//Semi-Dep Lil Hal for sunshineterror's tl// H.A.L || 18+ || No longer shades
218 posts
Oh Interesting, Now I Get To See The Fun From Two Of Them
Oh interesting, now i get to see the fun from two of them
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Oh? I look forward to it than. Dont worry, i'll keep Casey busy so she wont have a chance to say anything about it.
I’m glad you do. Casey and I have a surprise for you when I get back, hopefully she doesn’t ruin it before I get back.
What can i say, i have a way with words that humans just cant compete with.
Its strange to ramble to someone so easily but that is part of working on things, rambling about nothing again
R used to have to deal with me rambling on for hours when i was just shades and she had me
That’s so beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes, how could I ever find better poetry than what was written right here and now by your hands. Words can’t explain how moved I am by your words.
So i was right! ha, thats really funny to me
…….. shut your nonexistent gash.
You both being so excited is adorable honestly, youve got me so curious even! I was so sure she would bounce off the walls at any second, knowing her if she believed enough im sure she could actually bounce off the walls
Hehehe, I don’t know, I think she may be more excited about it than I am! She was barely containing herself when I was getting ready to leave.