Wendigo - Tumblr Posts

Cryptid appreciation post since we're super close to Halloween 🎃

Cryptid Appreciation Post Since We're Super Close To Halloween
Cryptid Appreciation Post Since We're Super Close To Halloween
Cryptid Appreciation Post Since We're Super Close To Halloween
Cryptid Appreciation Post Since We're Super Close To Halloween
Cryptid Appreciation Post Since We're Super Close To Halloween
Cryptid Appreciation Post Since We're Super Close To Halloween
Cryptid Appreciation Post Since We're Super Close To Halloween
Cryptid Appreciation Post Since We're Super Close To Halloween
Cryptid Appreciation Post Since We're Super Close To Halloween

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2 years ago



Day 28: Camping


The Wendigo is a cryptid reported to live around the East Coast forests of Canada, the Great Plains region of the USA, and the Great Lakes region of the USA and Canada. The creature is created when a human resorts to cannibalism, transforming them into the never satiated cryptid.

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1 year ago

Either that’s a normally deer or that’s a half formed Wendigo lol

Some deer and... creature??? on my dad's camras! They be spooking!

Some Deer And... Creature??? On My Dad's Camras! They Be Spooking!
Some Deer And... Creature??? On My Dad's Camras! They Be Spooking!
Some Deer And... Creature??? On My Dad's Camras! They Be Spooking!

Creepy lil creatures...

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1 year ago

Story Starter #45

No insurance company on Earth covered damages caused by wendigos, so it looked like I was on my own.

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8 years ago
Until Dawn Doodles I Had Done When I Was Bored. Its Nice Seeing Peoples Choices And What Parts Of The
Until Dawn Doodles I Had Done When I Was Bored. Its Nice Seeing Peoples Choices And What Parts Of The

Until Dawn doodles I had done when I was bored. It’s nice seeing people’s choices and what parts of the story they uncover.

Though sometimes it’s annoying when someone plays the game just to moan and bitch about the characters and choices.

Enjoy Wendigo Josh and SupernaturalAU Sam and Chris.

Please respect artists! I put hard work and personal time into my work- reblog, don't repost, give proper credit if reposting somewhere else, and report anyone you see posting this without credit please! And don't remove the source!

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7 months ago
At Great Wolf Lodge And I Got A Wendigo For The Totem Masters Game (long Story)

at great wolf lodge and I got a wendigo for the totem masters game (long story)

I named him Icee

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10 months ago

Wendigos be like "are you a pizza? cuz i wanna eat you from the back"

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6 years ago

I was walking in the forest during winter, and saw a wendigo sitting under a tree. I asked it if it was going to kill me. It said, “No, this is just a dream.” So I sat next to it in the snow for a bit and then he said, “The anger in your heart warms you now, but will leave you cold in your grave.” And then I woke up.

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13 years ago

Strange Friends

Strange Friends
Strange Friends
Strange Friends
Strange Friends
Strange Friends

I told people some stories about friends I made at university, I met a ghost possessing a human who died at birth, a lovely creature made of moonlight, an urban wendigo, and a woodwose. I'm the tooth witch.

These should be available as sets of miniature prints when next I get taken to a small press event. I think that should be Thought Bubble at the end of the year.

Incidentally, even disregarding the fact that I drew him as a horrible slavering spirit of famine, I find it interesting how different the wendigo looks in my pictures and his own. I emphasise a completely different selection of features.

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3 years ago

No One Lives Forever- CH16

(AO3 link)

Stardust Crusader Wolf Pack AU

[From the beginning- CH1]

<Previous Chapter    Next Chapter>

A dwindling number of party attendees twirl on the ballroom floor, weaving between light and shadow of the burnt-out candles of the chandeliers overhead. Intoxicated stumbling of patrons is compounded with the hazards of broken flooring and the occasional chunk of ceiling falling onto the gathering. From the darkest shadows otherworldly creatures lurk closer to the festivities, ready to pluck dancers from the crowd as they pass.

The main feast table is more barren than ever, scraps of meats and heels of bread leftover on large platters. The fresh dishes lack the elegance and garnish of before and are now immediately recognizable as humanoid. Other body parts belonging to werewolves and other supernatural creatures are intermingled on the plates, the chefs apparently uninterested in disguising or cooking the hunted game.

The witch Enyaba makes her way to the lone figure at the head of the feast table, her cane clacking over stones as she ignores and passes the creatures of the dark. In contrast to his deteriorating surroundings, Dio seems to radiate energy, his eyes sharp as ever as they fall on the witch. He waits patiently like a snake coiled to strike as she bows before him and awaits his signal to rise.

“Arise, Enyaba.” Dio says with a chuckle, “What news do you bring me this time?”

“My Lord, some of the foot soldiers sent out have successfully encountered the Joestar pack on their way back to the city. I have instructed the rest to close in and find their new den.” Enyaba grins and grips her staff tighter, “But the most exciting news is yet to come. Please, follow me and I will show you.” She turns from him and waves her hand to motion him her way.

He rises from his throne without objection and lets her lead the way through dim corridors and broken hallways. Parts of the castle are crumbling away and revealing the courtyard beyond the walls. They quickly reach Enyaba’s instrument room, a large mirror sitting center stage and surrounded by impossibly complex runes carved into the stone floor.

A quick incantation and the mirror’s surface flickers as a new image appears. The reflection of a city street takes form for only a moment before it fades and a view of what looks like a building lobby takes its place. This too fades and is replaced, the mirror cycling through images as Enyaba curses. “Damn them. They must have the protection of another sorcerer on their side. They are thwarting my attempts to see!”

“This is what you wanted me to see?” Dio’s eyes narrow as he glares at her, “You interrupt my meal for this?” he hisses.

“N-no my Lord! This is merely a setback, but this- this is what you must see.” The surface of the mirror ripples once more before setting on a new view. This one seems to be the reflection of a police car’s rearview mirror, metal caging obscuring some of the backseat and a dense forest outside its windows.

The view is suddenly shaken as something slides across the trunk of the vehicle, leaving a wet trail in the moonlight. A human-ish hand is the only thing clearly visible as a shadow follows the path of the thrown object. Its fingers give away the fact that this shade is clearly not human though, easily twice the size of a normal human hand and tipped with wicked claws. A single reflective eye is visible as the creature turns for a brief moment towards the mirror before it is gone out of view again.

Dio is startled from the vision as Enyaba cackles and pointe her cane at the mirror. “Ha! Behold my masterwork- my greatest creation yet!” Dio quickly composes himself before the old witch turns to him, ignoring the uncomfortable bead of sweat that rolls down the back of his neck.

“This creature, your ‘masterwork’. How exactly is this of benefit to me?”

“Ah, this is the next phase of my plan, my Lord. While the expendable lesser creatures search and aim to flush out the Joestars, this creature will instead act as a lure. You see, my child and the silver wolf Polnareff share a common history, though they have not yet met in person.”

“And you are confident this… thing will be enough to defeat my enemies?”

“You have my word, my Lord! My son and the other assassin I sent to these woods will be the demise of the entire Joestar pack. Yes, yes,” Enyaba rubs her hands together as she chuckles to herself, “My son the wendigo will make quick work of whomever he encounters.”


The waning mood provided little light as the state trooper tried desperately to reach his car. The dispatcher had warned of the possibly dangerous scenario, but nothing could have prepared him and his partner for the scene they stumbled upon.

The cabin door had been ripped from its hinges before they arrived, light from inside spilling out over the porch illuminating numerous puddles of blood, a trail leading to the woods surrounding the camp. With pistols drawn, the officers first searched the cabin but no signs of life were found. The interior looks undisturbed, the occupants not able to reach its safety in time.

The officer quickly put a call in for more backup before turning to investigate the entry to the woods where the blood trails led. Approaching slowly and taking care to scan the environment was not enough to save the first officer from the creature that lunged from the shadows with a hideous shriek.

Blood sprays across the second officer’s face and chest before his instincts take over and he tries to retreat to the safety of the squad car. He’s not fast enough and the creature outpaces him within a few steps and suddenly he’s airborne from the force of the hit to his side, he slides across the back of the car and is barely conscious enough to turn over to face his attacker. A scream bubbles in his chest as the last sight he sees is a skeletal humanoid with razor sharp teeth in its protruding maw descending upon him to strike the killing blow.

<Previous Chapter    Next Chapter>

Author's Note:

Yup, DIO up to no good. I decided to make the hanged man into the scariest creature I know of just in time for Halloween! I got my rhythm back for writing, real life has been in flux for a while of work requirements changing, roommate moving in, I got side tracked by some craft projects (still jojo related, cant escape the jojo brain-rot). BUT I have a production plan in place again, I'm planning on posting a new chapter every other weekend!

Also if you have any questions or want some info about this AU in general feel free to send me some asks! I'd love to talk about this more in-depth!

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4 years ago
Here Is A Personal Pet Project, Based On This Post By @one-time-i-dreamt
Here Is A Personal Pet Project, Based On This Post By @one-time-i-dreamt
Here Is A Personal Pet Project, Based On This Post By @one-time-i-dreamt
Here Is A Personal Pet Project, Based On This Post By @one-time-i-dreamt
Here Is A Personal Pet Project, Based On This Post By @one-time-i-dreamt

here is a personal pet project, based on this post by @one-time-i-dreamt

This is my first elaborate original comic. I was so excited that I even made a cover for this. I would like to mention @jackie-welless,  the author of the story, the person who had this dream, who gave me the permission to draw it out and helped me a shit ton with the research. This would not have been possible without them.

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2 years ago

1.2 Wendigo

Dean x Sam x gn! Winchester reader

Summary: Ever want to be included in the show, as a Winchester? Wait no more. Follow y/a, Sam and Dean through 15 seasons of saving people, hunting things the family business.

A/n - Second episode if up! I’m so sorry that this has taken so long, super hectic week, hope this is up to standard!

warnings: Follows the first episode of the first season. Death. Fire.

word count - 5359

Masterlist | Next



“No… oh my god no…” He croaked. He stands frozen, as a sizzling noise overwhelms his senses, the smell of smoke as small black lines spiderweb across the ceiling. The lines connect, spelling out three words. Coming for you. Before suddenly igniting, engulfing the walls and Mary.


“Dad hasn’t been home in a week” Dean explained, his face hardening with a seriousness.

“So, he’s working overtime on a Miller Time shift. He’ll stumble back sooner or later.” Sam answers quickly, his brain not fully processing the extent of Dean’s sentence.

“No Sam.” You added, “Dad’s on a hunting trip, and he hasn’t been home in a week.” Your twins eyes widen, the mutual understanding between the three siblings that this conversation has to be silent.


Sam’s face is dark, covered in desperate anger. Sam looks over at you then at Dean, you hear him exhale, as he tosses the shotgun in the boot slamming it shut.

“We got work to do” He hissed.



Since leaving Sam’s burnt apartment and most importantly his dead girlfriend. Sam had been incredibly quiet, though with the gentle humming of the engine it hadn’t taken your twin too long to fall asleep in the passenger seat. You didn’t argue this time about the passenger seat being your seat, he’d been through a lot the past few days, (more than most go through in their entire lives), and you really didn’t want to start an argument that you knew would result in your head being bitten off by your slightly grumpy, taller lanky brother.

It had been a few hours since Sam had fallen asleep, Dean tapping his fingers on the steering wheel driving to the co-ordinates left by Dad in his journal, 35-111; blackwater ridge. When you had left originally, you had roughly 600 miles of rugged road and classic rock music to travel. By now you were about half-way, 300 miles left. The journey so far, hadn’t been so bad, the three of you had all been quiet, wrapped up in your own heads, Dean’s music playing through the speakers, apart from that the car was silent, well apart from Sam’s snorts. The last 100 miles or so, you had been staring out the window at the shrubbery passing by, though you could feel your eyelids getting heavy, lulling you to sleep. Well, that was until Sam suddenly jerked awake, a little squeal passing his lips before he started gasping for air.

“Are you alright?” you hear Dean’s gruff voice cut through the music, the first time he had spoken in a few hours, well apart from his singing, though you’re not sure if you’d really count it as singing. Your watching the two of them, through the reflection on the window, you notice Sam glancing over at your older brother, before he turns to look out the window, like you had been doing moments earlier.

“I’m fine” He responds dully, voice monotone, yet laced with a tiny hint of fear and a whole lot of guilt; it didn’t take a genius to figure out why he felt guilty either.

“Another nightmare?” You decide to dig, dig with Sam, dig him out of the depressive hole he’ll eventually find himself drowning in if he doesn’t talk. Sam doesn’t react, through you lean forward, between the front two seats; Dean catching your eye and glaring at you in the ‘big brother is taking charge; sort of way, when he notices you font have a seat belt on. Sam never answers you, but everyone in the car knows it was a nightmare, and everyone in the car knows that it in some way involves Jess.

“Do you wanna drive?” Dean joins in the digging, the pushing, the pulling. If one of you was going down into the dark hole, the rest might as well follow. Yet, before Sam can even answer, you’re jumping at Dean’s question, asking him to pull over and let you be in control. Sam laughs, it’s a deep guttural laugh, but its natural and happy sounding, and the tension in the car starts to dissipate slightly.

You realise that you’re getting nowhere, so settle back against the window, where you can watch the boys through the reflection. “Dean, not once have you ever asked me that!” you notice Sam’s eyes widen in surprise.

“Just though you might want to. Never mind” Dean responds, never taking his eyes of the road, his fingers start drumming on the steering wheel again. Of course, offering up baby was his way of helping make amends and although Sam never acknowledged Dean’s effort, you knew he was happy that the two of you were trying to cheer him up.

“Look, I appreciate that both of you are worried about me, but I’m okay, really” Sam smiles at the two of you, a slightly pink hint on his cheeks. It doesn’t matter though, seeing a small smile on his face means that tensions have fully disappeared, just like the eggshells you wanted to walk on completely vanished.

The three of you fell back into comfortable silence afterwards.

About half an hour later you heard the two boys muttering. “Maybe we shouldn’t have left Stanford so soon?” Sam frets, Dean glimpses over at Sam, confusion and slight annoyance sketched across his face.

“Sam, we dug around there for a week. We came up with nothing. If you wanna find the thing that killed Jessica-“

Sam quickly interjects “We gotta find Dad first.”


An hour or two later, you spot a sign that reads ‘Welcome to lost creek, Colorado, National Forest’ Dean drives to the ranger hut for blackwater ridge, putting Baby in park, before the three of you clamber out the car. The boys do so rather elegantly, unfortunately for you, your legs had gone numb, and as soon as you stepped out the car, your foot gave way, making you face plant the floor. It took a few minutes for your brothers to stop laughing, before Dean offered a hand to help you up, though you ignored it out of stubbornness and pushed yourself up before brushing the dust off of your jeans. Muttering a quick “Ughh, I um. I meant to do that.” Which just left the boys in more laughter.

Inside the ranger’s hut it was dark, but the different woods melded together to give a warm inviting feeling.

“You three aren’t planning on going to blackwater ridge, are you?” A deep voiced asked, turning around you spotted a man, he must have been late 60s, his skin had winkles showing signs of a life well lived, but you could tell he had the eyes of a young soul, someone who hadn’t finished living yet. Dean gave a sheepish smile at the man, hand rubbing the back of his neck; Sam interjecting quickly before Dean fucks something up. He makes up a quick excuse saying “Oh, no sir. We’re environmental study majors, just working on a paper” before the three of you made yourselves suspicious.

“Bull.” Said the ranger gruffly, looking between the three of you, not believing the excuse Sam had managed to whip up on the spot. The ranger continued, in the same gruff voice as before “Your friends with that Haley girl, right?”

“Yes” you answer hesitantly, eyes flicking to the boys, praying that this time ranger Wilkinson doesn’t suspect anything. Thankfully he takes the bait. “Well, I will tell you exactly what we told her.” He states, looking between the three of you “Her brother filled out a backcountry permit saying he wouldn’t be back from Blackwater until the twenty-fourth, so it’s not exactly a missing persons case. You tell that girl to quit worrying, I’m sure her brother’s just fine.” He finishes pointedly.

“We will.” Dean responds, “Well that Haley girl’s quite a pistol huh” He chortles. “Actually, you know what would help is if I could show her a copy of that backcountry permit. You know, so she could see her brother’s return date.”

Ranger Wilkinson eyes all of you, he’s starting to suspect you all over again, yet he still goes to get the backcountry permit.


It doesn’t take long for you to arrive outside of Haley’s house, Dean going ahead walking past the white picket fence, and up the porch steps, raising a fist he bangs on the door. A few seconds later a girl answers, not opening the screen. She has medium brown wavy hair, and a small slim face, Dean smiles at her “You must be Hayley Collins” he states “this is Sam and y/n. We’re ugh, rangers from the park service. Ranger Wilkinson asked us to come over, we have a few questions.”

“Show me some ID” She peers at the drivers license Dean shows her through the screen, though he doesn’t give her much time to scrutinise it, considering the fake ID reads ‘Samuel Cole’. She nods still hesitant, opening the screen door.

“Come on in”, she mutters stepping out of the way, Dean steps through the threshold first followed quickly by Sam, just as you’re about to cross into the house Haley pipes up “That yours?” She nods her head towards the Impala. ‘Ahh she’s a car girl’ you think to yourself ‘Dean will like her then’ you laugh to yourself, getting funny looks from those around you.

Once in the house, Haley leads the three of you to the kitchen, its décor is slightly outdated, with white wood and a big oval table in the middle, and unknown male is sat at the table on their laptop. “Ben” Hayley starts “this is Dean, Sam and y/n, they’re rangers” Ben glances up slightly, but he’s quiet, definitely the observant type, more like Sam then Dean, a think first and do it later kinda person, rather than a rush in and think later person.

“So, if Tommy’s not back, how do you know somethings wrong?” You question the girl, Hayley leaves the room, returning with a bowl which she places on the table. “He checks in everyday” she says solemnly.

“Maybe he was having too much fun and forgot” Dean suggested, with a little shrug of his shoulders. “He wouldn’t do that” Ben pipes up, Dean looks at him, really looks at him, as if he has x ray vision and can see into his soul.

Hayley snaps Dean out of his staring contest with Ben, pulling his attention to her. “Our parents are gone. It’s just my two brothers and me. We all keep pretty close tabs on each other.”

“Can I see the pictures he sent you?” Sam asks, Hayley nods grabbing her laptop. For the next half an hour or so Hayley shows the three of you the pictures and videos that Tommy sends the family each evening, he seems happy, enjoying himself the bond between siblings evident in the way they look out for each other. In ways you wish your family had the same dynamic but that would never happen, you didn’t have the normal apple pie life and the only reason you were all in contact was because the man who raised you had vanished.


After you left Hayley’s and Sam had gotten the pictures and videos emailed to him, you all settled in at the local pub. It felt normal, people were playing pool in the corner cheering, a couple where having a chat and then there were the few drunk people in the back.

“So, Blackwater Ridge doesn’t get a lot of traffic” Sam starts a conversation on the case “But still this past April, two hikers went missing. They were never found.” Dean pulls out Dad’s journal placing the leather book on the table with a thud.

“Any others before that?” Dean questions. When it comes to cases, Dean becomes serious, unlike his normal jokey, flirty self. Reaching across the table you open Dad’s journal flicking through it as the boys continue, Sam pulls out a couple of newspapers, pointing at the dates as he reads them out loud, “Yeah, in 1982, authorities said it was a grizzly attack.”

“We all know that’s bullshit” you mutter, the boys snap their heads looking in your direction. “What?!” You question “It’s been happening every twenty-three years, unless a bear now keeps a calendar, I don’t think the disappearances ‘are just a grizzly” you lift your hands, in the air, wiggling your fingers up and down making air quotes.

Sam pulls out his laptop, pulling up Tom’s video, “exactly y/n, I re-checked out the video footage again. Look” he points at the screen, a shadow quickly darts across the screen, the outline visible through the tent.

“Do it again” Dean demands, Sam shows the video again, slowing it down frame by frame. “It’s three frames” you utter.

“Exactly! That’s a fraction of a second. Whatever that thing is, it can move” Sam responded.

“Told you it’s not a grizzly” you stick your tongue out childishly, laughing as Dean smacks you round the back of the head.

“One more thing” Sam mentions, shutting his laptop and reaching for another newspaper clipping. “In ‘fifty-nine’ one camper survived this ‘grizzly’” Sam turned and looked at you before you said anything, giving you a glare. “As I was saying, one camper survived this ‘grizzly’ attack. Just a kid. Barely crawled out alive.”


After finding out who was attacked, you decided questioning him would give you the best chance of figuring out what was going on. The old man looked tired, his pale skin sickly and winkled.

“Look, ranger…ugh rangers” He corrected himself “I don’t know why you’re asking me, it’s public record. A grizzly attack.”

“The other people that went missing, those bear attacks too?” Dean digs, trying to find out more, the three of you knowing that the old man is not telling the full truth. The old man takes a puff of his cigarette, he’s stalling, thinking, trying to figure out how to answer. Dean doesn’t stop, doesn’t give him time to answer “What about all the people that went missing this year? Same thing?”

The old man still doesn’t answer. Dean keeps pressing “If we knew what we were dealing with, we might be able to stop it.” The man finally responds, “I seriously doubt that, and you wouldn’t believe me.”

“Mr. Shaw, what did you see?” Sam questions, leaning forward in his seat. You could tell the old man was about to spill everything you needed for the case.

“Nothing. It moved to fast to see. It hid too well. I heard it, though. A roar, like no man or animal I ever heard” His eyes are glassy, you guess that flashbacks are playing through his head, it must be difficult, remembering everything. “Why it left me alive I don’t know” He dips his head sadly, “did leave me this, though” He pulls back the collar of his shirt, three big scars are scratched across his chest, claw marks. He looks at the three of you before uttering his last words “there’s something evil in those woods. It was some sort of demon.”


You arrived back at the motel after visiting the pub, the boys heading back earlier then you. You needed the space, as much as you loved them, it has been hard spending so much time around them recently. Dean normally only ever contacted you if he needed help on a case, and well Dad always made Dean relay his messages. Sam, well although he’s your twin and you did keep in contact, since he met Jess, he started responding less and less, you were thinking of giving up, going no contact. Well, that was until Dean rushed back into your life. You just didn’t want to get to close to them again, get used to them being in your life, to have to be back on your own, hunting things.

Opening the door to the hotel room, you saw the boys, they were still working. “Spirits and demons don’t have to unlock doors” Dean began.

“So, it’s probably something else, something corporeal” Sam counters.

“Corporeal? Excuse me professor”

“Shut up.” Having enough of their argument, you decided to weigh in, although a lot was going on in your head, you were still trying to figure out what in the hell you could be possibly hunting. “The speed that it moves… could be a skin walker, maybe a black dog. Whatever it is, it’s not a grizzly and it’s a creature. Which means we can kill it”


Pulling up in the impala, Dean climbed out first, and argument already stirring between the two brothers. “We can’t let her come Dean” Sam snapped. Hayley had arranged a tour, her and Ben adventuring into Blackwater Ridge to find their brother. Dean wanted to crash it; Sam wanted to stop it.

“You guys got room for three more?” Dean yelled, a smug grin across his face, once he spotted Hayley wearing a pair of tight ass-hugging shorts. Of course, he’s thinking with his dick, you roll your eyes. After the introductions, Roy (the tour guide) storms ahead, talking about his hunting escapades and how he’s hunted buck’s and bears. If only he knew.

Dean starts to get cocky “Tell me, Bambi or Yogi ever hunt you back?” Roy suddenly grabs Dean, tugging him back. “Whatcha doing, Roy?” Roy still silent, picks up a stick and pokes at the ground, a bear trap suddenly springs to life. Roy smirks “You should watch where you’re going. Ranger.”

The boy’s storm on ahead. You stay back with Hayley, keeping an eye on the back of the pack, protect them from all angles. “You didn’t pack any provisions. You guys are carrying a duffle bag. You’re not rangers.” She reaches out and grabs your arm, halting you, the others too far ahead to care.

“Who the Hell are you?” Hayley interrogates.

“We’re siblings” you sigh. “Deans the eldest, Sam is my twin. Our Dad went missing, we’re looking for him too.”

“Why didn’t you just tell me?” Hayley exhales.

“We’ve been through some shit… Look it’s best not to get on with it. Let’s catch up with the others.” You end the conversation. From up ahead you hear Roy shout “Hayley over here.”

She darts off, you check the surroundings before running off after her, it doesn’t take long for you to realise why he shouted. The little camp site having been discovered, destroyed, bloody and clawed. “Definitely a grizzly” Roy states. You roll your eyes hard, Dean and Sam giving you a poignant stare, taking the hint you keep your mouth shut.

“HELP!” A yell echoes around the woods.

“Tommy!” Hayley yells back taking off in the direction the voice was heard. The rest of you following, but the three of you hang back a little, inspecting the area outside of prying eyes not in the hunting business.

“Boys” You whisper-shout drawing the attention of your two brothers, who were discussing what could have destroyed the tents. “The bodies were dragged from the campsite. But here” you walk forward and stop point at the ground, “The tracks just vanish.”

“That’s weird” Sam mutters, walking forward and bending down to inspect the drag marks closer.

“I’ll tell you what, that’s no Skinwalker” Dean states stepping forward towards the forest where the drag mark disappeared. “Which means” you continue “It’s also not a black dog”.

“Just what are we dealing with?” Dean questioned as you started to return to the camp, Tommy’s voice had faded and Hayley, Ben and Roy had decided to go back to camp for the night. Everyone walked in silence, just the crunching of sticks and dry leaves could be heard.

“Wait!” Hayley shouts, “Where’s our packs?” She swings around, staring at all of you, glaring even. “Is this some kind of practical joke” She continues, throwing her arms up in the air, exasperated.

“Do you really think we’d do this?” You growled, stepping towards her, pushing your face into hers. You’d had enough, this was dangerous, Dad was missing and now strangers with no idea of the supernatural are getting mixed up into the wrong things. Your tether had snapped. “This is fucking serious! Your brother is missing, or even dead. Sam with our dad. Maybe you were the one to hide everything!”

“Y/N!!” Dean roars, separating the two of you, before one of you kills the other. Though Dean has bets on who would win that one, and everyone knows Winchesters always win. “Enough. We need to stick together, not chew each other out” Sam cuts in. You knew they were right, but that didn’t mean that you were now going to be all pally with Hayley now.

“It’s smart. It wants to cut us off, so we can’t call for help.” Sam mentions after tensions ease, and everyone has their heads screwed on properly. “Wait. You mean someone, some nutjob out there stole our gear?” Roy questioned, confused but also frustrated in his mind they were still hunting a bear. “Maybe.” You mutter, trying to distract. You knew you really needed to talk to your brothers, see dads journal. But Sam, like always beat you to it, looking between you and Dean before saying everything he needed to with his eyes.

The three of you split off from the other three, not too far away to be suspicious, but far enough away to not be overheard. Dean passes your twin the journal, and it doesn’t take long for Sam to flick to a specific page, it’s got dads messy writing scribbled all over it and a first-nations style drawing, it almost looks like a scary stick figure.

“Oh, come on, wendigos are in the Minnesota woods or, or Northern Michigan” Dean almost laughs at the suggestion of one being found in the far west of the states.

“Think about it, Dean” Sam rolls his eyes at your older brother. “It can mimic a human voice, its fast, and smart”

“Great” You and Dean sigh at the same time before pulling out your pistols which were hidden across your person. “This is useless then!” Dean huffs


It doesn’t take long for night fall to fall over the camp. Hayley and Ben are sat around the campfire, watching the embers dance within the smoke, before fizzling out. The heat the camp radiated was needed, the nights air cooled quickly and with supplies having been taken earlier the fire was much needed. Hayley prods at the fire, watching Dean work his magic, he was using a big branch, disturbing the mud around the site, creating symbols. You could see the questioning look in Hayley’s eyes and figure now was a better time then never to be civil (especially after earlier).

“Anasazi symbols” You muttered, watching the flames light up the small area of forest before the vast darkness that surrounded you. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed Hayley, Ben and Roy, look over at you, curious gazes, eyebrows raising slightly. “Its for protection. The wendigo can’t cross over them”

Roy’s face slips from curious to a smirk, before his body starts shaking with laughter, his white teeth showing as he bends over, gun slung over his shoulder in fits of hysterics. He sarcastically wipes at his eyes. Though he shuts up quickly when Dean shouts over that nobody likes a sceptic.

Dean had finished drawing the symbols, all of you apart from Sam standing by the fire, Sam was stood outside the camp staring into the distance. It was silent, too silent. There was no sound, no wind, no trees talking, no animals. No nothing. Just silence, until a twig snaps; breaking the eeriness.

“Help me! Please!” A voice echoes throughout the trees. Sam’s head whips round, and it doesn’t take long before he’s joined the rest of you within the circle. “Help!” The voice echoes again, Dean’s face goes expressionless, hand on his gun. Sam grabs a torch and illuminates the darkness slightly.

“He’s trying to draw us out. Just stay cool, stay put.” Dean was using his stern voice, his big brother you’re in a lot of shit voice you ended up on the receiving end of a lot as a kid.

“Stay inside the magic circle” Roy barks. It’s not long until a growling sound is heard close to the camp, Roy points his gun randomly and shoots at it. “That’s no grizzly” He mutters, realisation finally hitting him. The wendigo is mad, infuriated even. It rushes around the camp site; Hayley starts to scream. Roy randomly shoots towards the rustling, again and again and again. “I hit it!” He shouts, jumping slightly on the balls of his feet, rushing forward to go and investigate what he had hit.

“Roy! No” You shout, darting after him, you can hear Dean behind you saying, “Don’t move” and its not long before your brothers also take off after Roy.

“It’s over here! It’s in the tree” Roy yells over before the wendigo reaches down and snaps his neck. It happens within the blink of an eye, one second Roy is standing there and the next his limp, dead body drops lifeless to the floor. You dart back to the safety of the camp, where Ben and Hayley stay, wide eyed in horror.

“So, we have a better chance in the daylight” You mention looking a the five of you sitting around the campfire. Sam leans forward, opening dad’s journal showing the two siblings sat opposite. Dean carefully explains the backstory, what a wendigo is, how its formed and many other questions that were running through their heads. By the end of the explanation the fire had started to dwindle, flames becoming smaller and smaller, and the five of you decided to call it a night.


The crisp morning air was a nice invitation, it woke up the senses, made you feel refreshed, and it was exactly what you needed on a day of a hunt. The five of you had left the safety of the camp about ten minutes ago, Dean marching on ahead, fresh leaves crunching beneath boots, the sounds of animals and birds making the forest come to life.

“Guys” you call, looking over your shoulder at the others.

“What is it?” Dean calls back, even though he’s started trudging over the rugged terrain of tree roots towards you. Then they see the reason why you called them over, the blood claw marks were everywhere, every tree had them, the animals got quieter, the forest going silent, just like the night before.  

“You know, I was thinking, those claw prints, so clear and distinct. They were almost too easy to follow.” Sam mentions, stepping forward running his hand over the broken bark. Nearly as soon as Sam finishes his sentence, the trees surrounding all of you start shaking, and a deep guttural growling gets louder and louder. Everyone reacts automatically, sprinting off in different directions, you end up with Dean and Hayley, when you run into the wendigo. Hayley’s screams being the last thing you remember.


You groan and open your eyes, the area you’re in is dark, your arms are tied above you, you feel sore and tired, nowhere near awake as you were this morning. You saw Dean and Hayley slumped against the side of the structure you were being kept in; Ben crouched in front of Hayley. To your left, you saw your twin, knife in hand cutting through your restraints. It wasn’t long before you were let down and were leaning against the cool wall.

“Hey, you okay?” Sam questions the both of you, Dean moves slightly a small wince passing his lips, you just nod, looking at Sam, eyes questioning him.

“He’s gone” Sam mutters answering your question without needing to be asked.

You watch as Hayley walks over to another person hanging, she slowly touches his cheek. “Tommy” She whispers. Tommy’s eyes jerk open, and Hayley lets out a shriek, before her brother gets cut down. “We’re gonna get you home” She whispers to him.

Behind in the corner, Dean had spotted the stolen supplies, pulling out a few flare guns, chucking a few to you and Sam. The five of you start limping down the tunnel. Until the creature decided to rear its nasty head.

“We’ll never outrun it!” Hayley yells panicked.

“Alright, you” He looks at Hayley and her brothers “Stay with Sam and y/n. They’ll keep you safe” Dean lifts his eyes between the Sam and yourself, nodding a confirmation of the plan.

“What about you?” Hayley’s voice quivers. Dean just smiles at her, sending a wink, before the four of you leave him behind. Even in the worst of times that man still thinks with his dick you sigh. As the four of you leave Dean behind you can hear him taunting the monster “Hey, you want some white meat, bitch! I’m right here!”

It doesn’t take long for the wendigo to find you. You push the three siblings in front of you as Sam shoots his flare towards the monster, he misses, the red flare bouncing off the wall. You continue running, the monster stalking you down the tunnel slowly, like a predator waiting for its prey.

“Get behind me!” Sam shouts, pushing you behind his body, you stumble, and Hayley catches you.

“Hey” Dean shouts behind the monster, it turns around. You take your chance at the same time as Dean, shooting your flare gun, hitting the monster. It bursts into flames. Dean walks over to the four of you, ruffling your hair as he goes past. “Not bad huh?” He questions a smirk falling over his lips.


Night-time has landed again, around the ranger station. Tommy has been piled in the ambulance that had arrived a few minutes ago, he’s sat on the back, legs hanging over the edge, a couple of paramedics fussing over him. Sam is off in the corner with Ben, the police are interviewing the two of them, the story is that a grizzly attacked the camp, and you guys went on a bear hunt.

You and Dean are stood near baby, having already been seen by paramedics, just a few scrapes here and there but nothing you couldn’t handle.

“So” Hayley starts, taking a small step towards the two of you. Though her eyes are focused on your older brother, and you can tell he’s intrigued, his green eyes following her every move. “I don’t know how to thank you.” Dean’s smile merges into a lascivious smirk, and you notice a small smile grace Hayley’s lips before she flirtatiously, looks up at him. “Must you cheapen the moment?”

Your brother’s smirk widens a laugh ripples through him. “Yeah” He smirks towards the girl. Hayley smiles at him, it’s like they’re in their own world, just the two of them, no one else. You notice Hayley lean in slight, before quickly pressing a kiss to Dean’s cheek; and you chuckle slightly when the two of them darken and flush red. Before she turns away, Hayley looks at you “I hope you find your father” She whispers quietly, whipping round joining Ben and Tommy in the ambulance, as Sam appears by your side.

It's peaceful between the three of you as the ambulance doors are shut, and the three siblings drive out of sight. “Man, I hate camping” Dean declared, Sam chortled before replying “me too”.

“Boys” you butt in, both men turning to look at you, sat in between them on the front of baby, “You know we’re gonna find Dad, right?”

“Yeah, we will” Dean smiles tightly, you can tell he doesn’t fully believe what he’s saying but you smile knowing that he’s trying.

“In the meantime, I’m driving!” Sam states, giving Dean a pointed glare. Dean tosses the keys over your head, Sam catching them as if it was the most natural thing possible. The three of you clamber into baby, Sam in the driver’s seat, Dean in the passenger and you in the back.

Let the journey begin!


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9 months ago

I’m gonna become a wendigo? Chill

did u kno: ur icon is actually you in 20 years

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11 months ago
I Found This Online Shopping It Reminded Me Of Alastor If Someone Draws This With Him I'll Die Laughing

I found this online shopping it reminded me of Alastor if someone draws this with him I'll die laughing so hard 🤣

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2 years ago
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Your Submission Is Inevitable
Your Submission Is Inevitable

“Your submission is inevitable”

My Halloween costume for this year! I hope tumblr likes it!

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8 months ago


THE WENDIGO (this is my first time posting so sorry if it is bad and please let me know about any inaccuracies, also if you want me to go into more or less detail in the future just let me know)

The wendigo is a spirit from native American mythology, here's some info about it.

The creature is found in the north of the USA and Canada. A wendigo used to be a person until they committed canabalism or were overcome by greed. They can possess people and just a touch can drive someone insane.

They are mainly depicted as tall and skinny with bones poking through the skin. Other times they are hairy but often are shown without fur. One interpretation of a wendigo can be seen in my profile picture.

They have many powers including extreme regeneration and controlling the weather. Wendigo enjoy playing with their food and will hunt and stalk them for days, the only way to keep them at bay is a fire. The only way to kill them is to destroy their icy heart. So next time you go camping keep your eyes peeled for the canabal spirit of the woods.

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1 year ago
A Wendigo

a wendigo

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