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45 posts
How Do You Explain To Someone That You Weren't Checking Out Their Ass, I Just Look At The Floor Alot
How do you explain to someone that you weren't checking out their ass, I just look at the floor alot and sometimes It comes across as that.
mostleemorethansmut liked this · 6 years ago
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Smash bros ultimate
If both theories ofthe main villans represent something of sakurai (ex:masterhand being the creator) are true. Then maybe taboo succeeded in making him get rid of his toys. Except he couldn't bring himself to get rid of kirby.
So my bike got stolen...
What if to show that someone is pissed beyond belief they don't just turn a rock to dust, they turn that dust to a smaller/denser rock.
I don't usually reblog but...
Odd: If spiders were the size of cats, would they be less or more scary?
Odd: On the one hand, they wouldn't be able to get into your house as easily.
Odd: But on the other hand, once they're in there, ohhhhh boy.
Odd: Oh boy.