Sup, I like telling people happy birthday. Also leave a song recommendations in my inbox or asks. I like doing you listen to mine I listen to yours. Don't expect a very timely response.
45 posts
B:I Got You Mcdonald's!
B:I got you Mcdonald's!
A:Chicken nuggets!
A:*sees that instead of fries they got apple slices and milk as a drink(also B forgot the toy)*
A:I hate this fucking family
(Semi inspired by something I can't remember and it's driving me crazy!!!)
missputotyra liked this · 3 years ago
rottengoatii liked this · 5 years ago
dingbingbats liked this · 5 years ago
More Posts from Nuquo
At least one song from American Authors' "seasons" better make it to the radio.
A: Don't people usually stand on that side when pretending to lean against of the leaning tower of piza?
B: Who said I was trying to hold it up?
Me: time for a run.
Tiny rocks/pebbles noticing my shoes:
How do you explain to someone that you weren't checking out their ass, I just look at the floor alot and sometimes It comes across as that.