202 posts
Also To Note-
also to note-
if you're wondering where the rest of my genshin muses have gone, they're being moved to @marchingasone.
follow me there too!
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dual muse blog for gen.shin im.pact. penned by spencer.
muses: chongyun, and wanderer (kaminari).
muses are both canon divergent. (chongyun: because he is more mature and confident than in game. kami, because he didn't go through irminsul.)
rules // bios // verses other blogs: @marchingasone
creating elemental reactions with: roleplay-abiogenesis2, windsfavored, kaehdeh,

meme tag / self promo
basic rules under the cut:
NO DRAMA. i have dealt with so much of it in the past, i'd like to firmly be left out of it. this means i will not read/engage with callout posts, vagueblogs, or guilt tripping.
if you're going to unfollow, soft block or hard block. simply unfollowing me makes me think tumblr/xkit glitched out, and i'd rather deal with being blocked over an awkward conversation.
i use _tw for tagging triggers. i won't remember everything, so if i miss something that you want tagged, please message me, i'll correct it.
discord is for friends, not just mutuals. if we end up talking ooc a bit, i'll happily trade discords.
i tend to vary my formatting, from colored speech or just plain text, whatever strikes my fancy. you are not obligated to follow suit. whatever makes you happiest!
i'm not interested in writing smut. i'm not comfortable with it, but i am definitely interested in ships.
speaking of ships, both chongyun and kaminari are adults. i'm not engaging in this discourse, and if i see people posting about chongyun being a child on the dash, or even other short men being minor coded, i'll just quietly softblock. i'm allowed to seek out ships for my muses, they are adults and deserve to be treated as such.
I WILL BE SLOW. please do not nag me for replies, or tag me. this is a hobby. know that i will get to it eventually.
" is there anything about yourself that you haven't told me ? "
" will you come back to visit me ? "
" what could it mean ? "
" this is not the correct way , and you know it . "
" this is truly a room worth admiring . "
" your obsession borders on creepy . "
" this reflects poorly on your overall personality . "
" maybe this is why everyone left you . "
" are you just sitting around waiting for more dialogue ? "
" no one gets to tell me what to do . "
" everyone thinks you are very powerful . "
" there is nothing in the broom closet . no reason to still be here . "
" you're not even doing anything ! "
" please offer me some explanation here ; i'm genuinely confused . "
" the broom closet ending is my favourite . "
" you're fat and ugly and really , really stupid . "
" you're addicted to drugs and hookers ! "
" that kind of anxiety isn't healthy . "
" i'm not your enemy . really , i'm not . "
" i think perhaps we've gotten off on the wrong foot here . "
" how i wish to destroy you . how i wish to control you . "
" investing your trust in someone is difficult . "
" please , stop trying to make every decision by yourself . "
" this is it . your chance to redeem yourself . "
" i can't believe i've been so mistaken . "
" you and i don't even know each other . we're like strangers . "
" i still don't know you . and you don't know me . "
" you like being alone , don't you ? "
" perhaps you'll see me again , if you can find me . "
" i've escaped from that dull office and pesky narrator . "
" what are you talking about ?! "
" this is so stupid . why are we even doing this ? "
" you've demonstrated such bravery here today . "
" do you have zero consideration for others ?! "
" oh , thank god . you are willing to listen to me . "
" i think i feel ... happy . i actually feel happy . "
" no , wait ... where are you going ? "
" promise me you won't go back there . just - just stay here . "
" you are going to stay here , aren't you ? "
" please , don't take this from me ! "
" nothing good can come from this . "
" we can't be happy if we leave this place . "
" comedic timing is so difficult . i wish i was better at it . "
" it's just a bucket ! it can't think , it can't talk ! "
" i suppose you don't need me anymore . "
" you believe i'm real , don't you ? "
" give it to me ! give me the bucket , i need it ! "
" it's nice to see you again . "
" i'm on your side . we're in this together . "
" obviously the bucket isn't talking to you and telling you to do things . "
" do you see that i really have wanted you to be happy all this time ? "
" are you that convinced i want something bad to happen to you ? "
" that wasn't supposed to be a choice . how did you do that ? "
" can you see ? can you see how much we need one another ? "
" in the vast infiniteness of space , your thoughts and problems are materially insignificant . "
" when every path you can walk has been created for you long in advance , death becomes meaningless , making life the same . "
" although this passageway has the word ' escape ' written on it , the truth is at the end of this hall , you'll meet your violent death . "
" you're so bad at following directions , it's incredible you weren't fired years ago . "
also to note-
if you're wondering where the rest of my genshin muses have gone, they're being moved to @marchingasone.
follow me there too!

"having a singular pet cat does NOT make me a cat magnet."