not-your-fucking-kacchan - I like to write for people
I like to write for people

| Requests will be closed for the remainder of the month from Oct 1st!| | Comments are always encouraged, please leave some, they really make me happy! | | 18 | | All/any pronouns | | Check out my Kinktober! |

335 posts

Lowkey Craving Bf Scenarios With Deku, Bakugou And Shoto..

lowkey craving bf scenarios with deku, bakugou and shoto..๐Ÿคญ

ilyyyy and ur works r amazing

Hiya! Thank you so much i really appreciate you saying that ๐Ÿ˜ญ this shi makes me so happy to see ong

About your request- are there any specific ones you want? For example, getting together, first kiss, he walks in on you chanhing, he hurts you on accident, someone else hits on you...

Stuff like that? If there are any specific ones you want lemme know, i just dont wanna dissppoint by writing the complete wrong thing lmfao ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  • spqce-bun
    spqce-bun liked this ยท 2 years ago

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May I request comfort cuddles with naruto?


Plsplspsls i adore the lil ray of sunshine and i would pick him over sasuke ANY day

Not that i font love our favourite goff emo kid but theres only enough room for one of us in konoha ๐Ÿคจ



Naruto x Reader


You sit alone in your room, the curtains closed and your door shut. Your bedroom was an absolute mess, crap littered all over your floor and your desks a mess.

It's the first day you've been back after a mission gone awry, and your twmper has bewn fizzing lately, every little inconvenience chipping away at your patience and your sanity.

One of your teammates, if you can even call them that, had fucked up.

He had fucked up so badly that he ended up giving away their position to the enemy, and they were ambushed. He then proceeded to blame you.

This idiot had told your team that you had left a trail, and were talking to loud, going as far as to say that you had betrayed the team, and that you were a traitor to Konoha.

Thankfully, the rest of the team knew otherwise, but you were absolutely livid. You saw red.

The fight was huge, screaming, crying, kicking, punching... it was chaos. The team was falling apart. But there's almost nothing more infuriating than being gaslit and blamed for someone else's wrongs.

When you finally got home you had torn your room apart, screaming and punching walls out of frustration. By the time you had finally calmed down, your flat was a mess. The walls were cracked and your belongings were strewn across the floor, drawers separated from their desks and thrown across the room.

It's humiliating to have a fucking temper tantrum like a child, but you couldn't help but be violently angry when his lie almost had you kicked from your village with the label of 'traitor' stamped onto your back. Now your team is weary of you. Your reputation has been damaged.

Currently, you lay in your bed, staring at the wall with tired, exhausted eyes, your room pitch black and cold as night. So when Naruto, your precious boyfriend of two years, walks into your appartment using his spare key, he's speechless for a minute. What the hell?

He had only come to check in on you since you hadn't come to see him after your mission, only to find you like this. His heart drops and his expression morphs into one of grief, feeling guilty for not having come seen you sooner, and not knowing what to say.

He simply closes the door behind him and by some miracle manages to make it to your bed, collapsing into the nest of blankets with you. He keeps the room dark, knowing that you prefer it, and that you'd probably want to take a nap.

The blonde's cuddles are out of this world. You've never felt anything quite as warm and comforting as his embrace, because he's just good like that. And when he slides his arms across your waist to pull you closer, resting a hand on your belly and pressing feather light kisses to your neck and shoulder, you don't complain at all.

Tense and strained muscles relax under his comforting touch and you instinctively let out a sigh of relief. He lights up at the response and cuddles you even closer than ever, and you dont see the way blue eyes flutter closed and his expression softens.

He barely says anything. Naruto knows you, and he knows you won't be able to talk about it without feeling like a burden, so he simply tells you he's glad that you're back, that he loves you, and that you can come to him to talk about anything when you're ready.

The rasp of his voice and his quiet tone, communicating that he doesn't want to disturb you has you smiling just barely, already in a much better mood.

How did you get so lucky?

"I love you, too. Thank you... 'm lucky to have you..."

Those words make his day. And his week. And his whole year. What man wouldn't be over the moon to hear that from the woman they love?

So when he cuddles you a little closer and you sleep a little better in his arms, you're not really surprised. And when you wake up, and your room is a little more tidy, the washing is done, and there's a cheery blonde making you breakfast, you fall even harder in love.

For the second time since you've come back, you cry. But they're tears of joy, and Naruto knows how grateful you are to him.

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You want more Dadzawa you said right? Aizawas sees students accidentally or purposely mislabeling NB! Reader as a female cuz reader is AFAB and he notices reader looks sad whenever someone says "she's so pretty", "she's adorable", "she's too perfect!" But reader has told aizawa they're preferred pronouns. -Shuu



Aizawa x Enby!Student!Reader (Platonic) - Misgendered

You Want More Dadzawa You Said Right? Aizawas Sees Students Accidentally Or Purposely Mislabeling NB!

"You're so pretty! Isn't she so pretty?!"

You can't help but feel a little dejected at the complement, Mina's loud, energetic and enthusiastic voice filling the room, accidentally misgendering you in the process. Aizawa looks up from his papers at his desk, giving you an unreadable look.

A forced smile presses at your lips while you fight the dysphoria, rationalising it in your head by telling yourself that you haven't gotten around to telling everyone yet. Yet, part of you is a little disappointed that you don't look as enby as you feel.

Your teacher notices this easily, bothered by the saddened flash in your eyes that noone picks up on, and he feels bothered that one of his students is facing such a problem on their own. Aizawa is the only person that knows out of the entire class full of people, because you had opened up about why you'd been distracted and unhappy for the few days before. From then, he made it his mission to bring the class closer together and encourage teamwork to show you that you have friends who won't see you as anything different.

"Aw.. t-thank you, Mina... I guess we could be two pretty best friends, huh?~"

Mina's cheeks go pink... Well, more pink than they were already. She's blushing and it's absolutely adorable. Flirting and complementing others is your love language after all, and you definately think she's one of the prettiest people you've ever met. She has the heart of an angel too, it's just a shame that you don't know how to come out to her and tell her that you're non-binary. It really sucks.

Aizawa looks at you dryly as you shamelessly flirt with everyone in the class, his eye twitching as he deadpanns, an expression on his face that seems to say something along the lines of "kids these days..."

He huffs and continues with his teaching, separating your little group as the break ends and carrying on with the lesson, planning on pulling you aside after class to talk about what happened.

Though to his surprise, you had come to him of your own accord after everyone had filed out of the room and he doesn't even have time to speak before you're interrupting him.

"I want to come out... I- Can i make an announcement during our next period?"

"... It's rude to interrupt your teacher, problem child. Yes, you can make an announcement. Is this about Mina's comment earlier?..."

You pout as he gives you the same monotone voice and stares straight into your soul, nodding your head and feeling yourself deflate a little as he still reprimands you for interrupting him and flirting during class.

"Jeez, i get no special treatment, huh? Not even for your favourite resident creature? Damn."

Your sensei can't stop himself from chuckling at your antics as you hang your head down in an act of disappointment, shooing you away and telling you to go and hang out with your friends.

By the time next period rolls around, it finally dawns on you just how scared you are to actually come out for real, and you almost entertain the thought of backing out until you make up your mind at the sight of Izuku and Kirishima being absolute cinnamon rolls. There's no way such kind hearted, genuine heros could have any kind of prejudice in their heart. What were you even thinking?

That's it. You're gonna tough up and face it. So when you stand up in front of the class as they all file in, you ignore their curious and confused looks and spill your secret.

"Uh- guys? Sorry, I just wanted to say something- uhm... Im enby, a-and my pronouns are they/them. I've felt this way for a while now... and i'm sorry it took a while for me to say anything..."

With that, you stay quiet, anxiously waiting for any kind of reaction until you hear Kirishima and Denki interrupting eachother with words of encouragement, though you don't really understand because they're speaking at the same time and you're getting confused. A small smile plays at your lips as Mina nearly knocks over her desk to embrace you, squealing as you almost fall down, excited and encouraging chatter erupting in the room while Aizawa looks on with the tiniest smile.

None of you know just how proud he is of this class. And he decides that you never will because brats don't get that kind of positive reinforcement from him. He's oviously going to keep working you all to the bone and making sure you all suffer for being problem children. But for now, he can be proud, and watch on with hidden relief while you get flooded with reassurance.

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๐๐‹๐„๐€๐‚๐‡ ๐Œ๐€๐’๐“๐„๐‘๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐“

Ichigo x Reader

Inexperienced, SFW and NSFW headcannons

Ichigo x Reader

Ichigo boyfriend scenarios, SFW and NSFW drabbles

BF scenarios Part 1

Shunsui x Reader

Shunsui x Smitten!Fem!Reader, headcanons

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Can we get some erasermic helping a student with sensory overload (and unhealthy stimming) xoxoxo



Warning: mentions of harmful and unhealthy stimming, hitting, pulling hair...

Erasermic x Student!Reader (Platonic) - Stimming

Can We Get Some Erasermic Helping A Student With Sensory Overload (and Unhealthy Stimming) Xoxoxo

The silence of the classroom is cut through with the anxious whimpers of a lone student, sat in the furthest corner of the room with their head in their hands while they rock back and forth, finding some sort of comfort in the way that their eyes are pressed firmly to their kneecaps.

Lunch had only just started and you had started to get very irritable, rubbing your ear harshly at every loud noise and holding back an angry growl every time someone brushes against you. Eventually you're forced to flee the overbearingly crowded hall when the sound of people smacking their lips and chewing loudly grates at your nerves a little too deep.

Too much. It was all too much, and as you rush through the hallway with tears in your eyes, hands frantically pulling at your now tangled hair and smacking your skull. It was just so noisy and obnoxious and the lights were too bright and the smell was too overwhelming.

Images flash in your head of people's digusting, unwashed teeth chewing loudly with their mouths open, revealing mashed up food inside and you cringe, fighting the urge to throw up. You shake your head to clear your thoughts, smacking your head loudly as you grow more and more agitated, your knees shaking and knocking together.

You're so preoccupied with your sensory overload induced panic attack that you don't even notice when Aizawa sensei walks in, having suspected that something like this woould be happening.

He had noticed how restless and anxious you seemed during the lessons and was going to hold you back at the end of class to talk about it, but you were out of the room faster than anyone else was and he was busy dealing with verbally disciplining Mineta for being a creep. He tried to find you at lunch too, only to bump into a few stunned classmates just moments after you had suddenly barreled off.

It was then that he'd started to worry since, according to your classmates, you looked quite upset. So the only reasonable cause of action was to find you and figure out what the trigger was for your episode.

Queue your teacher coming into the room and letting out a soft sigh before sending a message to Present Mic. He had always been better in these situations, he could provide empathy and comfort where Aizawa was sure he could not, and he understood these things best. His attention is drawn back to you though, when he hears you smacking and scratching yourself and pulling at your hair.

His lips part in shock and surprise as he sees this display, though he quickly gets to work on intercepting your next hit with his hand while setting the other on your shoulder, giving you a look of concern.

"Come on now, stop that... You're stimming right? Sensory overload? Focus on me, now. Everything's fine. Rub your hands together, it'll help..."

He speaks quietly, knowing that being rough or deadpann won't help in this kind of situation. But as your eyes shift to glance up at his and then quickly avoid them, he knows he's succeeded in distracting you enough from whatever your trigger was. Your attention is pulled from your panic and you feel more disorientated now than ever, but at least you're not harming yourself anymore, soft palms slowly starting to rub together as you focus on the texture and the feeling of your veins bulging through the skin or the softness of the back of your hand compared to your palm.

Once Mic finally arrives, you've mostly calmed down, now just a little embarrassed to have been caught during one of your meltdowns. Neither Aizawa Sensei or Present Mic will hear it from you though, the blonde loudly fawning over you and giving you some words of praise as well as Aizawa for being "less emotionally constipated" and actually helping you.

From then on you get to talk to the both of them much more about your habits and what's troubling you. Mic teaches you all about stimming and how to do it safely, along with other healthy habits to pick up, and when you feel especially agitated or close to a sensory overload, you have special permission to stay in the classroom or even the break room with them when you're lucky, just to wind down and feel better.

Neither of them mind of course, and sometimes you're joined by an agitated Bakugou when he's feeling especially explosive that day, and if the two of you bond just a little while you're there, he's forbidden you from talking about it.

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Akaza and kyojuro in love with the same person. ๐Ÿ‘€

Coming right up :)


Akaza And Kyojuro In Love With The Same Person.

Akaza and Kyojuro Headcanon - in love with Reader

Akaza And Kyojuro In Love With The Same Person.

The very reason you had gained so much attention from these two specifically is because you're strong. Very strong. Not quite as strong as the two of them, but strong enough to earn their respect

Akaza hates weak people with all of his might, but when he realised just how strong you were he was immediately interested

He would stop at nothing to learn your name, and thankfully, he doesn't kill women or children, so you're safe from him at least

But he goes crazy trying to fight you, trying to make you a better warrior somehow by beating you into the ground and watching you struggle.

So when Rengoku notices that one of the upper 6 have their eye on you, he is immediately overprotective and keeps a close eye on you

He doesn't want to lose you to this demon, and it's the last thing that he would let happen

Rengoku is constantly trying to invite you out or escort you home and to be honest, you find the company very relieving and safe. Kyojuro is looking out for your safety and it makes your heart stop as you finally clock that he cares about you

It's not like it was some kind of secret though, since he wasn't making any effort at all to hide his admiration and adoration for you, being a very outspoken and brave person

He's on his guard when he's with you, knowing that you could easily be swept away if he's not careful

Meanwhile, Akaza watches you from afar

He doesn't even realise just how much this had turned into an obsession until he was in far too deep to dig himself out

He not only respects you and sees you as strong, he also believes that you would make a fine partner and possession.

He knows he has to be rid of Rengoku to get what he wants, and is fully willing to do what it takes to claim you as his own, and over time his hatred and anger towards the pillars increase dramatically

You're stuck between these two fighting eachother for you without even interacting once, wondering what the hell is going on, and knowing deep down that there's not really anything you can do except accept your fate.

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