Another Work In Progress. Another Drawing Of Rap Monster, He's Clearly My Bias. #wip #workinprogress

Another work in progress. Another drawing of Rap Monster, he's clearly my bias. #wip #workinprogress #mybias #drawing #moonchild #4oclock #rapmonster #bts #kimnamjoon #thestruggleofbeinglefthanded #ineedtocleanthisup
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Reblog in the tags with: when you got into BTS, your first bias, and your current bias

Art teacher: you’re a good artist...but something is holding you back. Job interviewer: you’re a good artist...but something is holding you back. My mom: there’s something holding you back and I wish you could let it go and be free. Me: ...T.T I don’t want this be a sad post but when I mentioned earlier about having an artist block...this is what I meant. Lately I’ve been feeling do I describe this...a faker??? At least a “fake” artist. Whenever I draw, I feel fake and whenever I hang out with friends who are artists and I see their work,they are amazing!! I look at their work and then I look at mine and then... I start to feel like a phony!! Like I’m not worthy!! And I feel like the universe is telling me..”you suck!” I know! I shouldn’t say this to myself, and I shouldn’t compare myself to others’s been hard! And it wasn’t until a few months ago where I hit a new low where I kind of had a meltdown at a job interview...and the trainer looked at me with so much pitty like, “I’m sorry, that there are better artist than you.” (He didn’t really say that, that was all in my head.) It was actually a transfer opportunity from the company that I work for and of course I didn’t get it. But there was another opportunity for that same position the next month and... I didn’t apply for it. Even when all my friends kept telling me to reapply, All I could think of was, “I’m not good enough.” And it sucks! I feel like I’m going through a downward spiral and beating myself up like I did in college and I don’t want to do/feel that anymore! I want to be better, not be consumed by how much I suck! So I next week I’m going back to school, taking some drawing classes to improve my skills so that I don’t feel all that “fake.” I’m also gonna try and dip into different media besides watercolor and try to do more digital art. So I’m gonna focus more on drawing a lot, as much as I can this year. I might also delete a few pictures, not all, but few, just so you know...not like you were missing out on anything :p Btw I’m not really fond of this painting I did...but here I am posting it!! Hopefully everything goes up from here. *sigh*