Another Work In Progress. Another Drawing Of Rap Monster, He's Clearly My Bias. #wip #workinprogress

Another work in progress. Another drawing of Rap Monster, he's clearly my bias. #wip #workinprogress #mybias #drawing #moonchild #4oclock #rapmonster #bts #kimnamjoon #thestruggleofbeinglefthanded #ineedtocleanthisup
More Posts from Notit

Studying plants and trees from the Huntington Library…tbh I’m not familiar with drawing vegetation>< But I’m trying >

Good, I’ve got your attention. I’ve heard about this net neutrality bullshit returning. I fought it when it started popping up a few years ago, and I’m going to fight it again. Guys, it’s BACK AGAIN and even worse theres a big chance it will END UP PASSING!
This could literally mean a shit ton of you wont be able to see me anymore if your provider decides that they want to regulate/censor, sayyy overly sexual content. You’ll also have to pay extra money to even use Tumblr!

Please guys, we defeated this shit once, we can do it again. They’re trying to do it now while people are distracted by the holidays and fucking Justice League. As of today, it seems as though there have only been 266,810 calls made to Congress. This is NOT good enough!! MILLIONS of people use the net, and if each one of them took 60 seconds to call and protect it, holy balls do you KNOW how much of a difference that would make??? But noooo, you’re busy streaming an ecchi anime that wont be available to you soon!!!!!

Heres a direct link to make a difference (theres also links to other sites of the same nature on here), and yes, YOU can make a fucking difference because this is YOUR internet at stake here. If you’re not going to make the call, share this and maybe SOMEONE fucking will!! This is important as shit and we cant afford to lose. Dec 14th is the deadline.
reblog if you’re gay, shy or a fucking idiot
Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.
No one should scroll past this