Whoo - Tumblr Posts
Best Pun-based Hero ever.

This girl is Hope.
Her life was more-or-less average, until she unwittingly opened a mysterious jar containing the apocalypse. To prevent the Earth’s destruction, Hope shoved her arm into the jar. This stopped the calamity, but the jar reshaped around her hand, becoming a glove with immense and terrible power.
Now that a doomsday device had been activated, all the other apocalyptic powers-that-be began rushing to see who could destroy humanity first.
The one person standing in their way -
is a girl with the end of the world in her hand.
mm might give posting n blogging here a proper try

What am I Working On?
I was tagged by the wonderful @hyrulehearts1123 to kinda give an overview of what I’m currently working on. And I decided to do it because... well I wanted to.
Finishing School - Transitioning to College
I only have about a month and a half left, and that creates school deadlines, AP exams, and the deadline to a major AP Studio Concentration I’ve been working on. And then, I have a butt ton of time to figure out what to do before SCAD. Whoo.
Kingdom Hearts: Guardian Soul
A Kingdom Hearts spin-off comic that I’ve been working on for over a year now. But, because of school, I have to double page production rates so I can get enough ahead to cover the gap of time where I won’t have a computer to draw on.
Untitled Story 1 (All Too Human/Crisis)
It doesn’t have a name or plot yet, but it’s a story I’m helping write based on some old ideas, and it will hopefully eventually be turned into a graphic novel/animated series.
Short Comic
A little thing I’m doing to create awareness for some real world issues. It’s still in progress.
“Untitled Fic 2″ (Thx HH1123)
Set in the far off future of MC, this one deals with some interesting stuff. And by that I totally don’t mean trans-dimensional temporal shenanigans, what are you talking about? (Yes, I’m stealing this one. I know what it is Hyrule and I’m pretty excited to see if it works)
I don’t have one yet, but I hope to be working at GT this summer with camp stuff again. That’ll eat up a lot of my time then so uh yeah.
And then there’s the little stuff like commissions and getting a new computer/drawing tablet, but those don’t count much.
So, that’s what I’m working on. No pressure or anything, but I’m tagging...
NO ONE tags are overrated.
I just wanted to let you know that your art fills a hole in my heart with pink, glittery microplastic 😊 I genuinely smile every time I see a nice drawing you did on my dash. How do you pick colors for your art? cause I swear, no matter the mood I'm trying to get for a drawing, I always pick the most muted sad colors as a force of habit. Which like works as a style thing, but when you're trying to set the mood for a piece sometimes the colors you usually lean to just don't work as well, y'know?
Hello! I AM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT MY ART MAKES YOU HAPPY THAT IS SO SWEET?!?!? CRYING! Honestly love the phrase "pink, glittery, microplastic". For color picking I shade clothes with only variations of red on multiply! That is a big thing for me! I will also add a layer of blue shading to everything! Hair, skin, clothes, doesn't matter the lighting there will be blue shading! My rendering process takes a bit and I break everything into pieces- hair, skin, clothes, etc. all get its own layers and folder for rendering. My render process typically means the final piece is anywhere around 100 to even 800 layers sometimes. I also work in 550 DPI, idk if that changes anything but yeah. If I ever think a color doesn't look bright enough I will add a layer above and overlay it with a slightly brighter color and turn down the opacity slightly! I understand the mood thing totally too! For my color palette I just always try to include pinks, reds, and blues to keep everything consistent but still have a brighter feel to it!


PAIRINGS: lee jeno x reader (f)
WARNINGS: jealousy, jealous!Jeno, angry!Jeno, slight roughness, fingering, dirty talk, orgasm, slight dom!Jeno, public scenes (its in a cinema toilet-)
WC: 1.5k
A/N: thank you so much for 630 followers! also this fic is pretty old, i wrote it when 365 days was a trend, i just never got to posting it lol. happy reading!

It was your weekly date night, and it was Jeno’s turn to choose and plan the date.You guys took it in turns to choose where or what the two of you did each week, it only made sense to do it that way so your date night wouldn’t get boring - and plus, it’s more fun not knowing what the other has planned.
Tonight, your boyfriend had picked you up at your apartment to take you to the cinema - there was this new erotic film that you had taken a liking to after you had seen the trailer and a few clips trending around on Twitter and TikTok.
Keep reading
Harry Potter WHOO!
This premiere is, in a way, the end. but for me the real end was the book release, and we've still got Pottermore to look forward to! Next week will not be the last time I wear my wizard robes, that is for sure!
Anybody else just really excited?!

A master to his action-hero trainee says, "Your movements are sloppy. You lack awareness of your body when you fight. Your hands move and yet you do not hold them in your mind's eye. Come. We will remedy this."
And then the master paints his trainee's fingernails and orders the trainee to complete a series of complicated tasks without smudging the nail polish.
wonwoo is for the girlies who grew themselves up, who developed themselves by themselves within themselves, who were never the chosen ones, who were always held back in school despite having massive amounts of talent, who are organized, who had a rushed childhood, who aren't the best-treated sibling, who is stoic, who have massive weights on the head with nowhere to put down, who are a quiet kid with suppressed bubbly side, who thinks they are hard to love, who are not easy to understand, who are combinations of contradictions.

i’m not sure if this calls for an ‘i’m sorry’ or a ‘you’re welcome’ so let’s just go with both??
In Which I Make Multiple Lists
Things that are bad:
losing senior project binder
not doing homework
not having a prom dress
writing poems
Things that are good:
sunny drives
observing track meets
sandwiches with pickles in the sun
half days
long weekends
people I like
awards banquets and chunky medals
frozen yogurt
free t-shirts
i mean really look
we have sun and it's exciting
I thus conclude life as a second semester is not, contrary to frequently expressed perception, The Devil.

I caved in to @sm-baby’s peace to piece, here are my two boys who I love very much now!
The guy on the left is Silas! A very stoic, conserved bishop who won’t tolerate any nonsense. He has the sort of demeanor you’d expect from an overbearingly strict religious leader, pretty confined, overly devoted, not really an “out of the box” type of guy.
The man decked out in pink is his brother, Amos! He’s much more charismatic than his better half, not necessarily energetic but adept and secure in his own skin. He can be somewhat arrogant at time, which his brother despises, but it can’t really be helped.
They get along for the most part, only seeing each other every so often due to their conflicting positions.

GSM: Graa.

Prince Silverwing: Go.

Prince Silverwing: Be great.