Female || Digital Artist || Creative Nerd || Probably a robot controlled by a cat...
880 posts
What Am I Working On?
What am I Working On?
I was tagged by the wonderful @hyrulehearts1123 to kinda give an overview of what I’m currently working on. And I decided to do it because... well I wanted to.
Finishing School - Transitioning to College
I only have about a month and a half left, and that creates school deadlines, AP exams, and the deadline to a major AP Studio Concentration I’ve been working on. And then, I have a butt ton of time to figure out what to do before SCAD. Whoo.
Kingdom Hearts: Guardian Soul
A Kingdom Hearts spin-off comic that I’ve been working on for over a year now. But, because of school, I have to double page production rates so I can get enough ahead to cover the gap of time where I won’t have a computer to draw on.
Untitled Story 1 (All Too Human/Crisis)
It doesn’t have a name or plot yet, but it’s a story I’m helping write based on some old ideas, and it will hopefully eventually be turned into a graphic novel/animated series.
Short Comic
A little thing I’m doing to create awareness for some real world issues. It’s still in progress.
“Untitled Fic 2″ (Thx HH1123)
Set in the far off future of MC, this one deals with some interesting stuff. And by that I totally don’t mean trans-dimensional temporal shenanigans, what are you talking about? (Yes, I’m stealing this one. I know what it is Hyrule and I’m pretty excited to see if it works)
I don’t have one yet, but I hope to be working at GT this summer with camp stuff again. That’ll eat up a lot of my time then so uh yeah.
And then there’s the little stuff like commissions and getting a new computer/drawing tablet, but those don’t count much.
So, that’s what I’m working on. No pressure or anything, but I’m tagging...
NO ONE tags are overrated.
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