nodak-fun - Switcheroo

Body swap, m4m, muscle growth, male transformations

49 posts

On My Way Home, I Texted My Boyfriend, Kevin. I Attached A Selfie That I Had Taken On My Way Out Of The

On My Way Home, I Texted My Boyfriend, Kevin. I Attached A Selfie That I Had Taken On My Way Out Of The

“On my way home,” I texted my boyfriend, Kevin. I attached a selfie that I had taken on my way out of the gym, “Be ready.”

“Nice. Who is he?” he replied.

“His name is Terry. Chest day today. Can you tell?”

I scrolled up and looked again at the picture I had sent, with Terry’s skimpy black stringer doing very little to cover his slab-like pecs. Then I looked down at them in person. I pulled the stringer out in front of me and gave them a nod of approval as I bounced them up and down a couple of times. While I was at it, I gave his biceps a flex and ran my fingers along the thick veins that ran along the muscle. This dude was fit as fuck. I imagined he was a football player or something, though I had only filtered through some very basic information about him from his memories. If I planned on staying in him for more than an hour or so, I could easily access some more details about his life. But, as it was, I only planned on taking him home for a quick fuck with Kevin. Then, I could drop him off back at the gym with a couple of modified memories that made him think he had just stayed a little longer than usual, and send him on his way.

“He’s hot,” Kevin texted, “Hurry home ;)”

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More Posts from Nodak-fun

6 years ago
Thanks For Meeting Me Here Like This.

“Thanks for meeting me here like this.”

“Yeah,” Chuck said as he slid into the booth, “Hey, I’m sorry things have been weird recently.”

Ross just smiled and studied Chuck’s face for a moment.

“You look good,” he said.

Chuck wasn’t sure how to take the compliment.

“I think I’m finally getting used to it,” he said, though it wasn’t very convincing to either of them.

“That’s good to hear,” Ross said, “How’s your son doing?”

“Oh,” Chuck sort of laughed, “He’s doing fine. I think he actually likes being me.”

They sat there silently stirring their coffee for a few moments, neither one of them really sure how to proceed.

Finally, Ross said in a lowered voice, “I really miss you, Chuck. I see your son at work in your body. It’s weird knowing that it’s not really you. He walks like you do, talks like you do, goes through all the motions just fine. But he’s not you.”

Chuck shifted uneasily in his seat. He, too, had noticed how his son had slowly started acting more and more like him, and how he had started to act more like his son with each day that had passed since the swap.

“I’m still here for you, you know,” Ross said.

“I know,” Chuck smiled, “And I really need someone who I can talk to about all of this.”

“Then talk to me about it.”

Chuck sipped his coffee, but it didn’t taste the same to him as it usually did. He was discovering that about a lot of things, now that he was tasting them with a different tongue.

“I’m worried, Ross,” he said into his cup, “I can’t find anything about how that Medallion works. All I’ve found online are these fantasy stories, like nobody knows that it’s real. What if we’re stuck like this?”

Ross wanted nothing more than to be able to hold his boyfriend and tell him everything would be all right. But he had to remind himself that it wasn’t his boyfriend sitting across from him. At least, not physically. Physically, it was his boyfriend’s son, wearing a look that was far too concerned, far too weathered for his handsome young face.

“We’ll get through this together,” Ross simply said, “OK? Things might be different now, but we’ll figure it out.”

“OK,” Chuck said. He eased up a little and looked around the restaurant for their waitress, “Man, I’m hungry. Like, all the time. ”

“You’re a growing young man again!” Ross chuckled, “You should enjoy it!”

Chuck blushed and smiled. Somehow, this was going to be all right.

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6 years ago

His Cousin’s Hat

His Cousins Hat

The second Jake put on the hat, he could tell something was up. He had snuck into his step-cousin Matt’s room while he was out at the firing range with his dad and uncle. Jake had always had a bit of a crush on hot, red-neck Matt, though he dared not tell his family, and he snuck into his room to see if he could try on any of his clothes. A bright orange baseball cap caught his eye, and he instinctively reached for it and tried it on.

And that’s when the changes started happening. First, he felt himself start to get taller, if only slightly. Part of him thought it was all in his mind, when he felt a sudden soreness in his chest. He looked down to see his pecs inflating outwards, stretching out his t-shirt as his lower abdomen began to suck in.

“Fuck,” Jake whispered, pulling the now tight t-shirt over his head. Abs were beginning to pertrude  where his small belly once was. In addition, two cum-gutters were forming just above his waistline, pointing down towards his legs, which were starting to fill up his jeans.

Next were the arms. Jake felt them stretching, getting heavier and brushing up against his inflating lats. He rushed into Matt’s bathroom to look in the mirror. Sure enough, two massive peaks were forming on his biceps, his shoulder growing broader and his traps snaking up towards his neck.

On his face, his features were subtly shifting, growing smaller and more defined. Facial hair began to lightly pepper his face as Jake let out a satisfied grunt. Wait, he thought, is that my voice?

“Is that my voice?” he asked the ever inflating reflection. It was a deep, husky voice, a bit of a sexy southern drawl peppered in for good measure. “God damn,” he said, continuing to admire the new body, “God da— oooohhh…”

He let out a pleasured groan as the final step of the transformation started to occur. He felt a powerful heat emit from his crotch, and he grabbed for it in shock. And that’s when he started to feel it: his dick, inflating and growing in his grip. He could feel his massive ball sack churning out hot man juice and pumping it throughout his body, which was now starting to look like that of a young muscle model.

When the pumping finally subsided, he unzipped his now uncomfortably tight jeans and let all twelve inches of his thick new cock spill out onto Matt’s bathroom countertop.

Jake looked back up in the mirror at the new man standing before him. His body was perfectly sculpted, every new muscle glistening with hot, post-transformation stress. He flexed his bicep, and his dick jumped up from the counter. He was getting turned on by his own body!

With his free hand, he stroked his new big dick while flexing his bicep. “Aw yeah man,” he started to dirty talk to his reflection in that deep southern voice, “fuck yeah man, look at me. Fuckin’ massive. Aw yeah, I’m gonna make me cum…”

He felt his whole body grow hotter as his dick tensed in anticipation. Every muscle tensed, and Jake felt a wave of pleasure like nothing he’d ever experienced before. He let out a big, manly moan as he shot spurt after spurt of hot silvery man juice onto Matt’s mirror. It felt like he was standing there for hours, cuming over and over, testosterone shooting through his veins as he embraced his newfound man-hood.

When he was finally done, Jake ran his sticky hands over his sweat-drenched muscles, feeling the deep, warm crevices of every singe one of them. He loved his new body, he was just going to have a lot of explaining to do when his step-cousin got back from the range. And a lot of cleaning to do as well…

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6 years ago
Dude, Your Ass Is, Like Fully Hanging Out Of Your Jeans Right Now, I Said,You Know That, Right?

“Dude, your ass is, like fully hanging out of your jeans right now,” I said, “You know that, right?”

“Uh huh,” he responded.

“And those tattoos.”

“Uh huh,” he bit his lip and looked down at his arm, which was etched with an intricate black and white design. He twisted it in the sunlight, admiring it as if it had always been there.

“And your body,” I said.

“It’s so sexy. Isn’t it?”

He pushed himself away from the railing of the balcony and threw his arms up over his head, putting his body on full display for me. He rolled his body up and down and gyrated his hips as if he was dancing to some sort of deep and sensual music that could only be heard by him. It struck me then that he’d make one hell of a gogo boy.

“It really is,” I confirmed, but the obvious boner in my pants had probably confirmed it for me. “Do you like being this way?”

“Mmm,” he moaned. Now, he had started running his hands along the solid muscles of the body I had given him. “I fucking love it.”

“Good,” I said. I was pleased that in addition to the physical changes, the mental changes seemed to have been turning out exactly as planned. “You’re going to make me a lot of money with that body, aren’t you?”

“I’ll do anything for a buck,” he winked. I loved the slutty, trashy voice he had chosen to start speaking with. “Or a fuck!”

He turned around and bent over with his ass in the air. It looked so fucking delicious in the jockstrap that I had him wearing. I licked my lips. I wanted to fuck him right then and there. 

“God damn,” I said.

I had turned my roommate into my own personal fuck toy, one that could be rented out by the hour, all with just a couple of magical pills. It was amazing.

“You’re too shy to do it out here on the balcony, huh?” he said. Ironic, since he himself had been quite the quiet, introverted sort himself before I’d given him the pills. “That’s OK, we can do it inside.”

He took me by the hand, totally confident, like he was a pro at this. I gladly followed him.

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6 years ago

The Potion Room

NOTE: This story was inspired by multiple different anonymous requests, so pay attention, as you might see yours in here ;)

Frank was dreading having to go to his grandma’s old house. Buried deep within the southern backwoods, the once tiny, charming mini-mansion had grown derelict over the years, and served only as a reminder of his grandmother’s lavish and secretive lifestyle. For years after her husband died, she had lived alone in the house, leading many of the local townspeople to suspect she’d turned to some form of witchcraft. Frank and his family never entertained this notion, of course, but truth be told, the never saw her often enough to know for sure what she did with her free time.

It had been just a few weeks since she “died.” Though a body was never found, the family could only assume something awful had happened. Perhaps she’d drowned herself in the same river as her late husband, or fell off a ledge on one of her long, early morning walks. Regardless, someone had to settle her estate, and Frank, being the eldest of her grandchildren, was saddled with the responsibility of driving down to that creepy old house to find the will.

It was almost dark as Frank pulled up, his headlights illuminating the dusty living room through a wide, antebellum-style window. The house, like grandma, was archaic yet oddly charming. He felt a tinge of both fear and comfort as he walked up the steps and opened the door. It was unlocked, leading him to suspect that burglars had already had their way with the property. As long as they didn’t take anything important, he thought as he began searching through the house.

Everything seemed eerily sanitized. The house was clean, save for a mountain of dirty pans in the kitchen. Had she been cooking something? Why would the door be unlocked? Why would the door to the basement be so open?

He’d never been in the basement as a child. It was one of the places he and his cousins were forbidden to enter, and he even felt the smallest inclination of guilt as he descended the stairs and turned on the light.

It appeared to be a wine cellar, only the wine bottles were smaller and were all clearly homemade. Grandma’s personal collection. On the table in the middle of the room was a note. Finally, Frank thought as he picked it up and read:

My dearest Frank,

To you I leave my most treasured collection. I implore you to read each label carefully before drinking, for if used right, this room could unlock your greatest potential. But if used incorrectly, it could unleash the monster in you.

Weird. Frank put down the note. He was disappointed. Out of everything she had, this was what she left him with? A dingy wine cellar?

Frustrated, Frank reached for one of the bottles. The label read: “Pinther” in her handwriting. Was it some special kind of brew? Frank didn’t even think. He popped the bottle off and began to drink, hoping to drown out the crushing disappointment that was growing heavier and heavier in his chest.

But it didn’t take like wine. Instead, it tasted like sugar water. It tingled and prickled his throat as it settled into his chest and began to expand. Oh shit, Frank thought, what did I just drink?

He didn’t have time to think because he was already falling backwards into a chair, his body seeming to suck itself in. His breaths became larger and deeper, and his body surged with an energy that he hadn’t felt since he ran track in high school.

His shirt was hanging loosely on his once bulky frame, and Frank tore it off to reveal a slim, runner’s body slowly beginning to chisel itself out of his fat.

“Holy shiiiiiiiooooooohhhhh fuck.” Frank shuttered as dopamine started to flood his system. He felt like he was on the brink of an orgasm, and his hands immediately started to feel up the hard new lines that decorated his body like a greek statue. He felt an immense attraction towards himself, and he stood up to admire his figure as the changes finished running their coarse.

The Potion Room

“Fuck me man,” Frank said very literally as he admired his adonis body. He looked like a Calvin Kline model. Everything was perfectly proportioned, his skin perfectly toned and his muscles perfectly shaped. His jaw was chiseled and rough with stubble, and as he ran his hand over it and grinned, he could feel his dick growing ever more uncomfortable in his jeans.

He dropped them down to reveal a true beast of a cock, long and thin, with silvery pre-cum dripping from the tip. He had never been this turned on by his own physique, and the more and more he thought about touching his own body, the more his penis seemed to expand.

But then he remembered what he was doing here. What other potions might grandma have had stored in her collection? After all, it was Frank’s now. He could do what he wanted with it; he could BE anyone he wanted.

He reached for a random bottle on the shelf. Filled with horny excitement, he didn’t even read the label as he popped the cap and took a swig. This one tasted more sour, like tequila, and it burned his throat as it made its way down to his stomach, where it landed like a brick.

“Woah,” Frank remarked. Suddenly he felt very full, like he’d consumed a hefty meal. When he looked down he saw that his gut was starting to come back, but just as disappointment started to set in, he was hit with a tsunami of pleasure.

Frank stumbled around, his vision blurring. A warmth engulfed his body that was very different from the sharp coolness of the previous drink. This one made him feel numb, hot, and much larger. Literally, as he looked down at himself through the haze, he could see not just his gut was expanding, but EVERYTHING was expanding. His arms, his pecs, his thighs, his feet. Even his dick started to gain some chub to it.

“Lo que la cogida?” Frank remarked, than clasped his mouth. He had never spoken a word of Spanish, and yet as the warmth continued to spread, he struggled to remember anything in English. Who was the potion turning him into? He looked down one more time to see a light dusting of dark hair cover his thick, bulky muscles, and send him into a strange state of satisfaction.

The Potion Room

When the changes started to subside, Frank began to admire his new body. It was thick as all hell, with bulging packages of muscle that made him want to cum right then and there. His skin had gained a slightly darker shade, and the stubble around his neck had grown into a thick beard. He was a handsome Spanish hunk alright, with a cock that seemed almost alien in its thickness and girth. Frank clasped it in his rough, hard hand, and started to stroke.

He threw his head back. “Ay dios mio…” Nothing compared to the feeling of letting his meaty dick slide through his calloused finders, wet with per-cum. He liked the feeling of letting his wet hands caress his thick muscles, flicking his nipples and toying with his big cushon-y ass.

He could have been perfectly content walking out of that room in his new form, settling down with some sexy girl or guy who’d worship his body every night. But no, Frank wanted more…

Latin Frank sauntered over to the shelf and reached down to the very body. His skin caressed itself as his bulking muscles rubbed each other, and he had to close his eyes to stop himself from shooting his load. Not yet, he thought, and reached for the very last bottle on the shelf.

It was black, and the label had been scratched off. He felt hesitant, that was, until he popped the cap and took a wiff. This potion smelled like night, like cool, crisp evening air, like dark mist forming at the base of forest trees. He didn’t care that the bottle was unwelcoming, or that he might have been overdoing it with grandma’s gift. He simply drank it just like every potion before.

He realized immediately that he’d made a mistake. His body flared with pain, REAL pain, as the liquid, fiery hot and bitter, set his throat ablaze. He dropped the bottle on the ground and growled in agony as his entire body began to seer like it was being doused with gasoline. He’d never felt pain like this, he’d never felt such an aching, burning desire to tear at his skin.

Frank looked down at his hands. He could see the veins popping, the muscles tensing, and the previously dusty hair around his forearms grow thick and bushy. But the one thing he noticed were his fingernails, which were growing long and dark. Like claws.

“Aggggghhhhh!” Frank screamed. His face was starting to shift too, his skin contracting to form an angrier, more canine face. He felt his teeth sharpen and expand, and as the pickle of hair began to erupt from his face, he let out a genuine howl.

The Potion Room

Then suddenly, the pain stopped. For a split second, Frank was left in a strange state of fluctuation, halfway between man and wolf, before his hornieness returned. This time with a vengeance.

Frank panted, with each breath his fur-covered muscles expanding and expanding until his massive werewolf body took up the entirety of the basement. His cock grew to colossal size, cum now starting to flow steadily as he became enslaved in a state of unending orgasm. Frank was prisoner to the insanely erotic pleasure of his body. He was a monster, wiped of all humanity, replaced with raw sexuality.

“OOOOWWWWWWWW” Frank howled. Cum rocketed from his monster dick and practically flooded the room, soaking his dark fur and the enormous muscles that pulsed beneath. As he panted, collapsing to his knees, he thought of only one thing: fucking. He needed to hunt, he needed to pound, he needed to empty his fresh load, already filling up his orange-sized balls, into the ass of some unsuspecting guy.

Frank the horny werewolf clawed his way out of his grandma’s basement. It didn’t mean anything to him anymore. All that mattered was fucking, howling, and growing bigger and bigger. As he ran outside into the light of the now full moon, he let out a terrifying howl. He’d become the monster he was warned about. 300 pounds of pure, animalistic passion. And it was only just the beginning…

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7 years ago
For The Amazing @amalianetwork, On The Special Occasion Of His Twenty Second Birthday. :)

For the amazing @amalianetwork, on the special occasion of his twenty second birthday. :)

“My god, haha! Look at me, bro!” Your friend spoke with an unfamiliar lush and velvety voice. Demarcus stood laughing uncontrollably at his abrupt transformation. The mystic boardshorts glowed a bright flourescent green, as he flexed his new ebony muscles. A stirring in your pants brought you back to earth. You walked up to him, flabbergasted, and felt the muscles under his beautiful black skin: strong and shiny as diamonds. “I told you it’d work!” He grasped you in a bear hug, his newfound height aided him significantly in raising you a foot off the ground.

“You mean, your aunt wasn’t joking? She really is a voodoo queen?” Demarcus dropped you onto the ground, your bum landing hard on the old wooden floors. An eyebrow raised, he crosses his arms, waiting for you to finally concede. “Alright. Fine. You were right, I was wrong. Now gimme the damn briefs!” He smiled that joyful grin, and spun around, rummaging through his backpack. You plopped backwards onto the bed, head spinning. Moments ago, Demarcus was the shortest and lankiest guy in the gym. It seemed fitting that you two were drawn together. From your perch on the elliptical machines, you two longingly gazed at the penultimate goal: bulging biceps, thick calves, abs pulsating through the tight under armour shirts. So, when Demarcus dropped the fact that his aunt claimed she was a voodoo queen, and she was in town, you two had made a bet. Either she was legitimate, or she was not.

“Here ya go, brutha. Try them on for size.” Tossing you the damp compression shorts, he lounged against his old wooden desk, now dwarfed by his incredible stature. You didn’t believe in such ridiculous hooplah. But, here was the proof! Standing before you! Demarcus looked as if he was inflated with a bike pump, muscles bulging from every ounce of his being. It seemed second nature to swipe the clothes from the fittest guy in the locker room, albeit a bit creepy, but to sprinkle the strange grey dust on it? And then to sport the oversized and filthy workout gear? Absolutely ridiculous.

Yet, as you held the moist and fragrant undergarment in your hand, an uncontrollable thirst overtook you. The curiosity of your end destination. The lust for a perfect body. The overall alluring nature of the situation… It was too much. You had to at least try.

You tossed off your pants and boxers, and slipped on the sweat-moist compression shorts. A patch of particular wetness at your balls made you shiver. Being so close to another man, his sweat literally on you. You took a deep breath. Demarcus watched impatiently for you to inflate with muscle as he did minutes before, but was instantly disappointed. Nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. You sat there, holding the XL compression shorts around your waist, looking like a complete dumbass. Just when you were about to slip them off, you felt a rumbling in your stomach. Demarcus grinned that shiteating grin as a bubbling sound emitted from your stomach. As if being stretched like taffy, your torso grew and stretched, while your legs followed suit. In seconds, you had grown to a substantial 6′6: just a touch above Demarcus.

The grumbling sound, sounding similar to gas flowing through your bowels, only grew louder, as you felt tightness and pinpricks all across your body.

“It’s working! It’s working dude!” Demarcus’ shorts tented as you began to inflate. Slowly at first, but steadily growing in vivacity and pace. It felt as if every muscle in your entire body was spasming simultaneously, locking your body in place. Sweat poured from your expanding skin, as if to lube itself to stretch even further. Until this moment, Demarcus had expected this outcome; however, he would soon witness something he did not expect. Your skin began to darken and tan, hair curling quick as lightning into tight, skintight curls. Stubble burst from your chin and upper lip, all the way down to your pronounced adams apple. A tattoo sprawled out across your upper arm of Jesus, and across your back spelled the words “unlimited.”

You opened your dark brown eyes, now at eye level with Demarcus. His expression was momentarily indescribable, eventually settling on excitement. You felt heavier, as if you had fifty pound weights tied to your ankles and wrists. Your knees buckled, and you collapsed under your own weight into his arms. 

“Fuck, bruh. It’ll take a minute to get used to the weight.” Within seconds, you rose again, feeling empowered and lithe. The sensation of twelve red bulls wouldn’t come close to the energy you experienced. Demarcus opened the door to his closet, exposing the full length mirror within. You were shell shocked at what you saw.

A beautiful man stood before you, unrecognizable. He stood an adonis, his musculature and build unsurpassed by any magazine model. From your impossibly handsome face to your gigantic musky feet, you were a perfect specimen of masculinity.

“Lookin’ good, bruh. Gonna need a new name. Guess I poured a lil’ too much of that dust on your shorts bruh, you don’t even look at all like you used to. A completely different person!” With a confident stride toward the mirror, and strong pose, you uttered your new first words:

“Im Jamal, Demarcus. Your new roommate. And we’re late for training.”

For The Amazing @amalianetwork, On The Special Occasion Of His Twenty Second Birthday. :)

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