She/Her/Hers 🎀 · Brazilian 🇧🇷 · I hate NSFW 💢 · Random stories about humans, giants and little ones 💕 (And other things? Like... gacha content?)
14 posts
Noisysilently - Avkthein - Tumblr Blog
🌿 Help Us Find Peace Amid the Chaos 🌿
Hello, friends,
My name is Mohammed, and I’m reaching out from a place of unimaginable hardship. My family, like so many others in Gaza, is struggling to survive each day. The conflict has taken a heavy toll on our lives, leaving us to face a grim reality, our home has been destroyed, and we are left with nowhere safe to go. 😔

I am the father of three beautiful children, and as a parent, nothing is more painful than watching your kids grow up surrounded by fear and destruction. Mira, Bakr, and Maria are the light of my life, but they’ve never known the joy of running through a park without fear, or playing freely like children should. 💔

We’ve reached a point where staying here is no longer an option. The walls that once sheltered us now stand in ruins, and hope for a safe future is fading fast. We dream of rebuilding, not just our home, but our lives,somewhere free from the daily fear of war, where my children can sleep peacefully and smile again. 🕊️
But we need your help to make this dream a reality. Your support means more than just money, it’s a lifeline. It's a chance for us to begin again.
Every Act of Kindness Brings Us Closer to Safety. Your compassion can help us escape this nightmare. We are asking for your support, no matter how small, to help us start fresh, away from the violence, away from the rubble, and toward a place where my family can heal and grow. Every dollar you contribute is a step toward hope. 🙏
Thank you for standing with us in these difficult times. Your kindness can help us rebuild our lives and find peace again. ❤️🩹
With sincere gratitude,
Mohammed and Family

Please don't scape👋
Please help us🙏
the situation is very difficult after we lost everything in the war
My brothers and I love education, and my father wants to open a project.
#very important
Read the story and share
Help us, may Allah bless your life and make you happy🌹

@papenathys @slicedblackolives @heliopixels @nimbooz
@hiveswap @irhabiya @feluka @anneemarye @opencommunion
@tumkaafiho @flesshandbones @balaclava-trismegistus @heritageposts
@ripleyn @rpmfm @paandaan @paanda @itsfookingloosah @rooh-d @wellwishesforya @shesnakes @akajustmerry @himejoshikaeya @camgirlsurvivalguide @watermotif @deathlonging @chuuya-brainrot @britneyspears @direct-news @mahoushojo @rhubarbspring @schoolhater @pcktknife @transbordante @transmutationisms @sawhxre @deepsoul91 @deepspaceboytoy @postitforward @appsa @kibumkim @neecxle @neechees @ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @lonniemachin @dykesbat @socalchops @socalgal
My family is still staying in half of the church that wasn’t affected by the bombing because there is nowhere else to stay other than tents. They are limited to one small meal a day and one shower a week. They are sleeping on the floors, but no one can sleep since there is bombing everywhere around them. Even when there is no bombing, they can still hear the loud buzzing sound of the military planes above them, which would keep anyone who hears it awake. Along with everything, My grandma has diabetes and osteoporosis, so she can’t walk. She has to take her insulin medication along with many others; however, she has run out of many of her medications.” Am on my knees requesting for donation. Target $450
Thank you so much for you agreeing to support me ...... kindly every little dollar matters a lot.
Só queria dizer que eu acho muito legal como esse blog reuniu uma certa quantidade de brasileiros/latinos no mesmo cantinho. Lembro que quando descobriram que eu era brasileira, tinha muita mensagem dizendo "MDS UMA BRASILEIRA AQUI?? WTF" e é uma sensação tão boa pq a gente sempre acha que é o único
Quando eu criei esse blog em 2015 eu JURAVA que era a única brasileira no tumblr g/t, tanto que quando eu descobri outro brasileiro a gente ficou surtando com a coincidência e somos amigos até hoje, muito feliz de saber que tem mais esquisitos como nós num lugar tão nichadinho
Ainda quero fazer mais amizades com latinos/brasileiros esquisitos 🥹❤️

Mozu: 名古屋展 (2021)
I love these two webtoons... my favorites 💕

Drew me and my sisters webtoon characters :)
I love how S x F shows the horrors of war less in a gory or gruesome manner, it instead focuses on the tragedy of war on a personal level.
How it destroys families, robs children of their childhood and innocence, leads to lost dreams and love, and creates trauma impacting generations.
It is heartbreaking and touching to explore this theme on such a personal level.
They are a family made entirely of orphans. They were all lonely and suffering, just in different ways. Loid never had a true identity or a true life or relationship, Yor has never been able to make proper connections because of her job and feeling like an outcast because of it, Anya being in an orphanage and constantly abandoned by the families who adopted her. They were all so lonely and empty with no love and then they FOUND EACH OTHER.
Their family may be fake but their love is real.
Loid completely lost his normal calm attitude because someone made Anya cry. Yor has nearly killed men for Anya, who she is constantly worried she will never be enough for. Yor wants to be the perfect housewife for Loid because she sees how much he works and she wants him to rest easy. Loid takes the family out on outings when they seem stressed as a way for them all to recharge with one another. Loid saw that Yor seemed miserable (she was shot in the butt) and he thought she was just unhappy, so his immediate instinct was to take her out on a date.
He is so beyond “just for the mission”. He loves his family. Not to mention Anya! She loves her new parents. She loves training with Yor and she adores doing things with Loid. Loid literally rented a castle to play make believe for her. The scene where they watched the fireworks together?!?! GUYS. HE LOVES HIS FAMILY. HE JUST DOESN’T WANT TO ADMIT IT.

They are THE found family
G/t relationships are quite tragic actually
I've been thinking about that old Tumblr post where they said people project themselves as tinies in a relationship because being the tiny in that situation makes you only be taken care of and provided for by another person (the giant), without having to actually do an effort to do smth in return.
And the painful thing is... that's true. In a g/t relationship, what can the tiny provide for the giant exactly? While the giant's kisses would cover your whole body, your tiny kisses are almost imperceptible. While they envelope you in warmth with just the palm of their hand, your touch is so small they'd have to focus to notice it. While they can carry you around, give you food and keep you safe, you can do... Nothing. Only provide your company for the giant and ask for the aforementioned things.
And while that's actually the source of comfort for most people, being accepted just for who you are even when you're useless, how fair is this for the giant exactly...? Don't they deserve to feel as much touch as you feel, as well protected as you feel around them, as taken care of as you feel? However, being the tiny in this scenario makes it impossible for you to provide this for the giant, or anything for that matter. And the relationship gets unequal.
Of course, in a romantic self-indulgent scenario all it takes is to say "love conquers all" and "you're enough for that person by just being yourself", but when I rationalize stuff I keep coming back to that Tumblr post and thinking about these things.

Forger Family! (I made Bond without tutorials and with the help of an image... maybe I'll change his design over time.)

Another photo study turned into Studio Ghibli fanart, this time of Arrietty!
When I was little, I used to play with my dolls and I was the giant one or other much bigger dolls. Now here I am at 15 years old and I still love this dynamic... some things do not change 🤭
My trajectory was similar, but I wasn't in the Undertale fandom and I saw other videos and films about this height difference, etc. It's funny and cool as something I've always enjoyed since I was a kid to have a whole community about it. My inner child is happy about this.
I’m honestly curious to know how you came across G/t and got into it
Wow ok this is pretty much the first time someone asks me about it djskdjs saying in advance that this will be a long answer.
It's not a interesting story though, it happened in a very casual way and it has always been related to me being extremely curious and captivated by G/t.
I think I can say I like G/t since I was a kid. I was about 6 or 7 years old when I had my first encounter with size difference. My parents were watching a comedy show on television and one of the sketches was about a giant cowboy (don't ask me why). I was watching it with them and when this sketch started I remember being completely fascinated by it. I was so dumbfounded that I kept asking my mom stuff like "Why is he so big? How did he got that big?", now I know that it was mostly me trying to understand why I was so interested in him being a giant.
I used to have these very tiny Polly Pocket dolls that were, like, 1 cm tall at best and I liked to pretend that I was a gentle giant and they were my friends. I had imaginary friends who were borrowers, I loved Clifford The Big Red Dog, Arthur and the Invisibles, The Ant Bully and essentially anything related to size difference had me completely curious, enchanted and OBSESSED with it.
I started to do drawings and stories with size difference characters since I was a little kid. I remember to spend hours daydreaming about a little girl who was very small and lived with a normal sized family, I had a lot of fun drawing her living in a world so much bigger than her.
Eventually I grew up and these things were left behind and forgotten in the middle of my pre teens, other interests appeared until it came a time where I barely remembered my fascination for size difference.
Until I found the G/t fandom on Tumblr.
I was 14 and I had just joined the Undertale fandom, I'd search and scroll through a lot of fanart on Tumblr. Then, out of nowhere, a drawing of G/t Fritz and Sans from rockonewjeans (who appears to no longer have an account here) popped up in the middle of the feed.
I still remember to this day looking at it and feeling all that nostalgic curiosity and fascination from when I was a child emerging to the surface again and being like "Oh my GOD wait- I remember that, I used to LOVE that... Wait there is a whole fandom about it????". Like, for real, I just felt super euphoric (see where I got the name now? haha) in a way I hadn't felt in a long time. I just suddently remembered how I used to find size difference so interesting since forever.
I spent the rest of the night scrolling through her blog and I learned that there was an ENTIRE fandom about it and stories and art and wow I was extremely amazed. After that I created my blog, started searching, reposting and following artists and writers, thus effectively joining this weird but special corner of the internet lol.
So essentially, I've liked it since I was a kid, I didn't know it was a fandom and a thing until I saw rocknewjeans art so it's basically her fault that this all happened LOL wish I could thank and blame her for it someday.
Sorry for the long answer, but I think it was worth the tale!
🪡 | The Little Silhouette at Night
It was night. The sky was very dark, but the moon shone alongside the stars, making the great expanse beautiful. Sleep had not yet come for the little girl: Emi, her eyes were dark brown, and her hair was black. She was in bed, trying to sleep. But, she was afraid of the night. The window in her room was always open. She couldn't do anything about it because if she closed it, there would be no wind in her room.
Until she, from far away, heard a noise. The same thing she heard every day or most of it: a creaking of wood. Emi always ignored this noise out of fear. It could be a mouse or something she didn't know. The silence returned.
After minutes of silence, which left the little girl deaf, she hears a different noise for the first time. It felt like something heavy falling to the ground. It was at that moment that Emi ruled out the hypothesis that it could be a mouse because the sound didn't sound like an object, food or small animal falling. It looked like a person.
Emi slowly gets out of her bed. Was it a borrower that your grandmother always talked about? Were all those stories about them real? When she was younger, she always looked for them in her house, but never found them. Now that she was 8 years old, no longer 4 years old, would she really have them in her room?
As soon as she got out of her bed, she looked at the floor and found a small human figure lying on the floor near a small hole in the wall, which was behind a piece of furniture. I couldn't see much, just the silhouette. Emi approaches to see with more certainty. As soon as she does this, the little person moves away crawling going, without realizing it, to where the moonlight was shining in her room.
He had wavy brown hair, bright green eyes, a backpack made of leather, wore a gray shirt and blue trousers with many pieces of cloth as seams of different colors, wore black boots and a strange belt. There was a medium cut on his left leg, bleeding a lot, as well as scratches and dirt all over his body. He was clearly scared and shaking a lot.
The little girl was sad for him and tries to help, using her hands to pick it up, however, he runs and heads towards the hole without looking back. She didn't expect that.
Minutes later without him returning, she decides to go to sleep, well, try to sleep. Emi returns to her bed, covering herself with her plaid blanket.
“Would I have another chance to see him again? If I could, I would have helped him.” She thinks, while looking at the ceiling of her room.
Maybe... just maybe, Emi could see him one more time. Maybe in a dream, memory or even in her own imagination. But also, perhaps, next night.