Just a girl who likes to blog and spend time on the internet. I like pizza and music.
29 posts
Nogalaxyhere - No Galaxy Here - Tumblr Blog
trust actions, not words
“One day you’ll search for me in everyone you meet but I won’t be found.”
“We’re on the same wavelength. We’re connected that way, even if I’m away from her.”
― Haruki Murakami.
She’s been through hell and came out, an angel. you didn’t break her, darling. you don’t own that kind of power.
Twelve Seasons
Soda becomes vodka and kisses turn into sex. Remember when dad’s shoulders were the highest place on earth and your mother was your hero? Race issues were about who ran the fastest and war was only a playground game. Remember when the most pain you felt was when you fell over and scraped your knees and goodbyes only meant until tomorrow? And we couldn’t wait to grow up...
Twelve Seasons
Soda se convierte en vodka y los besos se convierten en sexo. ¿Recuerdas cuando los hombros de papá eran el lugar más alto en la tierra y tu madre era tu héroe? Los problemas de carreras eran sobre quién corría más rápido y la guerra era solo un juego de recreo. ¿Recuerdas cuando el mayor dolor que sentiste fue cuando te caíste y te rascaste las rodillas y las despedidas solo eran un hasta mañana? Y no podíamos esperar a crecer ...
Twelve Seasons
I always think of you before I fall asleep. The words you said, the way you looked. The things we laughed about, the silent moments we shared. And when I dream, I’ll dream of you. Because it’s about you, it’s always about you.
Twelve Seasons
Creo que parte de la razón por la que nos aferramos tanto, es porque tememos que algo tan grande no suceda de nuevo.
Twelve Seasons
La persona correcta hará que te enamores dos veces, de él y de ti misma.
Twelve Seasons
Es tóxico ignorar las actitudes de mierda de una persona sólo porque la amas.
Twelves Seasons
Las personas te usan, te ayudan o te admiran.
Decide cuáles quieres en tu vida.
Twelve Seasons
Si quieres jugar conmigo, me pido ser un consolador.
Twelve Seasons
Un verdadero amigo es el que tiene tiene una foto tuya que puede arruinar tu futuro y reputación... pero se controla.
Twelve Seasons
Esta es la frase que más me repito en mi vida: los exámenes se recuperan pero las fiestas y los buenos momentos no.
Twelve Seasons
Hay una gran diferencia entre “Vamos a ver si funciona” y “Vamos a hacer que funcione”.
Twelve Seasons
Ojos que no ven...
Amigas que te lo cuentan con todo lujo de detalles.
Twelve Seasons
You were more than just a friend, oh but the feeling
It never came to an end, I can't bear to see you
Sunset // The XX
I always thought it was sad
The way we act like strangers
After all that we had
We act like we had never met
Sunset // The XX
I saw you again, it felt like we had never met
It's like the sun set in your eyes and never wanted to rise
And what have you done with the one I love?
When I look into your eyes, I see no surprise
Sunset // The XX
I always thought it was a shame
That we have to play these games
It felt like you really knew me
Now it feels like you see through me
Sunset // The XX
Ámala como si hubiera alguien trabajando 24 horas para quitártela.
Twelve Seasons
I'm probably gonna kill myself. I don't know what else to do.
don’t kill yourself now, tomorrow, tonight, or in anytime because you are worth living with thousands of reasons to be happy, i feel bad for you in what you’ve been through but trust me these thoughts are going to fade away sooner, i love you, people around you loves you and they do appreciate you no matter what. please stay strong because there are plenty reasons to live and i’ll just list you as many as i can okay?
you have forever to be dead
for that comforting feeling when a cat finally allows you to pick them up and sticks by your side
life can be beautiful
everything will balance out
new music
books you can’t put down
theres still so much to discover
you are needed
sleep food
a hot cup of tea
how awesome it feels when class gets cancelled
hearing a song that has been stuck in your head all day
the smell of cookies in the oven
when your parents are proud of you
when your favourite song comes on the radio
there are beautiful places to see
bucket lists to complete
rules to break
art to see & create
to fade your scars
to find something you believe in
to help someone
falling asleep to rain
smiling at strangers
7 billion people you haven’t met yet