I Asked The AI To Paint Doctor Who And I Really Love The Results
I asked the AI to paint Doctor who and I really love the results

immortanozpin liked this · 2 years ago
More Posts from Oh-holly-jocky-wicky-wocky

Dark Ages #1 (2021)
written by Tom Taylor art by Iban Coello & Brian Reber
Happy Hogan was more of a father figure to Peter than Tony ever was.
But y'all aren't ready for that conversation.

~ Moritz von Schwind (1804–1871), Die Katzensymphonie (The #Cat Symphony), 1868 (Pencil, pen and brush on paper)
The drawing is a violin melody, on which cats are presented instead of notes. The composition can be interpreted as a caricature of Richard Wagner's music, which the artist did not much appreciate. Schwind gifted the music sheet to one of his friends, the violinist Joseph Joachim. The reason for the gift was Joachim's appointment as director of the Berlin University of Music. The melody of course was unplayable.
This is so beautiful and took a lot of patience!!! ✊
I want my three nickels please

Nickel number three will be coming to a cinema near you in 2022