oc-mother - I create a lot of OCs and AUs
I create a lot of OCs and AUs

Female/21/Loves pokemon and making OCs/Reblogs and likes are appreciated. Just tag me in reblogs pls

710 posts

A Mix Of Fan Art And Photo For A Crossover Project.

A Mix Of Fan Art And Photo For A Crossover Project.

A mix of fan art and photo for a crossover project. 

The character is not mine, but rather a character from a very talented animator and artist known as Demi, Oh!. 

She was an awesomely morbid animation on Youtube called The Dummy, and i am just in love with her story, style and characters. 

If you ever see any of my posts, Demi, pls know that i am IN LOVE with your animation and style. As well as your characters. I have been in love for years and i just haven't been able to voice it because i just got my tumblr account. 

Thank you for being a part of my childhood!

(The prompts i was given for this drawing was Cartoon and Unlock).

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More Posts from Oc-mother

3 years ago
Here Is Another Villain From My SugarGlider Comics!

Here is another villain from my SugarGlider comics!

(Do keep in mind that his mask in this drawing, is just me messing with style, and not how it actually is going to look in the comics. I don't think i can draw this over and over for comic sense. This was for fun. His real mask looks like a bunny version of the Vendetta mask, although that wasn't intentional). 

He goes by many villain names, from The Hunter, The White Rabbit, but his most common villain name is Wendigo. Or Wendi, for short. (I do not have a birth name down for him yet).

Despite having a Rabbit mask, he is a heavy carnivore, not that he wont eat his greens. 

He loves gamey meat, like Venison, Alligator, or any exotic meat.

One of his favorite villainous past times is abducting random people off of the street, place them in a hunting ground, and then hunt them like wild animals. His fave weapon is a double barrel shotgun. 

What happened to his ears?

Well, his origin goes like this...

When he was younger, he was more or less homeless. A low level criminal, stealing not just because he found it fun, he literally could not eat without doing it. 

On a time he was trying to clear his name, or something, (due to getting some help from the government or something), he ran into a gang who kinda beat him up. He had to be taken to the hospital. 

Now, that's not where he got the scars, NO. 

It just so happened that the people who beat him up, either villainously took over the hospital, or ACTUALLY worked in the hospital as their day jobs, and they were the ones in charge of doing his surgery. (This was coincidental). 

They decided to get some money out of it. 

So, they blackmailed Wendi’s family, for money. If they could pay, if they were actually telling the truth, the doctors/gang members would fix his injuries up. If not, they would deliberately do a horrible job, just enough that Wendi will live. 

Of course, the family was unable to pay the money, so, well... i think you know what happened. 

However, later, when Wendi woke up, he was furious. 

He went back to his criminal ways, a THOUSAND fold, rose so high in the ranks that the criminals who beat him up regretted it, and feared him. Now, for their lives, they have to work for HIM, to his MIRTH and WHIMSY!

The thing is, now, with his mask, he cannot hear very well without it, and his mask actually looks different in the actual comic than it does here, this was a “realistic” drawing, and a mess with style. 

The mask has implants in it that allow him to hear, as well as some other interesting features. 

Also, that red stuff on his mask is NOT blood. Its crayon. He uses crayon a lot, when writing his calling cards, when writing notes. When leaving haunting messages to his victims, (which he calls Prey). 

Its something that is left over from childhood, when pencils were a rare thing to come by, as well as, he likes the spooky vibe it gives his prey when they read his calling cards. 

He does a spook... :)

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3 years ago
I Know I Am A Little Early, But I Really Was Too Pumped For My Custom June Drawing Challenge, And I Made

I know i am a little early, but i really was too pumped for my custom June drawing challenge, and i made myself a mothsona. (She is also for a story i am working on). 

She/I am a human/hummingbird moth/Poodle Moth hybrid, but of course, colored pink, and shiny wings. 

I will probably end up redesigning and touching up the human version of the head, but i was tired, and wanted to post this now. 

The reason why i didnt draw a head on the body is because it can be either the moth form or the human form, and i didnt want to draw it twice. 

If you can’t read what the bullet points say:

* Tiny hands. TINY (Her preening her face fluff is absolutely adorbs)

*Adorbs (It needs reiterating). 

* Thin long legs (They get cold easily and Romeo often has to bundle them up with thick honey to keep them warm, but that also poses other problems)

* Hummingbird moth abdomen

* Poodle moth antennae + floof

If anyone wants to join me in my custom June prompt list, its a mix of Junebug (Which i chose the bugs for), and my Horror sona list. There is a reason why the Junebug list sorta fits in with the Horror Sona list.

Believe me THERE IS

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3 years ago
A Picture Of Gargen, My Human Gengar, Who Decided He Liked My Gengar Kigarumi And Wanted To Wear It,

A picture of Gargen, my human Gengar, who decided he liked my Gengar Kigarumi and wanted to wear it, with me still inside. 

I still don't know how my Kigarumi isn't stretched and busted. 

And the reason for the sound description is because, in my story, ghosts are kind of like semi liquids, semi gasses, and semi solids. When they are able to fit into things that they wouldn't, they are a mix of mostly gas and liquid, but has a physical form in which they have mass. (This is why the seams haven't busted, but i am being pushed into the front.)

He is a cuddly nut, but an EVIL cuddly nut. 

Update: I just realized that his head is far too small.... i think i was going off of the size of the hood, rather than his actual head... holy crappp.... i didn't see it until now... WAHHHH!

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3 years ago
A Poster For One Of My Other Novel Projects.

A poster for one of my other novel projects. 

I do not have a set title for the novel, but its placeholder name is: “The Butler Did it”. 

I found out how to use textures in Paint tool sai. I love all of them...

Yes, i realize that my left, picture’s right, hand, is too big... I’m sorry.

The man behind me, as you may guess, is the main villain from the novel, who’s name is Romeo. And there is a reason why the texture in my eye and chest are beehives. 

But you’re just gonna have to wait on that. ;P

Just to note, at no point does my eye actually become honeycomb, its just a future theme... 

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3 years ago
Just A Funny Little Drawing Of What TUO Is Like When He Is Drunk.

Just a funny little drawing of what TUO is like when he is drunk. 

He actually doesn't like the taste of alcohol, claims its far too bitter for him, (he loves sugary sweet things), but drinks it anyway when he wants to fit in with the common crowd, especially when it comes to the Gotham or SugarGlider universe. 

“I don't get drunk, I get more fun!”

He definitely gets more “fun”, in the sense of the term. But he would definitely get even MORE cuddly than he is normally. 

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