I just love Keeper of the Lost Cities, and Acotar too but I ain't gonna post about it probably
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Ohmygoly - KotLC Yayyyyy - Tumblr Blog
This is how I think the elven abilities would be sorted into caste systems.
Note: There are other reasons for one's caste that would include education, banishment, government, loyalty, match status, other talents, etc etc. But if we base it all solely on abilities then this is from top caste to bottom caste:
The Rulers: Telepaths. They are the most utilized and most studied ability, simply because they are useful in so many ways. The most important families (like the Vackers) and the most important positions (like Head Councillors) are telepaths. The Council claims to have put restrictions on telepathy but in truth, the only telepaths that have to abide by those laws are the ones that aren't useful to the councillors. Everybody working in the administration gets let off the hook. I mean, to probe, wash, and break elf minds you can't be arrested for your criminal activity.
Noble Abilities: These are the abilities that are rarer and more powerful, and while some of that might be because elves are so strict about who everyone's allowed to marry and procreate with, the council doesn't want these abilities able to spread to common elves. They are best when controlled. Those abilities are: Inflictors, Mesmers, Beguilers, Vociferators, Descryers, and Chargers.
Elemental Abilities: These are the equivalent of upper middle class to lower upper class. They are like the barons and earls of the nobility. They're noble, but they aren't as important. They can be placed in higher positions of power though. And they are highly regulated, especially after the pyrokinesis ban, and they're very mistrusted. Naturally, these are: Hydrokinetics, Gusters, Shades, and Flashers.
Note: Any elves or elven families equivalent to human celebrities are in this caste as well, but for different reasons. The Song family and their music, sports teams, dancers, writers/researchers, etc.
Working Class: Technically, working class or "middle class" (it's obviously different because the elven system doesn't work the same but think of it that way). I say technically because this caste has the most mobility. They have useful abilities that can be paid money for but since their identity is less dependent on their ability, they're less restricted, and they can still come from noble families or make it into noble schools, they have the ability to range from just above the elven scum to political elites. Since there's so many though, the majority of them stay in the middle range, just outside of the nobility, or even get jobs that don't apply to their abilities. These abilities are: Psionipaths, Conjurers, Frosters, Phasers, Polyglots, Empaths, Enhancers, Technopaths, and Vanishers.
Note on Technopaths: Technopathy is the most common elven ability, and is the least valued. Even among common elves it is looked down upon and unless you are remarkably above average or invent something that benefits the society/council (lightleapers, registry pendants, caches, *ability restrictors*) you are invisible. The equivalent of having a surplus of teenagers looking to sell their mediocre art and naturally making nothing off of it, and they aren't as modern as humans and find less need for a bunch of techies to run a bunch of machines.
Slaves: Gnomes are basically slaves. They aren't paid, are forced to live with and serve the elves, and do nothing else. They are technically not an ability but they are part of society and higher than the Elven Scum caste so I put them here.
Elven Scum: Pyrokinetics and Talentless. They live in crowded cities, like Mysterium, and they only work for the poor. They have no chance of joining any sort of noble school or climbing the ranks because even if they were smart enough to get in, they have no ability in the eyes of the law and that makes them useless. They have nothing and live their lives getting dirty. This is the elven world so they still get things such as fountain of youth or whatever its called and other survival needs but otherwise they can barely live in furnished homes.
I think the thing that sets me off is the fitting of the clothes. The jeans are too tight and the jacket is too short and too long, it's just at an awkward length. And the colors are bland and also I feel like they could've chosen something Keefe would realistically be drawn to, because this is so basic even a Lululemon girl or a fluffy hair thirst-trap-wannabe guy could agree it's too basic

I feel like that would be really insane. Sounds fun!
I should start posting shitty comics of things that happen in my life. I think you guys would enjoy them
So Zoe yesterday was sharing her frustrations with chosen colors for the Zodiac kwamis, and just how uncolorful they are as a whole (having a lot of browns and greys), which spiraled into a little bit of a rabbit hole on odd kwami designs and choices on how they were handled (just a little).
And on the topic was me being so baffled for Longg's colors.
Like I do think another red kwami was needed, but why the one related to weather? And specifically elements of air, lightning, and water. Shouldn't Longg have colors that reflect those elements? As usually those aren't tied to red. Elementally red's usually tied to fire. But that's the one element he's canonly not tied to. There's also the issue that he's red and black, which Tikki already is. At least mix up the 2nd color to red so Longg and Tikki don't compete as red-black kwamis. Dragon's kinda tied to yellow so he could've been red and yellow.
Anyway, given what he's tied to, Longg could've been all blue, the sky is blue, water is blue, air is usually a light blue in media, and sometimes lightning is portrayed as a pale blue.

Or, what could've been more fun, Longg could've had colors that better reflected those 3 elements, being blue with gold and white accents.

I still don't like the party cone horns, but I do think that this could've been more visually interesting, and better reflect the power.
I saw this Tik Tok talking about Feyre and Tamlin's love story/beauty and the beast and it was a good one.
As everyone knows, the first love story is based on beauty and the beast; Feyre being Belle (hg can't read so I don't know why she's Belle) and Tamlin being the beast.
The og creator said that Feyre is actually the enchantress, the woman who cursed the beast (she "cursed" Tamlin by ruining his court which is one of the reasons why he's in his beast form).
Meaning that Tamlin is still waiting for his "Belle". (Gave me more hope that he'll get his healing arc)
Thoughts on it?

I don't like that Brant died during Lumenaria, I wanted him to stick around for when (if) Jolie became more plot relevant. Not for redemption, but so he stays traumatized. This is set right after Lodestar.
I'm not claiming this is good. I'm dead tired right now đ Although maybe listening to it with Can't Catch Me Now will help with the atmosphere:
The empty streets of Mysterium were covered in the falling snow of December. Only in the lower class cities did elves have to deal with harsh weather, but they bragged it gave them more strength than the snobby elite. Brant and Jolie also enjoyed feeling the proof of the outside world through every breeze, every drop of rain.
Brant looked down the street he turned onto, and recalled the night that rain poured down in bucketfuls over their heads and Jolie jumped around in the water. He saw her there, like a ghost in the street. The balefire reflected off of the puddles. Flashers made use of their abilities to cast liquid rainbows onto the bricks beneath them. Everything was beautiful that night, but Jolie was the most beautiful of all.
At the end of the street was the shop where he bought her a dress. She was standing on the other side of the window. He could see her at a rack, picking out a simple lavender gown. It hadn't compared to anything else she owned, but Brant bought it for her because the color made her radiant. Phantom arms hugged him around his neck, solid ones did before.
On every familiar corner, there Jolie was. Sat with her open diary on a wooden bench, balanced on every railing, swarmed with the children she passed out lusters to if they guessed her number. They always did. He stopped at an old popular tavern from their adolescence. She danced and sang stories to the patrons while they drained their cinnacremes and shouted along. The tavern was near empty, like her presence haunted the place. Jolie stood at the entrance, sweaty and energetic from a night of performing. She stared at him. In disappointment, anger, fear, and still visible, dreadful, love. Love he never deserved. Still didn't deserve.
The falling snow started to feel like the ashes that covered her body, the sharp biting cold burned like a licking flame. Like Everblaze. He blinked and she disappeared. Just like that. Jolie would be back. She would be back to consume more of his nightmares. Every turn of his head, she would be there. He could never touch her again, speak to her, but she was always there. Out of reach. Brant realized something else as he turned and fled the village; he would be doomed to spend eternity alive with the memory of what he had done. It'd weigh on him for every single minute of it, and the guilt wouldn't fade with time.

Kids have it rough these days
As a woman with a period...doesn't the bleeding just stop once you get in water? Whenever I've showered or gone swimming I just stop bleeding until after I'm out. I thought that was just how it worked...?

Day 2 in the Middle School Time Loop: you remember that last time, everyone ignored you at recess because they were talking about a TV show that you hadnât watched. This time, you lie and say youâve seen it. They ask you who your favorite character is, and you donât know any of the characters, and so youâre tongue-tied. They think youâre weirder than ever, or maybe a liar, which is worse (and true).
Day 3 in the Middle School Time Loop: you tell your parents that you feel ill. They let you stay home while theyâre at work. You spend the whole day watching past episodes of the TV Show.
Day 4 in the Middle School Time Loop: Recess again. The same person asks you who your favorite character is. This time, you're ready. You eagerly tell them, and supplement your reasons for liking them with solid evidence from all 4 seasons of the show. But! Tough luck: youâre now too invested. The atmosphere turns uncomfortable. They go back to ignoring you like they did on the Day 1 that you didnât know was Day 1.
Day 5 in the Middle School Time Loop:
You decide to try a different approach and update your style. You've noticed that Ashleigh, whoâs blonde and constantly surrounded by friends, always wears pink stripey sneakers. You try wearing a pink dress. Someone says itâs cute, but you know from how they say it that it isnât the good cute.
âI thought that pink was cool,â you protest, more to the uncaring universe than to anyone in particular.
Your interlocutor shrugs. âMaybe on someone else.â
Day 6 in the Middle School Time Loop: You keep your head down, but still surprise the teachers by somehow knowing the correct answers to every spontaneous question they throw out to the class. You study the outfits of your classmates more closely. You realize that it wasnât the color, so much as the brand that made the difference. It proves the shoes were expensive. You note down Ashleigh's sneaker brand in smudgy ink on the back of your hand, and then after school you take half a year's saved-up allowance and buy a matching pair at the mall. Your mom raises her eyebrows but doesnât stop you.
Day 7 in the Middle School Time Loop: Today you make it to lunch before anything major goes wrong. You think that the sneakers have protected you, and stare down at them lovingly, watching the Barbie-pink plastic stripes reflect the tube lights on the ceiling as you turn your feet this way and that. But then at lunch, Ashleigh comes up, arm and arm with a friend. Her eyes are a little pink, but only a little.
âAshleigh wanted me to tell you that sheâs really hurt that you copied her sneakers,â the friend informs you, nobly, as if it would be too unpleasant for Ashleigh to have to say this herself. Her mouth is solemn but her eyes are gleeful.
âI didnâtâŚâ You start to deny it automatically, even though itâs true. And yet, something wonât let you apologize. Doesnât she see your imitation for what it is: the most sincere compliment you know how to bestow? This is your Hail Mary.
As you meet her eyes, you realize she does know, but this only makes her despise you more.
âI think a lot of people have these sneakers,â you stammer, in the end, and they just sniff and turn away. You go back to eating your lunch alone.
Day 8 of the Middle School Time Loop: even though you do well in every class, you must be so much more stupid than your classmates, to be missing whatever detail it is that they seem to have caught. How do they do it so quickly? Before recess, before the end of homeroom, even, they all just know. Youâve had endless chances to do this day over and yet you never seem to be able to catch up with them. Running to stand still, youâve heard your mother say, when sheâs busy at work. Thatâs you. Running to stand still.
Day 9 of the Middle School Time Loop: you pretend to be sick again, and you realize that if you want to, you can pretend to be sick every day. It's easy to convince your parents: you look tired and unhappy, your eyes small within their dark circles, like some underground creature. You stop watching that TV Show that you never really wanted to watch in the first place, and instead dream your way through all your favourite childhood movies. Disney, Pixar, Studio Ghibli. You retreat into jewel-colored landscapes, where everyone is magical or beautiful or at least funny, and the heroes always win in the end.
Day 10 of the Middle School Time Loop: You notice that most of the Pixar heroes, the Disney princesses look more like Ashleigh than you. Long hair. Pale eyes. Button noses. And all of them, so thin.
Day 11 of the Middle School Time Loop: you go to school, but you donât talk to anyone. You donât even answer your name at roll call. Your teacher asks you if anything is wrong at school, or at home perhaps. You shake your head, but that evening you hear your father taking a call. You shrug off his worry: itâll be forgotten tomorrow anyway.
Day 12 of the Middle School Time Loop: an unexpected development: your apathy almost seems to make your classmates like you more. When you say, truthfully, that you donât care much for the TV Show that eternally dominates the recess chatter, some people look impressed. They ask you what you think is better. But youâre wise and donât admit to liking anything. "Mysterious," someone says appreciatively.
At the end of recess, the girl who told you off for copying Ashleigh nudges you. âHey. Look, Robert has an Up shirt. Kind of cute, that heâs still into that stuff, right?â
You know that itâs not the good cute.
You stare at her coldly. âThe shirt just has a dog on it. It doesn't say he's from Up. So you must have liked the movie enough to remember him.â
She flushes scarlet, and hurries to catch up with Ashleigh, throwing you a dirty look. Robert glances at you gratefully but you donât return his smile. He wonât remember that you did this for him. Anyway, you didn't, really. Do it for him, that is.
Day 13 of the Middle School Time Loop: You tell your parents youâre sick again. Today, you watch the second tier of Studio Ghibli movies, the ones that your parents always say, self-consciously, that youâll find dull. Only Yesterday, Princess Kaguya, When Marnie Was There. Youâre only a few minutes into Marnie when thereâs a line that pulls you up short:
âIn this world, thereâs an invisible magic circle. Thereâs inside and outside. These people are inside. And Iâm outside.â
The shock of recognition that surges through you is so profound that you almost cry, and then, when the movie's over, you do cry. Ugly sobs that make you sound like a toddler throwing a tantrum at the mall, that make your head pound with a dehydration headache. But behind the tears, there's relief. There it is, the truth that you were searching for, through all these do-overs. Thereâs an invisible magic circle. Of course there is.
But hereâs the thing about circles: the inside is small. The outside is scary, and lonely, but itâs huge: huger than you could ever have imagined before you turned around and looked.
When your dad gets home, he asks if youâre feeling better. âMuch,â you say, and itâs true.
Day ?? of the Middle School Time Loop: Sometimes you go to school, but ditch class and go to the library or the playground and do your own thing even if teachers yell at you. Sometimes you wander around the neighborhood. Sometimes you ask your parents crazy things, like to take you to work with them, or to the beach, or to DisneyWorld. Sometimes they say no. A surprising amount of times, they say yes. You wonder if maybe theyâre trapped in a time loop too.
Sometimes you sit quietly in other classrooms than the one youâre meant to be in, until they shoo you out or even send you to the principal. (He finds you baffling. You feel a deep, slightly mournful affection for him, like you would for an very old and tired dog). Itâs surprising, the amount of different things that are getting taught in one school in one day. It takes you a long time to work your way through them all.
You watch a frog getting dissected a few times before you start to feel bad and donât go back to that classroom again. Your favorite class to crash is art, because the teacher always clocks that youâre not meant to be there but smiles and lets you stay anyway. When you meet her eyes, it feels like youâre sharing a secret.
Day One-Hundred And Something of the Middle School ...Wait.
At some point, time started moving again, and you didnât even realize it.
For so long, the reprimands you received about your future seemed so empty, so laughable. There was no future. Only a more- or less-bearable present. But now, your classmates remember the unhinged things that you do; now, your teachersâ and parentsâ worries about the future have the full juggernaut weight of reality behind them.
You thought that youâd be more terrified. For so long, youâve dreaded this forward momentum. No loading screen, no mini-games, just one single, awful, pulsating life. But things are different now. Timeâs moving again, and here you are, so far outside the invisible magic circle that youâre not even sure that you'd be able to see it any more. You can still feel its power, but faintly, like the pull between two magnets when they're an arm's length apart. Easy to ignore.
âAre you ready?â Robert says, catching your eye over the kitchen table. He comes here first thing so you can get the bus together. At some point, during the time loop, you started to seek him out. He was outside the circle, too, you realized. But even more importantly, not once, on any of those grimly looping days, did you see him try and push someone else out to make a space for himself. In this crab bucket, thatâs something that counts for a lot.
âOur final day of middle school,â he sighs, half to himself. âNever thought Iâd see it.â
"Me either," you reply, getting up to put on your talismanic pink sneakers. Theyâre scuffed and dirty after years of wear, and certainly Ashley would never be caught dead in them these days. Maybe thatâs what you should have told her, all those loops ago: that no imitation, let alone one as unskilled as yours, can ever be perfect, and that indeed the very imperfection renders it an original work in its own right. Time and thought and human care transforms even the most diligent copy into something else entirely.
But youâve been through enough time loops to know that that sort of explanation wouldnât go over very well.
medieval backstreet boys: you are⌠my friar
May I ask why scared?
just remembered stina is canonically white and got scared is anybody else scared
Hey I get it's probably annoying, could we maybe have a bit more understanding? Obviously if something is not only odd to us but is treated as a crime in our culture (because it is associated with pedophilia or incest) then we would be taken aback by others doing it. Its not because anyone's trying to disrespect or hate on other cultures, it's because we are raised to believe that is grooming which is not just abnormal in our culture but a CRIME. Also quite a few white cultures also raise families closer and kiss each other on the lips, cheeks, whatever so to generalize white people as some net evil or whatever is kinda weird. I would NEVER go and judge all Asian people for something specifically Japanese people or Indian people do, I mean it's honestly kinda insane to make a comment about all Indian people so why is it okay to judge a whole almost two continents? I'm assuming you're mainly talking about white Americans though, in which case, apologies if anyone has offended you in such a way but I hope you understand why this custom might not seem just weird but wrong in our eyes. Not to mention, white people aren't the only ones to judge other cultures nor the worst about it. I am sure if you explained to any white American who originally judged, they would open their minds a bit because we really don't want to offend or hurt other people!
In some cultures, it's perfectly normal for siblings to kiss each other and to shower together <- (of the same gender but it's not unheard of for siblings of different genders showering together also)
In asian culture, for example, a culture that I grew up under, it was normal to bathe together!!! But if you mention it to someone who is white. It's a shock, pure culture shock to the point they are HORRIFIED. They start running their mouth,
"omg! You were groomed!" , "That's so gross!" , "How could your parents allow that!?"
They start acting like you said you and your sibling were getting intimate when all you said was that you grew up showering together sometimes. Their brains are rotted with the incest porn genre, a genre they are so obsessed with that it always seems to be in the back of their minds. It annoys me.
I think about the time where someone talked about how in their culture they grew up kissing their siblings on the cheek, lips <- (little pecks), and their nose. And white people immediately flooded in and said it was incest. WHY?
Why does the idea of other cultures existing seem like such a foreign concept to you? Why do you need to label it as something it's not? It's exhausting, it's annoying trying to defend the way we grew up all because white people cannot handle it.
It is curious that for every other element there is an ability for it...water, fire, air, light, and shadows. But, there is no apparent elvin ability for Earth. I wonder why that is. Could technopathy be considered the ability to read and control physical matter, or Earth? Maybe it'd be better written that elves don't even view Earth as an element, it is just not something they believe culturally. Maybe they should believe Earth is the only true element because they don't have the ability to create it. Maybe they recognize that it is an element that was given to the gnomes by the sun, moon, and stars in the form of plants as the elves already have an immense amount of power. OR, what if the elves and gnomes are more closely related species than anyone originally thought?

I have made a Biana Vacker one! I don't know how I feel about the red background but I already started when I considered a light green and it goes with the blood theme so I'm accepting it.

And this is the two together. Biana doesn't have her circlet because this is a moment I imagine her on some sort of mission

I think I hate working with colored pencils. But I have to make the rest of them to match! Oopsie. Anyways, this is Sophie. I got struck with inspiration at like 11pm last night and started this and I don't think sleeping in between ruined the vision thank goodness.
Ignoring terrorism, each country has the right to decide who it allows in its borders. Also, all licenses expire. I don't exactly know why, probably because people change appearance and comparing the identifications is harder when you look completely different. Point is, a passport, like any other identification, must be updated.
passportsâŚshould not expire
I am working on a Sophie Foster card fanart and it doesn't look too bad so far. I'm scared that if I go to bed I'm going to wake up in the morning and ruin it because my style is not consistent đ
That's gorgeous, she looks so elegant in the silver!

day 2 keeptober
never drawn sophie before um. âď¸
day 3 of @keeptober! (black swan)
i took the drawing i did for the same prompt last year and touched it up digitally :> iâm happy with how it turned out

I just finished How I Met Your Mother for the third time. And I know better now, those final endings are gonna remain untouched. In the meantime, my three favorite quotes from the show that hit me so hard I felt the urge to write them down:
"I think for the most part if you're really honest with yourself about what you want out of life, life gives it to you" -HIMYM, S2 E22
"'I've gotta be honest guys...I'm a little scared.'...'Doesn't being scared let you know you're onto something important?'...'If you're not scared you're not taking a chance. And if you're not taking a chance then what the hell are you doing?" -HIMYM S5 EP10
"Here's the secret, kids, none of us can vow to be perfect. In the end, all we can do is promise to love each other with everything we've got. Because love's the best thing we do." -HIMYM S9, Ep 22
And also the Barney speech in season 8 when he prevents Robin from staying with Nick and the Ted speech in season 9, those were amazing
![Keeptober Day 2: Moonlark [WIP]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/aab7add9065baac746d20d823b7eba11/b5347ad28432ff72-7f/s500x750/4948debe7232f5a6732995870507e8c31a153a5c.jpg)
Keeptober day 2: Moonlark [WIP]
I had this idea and I was reeeally excited about it... but I underestimated how long it would take lol. I still wanted to post it on the day of the prompt though (I worked way too hard not to) so have a wip :)
I need to stop trying to do my big ideas for inktober and save them for when I have more than 24 hours to work on them đ
Anyways. In case you can't tell, the girl in the purple dress is Jolie.
This is beautiful! I have never seen finspera art and I have to say, they could've been the best partners in crime

finspera, speedraw under cut