heavily canon divergent diluc ragnvindr from genshin impact. written by moon.
802 posts
Noctuafought - Burning The Darkness. - Tumblr Blog
shamelessly stealing from demon slayer because if y'all know anything about me, you know i take powers from other shows and games 🥰
anyway, this is the moveset traveler would receive when resonating with pyro with diluc as the archon. diluc would bless and spoil them by giving them op abilities.

skill: blooming flame
description: the traveler performs a singular slash or multiple if needed, in a fluid circular motion to defend from incoming attacks and deal pyro dmg to the enemies.

burst: eternal flame
description: the traveler dashes forth, bringing their blade into a high guard before performing a series of sword slashes which take the form of a flaming phoenix

its my bday so heres another diluc art <33
can i talk about 'meta' and how diluc is meta? can i talk about diluc. pls i wanna talk about how good diluc is even this far in the game. pls.

diluc ragnvindr still has me in a chokehold
reposting this too because i didn't know my tumblr was wrecked for the last ten months actually my tumblr was denied for so long that i changed my username and thus the signature is different lmao
non speed blur version below the cut

it means i want to be here, i really do
it means that i have, whether i like it or not, more important things to do than roleplay at the moment
it means that replies are going to sit for a moment
that i care any less
that i don’t want to talk / plot with you
that you aren’t allowed to IM me or ask for my disco
Sometimes Tumblr has to take a back burner, and that’s fine! Roleplay will still be here when we get back. So take that day to yourself. Don’t worry about drafts. Don’t worry about how “slow” you are being. Everything is okay!
Send “Talk about-” and a name for my muse to talk about that person!

a hand came up to rest on the small of her back as he brought her into the manor , allowing her to rest against him all the while . he flagged down adelinde when she spotted them and the head maid set to preparing tea , juice , and some treats on the dining table .
their eyes met and the fear and lack of passionate determination in lumine's gaze shot ice into his veins . never before had he seen her so lost and perturbed , even when she was facing unknown danger .
he brought her to sit on the couch , settling beside her . his heart shattered into fine dust as her voice wavered , her words breaking . immediately , he drew her into a tight hug once more , a hand threading through her golden hair .
" no , no . you did not fail , i assure you . " he promised her . he knew exactly what she was feeling , her demeanor similar to his own when his father passed before the rage took over .
he didn't know much about what she was referring to as his network had hit a roadblock , but he knew in his heart she didn't fail . whatever happened , he could only assume the worst .
adelinde came by with the refreshments and poured them cups of tea — tea that often calmed diluc's emotional spirals .
diluc was ever so grateful he didn't have to say a word for her to know what was needed .
he held lumine for a moment longer before pulling back and reaching for the tea , handing her the cup .
" here . " he murmured .

She pressed on, after everything that had just gone down back in Sumeru. She had continued to press on. She was supposed to be headed for Natlan, but with everything going on... she was tired. Exhausted. Weary. The Loom of Fate was completed. Whatever happened now, everyone including herself were living on borrowed time. She didn't know what her brother had planned, aside from resurrecting Khaenri'ah, now that he and the Abyss Order had completed it, but she knew that whatever it was it was not going to be good.
Knowing that Diluc would give her some sound advice and let her rest and recuperate from the information ( as well unbeknownst to her the lack of it therefore of ) overload of knowing that they had lost the most important piece against the destruction of this world... she trudged through Sumeru, through the Chasm, Liyue and all the way through to Dawn Winery.
She collapsed in Diluc's arms and closed her eyes letting the warmth of her friend engulf her like a warm blanket on a cold night. The soothing strokes of his hand on her back in an attempt to soothe her, the comforting cheek on her hair let her know that she was okay, he was doing his best to give her what she needed.

He helped her up and walked her to the mansion. "The guest room, Diluc, please. I could never kick you out of your own room." she whispered, everything that had happened to her evident in her voice.
She looked up at him, her golden eyes usually so fiery and defiant now showed doubt and were dull.
"I'm sorry... I failed, the Abyss Order..." she trailed off, shaking her head as a lump appeared as she tried to speak of what she knew. It was too much. Her brother might be waiting for her to finish her journey before activating everything, but right now she was vulnerable and so very alone.
Other than Dain, she needed someone to talk to. Someone who would understand. Diluc would, wouldn't he?
the grinding and saving for c6 capitano begins, friends. i will have that man c6'd and triple crowned, mark my words (mark hands me my dictionary)
one of my favourite things in the world is casual intimacy. a small hand on your back when you’re in crowded streets. a gentle kick from where they’re sitting across the table. a head on the shoulder, a hand in your hand, a squeeze on the arm as they’re walking past you. and i think maybe love isn’t made up of grand gestures or explosive displays but that it’s made up of the little things. the little things that say i’m here and i care for you and that your life has intertwined so deeply into mine that that there’s no need to think, because casual intimacy comes easy
i always find it so hilarious how diluc actively knows venti's a god, his god specifically, and he still disrespects him to his face 😭 diluc 'i don't care if you're my archon, you're still not getting free wine out of me' ragnvindr

first tumblr post. i hope you guys like timelapses here
ー song: the boy is mine - ariana grande

strawb. strawbebby
diluc truly can't survive on a team without zhongli oh my god, the fires he's caused and ends up hurting from
i finally turned off the sand funnel in deshret's mausoleum and now i take a break from the desert for a bit and go back to oculi hunting in the forest
should I be surprised that diluc won smh
Rules: Choose 4 of your favorite characters from 4 pieces of media as options and let your Tumblr pals decide which one most suits your vibe.
idk how to make multimuse promos so uh lmao this'll do
but please like and reblog this if you wanna interact with a multimuse made by a dumbass who cannot handle more than one blog <3
my carrd's linked here but muses do come from genshin impact, final fantasy vii: remake and final fantasy xv, or are original characters !
okay so i officially transferred over from chrome to opera gx. i do highly recommend it. opera comes with its own built in adblocker, you can import / export bookmarks, and you can sign into your google account, use your chrome webstore and grab your extensions you have downloaded (it'll be in the 'not installed' section). there's also a tab snoozing feature where it will put your tabs to sleep after a period of inactivity to reduce ram / memory usage. this is optional of course and you can turn it off.
you can also theme your browsers. you can install premade ones or even make your own 'mods', which is really neat. a lot of the mods have background music, tab effects, typing sounds. so if you like that sort of asmr, it's definitely worth it.
making profiles is easy, and you don't have to sign in unless you want to, unlike chrome where they force you to sign into an account. it does take a bit of getting used to, but i highly recommend using opera gx <3
Rules: Choose 4 of your favorite characters from 4 pieces of media as options and let your Tumblr pals decide which one most suits your vibe.
new blogroll !
alhaitham / @verdantscholar
pierro / @clwntears
genshin multi / @wishtwined
sovereign multi / @s0vereigned
non-genshin multi / @galaxyheld
i can't believe neuvillette shot dainsleif out back and took his place as narrator for sige's collected miscellany

diluc felt more nervous bringing this up to his father than he did with anyone else, but it was a truth he had to let out . he wasn't so much scared of crepus , he knew his father would love and accept him no matter what — after all , he already used diluc's preferred named without question , so it was progress — but his nerves were still taut as it was something deeply important to the young heir .
he had already told kaeya to test the waters , and his younger brother was ecstatic even if the concept was unfamiliar and confusing to him . so he had hope that crepus would feel the same way .
the teen cleared his throat and sat next to his father , picking at the hem of his shorts as he looked down into his lap .
" father . . . i wanted to tell you something important . you see , for the past year or so , i have been feeling . . . off . i thought i was just being insecure or that my mind wasn't in the right place . but you see , i talked to another friend who felt the same way , and they told me something that made sense for me . "
he released a breath , " i want to be like kaeya — a boy . it took me a while to understand how i was feeling , and this disconnect i had with my body is something that happens to some people . so . . . if you can , i'd like you to see me as your son instead . "
ruby hues finally peeked up , diluc gauging his father's reaction .

( ℜ ) ❝ YOU IMPLIED YOU wanted to spend time with me alone today , so i sent your younger brother ahead with miss adelinde to the city to assist her with some shopping. now . . what were you wishing to discuss ? ❞

@noctuafought gets this from dad ty.