Coming Out - Tumblr Posts
Sometimes, when my parents piss me off, I like to threaten to come out to my homophobic extended family "from another time". Just to shake things up a little.
The pipeline I had was I like everyone equally
(Thinking of Ally)
I like everyone equally
(Thinking of Pansexual)
I like everyone equally

Mr Amazing keeping it lowkey
In a really weird mental spot rn where I just got back from camping with friends and had lots of fun and we took lots of pics and laughed a lot and it makes me want to not finish my hw so I can continue having fun but at the same time a lot of the talk was about guys and I didn't participate too much and there were a few times I almost thought I'd have to say something vague bc idk if I want to come out or not but then the convo changed so I didn't have to but also I'm lowkey convinced at least one of them now thinks I'm a lesbian even though I'm not, I'm just ace and only relate to less than half the comments they were making about guys bc I just don't experience attraction the same way all of them do even though we all like guys
Vamptember Day 23: Cigarette
Armand enjoys a quiet night with a pack of cigarettes - until Lestat appears, leading up to an emotional confession and flirtatious indulgement. Rating: Mature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [...]
Armand threw his cigarette into the ashtray and grabbed the whole pack. He looked around to see if any humans from the nearby buildings were watching him – negative. So, with his usual grace, he leapt from the window, floating down to the soft grass below. He much preferred it to the harsh feeling of stone under his bare feet.
Lestat turned around, looking a bit startled, but then smiled.
“Can I have one?” He asked, pointing at the pack.
“That is why I brought them.”
“Now, now,” Lestat said teasingly, “we both know that you aren’t done with smoking for the night.” Armand frowned but handed him a cigarette. Lestat was not wrong. Sometimes, indulging helped clear his mind.
Armand flicked his fingers, lighting it for him.
“Thank you,” he mumbled, inhaling the smoke so deeply that a quarter of the cigarette burned down at once.
Armand watched him closely, noticing the way the cigarette’s glow cast a calm yet haunting light across Lestat’s face. There was something peaceful about it, but also—something else.
Perhaps he could find his own peace tonight, through Lestat’s presence.
But the quiet moment didn’t last long. Armand remembered the unusual reaction from earlier.
“Lestat, why did you react so strangely when I implied that you would be Rapunzel?” Armand asked, remembering to smile to portray his friendly intention.
Lestat’s face flushed slightly after he exhaled a thick cloud of smoke, almost as if he’d been caught off guard. He must have fed recently to make that bodily reaction happen.
“It’s … well. If you must know. You called me princess. I liked that.” [...]
““Mother,” I slowly repeated in Korean. “I am not a boy. I am a girl. I am transgender.” My face reddened, and tears blurred my vision. I braced myself for her rejection and the end to a relationship that had only begun. Silence again filled the room. I searched my mother’s eyes for any signs of shock, disgust or sadness. But a serene expression lined her face as she sat with ease on the couch. I started to worry that my words had been lost in translation. Then my mother began to speak. “Mommy knew,” she said calmly through my friend, who looked just as dumbfounded as I was by her response. “I was waiting for you to tell me.” “What? How?” “Birth dream,” my mother replied. In Korea some pregnant women still believe that dreams offer a hint about the gender of their unborn child. “I had dreams for each of your siblings, but I had no dream for you. Your gender was always a mystery to me.” I wanted to reply but didn’t know where to begin. My mother instead continued to speak for both of us. “Hyun-gi,” she said, stroking my head. “You are beautiful and precious. I thought I gave birth to a son, but it is OK. I have a daughter instead.””
— Andy Marra, The Beautiful Daughter: How My Korean Mother Gave Me the Courage to Transition (via a-witches-brew)

I’ve been thinking a lot lately, wondering about who I am and all that. I think I might be cupioromantic.
Even though I’ve had boyfriends in the past and all that, I’ve never actually had romantic feelings for really any of them. They would ask me out, and I was pretty much like, “alright, bet,” and I think that might’ve just been because I really, really wanted to be with someone. I love the idea of dating someone and having someone hold me and all that mushy romantic stuff, but I’ve never really had a crush on anyone for as long as I can remember. When I was in elementary school, specifically from second to fourth grade, I even used to pretend to have a crush on these guys at my school. Like, pretend in the most obnoxious ways possible because I thought that was normal (haha, autism).
Now that I have this in mind, I feel this sense of clarity mixed in with despair since what this tells me is that I’m never going to experience romantic love. I know I’m not alone in this though, since there’s a bunch of people all over the world like this or experiencing something similar, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. I’ll work on accepting that as time goes on though. 👍

struggling to accept myself so I drew myself with the cupioromantic colours with aegosexual and gay pins (with lineart)

You don’t actually have to read all this; it’s just a long-winded rant, really. Nothing about me is changing (obviously), all this post is meant to do is teach people more about myself and those similar to me.
I know I don’t really talk about my personal life very directly, but I’ve come to realize that I’m autigender/autism gender and wanted to share that with everyone on here since it’s not something you hear about every day. Basically, that just means that the way I perceive my gender is different from how an allistic person would perceive theirs. I’ve been thinking about it for a while and it’s still really hard to explain, so I’ll give it my best shot:
My body doesn’t define my gender in any way, shape or form. I don’t think of myself as trans or cis; I think of myself as just a man or just a being sometimes. Medically and according to the way society works, I would have to call myself the one that applies to me under a certain setting, but that doesn’t define me. Gender is irrelevant to my identity, yet I still have a gender, if that makes sense at all?? This sounds weird but think of it as a pet, where you know their gender doesn’t matter because they don’t care, but they still have a gender anyways because why not?
It’s a bit hard for me to explain, but hence why I believe my autism has a huge effect on the way I perceive my gender.
I know this isn’t a really common gender identity to hear of, so please don’t be afraid to ask me questions.
Last night I was so drunk, that I came out to my friend and my brother while I was crying. A little embarrassing.
I also puked on my new white shoes :(
So, I came out as nonbinary to my grandma last night and she was so sweet and supportive. I've never had anyone that I'm related to besides my sister and aunt just accept me so readily and not make it about them.
If it's safe to come out, do it. You might be surprised by the reaction.
When you came out and everyone is being like 'you are too young to know anything' Mrs. I am more mature than an old lady. I'm in a fucking depression and nobody fucking knows. I've stopped crying because I keep everything for myself because somebody will yell at me for no fucking reason. I'm being bullied and I say I'm fine even if I have panic attack or crying inside or fucking hungry. When I do something and then regret it I just grab my charger and //// myself. No one believes that I have ADHD or Autism and nobody believes me that I'm in love with a beautiful genderless person with a big heart to except my odds. If that's not enough maturity then go fuck yourself!
I just came out to my mom. It was surprisingly, the chillest conversation I’ve ever had with her.
Now, I’ve come out to my friends, my siblings, my grandma and aunt, and now the next person to come out to, is my dad…
I’ll edit this post once I talk to him about it tomorrow, I’m really scared, wish me luck-
EDIT: He’s confused, but he’s trying his best to understand! :D
This is very out of the blue
Just wanted to talk about
How LITERALLY EVERYONE IN MY LIFE, knew I was Bi, before I did.
And like, there were signs, like, HUGE signs, they were SO obvious.
And I was too homophobic with myself to accept that.
I was completely cool with non straight and non cis people, and supported them 100%.
But when it came to ME, I was just not going to accept it!
Kept INSISTING that I was straight and cis! Like, “I like guys, so I can’t be gay!” “I don’t feel like a guy, so I can’t be trans!” And just wouldn’t let myself accept that I was Bi and Enby.
I even SAID I was Bi, like, before I knew for sure that I wasn’t straight.
I was a tomboy when I was younger, I accidentally came out to my grandma and a random employee at a shoe store-
As I was shopping for shoes with my grandma, I picked out some boyish shoes, and my grandma asked “wouldn’t you want something for girls?”
And out of NOWHERE, I said “They’re not JUST for boys, I should know, I’m bisexual.”
I MEANT to say TOMBOY, which is, which, does not EVEN sound like bisexual.
And I was embarrassed, cause like, HOW?! Does that happen?!
I’m still embarrassed about that to this day!
I’m just HOPING that my grandma forgot about that day, cause it has traumatized me deeply-
Oh, I hope that employee doesn’t remember also-
She was cute-
All my friends knew I was Bi, they always asked me if I was Bi. Like, they never asked if I was straight or gay, or pan….they just asked if I was Bi!
I’m not upset about it, it’s just so weird that I was so self conscious about that for so long!
I had cuffed jeans that I liked wearing when I was younger, but because everyone kept saying I was Bi because of the cuffs, I ended up cutting the cuffs to go down. That’s how self conscious I was!
It took A LOT of time for me to accept that I was not straight.
But when I finally accepted it, it felt, so awesome!
When I came out, literally, no one was surprised.
They were all like “We already knew that.” And I was like “But HOW?! How did you all know before I did?”
And all they had to say was “We just got that vibe from you-“
And like, yeah, looking back on literally EVERYTHING I’VE EVER DONE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE-
I see it. And should’ve definitely known sooner.
to the people who made kit Connor feel as if he NEEDED to come out, fuck you. I hope you live horrible lives.
Tony, after Peter has come out as pansexual: Wow, there's one thing in our lives we've done right.
Stephen: Yeah, we taught Harley how not to get caught after he's set something big on fire.
Tony: . . . there are two things in our lives we've done right.
It's trans visibility day, so in lieu of ruining my family's Easter I'm coming out here
Fellas, I'm transgender 💥
If you look really closely at my prior posts here, I think you will find the signs have been there since the beginning ;)
So uh- I identify as a demigirl- and am demisexual- but I'm afraid that if I come out to my friends they might leave me- especially for this boy I love. And my parents might not support, any suggestions on what I should do?
(P.s. I'm gonna write a Caesar x reader fic so any suggestions for that?)
My grandmother cried for an hour and my grandfather stopped speaking to me after I told them I like girls. When I came out to my friends they thought it was a bigger deal I was in Slytherin.