nuffintop - Ann

I'd make your fave's whimper. Just a chaotic mess of everything. 19, She/They, poc, infp

42 posts

Speedycheesecakething Is A Scammer

speedycheesecakething is a scammer

thank you so much for letting me now, I have since removed the post

More Posts from Nuffintop

1 year ago

Work with me here, if I just remove my glasses beforehand, would it be easier for me to hold eye contact with you?

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1 year ago

Do I run away from angsty stories and shows as if it burns me? yes. Will most of the plots that come to my mind be fueled by angst? also yes.

But in other news, I'm such a whore for hurt/comfort.

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2 years ago

Me desperately trying to hold onto my love for literature:

Shakespeare had the audacity to include so much swordplay in his plays cough, Romeo and Juliet cough and kill off half the gay characters. He just had to make it a tragedy, as if we didn't already have Hamlet to deal with.

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