a little farther and they’ll be someone there to help you she prayed. Crashing through the door she found it entirely empty, but safe enough for her taste. Taking a turn back she saw the demonic creature and his dogs jogging at a leisurely pace. Flipping the bird to them, she slammed the door, locked it and began pushing the nearest piece a furniture against the door when the house changed around her. Changing from a decaying house, the candles began glow in force all around her, faded wallpaper return to it’s colorful hues, and broken and missing furniture filled the foyer. Turning to face a sweet girly voice Aethelswith faced a small blonde girl with purple bruises around her neck, staring at her with green eyes,
“ Are you ready to play the game?”
King Harald (Vikings) - SFW Alphabet Headcanons

Harald x fem!reader
A/N: This is my first time writing for Harald, so I hope it doesn’t feel too OOC. A few mentions of smut under the cut, but nothing too dirty. Mostly just the soft, sweet stuff. (GIF not mine — found on Google.)
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Harald is an incredibly affectionate, romantic man. He’s driven by his passion and his heart, and he has always longed for true love. He lavishes you with affection, and he wants to take care of his woman. If the gods were kind enough to bring the two of you together, he feels like it’s his duty to honor that by showing his devotion in any way possible. He is the king, and he expects his queen to be treated as such.
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Hi! This is for the Viking bros, what would be the best type of personality for their s/o to have?
This one was kinda hard I’m ngl ^^;Bjorn – Okay so Bjorn would probably be more compatible with someone who is more independent and able to take care of themselves, so kinda like a shieldmaiden I suppose. Like just seeing them training with a sword and partaking in raids would be such a turn on for Bjorn. Although in contrast to this he’d also like to feel needed sometimes, so I can see him liking a more awkward and shy s/o too. He’d find it adorable if they got flustered and blushed a lot, he’d just find it so endearing when comparing it with their confidence on the battlefield.Ubbe - He’d definitely enjoy someone who is easy to tease and fluster (in a good naturedly way ofc), so he’d probably prefer a more shy s/o. Someone who he can protect and dote on, like he’d find their shyness so adorable and would take great pleasure in making them blush with his sweet words. In this sense he’d probably prefer someone more submissive, but not to the point where they’re helpless, just someone who he can take care of at times and someone to make him feel needed. Hvitserk – Hvitserk would probably prefer an s/o with a personality pretty similar to his tbh, so someone rather playful and teasing. It would also be important for them to be rather confident, as he can be extremely flirty at times, and so they need to be secure in themselves enough not to get jealous easily. They’d definitely have to be sexually confident too. Hvitserk would often sexually tease his s/o at inappropriate times, so having an s/o who can counter this and tease him back would be fun and well-suited for him, and it would almost be like a game for the two.Sigurd – I can see Sigurd being more inclined towards a rather comforting and motherly s/o. Someone who is there to support and soothe him when he’s feeling particularly resentful towards his mother or Ivar. They’d also have to be pretty headstrong too however to deal with his stubbornness and sarcasm. In fact, it would probably be good if they were sarcastic too as it would turn into playful banter between the two. His s/o would also have to be comfortable with just enjoying his company in silence at times since he can be rather quiet.Ivar – Ofc Ivar enjoys being dominant so he’d more than likely prefer an s/o with a more submissive and obedient personality. It would, however, be important for them to have a backbone and be able to stand up for themselves when the need arises, so that they can keep Ivar grounded when he’s in a rage, whilst also maintaining their independence and showing Ivar that he doesn’t own them. He’d probably like someone clingy (as in being okay with being in his company the majority of the time) as Ivar would want them within his presence almost 24/7 since he’s rather possessive and would want to keep an eye on them to make sure no one would make any advances towards his s/o.