Jenny 🖤 fan of a lot of things This is my main blog, primarily about Disney Fairies. My side blogs include: @the-bafflement-of-scotland-yard -- musical blog @transcriptions-of-unknown-music -- arrangements and audio transcriptions by me @ask-the-storm-fairies -- Rumble and Glimmer ask/rp blog @mydisneycollection -- literally my personal Disney collection @alastheswarmleaderhasescaped -- BIONICLE blog @ahsoka-its-all-of-us -- Star Wars blog
562 posts
Now That Ive Finally Decided To Become An Active Tumblr User, Let Me Start By Sharing An Old Arrangement
Now that I’ve finally decided to become an active Tumblr user, let me start by sharing an old arrangement of a part of the TinkerBell soundtrack I made for brass band.
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Another part of my work, this time a transcription from the TinkerBell NDS game! As a deep fan of the Fairies music I was always searching around for someone crazy enough to turn these little jewels into sheet music, but never found it. So now that I’m capable of it, I’ve decided to become that person myself.
This is the Tinker theme, which anyone who has played this game will instantly recognise. The same music is also used in TinkerBell’s Adventure, though because they swapped some voices and used a different sound library it sounds a bit different.
Transcribing is basically writing down music so it can be performed from sheet. I often use a transcription as a basis for an arrangement (for like piano or orchestra or something).
Hey fairies are tiny, but that doesn’t mean they’re not great :)
(and thank you!)
Now that I’ve finally decided to become an active Tumblr user, let me start by sharing an old arrangement of a part of the TinkerBell soundtrack I made for brass band. I’m curious if the other fairies like it!
@disneyfairiesfanclub: #YES DISNEY FAIRIES MUSIC! #ive recently tried playing a little tune by ear #im not a professional musician at all so it's very amateur #might post it here later
Yes, please do, I love it when people engage in the wonder that is Disney Fairies music!
Also I actually am a professional musician, so if you’d like feedback or help at some point I’ll gladly offer it.
Now that I’ve finally decided to become an active Tumblr user, let me start by sharing an old arrangement of a part of the TinkerBell soundtrack I made for brass band. I’m curious if the other fairies like it!
Well you know mine :-) Very curious what you’ll make of Chumble
Fanfiction requests? Open 👀

@ranibell​ you inspired me.
I hope this fits, it has been ages since I last watched that show. I guess Musa could have been Sil, too, but I couldn’t really see Fawn as Flora.
It is SUCH a good thing I never got into Winx like I did with Disney Fairies...
One time, way back when I was a kid, sometime in the 2000s, I got a trading card packet from somewhere and got a holographic Flora card and I still think about her to this day.