noactofcharitygoesunresented - Disney Fairies music and stuff
Disney Fairies music and stuff

Jenny đź–¤ fan of a lot of things This is my main blog, primarily about Disney Fairies. My side blogs include: @the-bafflement-of-scotland-yard -- musical blog @transcriptions-of-unknown-music -- arrangements and audio transcriptions by me @ask-the-storm-fairies -- Rumble and Glimmer ask/rp blog @mydisneycollection -- literally my personal Disney collection @alastheswarmleaderhasescaped -- BIONICLE blog @ahsoka-its-all-of-us -- Star Wars blog

562 posts

Do You Take Requests?

Do you take requests?

I do, as in, I listen to them. I can’t always guarantee that I’ll be able to arrange or audio transcribe a certain piece or song because in some cases it’s really difficult (and I will need a good quality original recording), but I will always give it a try!

Requests are therefore always welcome, if only to give me an idea of what to do next :-)

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    fortheloveofmoth liked this · 4 years ago
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    uliana-redfather liked this · 4 years ago

More Posts from Noactofcharitygoesunresented

An audio transcription of another of my favourite Pixie Hollow Online tracks: the Pumpkin Patch intro. This one was less difficult to do than Silvermist’s Grotto, as the instrument use was much more classical and less digitally enhanced. I especially love the counterpoint between the woodwinds, which is why I decided to transcribe this one.

I still don’t know the name of the original composer, so if anyone does, please let me know as I’d like to give them credits.

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Well you know mine :-) Very curious what you’ll make of Chumble

Fanfiction requests? Open đź‘€

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Well that turned out to be less complicated than I had expected. Guess I’m more of a friendshipper than a romantic shipper. Oh well. I do like to read about other ships though, just don’t write them myself. Arrow means unreciprocated, slashed means broken.

Disney Fairies Shipping Chart :D

disney fairies shipping chart :D

feel free to use, better with credit

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In one of the special features of my TinkerBell DVD (or perhaps it was GFR, I’ll have to check that) it is mentioned that fairies bathe in coconut tubs and dry themselves with orange blossom towels, though it mentions nowhere if those are in their own homes or in a special bathing branch or something.

About houses… in the LT NDS game you get to put your fairies in their own homes, most of which exist within a flower (this is of course also true for PHOG, but I don’t think they showed the outside of the houses there). So they may live in flowers, but only in those big enough to make an actual house?

Really the existence of Gelata and the Baking fairies only added to the confusion. When even in the movie-verse there is a dedicated Kitchen talent, they will need a dedicated kitchen, right?

Honestly, the thing that always interested me: in PF it is canonised that fairies need to go to the bathroom. Where? Are there bathrooms somewhere? Do fairies do their business behind their house? How did Tink do that when she was flying the balloon in LT?

Where do fairies bathe in the movie universe Pixie Hollow? In the books, everyone lives in the Home Tree, each having their own room, and there’s a specific area “the bathing branches” where they have baths.

We don’t see bathtubs inside any of the fairies homes in the movies...Is there a designated area somewhere in the kingdom where they go, or not? If not, how do they bathe??

Not to mention food...Having the fairies each live independently, yet giving them a home that has no bathroom OR kitchen and then also never showing or referencing the existence of anywhere that they CAN take care of those needs is just...

In the books, the fairies eat their meals (cooked by cooking/baking talents) in the tearoom, which is, again, in the Home Tree. Is there a kitchen and tearoom in the Pixie Dust Tree where the baking fairies work and everyone eats?

Or are we supposed to assume Tink cooks her own meals in the private kitchen she doesn’t have?

The first movie shows Tink’s laugh coming to Pixie and all the fairies waking up—some of them are just sitting up in flowers. Do they even have houses? Are they homeless? Why are they sleeeping in flowers? I know, “if it fits I sit” but like....the tinkers had built Tink a house before she even arrived, I think they can do better.

Am I the only one who cares, or notices these things?

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