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6 years ago
I Need To Write This Paper. I Need To Flex My Biceps. The Paper Is Due Tomorrow. Its Half My Grade For

I need to write this paper. I need to… flex my biceps. The paper is due tomorrow. It’s half my grade for the semester. If I don’t finish this paper, I’ll fail the class. I could lose my scholarship. But my biceps. God, they feel amazing. They look amazing. My whole body looks amazing. The formula my roommate has been giving me is amazing. I am so grateful. I am so lucky that he is my roommate.

I need to go to the gym. I need to work out. I can finish this paper later, when I get home from the gym. I can finish it after I’m done taking my supplements and making my protein shake and planning my meals for the week. Then, I will finish this paper.

It’s not that important, anyhow. It’s half my grade, but I don’t need that class. I need to work on my body. I don’t care about my grades, I don’t care about that class. I need to take easier classes next year, so that I can focus more on my body. I need to take more classes about sports and nutrition. I should probably change my major.

How did this file get open on my computer? I should be making a playlist for my workout. Getting myself pumped up for the gym. This looks like some sort of a paper. I wasn’t writing a paper. I definitely wasn’t. Was I?

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6 years ago
One Sip, And His Pecs Jutted Out From His Chest A Little Bit More. A Second Sip, His Biceps Ballooned

One sip, and his pecs jutted out from his chest a little bit more. A second sip, his biceps ballooned out, pushing up and stretching out his shirt sleeves. Third sip, he flipped his hat around without even realizing it. It was on the fourth sip that he got that dumb look on his face. Fifth sip, and he was all mine.

“Flex for me, bro,” I told him.

He put his big arms above his head and put a cocky look on his face.

“Yeah, bro,” I complimented him, “Nice arms.”

He let out a dumb chuckle and continued flexing for himself. He was completely oblivious of his instant muscle growth. All he knew was that he was fuckin’ big now, and he wanted to show it off.

“Fuck yeah,” he said. Damn, his voice had gotten so deep and dumb-sounding.

“I think you’ve had enough to drink tonight, though,” I said. I raised an eyebrow and looked at the bottle that he had continued sipping from. With each sip he took, he was becoming more and more simple-minded. If he kept it up at this pace, I doubted he’d even be able to string a sentence together by the end of the night. 

“This shit is fuckin’ lit, bro,” he slurred, “What the fuck is in this shit?”

“Just a special little serum I invented to help turn you into a dumb, muscular frat bro,” I smiled.

“Huh?” What I had just told him had clearly gone over his head. “Whatever, bro. That sounds like some fuckin’ stupid science shit or somethin’.”

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6 years ago
Dude, Your Ass Is, Like Fully Hanging Out Of Your Jeans Right Now, I Said,You Know That, Right?

“Dude, your ass is, like fully hanging out of your jeans right now,” I said, “You know that, right?”

“Uh huh,” he responded.

“And those tattoos.”

“Uh huh,” he bit his lip and looked down at his arm, which was etched with an intricate black and white design. He twisted it in the sunlight, admiring it as if it had always been there.

“And your body,” I said.

“It’s so sexy. Isn’t it?”

He pushed himself away from the railing of the balcony and threw his arms up over his head, putting his body on full display for me. He rolled his body up and down and gyrated his hips as if he was dancing to some sort of deep and sensual music that could only be heard by him. It struck me then that he’d make one hell of a gogo boy.

“It really is,” I confirmed, but the obvious boner in my pants had probably confirmed it for me. “Do you like being this way?”

“Mmm,” he moaned. Now, he had started running his hands along the solid muscles of the body I had given him. “I fucking love it.”

“Good,” I said. I was pleased that in addition to the physical changes, the mental changes seemed to have been turning out exactly as planned. “You’re going to make me a lot of money with that body, aren’t you?”

“I’ll do anything for a buck,” he winked. I loved the slutty, trashy voice he had chosen to start speaking with. “Or a fuck!”

He turned around and bent over with his ass in the air. It looked so fucking delicious in the jockstrap that I had him wearing. I licked my lips. I wanted to fuck him right then and there. 

“God damn,” I said.

I had turned my roommate into my own personal fuck toy, one that could be rented out by the hour, all with just a couple of magical pills. It was amazing.

“You’re too shy to do it out here on the balcony, huh?” he said. Ironic, since he himself had been quite the quiet, introverted sort himself before I’d given him the pills. “That’s OK, we can do it inside.”

He took me by the hand, totally confident, like he was a pro at this. I gladly followed him.

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6 years ago
Thanks For Meeting Me Here Like This.

“Thanks for meeting me here like this.”

“Yeah,” Chuck said as he slid into the booth, “Hey, I’m sorry things have been weird recently.”

Ross just smiled and studied Chuck’s face for a moment.

“You look good,” he said.

Chuck wasn’t sure how to take the compliment.

“I think I’m finally getting used to it,” he said, though it wasn’t very convincing to either of them.

“That’s good to hear,” Ross said, “How’s your son doing?”

“Oh,” Chuck sort of laughed, “He’s doing fine. I think he actually likes being me.”

They sat there silently stirring their coffee for a few moments, neither one of them really sure how to proceed.

Finally, Ross said in a lowered voice, “I really miss you, Chuck. I see your son at work in your body. It’s weird knowing that it’s not really you. He walks like you do, talks like you do, goes through all the motions just fine. But he’s not you.”

Chuck shifted uneasily in his seat. He, too, had noticed how his son had slowly started acting more and more like him, and how he had started to act more like his son with each day that had passed since the swap.

“I’m still here for you, you know,” Ross said.

“I know,” Chuck smiled, “And I really need someone who I can talk to about all of this.”

“Then talk to me about it.”

Chuck sipped his coffee, but it didn’t taste the same to him as it usually did. He was discovering that about a lot of things, now that he was tasting them with a different tongue.

“I’m worried, Ross,” he said into his cup, “I can’t find anything about how that Medallion works. All I’ve found online are these fantasy stories, like nobody knows that it’s real. What if we’re stuck like this?”

Ross wanted nothing more than to be able to hold his boyfriend and tell him everything would be all right. But he had to remind himself that it wasn’t his boyfriend sitting across from him. At least, not physically. Physically, it was his boyfriend’s son, wearing a look that was far too concerned, far too weathered for his handsome young face.

“We’ll get through this together,” Ross simply said, “OK? Things might be different now, but we’ll figure it out.”

“OK,” Chuck said. He eased up a little and looked around the restaurant for their waitress, “Man, I’m hungry. Like, all the time. ”

“You’re a growing young man again!” Ross chuckled, “You should enjoy it!”

Chuck blushed and smiled. Somehow, this was going to be all right.

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